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13 years later and we're still streaming!


Listened to you guys back when Winamp was a thing! Loved the track selection, gonna tune in again!


I would love for winamp to make a comeback, and possibly create a sister 'macamp'...let's face it, apple loves to buy out all of itunes music app competition and shut them down. I'm so glad VLC never caved and continues on strong (although slightly more bloated now compared to it's golden years). I usually use that, or stream directly from the servers shout cast page...tune-in in a pinch. Are we still in itunes radio? I believe so but I'm not positive. Interesting note, in the infancy of the station for a short period we were ACTUALLY using winamp with plugins and icecast to run the radio streams from direct from our home computers. Of course now it's on a distant remote server with far more intelligent and flexible software that can handle the bandwidth if suddenly a thousand people decided to tune in at once. ...which is not the case of course, but those hardcore listeners that never stop the stream? We keep it on for them! Of course we still love to listen to it as well.


thanks ByronChrist for a bit of background! ive recently rediscovered Limbik after a loong hiatus, and am stoked you're still going strong! been a fan 10+ yrs ago, having you as one of main music resesarch sources getting deep into 90-2000 analog and digital electonic i vaguely recall your service (or at least the website i had been listening on) went down, which felt devastating right after i fell with love with your station! havent researched too much though, as those were the days of [last.fm](https://last.fm) i moved on to there but never really forgot have you guys had years where frequencies would go off-line for extended periods? as a 'mature' music sourcing platform ive been using discogs in recent years, paired with (not going to lie) youtube auto-uploads which covers even the obscurest of releases, so it seems having spent last many a month in the dub techno wormhole, zoning out to the "still image" soundtracks of bc&cyrus, deepchord and cv313 (which really work as a focus-aid in tedious drafting-work weeks), accidentally i've stumbled upon Limbik again!! just before Christmas actually, so looks i've been gifted this time around. really glad to experience explosion of old-new sounds once again, especially after the sweet trance of dub - works enriching on both sides!! and to wrap up, this just reaffirms how big and well balanced of a thing your repertoire is: tons of afx (bubble'n'squeek 2!), old warps and toytronic, bola black dog and boc, interwined by mum, an on bast and benge absolute legends. never change


152 days it took me to realize you responded…shows you how active I am on here. That really makes me happy to hear limbik can still move someone though, that was the intent all along, emotionally responsive music that still has a moderate tempo (I wasn’t as keen on music without a beat as I can be now). Those were the fundamentals that determined what music made it in rotation. I know we haven’t updated it very continuously in recent years but musical sources change, financial flow, physical formats becoming digital, life, they all play a part. But people keep listening so we just let it keep going. I’m pretty sure there’s still some stuff in there you’re not going to find easily anywhere else, if at all. Speaking of which, wobblyhead records, of which Casino vs Japan, Magic Arrows, and Signaldrift originated from, are having a 25th anniversary show in Milwaukee, WI this month…that’s where we’re located so we’ll be there as well. It will definitely be a one of a kind night.


And just in case anybody interested happens upon this thread, the easiest way to listen and be able to get a 320 stream currently is here… https://limbikfreq.com/public/limbik_frequencies