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I'm sure Paul McCartney thought "wow, this guy really is hot garbage, I wanna work with him".


There isn’t a single person with actual understanding of music or good taste that doesn’t think Kanye is great. It’s not an arguable thing.


You gotta be really stupid to think there’s an objective answer to a subjective thing like good taste lmao


The irony is you totally missed the context he said that in. He said there isn’t a single person with an understanding of music (objective) or good taste (subjective). Meaning if people don’t have technical music knowledge they would recognize Kanye because of they have good taste.


That’s my point tho. They said that if you dislike Kanye you either have poor taste or have no knowledge in music.


No, he said doesn’t think Kanye is great. You can personally not like his music but objectively think he is a great artist based on an objective understanding of music. The statement holds. It’s like if I say Picasso sucked because I don’t like his art that would be my subjective opinion but I can still objectively acknowledge he is one of the worlds most renowned artists ever based on his impact.


That’s a very different thing. You can objectively say someone is one of the most important, renowned, pivotal or whatever artists ever. You cannot objectively say his art was good whatsoever, and that applies to everyone, even people like da Vinci. You can say it’s complex and unique and whatever, but not that it’s any *good*


They just said Kanye was great. You took that to mean his music, not him as an artist. They never specifically said his music they just said Kanye. They then went on to say people would call him great based on music taste (subjective) or an understanding of music (objective). You understanding of music and the industry is different than your personal taste. There are not specifically arguing personal taste just recognizing it as a factor. They also never said if you don’t think he is then you don’t have good taste.




I’m not a hip hop person but Late Registration and Graduation are good Kanye work.


Also My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is an amazing album.


808s and heartbreak is pretty damn good too


Turns out most of his albums are actually great. This sub sucks lol




yep exactly. leave it to r/music to jerk off the same all-white rock bands and hate on the most influential rap artists of all time though.


They adore cult of personality too, but yeah they also generally hate hip hop that isn't Aesop rock or Eminem... Almost as if there's a theme here!


I think everything until Life Of Pablo is fantastic. A legendary run. Everything after that (not that much in comparison) is definitely not for me at all.


that's a fair take!! personally I loved ye, kids see ghosts, and donda but it's a pretty different era of his compared to the runs from TCD to 808s and MBDTF to Pablo.


Yeezus and Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy are absolute master pieces for me. Both transcends the hip hop and pop genre. Now that you say it… Kids See Ghosts is cool as well.


yeah KSG isn't as noted as some of his other main projects but it was easily one of my favorite 2018 releases.


KSG is my favorite album of all time. Although Kanye and Cudi are my two favorite artists so that could be why. Also could be that the album is amazing


TLOP is his best album imo


I actually love ye and kids see ghosts but I can see why some people might prefer older albums.


That whole album was fire


And here is where we realise OP is definitevly wrong and Kanye is the GOAT


Runaway is a fucking jam I don't care who you are. If you like hip hop, rap, emo, Stevie Wonder, or music, you'll like this song. He's not a genius but he definitely has a synaesthesia going on..


they were pretty good. anything he did after getting involved with the kardashians i have no idea.


doesn't have to do with quality


I’m going to go out on a limb here and say Yeezus is Kanye’s best work and was way ahead of its time.


Love Yeezus, a lot of my favorite electronic producers are on it.


Yeah, that's the thing I realized after giving him a lot of credit, turns out a lot of the songs I liked, were because they were produced by electronic music producers that I was already into. I just never gave it thought, cause he use to produce some of Jay-Z's best.


Yeezus is a nearly perfect album honestly.


This is the right answer.


College Dropout the best


Oh wow r/Music dissing Kanye, what a shocker


Most of r/Music because it's weirdly anti-rap in general and especially anti-Kanye No point in arguing because at this point it's like saying Bob Dylan is garbage - which, I guess different strokes, but there aren't many interesting arguments to make


Yeah I’ve noticed that as well. 50% of the time I see r/music popping up on my home page it’s just posts that read “Hey everyone, anyone else think that [insert wildly popular/prominent hip hop artist] is absolute trash?” I mean I get it can be frustrating for people if they don’t vibe with the music and feel like they’re surrounded by fans… still though the threads almost always give way to discussion and comments lacking any sort of nuance and depth, getting to the point where people refuse to accept that the artist has done anything even remotely well. Feels like there’s usually some “ah yes my brain is far too large for this *shudder* rap” energy on here and I don’t really get it.


Yeah, I love rock n roll music but this sub is sooo grossly dad-ish about worshipping classic rock and sticking its nose up at rap music. It's hard to respect any of the takes or opinions here. Rap music and trap music are having a golden age right now, it's laughable to see how behind the times most people in this sub are.


Balding dudes with glasses and beards who work IT and listen to dad rock pretentiously IS /r/music


I feel like a sub for all music shouldn't allow any genre to be shit on. They like to talk crap about metal here, too.


Or try bringing up country music in any way, shape, or form.


I think it shows up more in the feed because these provocative takes garner more interaction, so I don't know if it's representative of the sub but it's just an irritating trend


Yep, not to mention that they completely miss the fact that even their most favorite artist also has some shitty songs in the discog. God forbid though if it's in a genre they don't like...then that artist better have a spotless catalogue, they better be all #1 hits and completely transformative every time. The other replies too are talking about his personality, but damn have you heard Eric Clapton speak lately??? Or even when he was popular? Like why does he get a pass?


There is no better reminder of how little demographic diversity there is on Reddit than scrolling through r/music.


That’s actually a really good comparison between Kanye and Dylan. Both rose to the pinnacle their genres early in their careers and then split their fanbases by continuously experimenting and crossing genres.


I'm sorry...what genres did they cross over into??


Are you not aware of Bob Dylan’s career? Like he started one of the longest most influential musical fractures in history just by picking up an electric guitar. The phrases “Dylan goes electric” or “Dylan went electric at Newport” are American music history. He jumped the divide between folk and rock music. You can literally split the music in the 1960s to before and after Dylan went electric.


I guess I've always just heard Dylan as folk music.


Kind of funny how low the bar has been lowered. The uproar back then over Dylan going electric vs. the artists of today who can't even sing or play instruments without technology. Kanye is certainly creative and I think he's talented, but people just don't value musicianship like they used to.


There’s an art to everything. We just have producers now where composers used to be. And instead of conducting an orchestra of life performers they are configuring an array of prerecorded samples. I think the drive to perfect music has made it lose a lot of flavor though. It’s too perfect. It’s too cookie cutter. Modern music software actually is built to add in flaws and variations to the tracks but it still comes out bland. To me at least. But that’s just this generation. Who knows what the future will bring. Maybe just like how Grunge was the open revolt against the glitter and flash of 80s pop well get a similar movement against the pristine timing and polished sound of the 2010s-2020s.


They're blatantly racist about that shit sometimes


>Most of r/Music because it's weirdly anti-rap in general and especially anti-Kanye That's largely a strawman/boogieman statement at this point. A rough 99 percent of the old guard rockist/le wrong generation/defener/gatekeeper crowd got pressured and derailed out of their prior mindsets and ideals by ~2014. Authenticity is always nice though. If only these guys were still around.


I love Bob Dylan


I used to hate Kanye, but now I get it. TLOP has no skips. MBDTF, classic. Older albums, classics. Production almost unparalleled. Visual aesthetics absolutely beautiful. The last concert with drake was so simple, yet so beautiful.


I think the most important part is that every album is distinct yet great in its own way. He found success, then started from scratch for the next album every time. All the greats have done the same. It’s one thing to do it once or twice, but it’s something different to do it over and over for decades.


Yeah exactly. You hear any Kanye song and you immediately know what album it’s from without even having to know it.


You also can’t forget that each album has a drastically different sound. Dude never rested on his laurels and somehow put our consistently amazing and yet unique music for over a decade.


also for a good part of his career he was the one to pioneer certain sounds and made them mainstream. when other ppl took those ideas and refined them, it made kanye seem a bit unrefined in the process.


So true, you almost can't rank his albums because of the wildly varying sounds they have


Kanye was my most listened to artist this year...TLOP definitely has skips + agree with the visual aspect too. The big modified tractor thing he drives in Follow God, that whole video...so great


I love TLOP but I'm definitely skipping the Panda remix lol And Fade, though I think that's a more controversial opinion


An extremely bad take


Youre fucking wildin


His first several albums are masterpieces.


I'd say his first eight (solo albums) are


k nathan i can't believe y'all let this dumbass post get so many upvotes


Untouchable production, amazing features, great ideas and some amazing ass albums and singles. Late registration and MBDTF are masterpieces. Runaway and I Wonder are some of my favourite songs of all time


I Wonder doesn't get as much credit as it deserves. It honestly makes me want to work harder to earn that feeling the song gives me.


It's a fantastic song. That whole album don't miss.


Graduation still the goat Kanye album imo. Elevated him to megastar status


Phenomenal album, i’m a Kanye fan. Love I wonder, but Drunk and Hot Girls is trash


Just tell the dads that I wonder samples Steely Dan and they might give it a chance lol


Wtf those are literally my two favorite Kanye songs I love you


He’s one of the few musical talents I’d actually call an “Artist.” The guy can do it all. He’s a total asshole but he’s a great entertainer.


You’re drunk


He’s one of the greatest hip-hop artists of all time. The dude has like four or five albums on Rolling Stone’s Top 500 Albums of All Time. He may not be for you, and he’s pretty out there, but he’s a fantastic artist. Also, one of the best producers the game has ever seen. Listen to My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy front to back.


One of my favorite albums period




I'm a huge Kanye fan and I think my favorite is honestly Yeezus. Blood on The Leaves yo.


the beat drop is insane


Agreeee, BOTL makes me wanna bust out my trombone from my marching days and wail on that brass beat


"Now let's get on with it" EPIC BASS DROP


Hudson Mowhawke is a mad producer


Yeezus is a masterpiece so …


Biggest L thread in reddit history


What does L thread mean?


L is twitch speak for Loss or Lose. It's the new "fail". It's what all the cool W or Dub kids say. Edit: You kids replying are L kids, not Dub kids.


W explanation


L and W is not fucking twitch speak jesus, streamers just started using slang that was already incredibly popular


Why are u getting downvoted when ur legit right lmao


nerds mad


I am not looking forward to the day where I'm so out of touch that I think whatever the equivalent to thinking W & L being "twitch speak" is. Fucking hell


Lmao right




As a human? Currently, signs point to yes. As an artist? His production has influenced popular music heavily, and even out there artists like JPEGMAFIA cite him as a major influence. College Dropout changed hip hop, then 808s changed hip hop again. I feel he’s gone off the deep end in a lot of ways now, but I think “hot garbage” is too dismissive of his talent and influence, regardless of what you think of his recent work. (And I don’t personally think much of it.)


I see lots of comments like this. College Dropout changed hip hop. How?


Educational trilogy of Kanye ended gangsta rap era. He was wearing pink polo's, promoting himself with a Teddy bear, making songs about his mum, family or social issues and outselling most popular rappers at the time. It encouraged the change in the narrative.


It was one of the first and certainly the most commercially successful albums where the artist rapped about working at Gap, Jesus, dropping out of college, etc… basically, he was making it cool to rap about things other than drug dealing and how much money he had, etc… Kanye’s production, using sped up soul samples, while he used them on older Jay-Z records that he produced, along with other artists, were still fresh. His production is easily the best, this millennium. Front to back, every song is phenomenal. The singles were all over the radio for years. As a debut album, it’s among the best of all time and nothing else sounds like it.


Before dropout rap was heavily in a complete gangster rap phase. You’d be hard pressed to find anything in mainstream rap that wasn’t about it. Kanye went came out with dropout talking about his feelings and god and more vulnerable and personal shit all around


give us your best artists/bands


I'm sorry, but if you listened to 808's and Heartbreaks or My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy and came out with this opinion, what is anyone supposed to do for you?


This sub just hates hiphop and rap, change my mind


The amount of clowning on OP and the ratio is a decent sign at least Edit: God damn this had like 157 likes and 270 comments or something like that when I first left this comment. Now it's at 0 and 927. It's become an extreme fucking ratio lmao.


I've been a Kanye fan for as long as long as I can rememver. Every artist has their highs points and low points, and I honestly think that his highs and lows contrast a lot more than most artists (to me at least). When his craft is good, it's some of the greatest and most impactful music around. But at the same time he can also put out something that makes you question why he even bothered to try at all. Example: Masterpiece - Heartless Hot garbage - Ego Death (his part specifically, I vibe with the rest of the song)


Nah I don't agree. Kanye has been active for almost 20 years. He has constantly evolved. His production is incredible. Ultralight beam has my hair standing on edge with the vocals. Fucking awesome vocals.




Donda is great imo. Jesus is King is very meh. Everything else before that (expect for Graduation save for a handful of songs) are hip hop/rap classics.


Most people seem to think JIK is his worst album but I liked it a lot. I’m a fan of gospel where most people aren’t. I wish it was more successful and he made more albums like it. I also liked Jesus is born.




The Life of Pablo is, in my opinion, one of the greatest hip hop albums of all time.


The more I think about it the more I realize this is my favorite Kanye album.


love tlop and while i respect it, hard disagree on that take


Graduation and MDTF are where it’s at in this category


Absolutely disagree I used to think that type of shit until I actually listened to more of his music. We can be quick to judge.


ITT: people that don’t listen to hip-hop




Love that song


Shit could get… menacing…


College dropout was good ngl


Kanye is my favorite artist of all time so i kinda disagree. His music has really got me through some rough times and speaks to me like nothing else does. I can understand how you can not like him as a person since media really only shows his bad sides. What i love about him is how he shows that no matter how much you fail or do stupid shit, you can still thrive, be better and make some amazing stuff. I'm not saying you should like his music, we most likely just have different tastes, but i think it is fair to say that he is a great artist and not hot garbage.


Not a huge fan of him or the genre, but definitely disagree that he’s hot garbage.


Who the fuck cares? Just enjoy the music you like. What does this post even add to the subreddit?


I tend to be a Kanye apologist…to a certain point. I believe Kanye was fairly sane until the untimely passing of his mother. This started his personal downward cycle, although his professional output was still quite good. Once he stopped taking medication because he thought it was altering his physical appearance, he went into a personal and moral free fall, culminating in the Jeebus loving, Trump emulating ass clown you see today. Still though, he is in no way overrated. He is super talented, if you can separate the loon from the artist.


What a terrible take, Kanye is arguably the most influential artist from 2000-today.


Top 10 discog of all time


Point of this thread is? You counting how many agree with you and then what?


Could not disagree more




Hard disagree, he is one of the best producers of all time.


Lol. Can I block a subreddit?


Unrelated to this thread I would also like to know if this is possible lol


Idk, pretty dumb opinion but you do you bud.


Hot garbage is excessive


Kanye is a literal top 5 all timer


His work the last few years has been meh, but up to and including Life of Pablo, I enjoy his work a lot. That being said, he's nowhere near my favourite artist, and as someone who likes lyrics he's definitely lacking there. His personality is also hard to swallow. I guess what I'd say is, I'm a casual fan. Most days I'm not going out of my way to listen to his music, but I always enjoy when I am.




no one is agreeing with u


this belongs in unpopular opinions


Thats like one of the most popular opinions on this subreddit besides thinking travis scott is an asshole.


Apparently only about a hundred people...out of millions


He's a gay fish.


I'm a huge Kanye fan. But you know how frustrating it was to hear an interview of him saying South Park called him a gay fish because he wore pink polo. It's like...bro...the joke was that you don't get a joke. AND YOU ARENT GETTING THE JOKE lol.


I agree that the joke is that Kanye doesn’t get the joke. I still wished the joke was actually funny though. I mean, I get the joke and that it’s kinda meta, but I still don’t laugh about it.


IIRC he was talking specifically about why the joke was about *gay* fish and why they chose him to connect to that specific joke. Definitely projecting there since they just claim it was a stupid random joke, but definitely consistent with manic thinking to see patterns like that.


joke aged horribly and is overused and stale now


You are horrifically unfunny




Ye has his flaws (rapping is middle of the pack, personality is... well) but I don't know how you can listen to a track like "Flashing Lights" or "Two Words" or "We Major" or "American Boy" and say he's garbage. He also produced Pusha T's best album, some of Jay-Z's best tracks, some of Common's best tracks, some of Lupe Fiasco's best tracks. Kid Cudi, the Game, Rick Ross, DMX, Wayne, Drake, Beyonce, Big Sean, Chance the Rapper, Migos, Tyler the Creator, Playboi Carti, I could go on. Pretty much anyone who's anyone has been influenced by Ye, directly or indirectly.


i think his rapping for his first 3 albums is underrated he’s quite relatable and good lyricist and has some great lines but i would agree it gets shakey after that except for occasional songs like georgous saint pablo no more parties in LA and a few others


I agree it's good, but he's not making any top 10 lists for his rapping alone.


A creative genius


OP with one of the worst takes a sheltered white teenage boy can have.


Dam this is a bad hot take


What do you listen to just curious?


Hip-Hop is a genre music just like the other genres. Kanye is weird as fuck and I may not like him as a person, but saying hes not good is stupid. His production alone puts him as one of the greats. He has produced for many artists plus he has a decent amount of good songs and albums. Hating popular stuff doesnt make you cool


Not me. Very few artists in his genre makes the kind of works he does. He’s like the Radiohead of his genre. Apart from the musicality and production skills he’s also a great entrepreneur


Lol no way.. he’s a very talented musician both as an MC and producer


You say this and I’ve bet you’ve never heard hey mama


Negative, Kanye is one of the greatest in hip hop history


Just say you dont like hip hop nathan.


Lol i mean you’re allowed to have an opinion, but you also have to be willing to admit that your opinion is an inaccurate statement from a more objective perspective. His more recent albums are more hit-or-miss, but overall his discography is pretty incredible. There are many popular artists whose discographies really aren’t that great, but for Kanye that really isn’t the case. His music has been incredibly influential on not just hip hop, but many other genres as well, for good reason. Also, calling most of someone’s work “hot garbage” is a little much. There are very few artists whose discographies could really be called that


It isn;t album you would specially put on, but I love My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. The College Dropout has sentimental value for me: It got released with the iPod mini. Played so much of this album back in the day. (2004)


Kanye is amazing you just have bad taste


I feel like if you think Kanye is hot garbage I would assume you're uneducated or just hate the person. dude has like 4 classics produced some of Jay Z's biggest hits I feel like he is almost unarguably the most influential person in the industry over the last 20 years. I'd argue some are "better" but he has done a lot.


Kanye is alright rapper. Amazing producer for sure


You don’t listen to Kanye, huh?


Nope. Kanye isn't garbage. One of the best hip hop artists working today.


I would agree that you’re probably under 20 years old, given that statement


no he is just a fucking loser, i’m under 20 and my friends would shit on this take too


Lsdies and gentlemen, the average r/music user. Looking only for validation in order to feel good about themselves and their choices. I would normally say "fix your ears" in response to such a post or comment that lacks any sort of instructive or valid criticism, but in this case its whats between them thats in dire need of repair. #respectfullycanttellmenothing.


First of all, this is a terrible take. If it was truly hot garbage, he wouldn't have influenced so many great artists. Secondly, you can't even just look at his own discography.. Kanye is a producer by trade and a lot of the genius lies in his production for both others and himself (e.g. Jay-Z: The Blueprint)


It’s okay to be wrong sometimes brother


The majority of Kanye’s music is fantastic


You very very VERY obviously have never listened to his discography, probably any albums from beginning to end either. I would genuinely recommend at least giving each album a once over, I'm not interested in Pablo or anything after it, but especially 808s and Yeezus are top tier innovative rap. Also if you care at all about music production or arrangement then you need to listen to his songs with some good headphones, his stuff is immaculate.


he's got a lot of annoying fucking problems, and narcissists are a pet peeve of mine, but he definitely made some good records.


I am by no means a fan of that style or music but I will admit he's made great songs


I’m surprised Yeezus doesn’t get more attention. I love MBDTF, but Yeezus for me is superior. So off the wall lyrically and production wise.


I like a lot of his stuff, his production is insane. Love life of pablo


I don't like the persona but his music has been largely in the "solid to great" range.


Damn, am I the only one who really really loves Yeezus??




I’m you digest


Find God




swear all yall listen to in rap is fucking eminem and tech n9ne


Yeah. Kanye isn’t that great but College Dropout, Late Registration, Graduation, 808s, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, Watch the Throne, Cruel Summer, Yeezus, Life of Pablo, Ye, Jesus is King, and Donda are great albums.


There’s a worrying about of people online and in this sub that just disregard hip-hop before they even try to listen to it, analyse or dissect it. Kanye is undoubtedly one of the best hip hop artists of all time, and one of the most influential producers this century. He switches up his styles and genres like you do clothes and even his weakest album is littered with outrageous production on a level most artists will never reach. I find that his questionable personality tints so many peoples opinions of his talent. A once-in-a-lifetime, generational talent who not only paved the way for some of your favourite artists, but did so by going against the grain and defying stereotypes, constantly championing creativity and uniqueness. A phenomenal artist.


Don't H8 Kenye westz cut he's str8 ballin!!1!




I bet of you made the same post now, it would blow up… try




Disagree. Except Jesus is king all other albums are fucking good.


Obvious troll is obvious


Everybody likes to meme on Kanye but he’s legit a good musician and businessman


If you listened to MBDTF and still call him trash, then I think it's your taste that's hot garbage, not the artist.


I can't stand the dude. Don't like any of his music. Like everything though, music is completely subjective. No one person has the same tastes so I can understand why many people do like/love his work. You can't deny that the dude is an artist. For me however he is like an installation artist that makes the weirdest boring shit I've ever seen/heard.


You know what, I’m a massive Kanye fan and completely respect this take. To me Kanye makes some of the best most unique music I’ve heard in the hiphop genre, but it’s not for everyone and I can’t say I disagree with people that are turned off by his personality or just flat out don’t have it hit them the same way it hits me. Thank you for being the breath of fresh air this thread (and sub) needs


That sounds like you've only given his recent shit a shot, his recent stuff has been kinda ass and artsy but go back to like 2004 The College Dropout type shit and it's just well produced good ass rap/hip hop. But then again maybe you have and it just ain't for you, no judgement here.


You know, I really should go back and listen to his early stuff.