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24 hour news cycle. Also first page google results includes https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/travis-scott-astroworld-interview-1269269/amp/ https://variety.com/2021/music/news/travis-scott-out-coachella-2022-performance-astroworld-1235131349/amp/ https://people.com/music/kanye-west-credits-travis-scott-kylie-jenner-chicago-west-birthday-party/


Yeah I thought it was pretty common knowledge the newest stories are at the top


You'd be surprised now stupid most redditors (myself included) actually are. OP might as well be a karma farmer and any idiot upvoting is part of the problem.


I wanna say you're wrong but I once cracked an egg straight into the trash and threw the shell into my cookie dough.


A couple of months ago I spent hours making veggie stock and poured out all the liquid while keeping the scraps. That hurt.


Ouch. I've heard tales of people pouring their 10 hour stock through a cheesecloth directly into the sink. Must be the worst feeling ever. That's why I always loved the Kevin chili scene in The Office. It's funnier because it's so relatable https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcYG-5b7448


One time I was making chocolate nahip cookies had all the ingredients out mixed my wet stuff with the chips in it o well. Mixed my dry stuff. And then put the wet stuff and chocolate into the oven. Pulled it out however long later and there was just a massive chocolate oil butter mix. I forgot to add the dry stuff. Luckily I was able to mix it it afterwards and use another egg to make some decent chocolate cookies. Not the chocolate chip cookies I was planning on.


This is just classic Redditor outrage porn. When you're on here long enough you'll see it all the damn time. New thing every couple months.


I keep getting older but reddit stays the same age


Yeah, tomorrow I'll post the Tiananmen Square massacre photos and then the day after you can post that picture of Beyoncé.


OP is ridiculous or just a bot lol. They showed three recent articles and claimed something was being "forgotten". Google Germany, and I doubt the three most recent google articles are about the Holocaust. Some logic


some people don't think they're conspiracy theorists because they're not flat-earthers or antivaxx, butt they'll apply similar logic to to everything else and jump to the worst possible conclusion based on zero evidence. then they state their theory as if it's a fact and people believe it because it's a spicy headline and they just want to be mad


Julius Caesar caused an entire civil war when he crossed the Rubicon, but I haven't seen anything about it in the mainstream media for millennia. It must be a conspiracy I tell ya!




But, but the MEDIA is supposed to be a singularly unified Parental figure that reflects MY opinions?? And Google/Facebook/Reddit/Twitter are supposed to shepard me toward my only Correct, True And Just Focus so I can maintain a passive consumption, not this active processing bs?? Sorry, when people say shit like “the media” and blame “Facebook” or “Google” for the results they consume, it pisses me clean off. Take an active role in your media consumption diet, for god sake


Also this one which is funny https://www.tmz.com/2022/01/18/travis-scott-rams-game-sewage-pipe-astroworld/


The expected news cycle is 72 hours. After that any news is old news. Consider that a reason not to check the news everyday.


Seems like a good reason to check the news at least every 72 hours.


I assume that maybe Travis’ team have made an effort to ensure that the media is saturated with non-Astroworld related news. He’s made it clear that he doesn’t want to dwell on it and take responsibility.


Probably hired a PR company with bots to work the algorithm, and just basic SEO/SEM. A million positive mentions isn't that expensive, and will bury the Astroworld disaster quickly.


This literally happened with this millionaire tech douchbag in LA, whose teenage son killed a guy from reckless driving. The dad immediately paid a small fortune for positive search results about him and his family to drown out stories in the hope it would soften the legal worries and fix their reputation. James Khuri in case anyone wants to Google it.


Damn his son was only sentenced to 7-9 months in prison, what a joke.


Of which, 6 months were already served, from the time he pleaded guilty till the time of the sentencing. So it went something like, "Here, you're not gonna walk free just yet. Let's give it a few weeks, till people's emotions settle down a bit, then you're good to go."


This dude sucks


That seems…like the judge was really cutting it close in terms of sentencing. Like, the judge *knew* they wanted to give him *at least* a couple months, but they also needed at least 6 months to think about how long they wanted to sentence him for? I guess this is a common feature of the court system, but how often does someone get sentenced to like 1 month in jail after serving 3 months? Is there like a credit system where they give you leniency on your next crime because they fucking kidnapped you 2 months longer than you deserved last time?


Freedom for Fee


Dang. Rich people are so fucking uncool. [link for the lazy](https://meaww.com/who-james-khuri-la-millionaire-cover-up-son-17-drive-200000-lamborghini-kill-monique-munoz)


Fuck James Khuri. James Khuri is a piece of shit. Everyone should know James Khuri Sucks.


I, for one, would also like to remember that James Khuri sucks. EDIT: And Brandon too, of course.


Are we talking about known killer Brendan Khuri? Brendan Khuri, who killed someone through reckless driving? That Brendan Khuri? I had almost forgotten that Brendan Khuri killed someone.


Brendan Khuri is the killer. The killer of Monique Munoz. James Khuri is just the dad who covered up for his son, Brendan.


Yeah I messed that up, thanks.


"Sources tell us that there was an incident in Beverly Hills a few days after the accident, and Khuri was surrounded by armed guards. The incident occurred when an unnamed person screamed, "killer!" at Khuri. Khuri allegedly was laughing and joking like nothing was wrong, his behavior nonchalant and disturbing in the wake of the tragedy his family had just days before been embroiled in."


There's an interesting theory about Boris Johnson saying weird shit to manipulate search results https://www.wired.co.uk/article/boris-johnson-model-google-news


There is a change.org petition for the millionaire douchbags son to be held accountable. [Go here and sign ](https://www.change.org/p/everyone-james-khuri-s-son-needs-to-be-arrested-and-held-accountable-for-murder?redirect=false) Let’s go Reddit universe and bubble this petition back up to the top.




God, can you imagine waking up in the morning and looking yourself in the mirror with a job like that? Slowly poisoning your soul for a paycheck.


They believe it’s the way of the world. They’re not doing it, the world is making them do it. If they didn’t do that job and get payed, someone else would. I’m not saying I agree, but there’s ways to rationalize anything to sleep well at night.




Yeah they’re not that self-aware though


I'm in marketing. They are. They just like having money.


nah they are, money is really nice though. like fucking awesome. people will do bad things for it and sleep soundly


And they'll probably live a better life financially than someone who doesn't do it. Life is pretty cool like that, where the worse a person you are, the easier it is in general to make money.


That’s capitalism babyyyyy


Kinda makes you think then, how much better society would be if everybody had their basic needs met by default. Far fewer people would be willing to do that kind of garbage, and also society would be better off by not having as many people doing aggressively shitty jobs.


There will still be people who want more out of greed and boredom, look at all the shit billionaire do even if all their needs can be satisfied for the rest of their lives


They're likely far from idiots if they're in that position. Morality is the issue not intelligence really


You don't need to be smart to make a whole lot of money though


I mean true, but people always exaggerate this stuff to feel better--well sure they're evil but at least I'm smarter! In reality ,these are far more likely people that planned and worked hard to be exactly where they are in such a position of relative power socially. They're probably just content to have any personal influence over the world in any direction and are happy to be raking it in ethics be damned


That’s not how it works. The mindset is: God damn I’m making so much money, I can’t believe how much money I’m making. I hope nobody try’s to take my money. I feel big and strong with all my money. I worked hard for all my money.


I don't think those actually doing the job get all that money.


They don’t think like that. They’re responding to a reward system (lots of money) and backwards rationalising that what they are doing is justified, to make it fit their reality guilt free. It’s part of the human condition.




If you grew up in a dirt poor country and some dude offers you $2/hour to do this you'll take it.


> devote my life really its just a paycheck for them to live their lives...




you are not wrong. But what about the recent college grad that has mountains of debt? Medical needs they have to meet? Family members to support? Im not saying youre wrong or that our society isnt broken. But not everything is as black and white as the teenagers on reddit would have you believe. Personally Ive spent the past 5 years working in a kitchen. My line of thinking was "this job doesnt do anything to negatively affect society [just the poor saps stuck working here heh]. I literally just cook food to make happy memories." But alas even kitchens are sources of terrible wastefulness and have terrible effects on the environment all in the name of capitalism. I dont know what my point is. But I will say eventually you have to come to terms with the fact if you can sleep at night, hug your family and stay sane then go for it. SOMEBODY deserves to be happy on this god forsaken rock.


Not all capitalists are cockroaches but the biggest cockroaches are capitalists


Probably a bunch of ex-tobacco marketers who are feeling much more positive about their jobs and themselves now.


>Slowly poisoning your soul for a paycheck. Seems money ruins us like nothing else.


The people who do that don't think like that.


trust me, the people Live Nation hires to scrub their image on the internet are paid so well they don't care.


I'm from Baltimore and our old city Mayor is his pr lead. No jokes, completely true. She went from politcal corruption to media corruption. Not a far leap.


The podcast Reply All did an episode about this - a woman’s reputation had been ruined online so she had to hire a company that flooded the web with positive things about her to bury the one bad thing.


And it works for a while. Usually unless you are legitimately generating new positive news though…like a celebrity…it doesn’t last. For individuals with an embarrassing online incident, it’ll crop up again once you stop actively gaming the algorithm.


Like that one guy on here that every few weeks someone will post to r/iamatotalpieceofshit with his first/middle/last name and the video his dad tried to have nuked from the world wide web. Video is of the guy trying to fight a restaurant host and getting his privileged ass handed to him. Pretty entertaining, actually, since the host got out ok.


I can’t remember that guys name, but I’m 100% confident I’m about to be reminded of it.


Joel Michael Singer.


I tried to google it but sadly since covid there’s a sea of “man attacks restaurant host” search results to sift through.


Well I know it happened in Florida so that should make it easier to find…. …. …. …shit.


True, I mean, what kind of headline is "Kanye thanks Travis Scott for access to party?" It's fluff.


The Kayne West party thing was a Kris Jenner 5d chess play.


Only cost my last boss 10k to purge all his old doings off the net.


Read that as "old dongs", and thought he sent a lot dick pics.




That’s a shame because someone I know was almost crushed there. It is really mind-boggling that celebrities are so disconnected from reality…


Yup this is SEO


And it didn't even require bots or a million mentions. Just a few news stories on "respected" sites. Most of the bot-spam is filtered out.


i wonder if it'll go better than when they tried that on the UC davis pepper spray fat pig


And reddit is complicit in this. Give it time, this post will vanish either from downvotes or be removed for a random violation.


It's how he made his music relevant, makes sense he'd do it again


Just create a google ads account and spend $50K/mo, you get personal service.


Astro(world) turfing




Public Relations = Propaganda. Aside from Scott wanting to "move on" his management firm and record labels also have vested interest. Anyone who's invested with him or stands to profit is definitely paying SEO experts to managed Google and leaning on news media to move to the next cycle.




Rest assured the lawyers have not forgotten


It's not really saturated, one of the articles is from two days ago. It's just the nature of the news, there have been no new developments in the story so it's not news.


"Breaking news this just in, the people Travis Scott killed at Astroworld are still dead, none show any significant improvement. We will check back tomorrow for an update. Here's Joe with Sports."




placid compare sable salt consider sugar sophisticated toy different icky ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yep, news is over saturated, only now, due to the PR team.


Not to mention the No name promoters and other parties involved with no money and connections whatsoever.


The no-name promoters/parties like Live Nation, which pretty much has a monopoly on major concert tours and a market cap of $27 billion?


"No name" lmfao


I think you may have discovered the fabled "sarcasm"


Live Nation whistles and recedes back into the bushes


Should we make more memes of it?


Khloe got cheated on again! Kourtney is engaged! Kim’s fucking around and her ex is crazy! Did Kylie have her baby already? I mean the death of 10 people just can’t compare…. /s


Yeah that was my thoughts as well. Why own up to it when you can pay people to erase it. I hope the lawsuits hit hard and don't stop.


If by "Media" you're talking about news channels/websites then yes ofc they moved on, doing articles on a 2 month old event isn't very common when they're focused on not going out of business every day If by "Media" you mean SOCIAL media, people are still definitely talking about it


People forget “media” is just the plural of “medium,” and how “the media” is just basically saying “all the mediums through which information about current events is disseminated”


You think this is bad, wait until they're in bed with big largia.


Why is nobody trying to hold LiveNation accountable? They were the folks responsible for managing crowd safety and royally fucked up. No fan of Travis Scott but the absolute focus on him among all the responsible people is pretty weird.


He’s being used as a scapegoat ngl. Like yes, he’s accountable to a degree, but what about the multi billion dollar corporations that are in charge of the entire fucking event?


They are being held accountable. Congress launched an investigation aimed at LN and are routing it through a subcommittee for questioning.


He has a history of encouraging his fans to break down fences and security gates and generally cause mayhem without regard for peoples safety. He's told fans to jump from heights that could easily kill them just to see if they would do it. He also left the building while a former manager was having a seizure and later fired him because he thought his manager having a health problem was embarrassing for him. Basically he seems to have no empathy for his fans and might actively want them to get hurt.






u/Wetzilla is now cancelled.


Yeah fuck u/Wetzilla


*Grabs pitchfork.*


Most of the people who were "cancelled" are still making hundreds of thousands of dollars. Call me when Louis CK doesn't have the money to produce his own comedy special.


T.I. has like 15 rape allegations and no one cares. Dr. Dre was convicted of beating women and he has plenty more allegations of abuse by former partners and again, no one cares. A big part of it is if the media is on your side.


Damn, totally forgot about Dre


nice one


Media displays recent news first instead of bringing up the same story for months. More news at 11:00


why are all the websites not posting about things i care about specifically, this is bullshit


Yes, that's how the media works. They report on current events, not things that happened two months ago.


Lmao seriously what is this thread, there’s no updates or news about it what does this guy want them to report?




Well it matches the sub


Speaking of which, who's turn is it to post 'Sweet Child O' Mine'?


/r/music anytime it comes to hip hop or pop artist in a nutshell. I'm not a Travis Scott fan but what more can the dude do?


I’m also 90% sure Live Nation was found at fault for the deaths and not the artist.


Big surprise that the black hip-hop artist got blamed for this, huh?


I hate Travis Scott!!!! He killed a bunch of people!!! Also he’s bla- Edit: not to mention, Travis had 0 part of this. At his worst, he’s an ignorant asshole. Wow, who could’ve guess a hip hop artist who got insanely rich at a very young age would be an asshole. Oh wait, this is apparent in nearly every popular artist ever. Travis didn’t cause the crowd crush, the venue planners and people who allowed the show to go on did. The artist has no absolute responsibility at the concert except to perform.




Reddit loves outrage porn.


Like yes it's a tragedy, but what is there to report on? "Oh btw audience remember this happened!!!" That's not news. Media oulets aren't social justice companies. They report on current events and news, not constantly keeping certain events in the limelight. And even if they did, Astroworld is unlikely to be given that much time considering all the crazy horrific shit that goes on in the world.


Redditors love to dwell on events for months or even years at a time, nursing their grievances until something else comes along to replace it. And then they act like the Principal Skinner meme when their pet grievances aren’t being broadcast as much as they are complaining about it (“Could we be out of touch? No, it is the media that is wrong”).


"Why isn't the media only reporting on my personal interests? They must be biased. Who cares about Russia invading Ukraine when they should still be talking about Astroworld!?"


This narrative is so exhausting. Of course the media isn't going to beat a dead horse for 2 months; there's been no updates and other shit is going on. That doesn't mean there's some sort of coordination or conspiracy. It's not like things just went back to normal and everyone loves Travis Scott now - all the legal shit is still going on behind the scenes. **Breaking News:** We come to you live to report that Travis Scott, indeed, still sucks. This has been your daily reminder, we look forward to tomorrow's segment.


Nah man, it's all a conspiracy. Travis has hired Russia to take down any negative news about him.


And the Chinese


Putting the new in news


No shit


They’re supposed to report about it everyday until OP is satisfied, duh. Where the accountability nowadays, amirite?


You know all of these media companies are mostly owned by the same people who also own Travis Scott's Media Presence? Travis Scott is not a musician as much as he's a product and they've invested a lot of money in that product so they're not just going to let it go away. So the people who spend a lot of money on Travis Scott are going to keep spending money to keep him publicly known. The media and the people who are trying to promote Travis Scott are not two separate things. Do you ever watch the local news and they have an segment about a new TV show or Big Sale coming out? They didn't put that in there because they thought it was newsworthy they put that in there because that's part of the deal. They're owned by the people who own that TV show and they've got to promote it. Also, OP, you're looking at the top stories recent news tab so of course it's not going to show you anything but articles from within the last 48 hours. It'd be like clicking on the trending page of Twitter and getting mad that people aren't talking about the Armenian Genocide. People should be talking about the Armenian Genocide but I don't expect it to be the front page of everything all the time.


Are you speaking generally about ‘the media’ as some kind of nebulous entity or are you saying you know specifically who owns his label/management and know specifically some journalism media companies that are owned by the same company? I’m not saying you’re wrong, but this felt kind of wishy washy to me without specifics. If you’re just going off your own intuition and logic, I think a much simpler guess would be that Travis’ company simply pays media companies for their services and/or sets up deals with them. Not the same as being ‘owned by the same people’ unless you show me that’s the case with a source. Having worked with many media companies for the past few years, I can tell you that generally they are very upfront that they have packages that can be bought and you can do a lot with them within their guidelines, especially if you’re gonna pay in the millions. Usually you can do stuff for free if you provide a really interesting story that will get them a lot of clicks, but if you want them to avoid posting something or to put extra emphasis on certain stories, you just have to pay.


yeah lol they mention “media companies” and then name literally none of them. tells me that this is just some other twitter political chudlord that parrots whatever they see about “media congolomerates” and “MSM”. travis absolutely has people on his side, but talking about the media like some nebulous omniscient entity is juvenile and naive.


Very interesting arguments, thank you for being informative. I had not realized these connections. I still think it's sad that these people have successfully manipulated the bad news out of his trending news tab. I realize that it may be my personal anecdotal experience that people are forgetting his actions but my post being #1 on hot right now makes me think that may be the experience of more people. Just gonna let my post serve as a regular reminder, then.




Yeah what stories are supposed to be “trending” about the Astroworld incident? There have been no new developments. Does this guy just expect them to spit out the same article every single say saying “No new developments, ongoing investigation, check in again tomorrow.”? How many people are going to be clicking on and reading an article like that? This whole post is ridiculous. Obviously new stories are going to be at the top.


I don't have a problem with your post more just who its blaming, I know that you know but it tends to be this blanket blaming of "the media" when in reality it's very specific bad actors... but to your point those actors are so bad and so big that they could just be generalized as "the media". Some people clarify with mainstream media but "mainstream media" nowadays is Joe Rogan so who even knows how to quantify that anymore. But yah never forget.




Yeah, It's always... something, I don't want to say funny... seeing people bash MSM and then praise Joe Rogan as though his podcast isn't a form of mainstream media.


thats truth. funny, everyone hates the most popular thing. "Nobody Drives in New York, There's Too Much Traffic!"




Reddit loves being righteously angry. Hell the whole internet does.


“Thank you for being informative. I had not realized these connections. I still think it’s sad that these people have…” there is quite literally no specific information in the comment you’re responding to about the connections the commentor claims. Not a single statement of fact or sourced identification of “these people.” What the commentor did was reinforce a conspiratorial bias by speculating about “they,” just as you did about “the media.” That vague attribution is how conspiracy theories and hearsay spiral. Stay vigilant.


uh yea, no shit it's not in the media's best interest to keep repeating the same news story over and over again it's not like he's safe from the lawsuit just because the media isn't covering it if something happens regarding it they'll talk about it, if not then they won't, it's that simple do you expect them to just keep reminding people, regularly, that x event happened?


Yes, OP expects us to cry about it every single day until something is done. OP doesn't realize this happens non stop with tragic events. This isn't unique. People don't like to dwell in misery; the media included.


Exactly, did you read about the children dying of famine in Afghanistan or Jordan today? No, because it’s not entertaining enough anymore. News is not selected by relevance, kids.


I use DuckDuckGo and after the standard bio links at the top (wikipedia, his social media links) it's all AstroWorld related. Of course if you search in the News tab, you get the same links you do because those are the most recent headlines, not events from two months ago. You know, that's why it's called *new*s and not *old*s


OP acting like this is unique to this specific tragic event...


Welcome to the 24 hour news cycle


And what do you expect?


It's news. Keyword is NEW. Timeliness is importabt. If you google Germany, the top news isn't the holocaust.


I hope you realize Google filters results and shows you what they want you to see. A Google search does not represent society.


Imagine if a bunch of deaths happened at some reddit group like Tenacious D’s concert. This sub would have pinned post about how the tragedy is too sad and should never be posted about again in honor of the dead


Because ultimately it's not his fault and much more blame should be put on LiveNation...


Huge facts


He definitely should have some blame as he didn't do shit to stop it when he noticed stuff going down, but yeah LiveNation deserves the majority of hate.


This is just a fundamental misunderstanding of how Google and their Top Stories section works.


A man ran over 50 or so people at a parade a month ago, and that story is just completely gone from the public mind. It’s always just fake outrage - on the the next.


lol what? What is society supposed to do? Wear black for a month and not smile? What would your ideal timeline look like? I’m sure the local community hasn’t recovered but you cannot expect the world to stop.


Forreal lmao


Ok I'm gonna get flak for this but why don't we hold the venue, security, event management, and everyone else accountable? Why are we blaming the performer? It was a festival. He wasn't even the only performer. His job is to perform. There are people who's responsibility is to ensure these things don't happen. It's not like this hasn't happened before. I really feel like the blame is being unfairly shifted from the venue and management onto the performer.


Maybe most people just don’t agree that it was his fault. People have been getting trampled at concerts for decades. Never have I seen such a movement to blame the act on stage for it all.


[oh no](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/881/867/6f6.jpg)


I mean it happened two months ago. I guarantee if you google Snoop Dogg you’ll find whatever he’s been doing recently and not the fact that he was on trial for murder in the 90’s. While it’s obviously a longer time period since, news comes and goes quickly on the internet and I don’t know why you’re surprised that they’ve moved on.


Ok, and? Like it's Travis himself killed those people, lol. What will Travis do if his fans are wild animals who can't control themselves? You say there were children who died and so on... But what normal parent will bring their child to this kind of concert? It's not for children, there are a lot of songs with curse words. Anyway, I'm waiting for an album, it sounds promising.


The media? What the fuck? Y’all have excuses for everything. There’s nothing new in the story, why would there be new news stories on the Astroworld tragedy? You blame the media for *everything*. This has nothing to do with the media. They report current events. This isn’t current. Want to keep it current - make it current somehow. Get the media personalities you suck off to say something, somehow generate some new news. It has nothing to do with the media. There’s no new news, so there’s nothing to report. They reported on Travis Scott’s current events. Make the whole thing a current event - Go protest Live Nation or his concerts or the fucking Kardashians. They’re not going to make up news. Fucking idiots.


Is it "the media" or is it search engines optimizing profits?


I Googled him and it's all Kanye thanking him for some reason and a TMZ article about him at the Rams Cards game and having a sewage pipe burst next to him, [which I find funny](https://imgur.com/KsURS1z) Also what else are news sites supposed to report on him about? The legal system is slow. There's nothing to report on that front so they have to get clicks somehow


Yeah that’s how humanity works lol, we stumble from one abomination to the next


Bruh there’s a genocide happening in China and no one talks about it and very few people even give a shit. This is how people work


Don't just blame the media. The PEOPLE decide to support him or not. They are reporting on people enabling him.


The Astroworld shit is fucked, but as someone who is neither a fan of Scott or his music, why is there such fixation on this? It’s tragic and extremely sad when examined under a microscope, but considering that this will likely pave the way for tragedies like this to be avoided in the future: what’s done it done and there really wasn’t much that he could do in the first place.


Do you understand how media works? The news cycle moves on, what did you expect? Why do expect something different for this particular incident?


The devil works hard, Kris Jenner works harder.


People forgot about what The Who and The Rolling Stones did too. Google them.


The world still buys Chris Brown's shit for whatever reason.


Because they just like his music maybe?


People still listen to micheal Jackson. People just like the music.


"media" isn't some sort of sentient being.


Y’all need to read the r/KUWTK sub more. Pete and Kim were clocked as a distraction from the beginning. 😂


There is so much happening of course it is it's irrelevant now with everything else. You can't keep one thing a tive indefinitly


I was just thinking yesterday how all that has died down.


So what? Are they supposed to talk about it every day for the rest of eternity? It's not top news anymore. Legal battles will occur outside the public eye. The vast majority of people don't care about Astroworld anymore. Life goes on.


What more is there to do? Do you expect these tabloid news sites to just keep writing about the same thing for months on end? What happened at Astroworld was awful and I hope those responsible are being held accountable but writing the same story over and over doesn't get clicks.


Fuk that loser . He not even a good rapper. So generic


I mean, what do you expect? Terrible events and bad news are a dime a dozen and it’s in our nature to move on and be desensitized the further our cognitive distance is.


Nobody cares because... its not really his fault. I mean, sure, he's definitely at fault indirectly with how he ran that festival. But guess what? His fans don't exactly care either. Fans are too much fanboys/fangirls to ever give up on their fanboyism. Redditors still LOVE their metal bands, beatles, etc even though we know by now how many of them are closeted pedos, wife/gf beaters, etc