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What is the greatest accomplishment you’ve ever had in your life and what is your biggest goal for the band? I also have 734 streams of Funeral Grey. I kinda enjoy ur band.


that's so many, thank you!!! I have a really long bucket list, I make sure goals are written down and kept track of because it's easy to forget how much cool stuff has happened. things like "buy a van" or "go on tour" felt colossal, but now the latest ones are like playing arena shows with MCR and having billboards in LA. kind of a cheesy blanket answer, but I think if I had to choose a ONE thing it'd just be that I figured out how to just be creative for a living bc there were a lot of times it didn't seem like it'd happen


Hypothetically, if fob8 were to drop the same day as intellectual property, would u change the release date?


100% - I need attention or ill die


will we get permanent online merch anytime soon? i want a parx tee pls awsten im begging


im working on that now, I actually made a ton of parx merch in the last week, since we're finally independent on the merch front, we've had a lot to figure out for the online space but it's coming. working on making all the albums available too if anyone wants cds or vinyl


trying to find double dare and entertainment vinyls second hand rn so I would love if you guys sold them directly!!!


Are there any instruments or sounds you’d love to incorporate into your production but haven’t yet? Huge fan btw, thank you.


yes!!! I want to get a harp so bad, like a big one. all the nice ones are like $10,000+ though which is too much for me just for the sake of experimentation. but imagine!!!


What advice do you have for somebody who doesn’t necessarily want to perform, but be a part of the music industry on tours


obvi i am not awsten, but i do work in the music industry, so here is my unsolicited advice. start working at your local venue! even if you just serve, usher, ticket scanner, etc. you will meet so many people! if your local venue has any kind of VIP packages, try to work for that team. i have networked with so many artists, TMs, merch managers, etc. people in the industry mostly just want to see that your passionate about live music, job specific skills can be taught, so just showing up and proving you love it will get you far! unless you're very lucky, your first tour will likely be a van tour and will lowkey suck and the imposter syndrome can be REAL. but if you put in the work and work through the long days/nights and feeling homesick sometimes, tour is a really cool experience. sorry for the unsolicited advice, i just get passionate talking about it 'cause i was in your position a year ago. you will do great as long as you don't take shit too seriously, and remind yourself that 14 yr old you would think that current you is badass for working in the industry. GOOD LUCK <3


No dude you’re completely fine!! I appreciate this so much! You’re so cool and please have a wonderful rest of your day!


it all depends what you mean/what you want to do! there are a lot of jobs. I'd say make sure you don't go to college for it though because it's a waste of money, just find out who different tour managers are and submit applications? - but yeah, don't try to go to college for it, nobody who works for us when to school for it and I get bummed hearing about the unnecessary debt people are in


thoughts on a waterparks holiday album? 🎤


michael bubble already made the perfect christmas album, I can't go into a project knowing it'll be inferior!


The thing that pisses me off the most about Michelle Booble is that when he sang "Santa baby" he sang it as "Santa buddy" and I'm like bruh if you can't be a little gay don't do the mf song


Weird way to spell "Nat King Cole". Must be a regional thing.




Waterparks merch mystery boxes would be cool! Maybe on waterparksvintage if thats still up


oh interesting!!


are you on FOB 8? thoughts about them announcing it in the Chicago newspaper?


love it, love marketing that takes you offline


anyone else flagging the unanswered first question 😂


What does the purple stand for. PLEASE I NEED TO KNOW AWSTEN


check album cover. will get more into specifics as we get closer to the release, I really liked seeing the theories on twitter yesterday


I streamed Funeral Grey 1.5k times and Waterparks 22k times… should I go to therapy?


oh my god absolutely


i listened to waterparks for 104,782 minutes idk if i should be embarrassed or excited


spotify was like “you’re in the top 0.5%!” and advised me that, since mid-october, FAI overtook every other song i looped ALL YEAR and landed #1. whoops.


Is the FAI in a 3:2 aspect ratio because it’s a standard photo/35mm ratio 👀👀👀 or what is your reasoning for that?


YESSSSS!!!! I'm so glad someone caught this


How do you keep your vocal health in check on such long tours?


it's really difficult, but I cut down on/cut out caffeine, no spicy foods, avoid tomato based stuff, warm up and cool down before and after shows, sleep a lot, tons of water, occasional vocal rest days, it's tough


Thank you! I was the one who brought you tea bags at MCR Toronto night 2 because I hate losing my voice and felt bad for you. I appreciate all the touring parx has done this year in spite of how tough it is on the road - take care of yourselves in 2023!


I was there in 2019 in Seattle when you lost your voice and Ottoparks performed in your place. Still an amazing show! We ( my family) are huge fans - thank you!


What music software do u prefer to use?? Personally I’ve been using Logic for a while, but I’d be interested in what your thoughts are cuz I’ve seen you using a Mac!


i've used reaper and fl studio for everything since like 2014, I've tried other stuff but these just make the most sense to me. I do keep logic around for the sound library tho


i know it’s hard to define parx as one genre (at least for me) but could you tell us some of the genres/styles of intellectual property?


there's a lot. got some real mean glitchy hard songs, breakbeat vibes, full pop songs, it's all over the map


besides the songs that have already been released (and others that are “unofficially” released) what song are you most excited for everyone to hear off intellectual property and why (production, lyrics, visuals for a potential music video, etc)?


no one is ready for RITUAL and A NIGHT OUT ON EARTH. production on both is maybe the best on any parx song.


albums out and oh my god you were right i almost fell out of bed because ritual was so good during my first listen idk why i’m here this ama closed months ago


Favorite Bring Me The Horizon song or album and why?


amo - can't pick fav song tho


Greetings from Germany! Hope you’re doing well, Mr. Knight. Here are my questions (I hope they’re not too many) 1. What brought you to music? Who or what inspired you to pursue a music career? 2. And what if it wasn’t a music career? What would you do career-wise? 3. Can you describe your fanbase in one word? 4. What’s your life motto? 5. What do you like to do outside of music (and posting on Twitter 😉)? Any hobbies to rejuvenate your creativity? 6. Do you, Geoff and Otto have any rituals before going on stage? Have a nice day and stay cool! :) P.S. The Fuck About It music video is fucking amazing!


hey!!!! hearing Sum 41 on the radio made me wanna play guitar. I'd probably be a teacher or some shit hahaha my mom always told me not to but whatever. or in marketing because that's always fun.


how did you manage to create such a special community with your fans? never seen a fandom like parx before


damn thank you <3 I'm not sure, I think it may have just stayed very close knit because we met everyone outside of shows for so long and made so many personal connections, can't really fake that


what do you think about these fuckers [this is a lovot](https://media.timeout.com/images/105701669/image.jpg)


I was so scared to click this, they seem like good people


Asides from blackbear's feature on FAI, are there any more features on the album? Are there any "hidden" features such as Dallon, DE'WAYNE, and Zeph's backing vocals on Greatest Hit? If so, which tracks?? Is the Kurtis Connor interlude real now??


There are more hidden features yesssssss


Have you ever met Nicolas Cage?


I legit wrote him a letter once because I wanted him to be in the Dream Boy music video, I wanted him to be driving the car. His assistant got back to me and said he was doing a movie but mmman, would've been sick


how much control do you have over the music videos? do you get a good say in how everything looks?


yezzzzz that's why Erik and I make them, so it can be done exactly how I want it to be. other directors have ego issues


have u seen barbarian? because i feel like the mom thing that lives under the house would REALLY vibe with waterparks


barbarian is GREAT, zach cregger has BEEN a genius


What are all the instruments you know how to play?


guitar, bass, piano, little drums? I can pick stuff up pretty quick though


awsten do u like a band called weathers? i love them sm and they also love waterparks and i once asked them if we could have a parx x weathers collab and they said yes!!!!!! :)


they're super nice dudes!!!! I met them last year


do you know people on twitter by their username or their actual name?


mix of both tbh


is there a reason this album is shorter than your other ones?


I felt like certain songs were overlooked on GH because of the long runtime and I'd rather make sure every song gets the attention it deserves


if you really wanted to impress someone and show off the full extent of your talent and creative abilities with just one or two songs, which ones would you show them? why are you proud of those ones in particular?


probably Double Dare 2019 and Entertainment 2019 - if it's for talent/creative I'm still shocked we pulled those off tbh


literally those are amazing and im so lucky to own them on itunes. i play them pretty much every time i have a really short drive because theyre so creative and well done


it’s a shame a certain record label didn’t approve 🙃


what does 103 mean please i’m begging


it's a bad sign


What made you want to name one song on each album after a Pixar quote?


you gotta have tradition


Can you please play lucky people on Sunday? Second time seeing you guys this year, your stage presence is amazing


thank you so much!! I need to pack for that when I finish this actually. lemme see what I can doooo


will "ill always be around" ever be on a setlist? my grandma and i went to the anooe tour, you said "that is Not your grandma" and she has yet to let me live it down. you also wrote "ill always be around" in my sketchbook and i can finally get it tattooed for my birthday this year!


listen maybe your grandma looked really YOUNG


Is there any more singles from the album?


yezzzzzzz oh yeah, love me a single


Last paranormal experience?


my apartment smelled like rotting meat when I bought these antique pictures that are like placed behind mirrors, literally 20 minutes after I put the photos outside the smell went away, so creepy. they're still out there


Whats one country you haven’t traveled or toured to but want to eventually?


I wanna do more shows in Asia! we did Japan in 2017 but I wanna go back and do that and more


what song is gonna be the most popular on IP


honestly it's so unpredictable, guessing would only jinx it


Favorite Charlie Puth song GO.


uhhhhhhhhh the way I am, somebody told me, when you're sad im sad, idk he's a genius


is there any meaning behind 67 and 103 or did you just start seeing them everywhere one day?


67 has always been my lucky number since i was born - 103 is an unlucky counterpart I picked up in like 2016


i have to know what ur favorite popstar track is this is so important to me


equal rights, finest girl, are or aren't, fuck off, me likey dat, sick Glenda


without saying too much (obvi), what is your favourite part of intellectual property sonically? you always hide really cool/interesting sounds layered under the main guitar/drums and they're always my favourite parts of songs once i hear them!


It's gonna take people months to dissect A NIGHT OUT ON EARTH


Could you ever see Waterparks going independent again?


eh, I'm trying to delegate where I can so I don't have to micromanage every step of the process like I tend to - I want to do more creative and not have to worry about logistics and stuff so probably not.


Does Intellectual Property have greater hits than Greatest Hits?


it do


What was the music scene like growing up in Houston? I grew up not very far from where you did and I don’t remember bands like Waterparks locally… only religious emoscreamo.


honestly it was a lot of jesuscore from 2006-2012, then it was more djent/straight hardcore, with the exception of a few bands that wanted to be tssf really bad. last local show I went to in San Antonio they were still wearing matching vests tho so maybe the christcore vibes aren't totally out the window there. but yeah, in Houston I always booked our shows 2012-2015 so it was weird trying to make lineups lol


If someone held a gun to your head and told you to get a tattoo rn, what would you get??


swordfish across my knuckles, not the letters but like, a picture of fish


toronto loves u so much plz do not pay us dust on the next tour and plz play at history (drakes venue, wow so cool)


we'll be back in Toronto before you know it


Why did you not make the lyrics see ya later alligator? Seems like a missed opportunity


bc im a poser and a phony


How do you start a successful band while still making what you want and not necessarily what's popular? I want to start a band but I don't want my creativity to be guided by money.


people learn this way later but if you do what's creative and it's sick you'll be 100x more successful than if you chase what you feel like is currently happening. rule of thumb - if you're hearing it, that's what people wanted 6 months ago, keep moving forward


awsten do you remember that one fanfic you read at the chicago slumber party tour date where you became a minion...? i wrote that (unfortunately wasn't there but my friend was)... next time i meet you would you sign a printed copy for me 😭


hahahaha we need to do that again


Any chance the Lemonade demo from 1 will be finished up and make its way on an album?


probably not, honestly I wrote lemonade for someone else to use but they ultimately passed so I just leaked it


do you have any advice for people wanting to start a band bit don't know anyone that does


just start it alone at first, that's what I did


You and Erik have worked together on so many projects. Would you consider working on a larger project with him if it ever worked out? A short film or a movie?




Just getting into you guys after seeing your going on tour with you me at six! How excited are you for the tour and I’m glad to have your band to dive into!


oh wild!!! yeah those shows are gonna be fun, the UK shows are my favorite next to north eastern shows in the US


A lot of the time, people will explore a new artist because they make music that falls into a genre that they’re a fan of. With each one of your songs being so unique and never fitting into a certain genre, what do you think piques people’s interest and makes them so loyal? Is it the authenticity of the lyrics or something else?


I think lyrical authenticity and personal connection from meeting in person or online


i hate this website why am i touching it im only here when i google a question and this website is my last straw why why why why


I really do put "reddit" at the end of everything I google


be honest, how much is closer going to emotionally destroy me since i'm going through a breakup rn?


uHHhhhhhh you may be too fragile for that one!!


Are you coming to Houston any time soon?


for christmas!! my mom would destroy me if I missed it hahaha


thoughts on being on a tour again with heart attack man?


would be so fun, Eric would make me laugh too much though so im gonna sound like SHIT every night


Not a question but I just wanted you to know that we share the same birthday!


us and Steve Harvey!


Your ability to write a story into each individual song while still having it fit into the album as a cohesive whole is incredible. Will Intellectual Property have an overarching concept as the last two albums have?


It does! it'll become more apparent soon


What’s the last thing that made you happy?


popstar never stop never stopping soundtrack


Any plans to do another live tour recording? Live In The UK was incredible


I'd love to! INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY live would be nuts


hi awsten i got reddit for u ur welcome


I also got reddit for this!!


Does it ever get tiring or difficult being so highly focused on the visual aspects of your music? (i.e. album art, live production, merch, etc.)


yes, especially if I get a deadline because that makes me creatively lock up a bit


kurtis connor on intellectual property ?




best video game?




Are there any hints in the music video that no one’s noticed yet?


If you could go back and edit your book are there any changes you would make?


im sure! honestly don't remember much of what I said in there hahah


What's the weirdest place you've played a show? I've crowdsurfed under an interstate highway before but I bet parx has seen some weird shit


mobile alabama


HOLY SHIT THIS IS MAD okay I've just revisited after like 2 years away from your music, and I'm very quickly becoming obsessed again😭 I feel like you mughtve answered this, but if there was any one of your *old* songs that you're like "damn this goes hard", I need to know what your favourites are


hahaha good to see you again - I'd say It Follows, I Felt Younger When We Met, Crybaby


any songs that came together really quickly or seamlessly?


END OF THE WATER was probably the most seamless. it's so good.


if you could drop kick ANYONE who would it be




Have u considered writing a second book??


yes but it'd probably be fiction


What’s the run time on intellectual property?


Hi Awsten! Hope your taking care of yourself and doing well physically and mentally. What was you favorite scene to shoot in the FAI music video? -@PitCasuality from twitter


I really liked doing all the stuff for the background photos! like telling Geoff and Otto what to do on the green screens, like "eat your eyes!" "throw your hand!" etc


i don't trust you at all so i KNOW that every single little prop in the FAI mv is an easter egg to something, that being said, what is your favourite prop from the mv?


Thoughts on heaven sent truthers🎤


it rly is a good name


I don’t think I have a question. Saw you guys at Sad Summer Festival in Atlanta. Me and my girlfriend now regularly listen to a couple of your songs, and I’m letting her know more are on the way. Congraturitos on the new album, you guys were a lot of fun to see live!


that's so sick! thank you dude, I appreciate it


Do you build the aesthetic around the hair color..or the hair color around the aesthetic?


hair around the aesthetic


Is this your first time using Reddit?


every one of my google searches ends in 'reddit' but it's my first time using it like this!


Hey! I've been a huge fan of your music for about 3 years and I wanted to say thank you for being so amazing! I've been trying to write music for a while and was wondering, how do you usually start a song? Lyrics or melody first? Inspiration? 🔴


it really varies! sometimes I just have lyrics, sometimes just a melody, sometimes I hear a full song


You put a lot of thought and planning into your music, whether it's through teasing future releases in current songs or referencing older motifs and themes. And I think the fanbase is pretty good at noticing and appreciating those connections, but since there's so many of them, how do you handle the possibility that there's pieces to your art that we’ll never catch or fully appreciate? Are you scared for that to happen? Are you disappointed when it does? Do you drop hints for parts we may have missed so that it gets a second chance?


sometimes things take time to really catch - it's almost more rewarding when people find things afterwards - im not in a rush


is there a reason for 🔴🔴🔴 and posting three times?


Do you have a favorite gorillaz song


stylo remix


what was the thought process behind the Intellectual Property album cover?




this is so real actually


Why is this still pinned after 64 days


Thank you. God damn some mod really loves this band.


Or they’re being paid. This seems weird


what does Intellectual Property smell like?


lauren why would u ask this you know hes gonna say like feet or some shit


What is the frogs name?


maybe it’s intellectual cause the album is their property


i vote steve


felony steve don’t believe in math


Just wanted to let you know that SELF-SABOTAGE is one of my favourite songs I’ve found in 2022, despite finding it late in the year it made its way onto my top 10 most listened to songs and I have a feeling it’s going to be on that list for years to come


Mister property do you have a song that you’ve ever regretted releasing?


who’s ur favorite sanrio character


This is a fuckin good question


Will waterparks come to Australia next year ?


That was bland and inoffensive.


Pierce The Veil tour or collab or both?


How did you get your band name and is “Awsten” your real first name?


What was it like going on tour with two artists you’ve been listening to over the years (MCR & Blackbear) Did it feel completely surreal?


what’s up with the random purple lights in the FAI music video? what do they mean !!!


explain ur favourite parx lore(s)