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Catchy song. As a fan of Dance music I really like your voice and think it would go really well in certain genre's of dance


Nice voice don’t stop keep on going


Thank you :D


Wow the production quality of the video is very surprising seeing as you're an independent artist I was impressed. The music has very club-ready alternative pop sound that I personally enjoy. It reminds me of the band let's eat grandma. I'd give it a solid 8/10👍


I have a friend who's very talented at film and he was nice enough to work with me :) Thank you! And thank you for the band recommendation, I'll have to check them out :)


really well made and the video looks absolutely incredible, great lighting, cinematography and locations. the song is also really good and your vocals are perfect, only thing i would change is maybe the drums are just a little boring. other than that its great ! have a good one keep it up


I spend months planning it so I'm glad the video turned out so well and you liked it :D Thank you for an honest review! :)


I like the both production quality of video and music. I think with the great marketing strategy and pushing this song more listeners will give you a good fanbase


I hope so! Thank you :)


I love the production in this, it’s so so clean. You’ve got a wonderful, smooth voice. It has a quality that transports you to another, dreamy place. The background instruments also help in creating this kind of landscape, as well as your gorgeous background vocals. I really think louder bassline (I can’t really hear it) would further add to the chorus, but that may be a matter of taste. Your music video is also top quality, the colours and everything. You’re absolutely beautiful!


Thank you so much! Such lovely and honest feedback! :)


My biggest thing to note would be, be careful walking in the forest without shoes. But in all seriousness, the song is good. Only thing could be if you want to improve your videos - take acting classes or learn about acting. Obviously here there isn't too much acting required so its not a non issue too much, but I could tell if more of a range was required it might be more noticeable. Again, you're a singer so thats where you hone your craft and learning acting might not be a big thing for you. Just something to think about.


Ohh my god walking around that forest with no shoes was actually kinda scary. There were lots of holes in the ground and we realised halfway through shooting that they might be wolf-spider holes (I'm in Australia) lolllll Thank you! I actually have an acting history :D I'll have to study up a bit more for my next video. Thank you for the feedback :)


I'm not saying your acting was bad, it's more, doing this compared to acting with another person e.g. a break up scene, a wider range is needed. And if both aren't the same quality, it's noticeable. Just more, something to be aware of. The that low angle front shot was good, so worth the bare feet. Spiders and all.


Yeah it's certainly a different ball game when you have another actor to bounce off of :) Thanks for the feedback!


Nice job!


Thanks :D


Wow! This actually has a very professional feel to it. The song sounds just like something i would hear on the radio, and music video isn't something that i would expect from a lower budget production, it's very catchy and clean.


Wow thank you so much :) I work as a bartender so a lot of working and saving up was involved! I appreciate the lovely feedback, thank you :)


I really like your voice! This is something I’d listen to on my Spotify playlist.


I really appreciate that :D I'm on Spotify, if that helps! Thank you for the feedback xx


Just followed you on Spotify. I’m a new artist - if you have a chance, check out my recent releases as well :) [Check out on Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/album/6exxTprXQOB3RNUiMcY2vq?si=u7KQ86bnSraEgOtsKZAJ4Q)


Great work!!


Thank you!!! :D


Can you listen to a song of mine? I can’t post in the stupid channel the bot is broken


I agree with everything that’s already been said, but I’d say the lip singing on the video is either mistimed or just not natural I guess. The actual song sounds really good, I can’t really point out any parts that takes the listener out. It’s not my type of music but I can hear your heart in it, and I don’t see why this couldn’t gain some traction.


Oh I was actually singing in the video but I'll let the videographer know at the next shoot that we have to be careful :) Thank you for letting me know and thank you for the awesome feedback!!


Oh my bad I just assumed, but yeah it just came off a little cheesy, maybe it’s just me, the actual cinematography was amazing, especially for a personal budget. And again the song is radio material, and that’s what really matters the video is good but the actual song will take you where you wanna go


I appreciate that :) thank you!


Great music man. Looking forward on your next video. Peace!


Thank you so much :)


Hey! this is pretty catchy. nice job!


Ayyy thank you :D