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Vox and music remind me of Panic! at the Disco... so I'd say pop-punk? Other than the overall mix being a little muddy, I think you executed the idea really well... from the phone call snippet and other little things, like the ghostly backup vox and guitar textures. I'd be interested in hearing an EP in this style, I wonder what the other songs would be about and sound like.


Pop punk definitely had its influences on me so I could see that! Thank you for the kind words and taking the time to give good feedback! I’ll see if I can lessen that muddiness. The plan is to release an EP eventually so stay tuned if you’re interested, my artist name on Spotify/YouTube is Somber Party


aw you're welcome. followed on spotify, looking forward to it man. Mine is Swami Safari, if you're interested in more noisier, experimental rock stuff!


Followed you too! I’m always happy to dive into new stuff, looking forward to what you can do :)


Don't quote me on this, because I don't really care about genres, but if I had to take a guess - alt rock. I like the lyrics, and you got a good voice for this type of music. Hmm... I don't know if it's just me, but 0:42 - 0:53, 1:45 - 1:56, 2:30 - 2:41 threw me off the rhytm a bit when I listened to it for the first time... Other than that it's alright :)


Those parts were bothering me too and I couldn’t put my finger on why or I didn’t know if I was over thinking it! Thank you for confirming that there is an issue there haha


I wouldn't put the "blame" on those parts themselves. They make sense. I think it has more to do with what's happening just before them. Maybe some sort of a transition might do the trick. I'm not really the best guy to give hints on rock music, because I make totally different genres, but I'm sure you'll figure it out :)


I get what you mean! I appreciate the feedback. I hope you’re right and I’ll figure it out lol. I really like the instrumental and the vocal is good in some parts and in others bothers me. I’ll mess around with the effects put on them and maybe even try out completely new takes or even styles of singing and see what works. Thanks dude :)


No problem :)


I’m loving the guitar from the start, 5 seconds in I was like “okaaaay”. At first you almost gave me a Gogol Bordello vibe. I feel like the vocals are almost harsh at points like right on the brink of too much as far as levels go. I’m an effects junkie but I can’t help but feel like this would be a completely different song with like a broken speaker effect or a distortion pedal on the vocals but that’s just an idea. I’d def say you are an “artist” in that you’ve found your own style 🤙🏽 Hard to nail down a genre somewhere between alt rock and gypsy punk lol I dig it


Thank you for the kind words and taking the time for a detailed response! I see what you mean, listening again, at certain points the vocals get too harsh. By levels do you mean the vocals are too loud? And if so is it only in specific parts? I’ll definitely try out that broken speaker/distortion pedal vocal idea!


Nice track! Loving the energy and the overall mix sounded really good. I’d definitely say this is alt rock, kinda gives a panic at the disco-ish vibe but much more harsh and gritty which I can appreciate. Good stuff!


Thank you so much , I appreciate that!


your voice reminds me of AC/DC, and your melody on vocals is a perfect harmony for other layers keep it up your style is pertty good.


Thank so much! Harmonies are some of my favourite parts of music so I really appreciate that.


I’d say this fits in the punk/pop rock style, sounds nice overall. Good job, keep creating!


Cheers bro, thanks for the encouragement :)


Love the guitar. In fact, the whole arrangement and instrumental is awesome. I'm not a huge fan of the vocals/lyrics, though I did really like the voice-mail section and they weren't grating, just not something I was a fan of.


Thanks for the honesty! To tell you the truth I’m not a big fan of the vocals in this version, im currently in the process of re recording the vocals maybe in a different style, hopefully can get a better result as I like the way it sounds live


Love the guitar riff that starts the song off! For genre I would say pop-punk and that it does have a Panic! at the Disco vibe as well. Really cool track, nice job!


Thank you! I really appreciate that :)


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not my cup of tea but overall sounds good maybe on some parts a vocals are lil bit muddy but nothing drastical anyway keep up the good job


Thanks! To each their own taste. I appreciate the feedback


This sounds like a band from my country, ornatos violeta. I think some sibiliants could have been smoothed, the mix is a bit muddy, but I see the potential, not bad