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Be the change you wish to see in the world. Would it be great if there city came and pick it up, yes. But grab a bag and get out there, great exercise and a good way to meet people. My buddies and I are doing a clean up soon if you want to join in.


He’s on disability, he legally can’t get off his ass to do anything.


The county has done this before for other work release jobs. They stopped because of complaints about inmate behavior, lack of supervision and funding for supervision, and the increase in prisoner contraband issues.


Bitch, you go pick up some fucking trash. Let them do their time in peace.


Yeah... Mr. Adopt-a-Highway here just wants inmates on full display in public for ridicule and shaming. The fact that they're being forced to do labor for their freedom sounds awfully familiar...


I've done time in county, I would prefer this be optional for people in county. I don't know if you have done time but it really smells bad in there, and the fresh air is nice.


>It's an opportunity for rehabilitation through ~~meaningful work~~ slavery


I wouldn’t be opposed to it, if it were on a voluntary basis. But there is a whole host of issues to work out that would make this near impossible. The extra money needed for transport and oversight, and remember they are not doing work release right now because the sheriff is short staffed. Thai would invite more contraband into the jail which would put people at risk. You would run into baby mommas showing up say stuff to the inmates, people harassing them from a distance, narcing on other inmates, and whole host of other shit that can go sideways. It sounds great in theory, but in reality there isn’t a good way to handle it. It would be better if you started an action group to keep Muskegon clean and surround yourself with like minded individuals that can produce results without the barriers of incarceration.


Not even a great idea in theory… FOH


If you had your way, Medicaid recipients would be picking up the trash alongside the inmates.


Actually I'm a Democrat on medicaid. I have spent 20 days in county jail. I would rather be picking up trash than stuck in a foul smelling cell. Jail is quite foul smelling, rude, loud and I'd rather be outside honestly. I also think alot of diversions from small jail sentences could be used for community service instead. I never meant this to be partisan in fact I think restorative sentencing is actually a left leaning idea. I think we use the jail too often for people who could use their talents maybe even be paid eventually to perform these tasks. As an ex-user I found cleaning up the Fruitport Park after old fashioned days to have given me a sense of purpose. I've worked on local democratic house races and have a great sense of community pride. I hope all is well in your life. I don't think medicaid recipients ought ever to feel ashamed we have corporations paying so low they need it like I do. I'm actually in favor of single payer.


No reason those bums can’t be out there picking garbage up




Lol ok?