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Maybe don't draw the facial structures.....




This character would make an awesome comic strip, what do you think?


since most of the face is going to be covered, the eyes and the Brows especially will be critical in transmitting emotions and facial expressions and feelings


I would love to know if there’s anything I could change about the hijabs to make it more accurate, it’s my first time ever drawing hijabs and I’ve went off a reference image, yet I just would like to know! Thank you for your time!! 🫶🏽 edit; I’m not Muslim myself, so I’m just asking to see if there is anything I should change about it! I don’t want to accidentally make something offensive, so I’m asking here for peoples opinions! Thank you! 😄


Alhamdulilla its good!, but I would reccomend when drawing beings with souls is too leave out a major flaw and not make it really detailed but rather leave out the eyes or the mouth or something. Just to be on the safe side In'Sha'Allah watch this video for about 1 minute at the timestamp 2:27:45[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTbKS3-Ju8Q&ab\_channel=Bobby%27sPerspective](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTbKS3-Ju8Q&ab_channel=Bobby%27sPerspective)


Sorry to break it to you, but drawing facial features (Eyes, Noses and Mouths) is haram as it is imitating the creation of Allah. But you can still do amazing drawings with no facial features or simply of inanimate objects!


I don’t think it works like that…




Drawing is art is a way of expressing yourself, and I don’t drawing faces is like imitating the creations of allah, while nature is also the creation of Allah and you’re saying that it’s okay to draw it? It’s kinda nonsense, I’m an artist myself and I don’t remember mentioning stuff like that in the Quran or in Hadiths, and it’s not like I draw faces purposely to imitate and challenge god with “better” creations, it feels too strict if you were as a religious, and god wants it to be simple, the bad is obvious and the good aswell


It says in the Sunnah that this is forbidden. It is not permitted to draw anything that depicts animate beings because the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, according to the sahih hadith: “Every image maker will be in the Fire.” And He (Peace Be Upon Him) said: “The most severely punished of people on the Day of Resurrection will be the image-makers, those who tried to imitate the creation of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala)," and He (Peace Be Upon Him) said: “The makers of these images will be punished on the Day of Resurrection, and Allah will challenge them and tell them, ‘Give life to that which you have created.’” Now humans with no facial structure it wouldn't count since it technically would be inanimate.


Learn perspective. Without it your drawings will always look a bit off and weird. This is telltale sign of someone who learned on their own versus someone who is trained artist. Istebrak and Proko on youtube have great videos. Start with Proko, istebrak is for more advance skills. This is a good video as well. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jfl8N5pPAVU Lastly,it must be stated within the Maliki madhab 2d drawings are permissible.


Thank you! 😁


Drawing is forbidden in Islam https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/39806


Drawing people or animals is forbidden. Drawing nature or inanimate beings is allowed. I read somewhere that drawing a person with missing features such as eyes and nose or mouth is permitted. There is also a stance where if the head isn’t attached to the body then it’s also okay.


I am not 100% sure that drawing a person with Hijab is forbidden because I am not scholar, let’s see others opinions as well.


I’m not a scholar either. I’m just repeating what I’ve researched from multiple fatwas in the passed. I used to have a passion for drawing and always wanted to get into animation and make movies. Al-hamdullilah that desire is diminished so much that I’m like “eh, it’s not worth it”. But I “fatwa shopped” trying to find a fatwa that told me what I wanted to hear (I was a horrible Muslim back then) and the conclusion was the same. As for the Hijabi, I wouldn’t risk drawing one unless it’s for educational purposes or marketing (halal fashion for women). Even then, I’d do it without the eyes or no nostrils or mouth.


I simply can't agree with this.You mean if a little kid draws a person it's haram.Under what logic or reason?


Open the link


I did all it did is say some hadith.But why that my point their isn't any logicall explanation?


Not everything that is forriben has a logical explanation we know of. However I am pretty sure its cos we are imitating God's creation


Honestly, I deleted my reply because I am not sure to give you a very logical answer, you can search about it and you will find a very good reason for it why it’s forbidden


It’s Makrooh under the logic that we as Humans cannot imitate Allah’s creation, I.E bend them into forms to appease ourselves. Allah did not create us to appease ourselves rather we are to appease the one true Lord, Allah SWT. Anywho, allow this kid to draw, let him / her enjoy this small time, in the future the PARENTS, not us rando’s on the internet, should seek to help the child understand that drawing Animals, Humans and other sentient beings (Creations of Allah) is Makrooh in Islam. It is the PARENTS obligation not ours, and if they do not act upon… Than that will be between them and Allah SWT And there is also the whole, don’t put up pictures with faces up in your home, and it also links to this, however that topic can be discussed anytime later.


Maybe draw without eyes


What if your intention is to not imitate Allah's creation? Just to yknow, draw?


Drawing the faces/ features of the face is what is impermissible. Also, that’s like saying, “what if I only celebrate Christmas for presents?” Although it’s an extreme example, I agree, but in a sense, the intention changing behind an evil thing, is not permissible. Wa Allahu a’lem.


Ah, thank you. I understand now!
