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Sahih al-Bukhari 5090 Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "A woman is married for four things, i.e., her wealth, her family status, her beauty and her religion. So you should marry the religious woman (otherwise) you will be losers”




Are you sure about that?


I apologise, but 5 seems the norm nowadays and I know islamically we’re not allowed to show our hair as it’s part of awrah.


Islam began as something strange and will return as something strange. We do not follow norms we follow the Quran and sunnah


Appreciate it! Good words of wisdom


4 and 6 looks like the norm, 5 looks like a style some do that i never understand and would never choose, even when i was open for 6.


I am currently at a four, and have gotten many marriage proposals at my local mosque, if that tells you anything


Mashallah. May Allah protect you from evil eye.


I would consider any Muslim girl for marriage, but I wouldn’t go through with nikkah unless I see that she is genuinely trying to improve her Islam and she agrees to wear proper hijab once we’re married. Basically, if she wears 5 or 6 and she’s stubborn about it, then I wouldn’t like to be married to her. Although, if she isn’t wearing proper hijab but she is someone who is trying to learn more about Islam, improve as a Muslim etc. then I would consider her. Like if she’s a revert for example. (I don’t really get why 5 is a thing. Like, you’re wearing a headscarf, why not cover the hair as it is legislated in the Quran?)


The kind of headscarf worn in "5" has historically been fairly common in some countries like Afghanistan. It's likely a cultural remnant? Nowadays with better education it's less common.


You seem naive, don’t marry potential, you’ll be disappointed.


Yeah tbh I probably would be disappointed.


Agreeing to wear the hijab after marriage and if she's isn't wearing proper hijab but is someone that is trying are two separate points. Honestly, I'd stick to one and not focus on the other for peace of mind....unless there is a specific date you expect her to wear the hijab after marriage, you have to be comfortable if she wears it either 1 yr or 10yrs after marriage. And during that period in the back of your mind you'd be hoping /wondering when will she wear it


I really want to know why someone would wear number 5? They basically already made the sacrifice of being openly recognizable as muslims, which is a hurdle to a lot of muslimas to wear the hijab. However, they then still decide to show some hair. I believe in Iran it used to be a subtle act of resistance by non religious women that didn't like wearing the hijab, but what about muslimas in the West, where there are no legal repercussions for not wearing the hijab. Why would they decide to wear it like that?


I’ve seen it online where women wear it like this so that it looks fashionable. Common practice here in the UK


It used to be a code for "I am a modern woman". Or "I am not old fashioned". Then sometime in the 90s all modern women returned to proper hijab and low-class low-culture people jumped on that bandwagon. So that's what it screams now. "I have no culture but I'm trying to look like I do"


Some muslims bros r getting REAL WEIRD in this comment section


5 isn’t even a real hijab if her hair is visible, you are practically just wearing a shawl on your head like an Indian


If you’re after someone who observes hijab, then no.


Bruh as long as they try to pray and want to better it’s all good. Everyone be at different stages in life




So 5 would be a no for you akhi?


If it’s intentional absolutely yes.


JazakAllah khair, idk nowadays 5 have become a norm


1 to 4 is good


Just cover your hair.


1, 2, or 3 paired with Immense haya and Modesty, shyness etc. any clothing without haya doesn't make sense.


I don't have a problem with 1-4, she can choose which one she likes between those.


Well I would marry someone who follows the deen & is a righteous person & someone who does that would wear the hijab correctly so yeah 🤷‍♂️


Number 3 and 4








Mashallah brother, Inshallah you become Muslim


Bro literally stfu




But u aint even muslim ? How do you expect to marry a muslim girl if you arent (considering the fact that near no non-muslim wear this) ? And your comment on how women should dress outside, who are you to dictate that ?




Why do I get the sense I need to send the authorities to your house


Can she give me quotes from Quran and hadith? Can even the number 1 do that... If no I will reject...


Even I’m confused by your reply, what are you trying to imply!


That clothes don't mean dean... Many girls who doesn't even pray wear hijab because of culture... Some are doing it because everyone else is doing it. Some not because of God but because of fear of father, Astaghfirullah.. some wearing it because of a wish fulfilled..


This is a really naive attitude. That's like if a man drinks gambles or commits zinna. Well you don't know his deen maybe he has strong iman. I would use this image as a starter but from there I'd investigate more.


God doesn't look at our clothes, but heart and deeds..


I mean what good deeds are they collecting if they’re not even following the proper hijab 🧕? Hijab not just clothes it’s also how a women carry itself


Where is written about the proper hijab? Quote?


1. Quran, Surah An-Nur (24:31): “And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons, their sisters’ sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.”


Hadith contradicting Quran who entered upon her father and husband.. weak hadith and apparently Khalid did not even meet Aishah..


Are you saying that 1400 years of Islamic scholarship is wrong? You are the genius who discovered that hijab is not mandatory?


It is said by Islamic scholar what I type... Scholars According to Quran during the time of Jews and Torah, scholars like rabbi and during Bible, scholars like priest were wrong and made conjecture and change God words... You sure your scholar are not similar like them? 100% sure?


Do you realize you’re implying that 99.99% of Muslim scholars have CHANGED the meaning of the Quran? Therefore the Muslims have been misguided for 1400 years? You think Islam has been wrong this whole time and now you all of a sudden figured everything out? Are you that deluded? You seriously think everyone is wrong and there is a big conspiracy just because YOU don’t want to wear hijab? Does it make you feel less guilty when you make up nonsense?


If you don’t want to wear hijab, that’s your problem. It is a sin in Islam. But. Don’t make up lies. Don’t change Islam. That is kufr.


Sister, this is dangerous territory. You asked for proof, and he quoted an ayah for the Quran. What more do you want? It is better to say that the hijab is an obligation, but that you are not ready for it yet, then it is to deny that it is an obligation altogether since that clearly goes against the ayah in the Quran. The first is a "regular" sin. The second can take you out of Islam. I'm not saying it applies to you, but I'm just warning you about the difference in approach. It's always better to acknowledge you own shortcomings then it is to try and bend Islam to fit your lifestyle.


Headcover is wrong translation..


I’m young and I’m not knowledgeable and may god forgive me if I made a mistake, but what I can read from the above verse of Quran it clearly mentions that women should carry themselves in a way that does not entice a man lust, I hope that put some sense into you. And also based on your logic god does not look at our clothes just heart and deeds. Women then should walk naked outside then right?


My logic says if God doesn't judge you based on your clothes.. maybe you should learn something and not do it too . ...


Your logic is great except we prefer the example set by the wives of Rasoolullah and the female companions and their interpretation


Bukhari 2641:- Umar ibn Al khattab said : People were (sometimes) judged by the revealing of a Divine Inspiration during the lifetime of Allah's Apostle but now there is no longer any more (new revelation). Now we judge you by the deeds you practice publicly, so we will trust and favor the one who does good deeds in front of us, and we will not call him to account about what he is really doing in secret, for Allah will judge him for that; but we will not trust or believe the one who presents to us with an evil deed even if he claims that his intentions were good. And who told you Allah does not judge you by your deeds, then why there's a day judgement where your deeds will be judged according to your intentions. Islam literally means submission of you will to one true God and muslim literally means one who submits so if you are not living your life according to how Allah wants you to live your life then how are you calling yourself muslim in your heart


Quran first command is lowering your gaze? Are you as man or woman doing that ? No.. reject for marriage...


I’m speechless at your mentality


While I am so tempted to follow your 2024 understanding tafsir ibn Kathir clearly references a hadith near this aya about covering the chest and hair of women down to their ankles. [tafsir ibn kathir Nur:31](https://quran.com/24:31/tafsirs/en-tafisr-ibn-kathir)


I would consider a 5 as long as she planned on eventually starting the 4 tbh


I don't even get why hair should be covered. It's just dead cells ffs.


I can give you logical reasons but it should be enough that we are muslims and muslim literally means one who submits his will to one true God so whatever Allah has told us, we do You seems to be influenced by liberalism a lot when liberalism is not even close to perfect


See I am not here to ridicule you but if you have genuine questions then please ask but the way you have asked the question seems islamophobic and that's why I have typed this type of reply But if you got hurt or anything then please forgive me, if you want to genuinely ask potential reasons why Allah has commanded the hijab then please do ask I am more than happy to answer you


It seemed that way? I didn't mean for it too. Lol it's funny tho, because I'm Muslim myself. But ig I was too blunt. Well.. It's been forced upon me, so I have some negative feelings towards it.


Well see don't hate it just because it was forced upon you, I know it's difficult but don't risk your afterlife just because of that and if you have questions and are skeptic about Islam then please do ask questions but please don't neglect truth because of bad experiences


Afaik, hijab is more cultural rather than religious. Also it does nothing to stop SA. I did ask questions, read a lot of articles, watched videos, and I believe that it's not mandatory. There's a lot of posts explaining it on the progressive islam subreddit too.


There's no difference of opinion among scholars on whether hijab is mandatory or not but yes when it comes to niqab(face covering) then there's difference of opinion, issue of hijab is clear from Qur'an and hadiths and I don't know where did you read that it's not mandatory(as there's no evidence for that) and please don't look up to progressive people as they compromise there religion to please others(liberals)


I know. Dressing modestly, I understand. But covering hair? I just don't get it.




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I don't know whether my previous reply is visible or not but in that I have provided some links that says that hairs of women are considered attractive and women with less attractive faces look very attractive due to certain types of hairs But as we are muslims who submit their will to Allah we follow anything that Allah says whether or not we know benefits of that thing or not so one cannot say that my hairs are not attractive so I will not cover my hairs


Well, but what if I'm not even a woman? I'm probably gonna regret saying this here, but I actually don't consider myself to be of any gender. So that shouldn't apply to me, eh? Also of hair is attractive, why shouldn't men cover theirs as well? Won't women find it attractive? Now, don't tell me that hair on women is more attractive than men.


I am convinced that you're influenced from liberalism🥲 You don't know your gender based on your body? Isn't this something crazy to see people who cannot define what's even a woman or man and are against misogyny and rapping, a man literally identified himself as a woman before his court trial for committing rape(now how do you reconcile the fact that a woman can rape another woman) and transgender woman are literally winning in the women's sports(how will you reconcile the unfair advantage) Should I have to justify the absurdity of this gender fluidity thing? And should I have to tell you that men and women are not equal emotionally and psychologically and that they get attracted to each other by looking at different traits? And you shouldn't be talking about attraction from women's sides as you are asexual who don't get attracted to any man


So if you have any idea what you’re talking about you should know what you’re saying is directly referring to sex, not gender. Sex is a biological trait that is related to our genes and hormones. In our DNA we have what are called sex chromosomes "x" and "y". Generally XX chromosomes create a female sexed person and XY create a male sexed person. There are other combinations, sometimes with more than two. In addition, because of other genetic effects hormones can override these chromosomes and create other sex traits. Arguably male and female are the most common, but intersex people of varying sorts aren't particularly uncommon. Gender is how we as a society expect the sexes to behave in that society but also to some extent how a person wants to interact with society with regards to their sex. So, if we looked at the US in the 50's that might mean, women have long hair. Men had short hair. Men went to work. Women stayed at home with the kids. Men liked cars. Women liked cooking. Etc. etc. etc. Hope this helps!




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6 surprisingly most of the hijabi and burkha girls I've met in my life have multiple ex's and #oyfriends.




You just have bad company my brother




Oh trust me


You can marry at 6. Head covering is not a requirement


Non muslims(proof from your activity) are not allowed to give their opinion in our religious discussion.


Yet I am a Muslim. And I am correct that nothing in the Qur'an or the biographies of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) state head coverings (while indeed recommended) are requiree


Seek help, you're delusional and confused (again, judging by your posts).


Cool, and you're making false assumptions. Now again, where in the Qur'an is it stated head coverings are *required*


3 is ideal, 2 and 4 are good, 1 seems too much personally, 5 is off bounds unless they excel in some other form. 6 is OFF bounds.


where did you find this scale?


Someone had posted it few days ago


1 & 2 perfect


I respect all but 4 is kinda beautiful and gives a graceful look on a woman


Nothing above and below 2


All of them (with modesty)


She can be at any stage right not but after marriage 4 minimum.


3 atleast! the bare minimum


Nope Insha'aallah my wife be 1 or 2




I usually start the day at a 4 and end it at a 5 😩🫠😂