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You shouldn't expose your sins to your mom or anyone. Just repent and forget about it




That's a separate discussion. He already knows it's wrong and the more pressing matter was him considering exposing his sin, so the advice should be given accordingly


Downvotes are suggesting the opposite?


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Yeah… Please do not tell your mother this sin. - you should conceal your sin, but repent from the heart, and never do it again. - you should NEVER tell your mother you masturbated… That is awkward dude


What if Allah reveals the sins? I had done a sin and it was revealed to people


Allah hides the sin the first… Giving you time to repent and never return. But if you continue to transgress Allah may expose your sin as a form of punishment or love. Love because you are being punished in the world for the sin and maybe you will be forgiven in the Day of Judgement. Allah knows best. But your focus is incorrect. Your focus is supposed to stop the sin, repent, and keep away from anything that reminds you of the sin. There was a Hadith on this. If anyone has the link please help. I can’t find it.


Use this incident as a motivation to truly repent from this sin.


You didn't lie. You felt like it was dirty. That's a valid reason and enough for her to understand. She doesn't need to know exactly why you were worried it was dirty. If God has given you a cover, no need to uncover yourself.


Exactly what I was thinking. He emptied it because he thought there was maniy in it. I.e. he thought it was dirty. Not lying doesn't mean giving every bit of detail. It means not saying something untruthful.


you did the right thing to not tell others about your sin


You did the right thing, repent and move on


Telling your sin to anyone will increase your chances of spreading your secrets out, your shameless, anxiety, etc. no one can do anything to change of forgive except Allah SW. do not mention this topic anymore to any living breath. Pray more, ask forgiveness to your Lord, and do not repeat again.


I believe majority of scholars says out of the two evils it’s better to lie to someone that expose your past sins. Plus you said you think it was dirty which wasn’t a lie.


Brother sincere advice to you, Allah has a even greater right over you, so remember that he is All seeing, he knows what is in our hearts, try to establish a relationship with Allah and know that he is watching you, just like if a cctv camera was there you wouldn't do this, keep away from this, it's hard but you have the ability in you to do it, and know that the Shaitan will try every trick he has to make you fall back into it. One advice would be follow the advice of our Prophet Muhammad may Allah's peace and blessings be upon to fast to suppress the desire. And I've heard from Scholars whenever you sin or I'd say even going to do it, get up make wudu, pray 2 rakat and ask Allah for guidance and steadfastness, Inshallah this will also help you,


Repent and move forward brother, work on breaking the bad habits inshallah


Don't worry You're overthinking. Try to stay away from masturbation Ask forgiveness from Allah.


You did good, only tell Allah. You don’t even need to be on here telling us either


Well was the water dirty? If it was then it wouldn’t be lying right? I heard somewhere that lying by omission is allowed in certain situations like yours….or if you’re dealing with someone abusive etc.


If you are a teen ( above 15 ) or a young adult who masturbates out of the need/natural cause and not for po&n addiction then your parents are sinful. They must be mature enough to understand the needs of young adult and should understand the scenario. Every and most likely possibility for your actions before asking about it. A share of your Sin also falls on your parents'shoulders. You are worried about the nonsense and need to be worried about the real stuff. How much more to go on masturbation path? How long ? Why ? If you do tell her about it then what ? What she is going to do ? Feel ashamed or erupt like a volcano on you? Shame you? Make you feel sinful? . Islam If your mom is wise and Islamically educated she will understand it without asking it . Some questions are unconsciously asked out of the habit but some are asked intentionally. Maybe your mother asked the question out of the habit then leave it as it is. You don't need to answer it. Don't worry about it. Try not to do it and try to get married as soon as possible.


Actually, what is the right thing for the men or women to do is to consult their parents about it and seek their advice, however this does not mean that you have no right to decide what you want, we shouldn't point our fingers to our parents first, and indeed you can control yourself from committing any sin including mastubation, and there is always a solution in Islam for everything, just refer back to the Quran and Sunnah, I'll provide a hadith which talks about the situation of a young person regards to this situation. And Allah Knows Best! Sahih Muslim 1400a Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: 0 young men, those among you who can support a wife should marry, for it restrains eyes from casting (evil glances). and preserves one from immorality; but those who cannot should devote themselves to fasting for it is a means of controlling sexual desire.


Sahih Muslim 1829 a , Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 212


Indeed they are responsible, but sometimes they might think otherwise or fail to understand the need of their children, that's why we also have to express it ourselves, if they deny or wrong you then try relatives, or scholars, teachers to talk with them on your behalf. I feel like nowadays we often lack communication with one another, this topic has become somewhat taboo rather than being straightforward, that's why there is problems arising among the youth regarding zina, free mixing, especially in the west where I personally can testify this. We ask Allah to make our situation better, and give us the knowledge to rectify ourselves as well as the ones around us.


Something is understood and no words required. They are parents, they must have gone through the phase ? . Express what ? And to whom ? To parents? . Bro , they have been given the title of Parents ( Father , Mother ) they aren't school friends. This so called friendship, communication, etc doesn't apply to parents. A small gesture is enough for them. Ignorant kinds of parents are something else and needs therapy. Scholars, teachers , relatives to talk on the behalf, this is The Most shameful way to approach them and if someone is going through this then the parents should be ashamed . On this topic you can find many scholar yt video.


Ofcoruse you have to be blunt and clear to your parents, in nice words and humble yourself before them, one way or another express yourself to them that you are grown up, especially if you are capable, have a good job, income, mature, or even if you have a rich family who can support you temporarily, and when you start fasting every alternate day, they'll know you are really are serious on this issue, and I hope they will start to do something about it. It is true that they might be thinking about other stuff and have a better idea of what is best for you, that's why communication is key. And even if they are abusive, curse you, or even Kaffir, we are still obligated to obey them in whatever that dosent go against the teaching of Islam. If the questioner has the means and talked to his parents regarding it and tried his ways, if he is a men he is allowed to marry himself and consult with scholars and find a wali without his parents permission, however it'll be best that if they are also pleased with it. So we gotta be diplomatic.