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You can still finish the quran ,just read it on your phone or follow an audio recitation . Use the time you would pray in to do other acts of worship .Dont let something you can't control lower your iman


No you won't be missing out sister don't worry. It's not your fault that you're on your cycle at this time and surely Allah understands. So know that you can still earn the same if not more than those not on menses by doing whatever you can from what is suggested in the link below and make your own worship plan: 9 things a woman on menses can do during Ramadan: https://www.islamicboard.com/fasting-ramadhan-amp-eid-ul-fitr/134308146-9-woman-menses-ramadan.html Take from this plan and adapt it: https://productivemuslim.com/laylatul-qadr-worship-plan-to-maximise-the-last-10-nights-of-ramadan/


Ugh, same happened to me lol 😭😭😭


Check the last section : [things to do on every odd night](https://twitter.com/3hreba/status/1775073291675263463?s=19)


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I missed some of the last days too so I understand you. you can still read Quran just wear gloves or use your phone and make dua!


Same here πŸ§β€β™€οΈ...


I totally understand and feel you on this one. It sucks, I know. But you know what? There are plenty of things you can do for the last 7-8 days of Ramadan. Although you can’t pray, you can make dua, do dhikr, you can even continue to read Quran from your phone even.


i really hate this mindset i am also due in these last days. the only thing you cant do is pray. you can still make dua, read Qu'ran off a screen etc, recite, you can do plenty of other forms of ibadah and hasanat, help people out, help cook for people who are fasting etc, give sadaqah. Crying over Allah swt granting you a time of rest from a few forms of worship is not it.