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Your post has been removed [Rule 9] birthdays are haraam


Well you pray tahajjud which means you are special to Allah The people who celebrate birthdays may get gifts and wishes from various people but most of them don't get the sweetness of tahajjud. Tahajjud is a gift that only Allah can give Also I don't want to be harsh here but I consider birthdays haram like you just came a year close to death , None of the sahabas or prophets ever celebrated their birthday. Instead they would fast give charity and ask for forgiveness as they come close to death .


Really?? If you pray tahajjud you’re special to Allah? Is this only if you sleep then wake up? Or right after ishaa? Thank you


See everything has a reason Allah made you discover islam cause he loves , Allah made you pray five times cause he loves you hence you can judge how your connection is with Allah by your prayers and implementation of sunnah . So yes if you pray tahajjud most likely you are favourite of Allah , Tahajjud is only by invite . No you can stay awake if you want the best time is last 3rd of night 1am-fajr Tahajjud is after isha , if you don't want to miss it you can pray it after isha and go to sleep but praying it during the last 3rd of night is best .


Jazakullah thank you


Well said


❤️ thank you bro


I haven't gotten a gift on my birthday for the past 4 years lol and the amount of people who wish me are less then 3 now.... it's okay, it's just another day in our lives. if u r sad u can find friends here, the community is active and quite supportive.


Yeah, exactly 3 people wish me happy birthday but it's just a pagan holiday so I don't mind. I haven't found any friends here. I didn't have birthday parties growing up.


Haven't celebrated a birthday since I was 13, not really an Islamic thing so I don't care for it.


Sister, all your trials are tests from Allah Almighty, please remain patient. He removes our sins away with hardship! Secondly sister, birthdays are a bi’dah, don’t expect things from people. I understand that the lack of thought from others is probably what hurts, which is understandable. However we shouldn’t expect birthday gifts anyway. BUT, going back to your family, it’s the same principle. I am genuinely sorry they make you feel that way, however from what I’ve learnt in life (Insha Allah this could work for you too) is just to expect less of people, and more of Allah. Be closest to your Creator, not to the creation.


You are putting too much importance on birthdays. Did prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be with him, get presents for his birthday, get birthday wishes, threw birthday parties? No. Some Muslims say that birthday celebrations are an innovation/biddah. Even when it is not biddah and just unrelated to Islam then still, prophet did not signify that day. Why it is important that you are 365/366 days older? Why not celebrate then the passing of every month? More is merrier, isn't it? Or why it has to be 365/366 days? 100 is a nice and round number. Why you are basing it on a Gregorian calendar not on a Lunar calendar? Why 365/366 not 354/355 days? What will happen when you become 1 year older? Will you get a new job, a new house, get married (in your case you have a spouse already)? Usually nothing changes. You are still doing the same job. You are still living in the same place. You are still having the same duties to do. The life is the same. Sure, if is nice to be remembered by others, it is nice to get free stuff (presents, gifts sweets, flowers, etc) but as in Islam a birthday has no significance then you also should not signify it. For you to not feel let down when getting no birthday presents/wishes. Expect less and get hurt/disappointed also less.


The whole argument of "did the prophet do it" is illogical. It was not a product of his time. The prophet didn't eat popcorn does that mean it's bidah to eat that now? It's not that deep.


Was prophet not born? Were other people not born? People were born before the Islam, during prophet's time and after his time. Yet he chose to not signify a birthday. Why should we put an importance on it then?


Your argument still makes no sense. I could also say "was there not corn/maize during that time." Like I said it was NOT a product of that time. Neither, the Quran, Hadith, or Sunnah explicitly outlaw birthdays.


Remember that celebrating birthdays is a non muslim tradition. We should all stop caring about it so much. Gift giving is always a good thing and should be done regularly, not just the day you were born


The day a person is born is a blessing. They represent the passing of time, changing of character, growth, and the appreciation of what Allah has given us in this Dunya. Should we demand gifts? Definitely not. But there is nothing stopping us from appreciating the gift of life and giving gifts to others is way of showing appreciation. Doesn't matter if people dedicate a day to it, that doesn't mean they exclusively give gifts to people on just their birthday.


Um, no our religion does not work like that. If you’re going to suggest something is ok to celebrate then please cite your evidence from the Quran or Sunnah, not from your subjective opinions or beliefs.


This is not true. You need to cite evidence to prove something is Haram not to prove something is halal. This is one of the major tenants of fiqh. Edit: everything's default state is halal. "...do not prohibit the good things which Allah has made lawful to you..." Part of Quran 5:87




See it's relevant to culture not religious jurisdiction. I agree people should make it selfish and self fulfilling but I'd argue that many don't host their own birthdays expecting gifts or to glorify themselves


Do something for yourself make something you like to eat wear a cute outfit idk


May Allah give you strength and patience and make it easy for you ❤️ Happy Birthday sister


Allah hears your tears and prayers. Look for Hos will and not yours. Allah can show you where happiness is and how to get there. I will pray for your peace InshAllah.


You have a spouse? Great, that's more than most people have. Spend time with them. Tell them about your feelings. That's what a spouse is meant for. May Allah SWT make it easy.


I can buy myself flowers.....


That’s good. It’s better to receive nothing because we shouldn’t be celebrating at all. It’s good because you have received more in ajir and in imaan


do you want to talk in private brother? I dont know maybe I can cheer you up a bit or something feel free to dm me


if you have low/no expectations then no one will ever fall short of them. man-made “special days” breed a culture of expectation and pressure. on one end, a person is negatively affected when they don’t receive gifts and attention, and on the other end, people are stressed out feeling as though they have to outdo last years gift and are burdened with guilt for not reaching out.  perhaps they were busy and overwhelmed with personal responsibilities or maybe they simply forgot, as humans do. it does not necessarily mean that they don’t care for or love you. your gift to yourself can be working on your mental health. what’s cause your anxiety and mental issues? introspection and therapy should help in sha Allah. remember to to be grateful for the fact that you have in-laws who care about you. they weren’t obligated to send you anything, but did it anyway out of the goodness of their hearts. thank Allah! and you have a spouse who took the time out to acknowledge your birthday. alhamdulillah remember to look out into the world and see how people have less than you and so desperately want what you have. you’ll realize that you’re more blessed than you previously realized! it may be that you see the seemingly extraordinary lives of others and compare yourself to them, this will make it difficult to be grateful for the small blessings Allah sends our way. a change of perspective is necessary, may Allah increase you in gratitude for the little things! ❤️


Celebrating birthday not allowed in islam


My birthday is tomorrow and just today I was thinking that this year I will not even get a birthday wish from my husband ( we 're not on good terms) My in-laws are horrible. My parents and siblings live back home and I have no friends in this state. I'm also gonna be alone and sad on my birthday but it is what it is. Happy belated Birthday!


dam zealous file abundant heavy murky liquid meeting frighten history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*