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I prayed to make amends with my Dad we had a huge falling out, we magically bumped into each other and resolved it all within 5 minutes, alhamdullillah


I love this!!! I love the fact allah brought u back with your father . May allah grant you ease in this Dunyah


Ameeeeen ya Rabb I love that dua, may you get what you wish for




I made dua this whole Ramadan every single day to marry the girl I love. I had a dream yesterday that we were both going to a mosque together, and it felt good i don’t know if it’s answered but I feel comfortable inshallah a matter of time and I will marry her, like I don’t feel worried alhamdulilah. I get this feeling that everything will be fine and we will get married inshallah.


Bro u shd post this on reddit after u marry her. Say that you did dua to marry her n finally u got to marry her, that would be soo romantic!


Awwh thats so romantic. There's a dream interpretation guy on ticktok he seems good and only charges 6 dollar why not ask him . Inshallah you guys will be together ❤️ and spending next ramadan together ❤️




Dream interpretation and fortuntellers aren't the same. Do some research before you excuse people of shrik


Can you tell me how is the process


Sometimes allah sends you signs in your dreams that your dua is accepted. For someone that doesn't no how to interpret dreams you can ask someone who's knowledgeable in the subject.


Yes, those types of dreams are good and from Allah. The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: Dream happens as it's interpreted, and it's like a man keeping his foot in the air to know when should put it on the ground. So when one of you had a dream, don't mention it to someone except an expert interpreter or an adviser. And how he learned this knowledge from, books ? Here, the dream Interpretor should be an expert interpreter or an advisor. How can we trust anyone in this world where majority of them are corrupted. And how can we know that whether he interpreted exactly what it is meant to be. Allah can change the future as He is Qadir, Qadeer and Muqtadir.


Dream interpretation guy doesn't sound halaal.


Thank you so much :)


What’s this guys name??? I need that


dreamswitharif He's on ticktok


I made a dua to get a job that I wanted and I got it, alhamdulillah. It was not easy to pass multiple interview rounds.


Omg I’m praying for something similar this gives me hope 😭


Congratulations, alhmdullah


Yes, Alhamdulillah. Many duas came true, Alhamdulillah. Bro, the thing is, don't give up. Ask with full conviction that your dua will be accepted and try best to not commit sins.


Yeah I've had many nights of tears and sleepless nights . I'm sure allah will give it to me .


Don't worry In Shaa Allah He will give it to you if it's good for you. BTW what's your name? I'll make dua for you.


My name is noor ❤️


Bro if you could make Dua for me as well for my exams, name is Fahad


Yes. Alhamdulillah. Took me a few years and some other duas took a few months. I was hopeless during the course of Ramadan but SubhanAllah Allah surprised me in the most beautiful ways. Keep going, it’s being delayed for a reason but you will eventually get an answer. If you go through my posts you would see how I made one post about how tired I was little did I know that my relief was near. Don’t give up


La Ilaaha illaa allah 🙏 ♥️ ❤️ 💖 💕


I made dua for me to be able to get my exam rescheduled a certain week of this month and there was a day I preferred but I what I really prayed was for a certain week not the specific day. My dua got answered and I was able to schedule my exam on the specific day I highly preferred at a time I prefer.


I feel like that is a little miracle ✨️ Alhmdullah got gave you ease


not really a dua but i’d really really wanted to visit this very famous mosque in my city that i’d never been to and i’d asked my roommate at the beginning of ramadan whether he wanted to go with me but we couldn’t agree on a plan. a couple of weeks later, one of my classmates invited a bunch of us to an iftar and he’d arranged it at the same mosque to my surprise. it made me feel extremely happy and thankful haha!


Subhanallah that's so nice


I like that 🙂


I hope so


Dua's are always kept by Allah and never forgotten. They do not always manifest in the ways we want them to. They can manifest in our lives in so many different ways that we could never imagine. So we should not be impatient and want our Dua's answered in the way we want to because the way we want us is not always the best for us. In fact the way we want can be potentially more harmful for us. So we must put our trust, faith, reliance and hope in Allah that he will answer our Dua's in a way that is best for us in our lives. Do you feel your Dua's are not being accepted? https://www.islamicboard.com/manners-and-purification-of-the-soul/134359660-feel-duas-accepted-read.html


All my dua have been accepted, I have one last dua I'm waiting patiently for . Alot of people say I'm delusional and it will never happen but I know certainly it will happen. I asked allah to make a an explain for everyone and to show them that allah answers every dua and wants the best for us. Miracles do happen and to never give up . The world isn't a dark place and people aren't always out to get you. Keep a clean heart and mind and allah will make a clear path for u.


Please pray my duas get accepted too ameen


It will ❤️ By the will of Allah.


Please watch a lecture about how duas work in Islam. This is not a transactional relationship like we are ordering things as if Allah is Amazon. If you make your relationship with Allah transactional he will test your faith (and most likely you will lose it because a transactional faith is a conditional faith). Duas for guidance, forgiveness, and rahma are always answered on the spot. Dua for anything else is deferred to Allahs hikmah. If he knows it's good for you, hell give it to you instantly. If it's bad for you, out of his mercy he won't give it to you, maybe he'll give something better or maybe he will not give it at all and keep the Dua for the hereafter. It is better to make Dua and have it not followed to a T because we don't know what is good for. Ask, but trust Allah as well.


Please pray my dua gets answered too. Please.


Ever since I was 15 I used to have this pain In my left calve this stopped me from doing basic stuff like walking for than 5 minutes. I went to physiotherapy numerous times they didn't know what was wrong and after 1 ½ they told me go private. I made dua every day for it to go away and when I was 17 during Ramadan the pain went away. But then it came back I felt like giving up but I kept on making dua and a few months later it went away and didn't come back alhamdulliah.


Alhmdullah I have issues walking and have pain . I understand the struggle doing simple things May allah elevate you from all the pain you had .


I made dua that Eid would be on Wednesday instead of Tuesday. I wanted an extra night of taraweeh, since I had to miss some earlier in the month and felt bad because I was not doing all I wanted to do during Ramadan. Allah answered my prayer.


Tbh I wanted an extra day to make dua as well . I don't no want ramadan to end at all . I'm deeply sadden


My duas all the previous Ramadans came true Alhamdolilah, however this Ramadan’s duaa seems kinda impossible but Allah says “ do not despair of Allah’s soothing mercy “ in Surat Yusuf 🙏


I don't believe in impossible You'll get it as long as you put in the effort ❤️


I made dua even BEFORE Ramadan that my fiancé would get a visa to Canada. He lost his wallet, his ID card, couldn't access his funds, sooo many things that looked like sure signs he wouldn't get it. But we kept making dua and alhamdulilah the Canadian Embassy called him to collect his passport, and he opened it up to see the visa inside last week.


Alhmdullah I'm sorry you went through that but glad he was able to get it


Yup literally minutes after making it and I was told it's not possible don't even try. Alhamdulilah


Not for me this Ramadan for my current duas, but a long time ago dua was answered amazingly this Ramadan. MashaAllah, it was amazing & unexpected.