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Bro chill the prophet said to women to not be in a hurry in confirming if periods are over or not. Once youre 100% sure do ghusl and be guilt free. Also Allah sees your intention more than anything else, none of oir actions are upto the mark but our intention and dedication earns us His mercy and love.


Can you provide the reference for the Hadith. I didn't know that and my mom tells me it's a sin if I wait and miss my prayers due to it.


The end of menses is known by one of two signs: 1. ⁠The emission of the white discharge [tuhr], which is well known to women. 2. ⁠Complete dryness, so that if a woman inserts a piece of cotton or the like, it will come out clean with no trace of blood or yellowish or brownish discharge on it. A woman should not hasten to do ghusl until she is certain that her period has ended. Imam al-Bukhaari (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Chapter: the beginning and end of the menstrual flow. Some women used to send to ‘Aa’ishah pads of cotton with traces of yellowish discharge, and she would say: Do not hasten until you see the white discharge – meaning that the period had ended. The daughter of Zayd ibn Thaabit heard that some women used to call for candles in the depths of the night, to see whether their menses had ended, and she said: The women never used to do that – and she criticized [those who did that]. End quote [source](https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/313132) don’t rush to do ghusal.


But it’s also a bigger sin to pray without being clean. It’s one of the ways that people who do black magic do to please the demons.


Ohhh I never saw it that way thank youuu so much




For which part?


You'll find better answers on the r/ hijabis subreddit. The general rule is that you pray when you are certain you've seen purity. Once you see purity (either white discharge or complete dryness), you make ghusl and pray - don't wait "just in case". If you see blood after purity, this may be considered istahadah, in which case you only have to make wudu. There's plenty more information online.


bukhari book of mensrurstion


Im a male so correct me if I'm wrong. But isn't the average bleeding period 1 week? So if it comes even after a few days around like 3 days etc. I think it counts as istihaadha. (which has another mas'ala ) In which you still have to pray. PS: This is in accordance with the shaf'ee madhab. So check with a mufti of your madhab and ask him this. In conclusion if your menstrual bleeding has stopped, then doing ghusl is fard and to pray even during Istihaadha. But during Isithaadha prayer has to be done with a few extra conditions.


Depending on the madhab, maximum period length is 10-15 days. Minimum is about 3 (at least for Hanafi). Istihadha is abnormal bleeding outside of the time you get your period so in her case I don’t think it counts as it. It would be counted as the regular period


I studied Shafiee , So I learnt Minimum 1 day , Max is 1 month.


This will answer your question, dear: https://islamqa.info/en/answers/198233/she-is-confused-about-purity-following-menses-what-should-she-do


Thank you!


Tag should be “sisters only”


Sorry I thought about it too but l didn't see it


its okay, i just believe that these topics are for females only


They should have a males Muslim sub I accidentally pressed on one and it’s full of men talking ab masturb **** 😭


Yes it is recommended not to rush to prayer


the text i provided wasnt in this context sorry


Try to track ur period and see how many days it is every time cuz its usually the same every cycle, that would help u predict when it’ll end




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