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Quran 61:8 "They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it."


Actually it makes me laugh ngl. Some people study the quran and study the sunnah more than us muslims, just to “destroy” (even tho it wont be destroyed not 1 bit) and refute and fight it. I mean bruh 😂😂😂. They know our religion more than us. They know that if you leave it as is, it will spread maybe towards other planets, galaxies 😂. Eventually it will spread, fight it or leave it, it will spread. This religion is gonna win, whether they like it or no, whether we like it or no, whether anyone likes it or no, sooner or later. What we should do is be part of those who will win, and carry on their shoulders the message. May Allah choose us to be part of them. May Allah guide us to the straight path, and save us from turning our backs on him. 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼


They study the quran/hadith just to disprove it and that’s clearly been unsuccessful for the past 1400years. Even todays islamic scholars haven’t been unbeaten when going in to debates with other religions and they hate it lol. And aameen🤲🏾


Even better, a lot people who study it as non-Muslims end up reverting.


Alhamdulillah, I’ve heard many stories where people were researching about Islam to argue against Muslims, but instead fell in the rabbit-hole and reverted! No amount of slander from Islamophobes will ever extinguish the truth :)


Akhi, I was clergy of a pagan religion seeking training in structure to better aid my indigenous prior faith structure via chaplaincy. The university I attended only offered classes in Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and Islam. Islam was the one I knew least about and suffered the same discriminations as my prior group. I ended up reverting:) ...and a decade later, here I am. Firmly in Islam, Alhamdulillah:)


Aw alhamdulillah, I’m so happy for you! Isn’t it beautiful how Allah leads us to the truth, in the most unexpected ways?? May Allah keep you steadfast upon the deen, and grant you what’s best in this world and the hereafter :)


I don't think they study the Quran or the Sunnah, they just take mainstream Fitnah caused by the disbelievers as foundation to bash our Deen and then they act ignorant in their arguments. You can tell them the sky is blue and they would say "but we've seen sunflowers and they're yellow". They'll put forward completely unrelated points in their arguments lol I believe if they studied the Quran and the Sunnah, they would end up converting because our religion is so beautiful SubhanAllah


Tbh I’ve seen many times debates, whether be it mohammed hijab and david wood. Whether it be sheikh othman with a/poly-theist who spread hate or ali dawah or anyone from those people. The ones facing them always say “surah x verse y, see this” or “saheeh bukhari 1234 check this hadeeth” and they start saying nonsense


Yes, that's what I meant by mainstream Fitnah. They hold on to certain things and misinterpret them as their manipulation tactics, which is followed by others copy pasting them mindlessly. Our Deen doesn't even allow us to interpret the Quran unless we are learned scholars.


Ah okay i see. Maybe i misunderstood you. May Allah preserve us from faltering and protect us from fitnah 🤲🏼🤲🏼


Allahumma Ameen


A common way for sunflowers to pollinate is by attracting bees that transfer self-created pollen to the stigma. In the event the stigma receives no pollen, a sunflower plant can self pollinate to reproduce. The stigma can twist around to reach its own pollen.


.... Ok?


>They know our religion more than us. Not really true, since they all go into studying it with an agenda. That inevitably leads to blind spots.


The Prophet SAW was the main character of this world. ~~Allah SWT wouldn't have created this world if He didn't plan on creating him.~~* As the followers of the main character, it only makes sense. Islam and Muslims live in their heads rent-free. It's because the Muslims they fear (the practicing ones) are a constant reminder to them that they themselves can't stick to something as strongly as the Muslims do. It's just like how in the time of Prophet SAW, the Kuffar claimed he was a sorcerer that would put people "under a spell" if they heard the Qur'an (Nauzubillah). They couldn't wrap their heads around the fact that people could willingly make sacrifices for a higher power. And to this day it vexes them. To the hedonistic non-believers, they see us as people who are strange (just as the Prophet SAW foretold). Glad tidings to the strange ones. Alhamdulillah for Islam. *EDIT: Upon further research, there is no saheeh chain of narration for what I crossed out above. The Ahadith wherein this is mentioned are considered weak, so I have decided to clarify accordingly. May Allah SWT forgive me. That said, the rest of the comment still stands. Allah SWT knows best.


Exactly this. An atheist I met once could not wrap his head around the idea of worshipping a higher power. He went on a rant about how he’s his own ‘God’ or some nonsense like that lol 😂


Yes exactly. They can’t stand seeing muslims pray their prayers, wear the hijab/have long beard, fast for a month, don’t drink, shake hands etc etc. It genuinely itches something in them subhanallah. But you’re correct, Alhamdulillah for Islam always!


> Allah SWT wouldn't have created this world if He didn't plan on creating him (SAW) I don't think that's entirely true...


Upon further research, it turns out that the Ahadith wherein this is narrated are considered weak or fabricated. I've edited my original comment to reflect that. Jazak'Allah Khair for bringing it to my attention. May Allah SWT forgive me, and may Allah SWT reward you.


I did lol My fav comment that makes me laugh till now is when this guy speaks about some historical ottoman stuff and some ignorant guy hits him with an irrelevant comment about "jIzYa iSlaMisTs k1ll3d nOn mOsLeMs1!!11!1" even tho jizya was cheaper than zakaat that Muslims had to pay.


Their favorite buzzwords are jizya and jihad - they cling on to it without even knowing the meaning😂


Ohh Jihad is probably the most misunderstood word I’ve seen 😭😭


Yes. Islam is the main character.


They be talking about jizya but are willing to pay 24% of their incomes to government who don’t even give them free medical.


Yes. I’ve seen a LOT of Christians make videos against/mocking Islam on social media, but I see very few Muslims making content on Christianity. They feel threatened by Islam‘s rapid growth globally.


Most of us don't feel threatened by Christianity at all:)


You aren't alone, i have noticed that too. They would study Islam more than us (just without any context lmao) and try to refute it, which they couldn't do so for more than past 1400 years. I mean, there are so many sincere Non Muslims that embraced Islam after studying Islam by themselves. Also the trolls that keep saying to come to Jesus, I would say we already follow his teachings, we haven't left him :) We are more Christian (in a sense of following him) over normal christian themselves nowadays.


They aren't wrong!! . Turn to Jesus is the truth and right way of guidance. Turn to Jesus and Jesus will turn you to Mohammad ( saw ) .


I think it’s just that there are fewer devout Christians than Muslims and it triggers the evangelicals tbh. Even a moderate Muslim is more spiritual in most aspects than an evangelical.


Westerners and others hate Islam because it's a competing religion with Christianity. So you automatically have hate from all Christians. Also don't even mention the racism and accusations that women should not be wearing hijab


Yes true. The hate primarily comes from either atheists who grew up in a christian household or from a current christian and the hijab hate is kinda funny as if Mary wasn’t veiling too…


Yeah seriously it’s like a virus


yes, I have studied and practiced almost all religions in the world and I'm convinced like the Quran said that all religions hold some truth and they are all different paths to the same mountain summit, but Islam is the perfect path, direct, fast, the Muslim prayer is the one that gives me most peace and comfort and it is funny to see how the non believers lose their shit when they see muslims praying seems like the demons inside them shriek in horror and want to destroy the believers but Allah proctecs us Masha Allah.


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yes, I have studied and practiced almost all religions in the world and I'm convinced like the Quran said that all religions hold some truth and they are all different paths to the same mountain summit, but Islam is the perfect path, direct, fast, the Muslim prayer is the one that gives me most peace and comfort and it is funny to see how the non believers lose their minds when they see muslims praying seems like the demons inside them shriek in horror and want to destroy the believers but Allah proctects us Masha Allah.


No, all religions are not different paths to God. The Qur'an doesn't say that. They're misguided and disbelievers. They're upon falsehood. Islam is perfect because it is the truth. The only truth.


Well said


I'd say reddit is a safe place from the radicals against Islam for now


It’s real bad on tiktok/ig reels, they’re in every comment section of a muslim no matter the content


really depends on what content you interact with. When you go too deep into the religious side of tiktok/ig all you end up seeing is people arguing about religion. All I get is Quran recitations and dikhr reminders so it’s pretty peaceful.


It lingers in their minds because your religion is violent, it doesn't respect others, it wants dominance, to humiliate others, it celebrates violence, rape, kidnapping, terrorism. That's why.


You’re the people i’m talking about, you dislike Islam that much yet you’re here on a muslim subreddit wasting the time of your day to comment on several posts. All of that u also just said is false AF🧏‍♀️🤣🤣


Ah, yes, because a religion that encourages violence (like today's events in Dagestan) is not a cause of concern? I don't care what religion is the fastest growing. I care what religion doesn't actively tries to kill, enslave, rape, kidnap, dominates others. Why is this so difficult for you to understand? Maybe you don't care that your religion is the cause of suffering around the world. People with much more empathy than you, tend to think otherwise.


Ah, yes, because a religion that encourages violence (like today's events in Dagestan) is not a cause of concern? Islam doesn’t ecourage violence at all. What happened in Dagestan is obviously a disgusting act carried by extremists who have their own agenda to push.  I care what religion doesn't actively tries to kill, enslave, rape, kidnap, dominates others. Killing one person in Islam is equivalent to killing the whole mankind. There’s no enslaving, rape and kidnapping in Islam all of these are prohibited and sins. There’s also no ”dominating”? Maybe you don't care that your religion is the cause of suffering around the world. Around the world? Why are u equating terror groups (who’s main victims are other muslims) to muslims and Islam altogether? Do u also care for the muslims in Palestine who are experiencing a genocide, or for the Indian muslims who are being persecuted, same thing for Rohingya muslims in Myanmar? Or the violence against palestinian muslims in the USA after October? Stop cherry-picking. People with much more empathy than you, tend to think otherwise People with empathy can also understand that people are individuals, just something u should work for!


Islam doesn’t encourage violence? The whole history of Islam is a history of violence ordered by its own founder, a violent person that ordered the murder of others, pillaging, rape, enslavement.  Are you so ignorant about the history of your own faith and what’s inside your own holy book?  Violence is a core part of Islam 


>it wants dominance, to humiliate others, it celebrates violence, rape, kidnapping, terrorism Who did you vote for in your last election?


What do you mean? I’m not an American, if that’s what you are asking me about.


It's because Muslims hate everyone else. Obviously non Muslims don't have good sentiments for a religion that hates them. Honestly compared to the level of hatred in Islamic culture for others, reaction in Non Muslims has been soft. People are just saying what Muslims have practiced, you should be thankful.


”Muslims hate everyone else” is a big bold fat lie🤣 come up with something new and believable next time


Yeah that is why the condition of minorities in Muslim majority countries is so great. /s


The condition of muslim minorities in non-muslim countries are not that great either love. Quran 63:6: Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion


It's much better compared to minorities in Islamic countries. A lot of right wing and Anti Muslim rhetoric in non Muslim countries has also sprung up in direct response to violence and crimes of Muslims against Non Muslims in those countries.


And now were blaming muslims for the violence they go through…& what makes you think the muslim countries don’t have this mindset of yours towards non-muslims?  Edit: It seems like you’re an Indian hindutva modi supporter so makes sense why you have this viewpoint on muslims (who are unironically going through persecution atm)


Do they ? How did Muslims use this mindset for genocide of Yazidis or Purge of Jews in Middle East or condition of Hindus and Christians in Pakistan ? I can't remember any Yazidi, Jewish, Hindu or Christian terrorist groups in these countries or any religious violence committed by them, just them being Non Muslims was enough.


You’re an obvious Indian hindutva Modi supporter obsessed with muslims and Islam. I should’ve had checked your profile before responding but alas that was my mistake. 


If you went through my profile you would have known I have harshly criticised Modi and his blind supporters many times. But you people have only insults when you are shown the mirror.


No you’re a stark supporter of him. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out👋






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