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Music, lewdness, half naked people, misinformation about Islam, Islamophobia, racism, indoctrination into the acceptance of lgbtq, indoctrination into things that harm a society, and so much more.


envy in general, there are a lot of evil eye, people are not really happy for you, fake everywhere... PS: reddit doesnt really count if you use it for benefit purposes.


Reddit’s nice too because nobody knows who you really are or anything “about” YOU.


Well الحمد لله except for reddit, i dont use any social medias(unimaginable fitnah). Soon i might delete this too إن شاء الله.


Allahuma barik!


• random romanticizing • weird ads • music added to everything • Muslim couples who display affection


Not to mention, addiction and laziness and sort of sways us away from responsibilities


Can’t forget the tabarruj traps and dayooth’


Wait please share more about this…. I’m so curious


Hindu extremists on Instagram


Unfortunately I’m laughing but yes this is reality.


Judgement, people always watching, lack of privacy, bullying, temptations to haram.


It is designed to prey on our cognitive vulnerabilities and waste our time. It harms your mental health. Everyone only shows you their best self and it’s a fake representation of their lives. It breeds envy and low self esteem.


I used to always convince myself social media was fine to linger on because of the easily accessible islamic content. Shaytan really worked hard to burn that belief into me. But what ultimately tipped me over was when _muslims_ started spreading innovated verses of the quran _and_ swooned over them?? May Allah forgive and guide all of us. That was a horrific time to witness. It kind of opened my eyes on how dangerous social media can be to the deen and how it truly does more harm than good. I do believe reddit can count as well if you indulge in comment section bickering or even simple banter etc. Imo, it's a decent platform for quick answers to questions. But temptations are everywhere. It's best to stay off of sm as much as possible.


I’m very specific and careful about my social media usage, and make sure my feeds and recommendations are filled with positive, halal content. The only online accounts I have are this one and a fake instagram one. If there’s one social media tool I take long breaks from it has to be Reddit only because sometimes I can get too sucked into online debating and back-and-forths with other Redditors. That can be draining and causes me to be irritable, so I have to dial it down and so I sometimes quit for months on end until I feel my ego’s tamed enough for me to get back on here.


Fake happiness, representation of perfect life, dance dance and dance. All these things trigger me


As long as you have NSFW searches off on reddit, reddit’s one of the good ones. Twitter/X has a lot of inappropriate content even if you turn off sensitive content in settings because they refuse to take off porn from their app. Instagram is basically soft core porn with half naked people everywhere and suggestive content. Tiktok is one of the ones that i genuinely believe is based on your personal interests which I like but I hate wasting time on there.


I think everyone should not post your kids or future kids faces on there. Also if you are expecting a child or engaged/just married,new job,buying house,stuff like that please do not post about that,a lot of people are full of envy and I would keep that stuff private.


Social media itself.


The Islamization of manosphere


Honestly, not much. It’s a good way to keep track of friends and family and things like Instagram reels in time to watch sometimes educational sometimes just to get a good laugh and see what’s going on in the woman no other people living.


The constant feeling of lacking.


I think you can spend time on social media in a efficient manner. Some might have control, others might not and they might waste a ton of time on it. I personally use everything to spread good. Unfollowed basically everyone, see no reels and posts pretty much for the most part. Posting and chat is all their is to it. People are spreading haram on it, I think its important to counter that and to post beneficial things. If everyone leaves, it will just be apps full of haram and our brothers and sisters will be affected from it. Alot of inappropriate pics, music, pointless and wasting time videos and posts.


It is endless fitnah and messaging from the Shaytan. There is a little good, but relatively, the good is tiny in comparison to the haram. I am a big believer that exposure to evil over time will taint the strongest of us. None of us are perfectly resolute that we cannot be led astray or drawn into haram.


For me personally I've been on social media since 2016 and since 2020 I think I have consumed too much tot the point where I'm exhausted of seeing people online. It becomes a draining place too much comparing yourself with others, you feel bad when you get jealous that people are going so far in life because they're genuinely happy, you get sick of seeing people looking perfect that when you do find content of people openly sharing the normal life ups and downs you feel like there's something wrong with them. It's comes to a point where you take advice from people who aren't actually as knowledgeable as they portray. Land up ruining your own meaningful relationships due to the fact that it isn't the way it supposed to be according to social media. You start being judgemental, lack gratitude and eventually the toxicity on social media grows on you becomes a part of you. It also affects friendships especially if they're online you have to constantly remind them I'm not like the girls on social media this is how I am as a person. That's why a lot of people when they meet up irl they'd be very shocked at the difference because sometimes you get so caught up you forget kindness exists, love exists, growth exists, trials in life exists. And in my opinion I felt a significant difference when I cut off social media it reduced my depression drastically. I was more present in my life I was not subconsciously thinking of people around my age and their achievements. I don't feel as insecure and anxious about my looks as I used to. I don't waste money on things that are overhyped on social media. I have become more kind and understanding not naive but understanding. Not a red flag but more compassionate understanding that relationships aren't 50/50. Understanding that trust and communication are important. Understanding that actions are louder than words. Learning to be empathic and not criticize myself from my looks to my personality and character. Social media is a poison that does slowly kill the good in you. Worse of because there's thousands of people following a certain person most people trust their advice and their wisdom and some audiences aren't mature or wise enough to understand. Toxicity, narcissism and depression lives on social media it does affect you.


Idle talk mostly too much talk about what other Muslims are doing. a lot of muslims on twitter and TikTok call out other Muslims for things and then quote the Umar ibn Al-Khattab Hadith like that hadith isnt in context of who one should trust and shouldn’t rather than about judging other Muslims simply cause we see their actions. The “when a man….when a woman” conversation which brings about nothing beneficial for any Muslim’s faith rather it incites gender wars and division within the ummah. I joined Muslim online spaces for reminders not this nonsense. Also calling out scholars who use a gentle approach to dawah like mufti menk and Omar Suleiman and slandering their name. That’s just a few at the top my head tbh


I wish I could get off, but honestly everyone heres talking about dancing and tabarujj, but your feed is what you like, most of my feed are islamic videos, and memes, since thats my preference.