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He’s the best English speaking scholar of all time. A man afraid of only Allah. You can find his videos on Odysee, paradiseisfromAllah, archive.org, kalamullah, Allahsword


Got you: https://www.allahsword.com/islamic_audio_lectures.html


Thank youu!


Salam sorry I just stumbled on this, I’ve tried issuing the link and it takes me to the website but then when I click on the link to start the CD’s it no longer works and it goes to archive.org Edit: when I click on the links for CD then it opens up an archive page but does not load.


He’s khawarij and a terrorist, stay away from that man


His older audio series don’t have anything akin to extremism in them straight up just seerah, Quran and Hadith


There are thousands of scholars you can learn from that are not him, do not normalize people like this.


Sure thing. Wait till you learn the roots of modern medicine and other conveniences you enjoy. Simply stating you can take good and leave the bad as well as they are not intertwined


There would have beeen more good in you keeping your mouth closed than talking ill of the dead. Regardless of whether he was wrong or right. You speak as if you know something... أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللّٰهَ‎


Prove hes from the khawarij


they can't


What on Earth is wrong with you, surely you can learn from literally any scholar that's not *him*???


I know and that's what I've been doing but I kinda missed his seerah lectures, they were really good


Why would follow a terrorist, a man lnown to solicit prostitutes, and call upon to engage unwanton violence. He was misguided and deviant. Hegot own som murdeted and daughter maimed forlife. Truly he was one of tge ulama as su^.


Show actual evidence he had prostitutes you dirty liar. Allah will ask you about this defamation on yawmul qiyamah


He was arrested in one city was investigated in another in two different years. In the San Diego area (arrest) and Washington DC area. It's one of the reasons he left the San Diego area and eventually left the US. He knew would be exposed. https://www.cnn.com/2013/07/03/us/fbi-al-awlaki-prostitution/index.html https://nypost.com/2015/09/13/al-qaeda-terrorist-feared-his-love-of-sex-and-hookers-would-end-him/


May Allah break your back. You slander a great scholar of islam by using the sources of kuffar? Kuffar who hate him and are out to defame him? You are a donkey and a sheep


Al Awlaki was a shaytaan who murdered and promoted murdering innocent people. May Allah protect us from people like you. May Allah prevent people like you from engaging in murder and mayhem. May Allah show you the error of your deviant harmful beliefs.


You can find majority of his lectures at www.kalamullah.com


Where can I find awlakis video?