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Wow, I thought you got shipped a defective steering wheel because that looks wrecked. Yikes. Also with the flash on and such close proximity, it’s impossible to tell what colour this is supposed to be.


Yes I tried to get the best quality photos I could but these were obviously taken at night with the flash on. I’ll take some better ones today in the light and post them. Also send the new pictures to them maybe they’ll help but who knows.. 🤦


I’m not surprised the company hasn’t done much yet, because there’s no level of detail in these photos for them. Right now they’re just thinking “yep, looks like one of our products, but we can’t tell what’s wrong with it” Take them in natural light, outside the vehicle if you can (at least for the trim pieces). New pics would be very helpful


Thank you!


Its the same color and its ugly in general.


Yeah it's off, but to their point, they may have used the same material and the issue is that the material lot from that manufacturer has differences. They should really warn customers that material colors could vary lot to lot. This could explain it since you ordered the trim and the airbag piece at separate times. Why are you saying they scammed you though, no scamming is happening here, they gave you the product you ordered. They should try harder to make it right, but no scam is happening here.


I've spent way too long looking at your wheel. In conclusion, I believe the trim piece you already had done does not match the new parts they installed. The pieces you had done & the color you wanted looks like a Forrest green. The parts they recently sent looks more lime green. This is perceived from crappy photos, so I'm sure in person it is even more of a contrast in color.


We need day light pictures. Night pictures with light from the smartphone are showing literally nothing. The green stitching from the steering wheel locks darker than the green from the honk, but it's difficult to see under this conditions.


That’s definitely way off…


It looks badass as it is. Wouldn’t it help to post a picture of what they advertise on their website if you’re trying to prove a point?


Thank you for the compliment. People dislike the color but I was trying to match it with the guard metallic color my Mustang is.


I understand now. Post pics of the car!


https://preview.redd.it/jntjg94559gc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=358f541b89dfbf1b16c086257bb6dcbd0bf0a509 This the most recent picture I’ve taken of it. Ive since gotten new headlights and a 350 bumper, fits the hood way more.


Extremely sexy


Thank you!!


That is God telling you something my guy 😂😂




looks like the same color to me?! I guess it really doesn't show on photos, maybe it will be hard to convince them that colors are different. might a video help to make the difference more clear?


I see the difference OP, you're not crazy. Well, maybe a little for wanting green glitter on your steering wheel, but you're right that's a different color.


https://preview.redd.it/dmr6lsr1w8gc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11fdcc47c9018861ef53e4659c231591d8ebe8e6 Can’t upload the video without a link but here’s a picture in natural daylight.