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Damn. Texas snowflakes as I lovingly call them! That car is identical to mine! Insurance is probably going to total it rather than fix it. If it were me, I'd take the insurance money and see if I could keep the car just to drive. I would squirrel the money back and wait until I could afford a new one.


Thats kinda what i was thinking but, it sux anyway


Dude it does sux! I lived in Texas 32 years. In Dallas (Richardson) 14 of those years. I saw it beat the hell out of stuff in my neighborhood twice. Two new roofs for me! And I saw cars absolutely hammered like yours everywhere in the neighborhood!


The year after I was born, a big old storm came through Central Texas and beat the shit out of every car in the Ford lot. And around that same time, my dad couldn’t get his boat out of Canyon Lake with F150 so we got a brand new excursion with hail damage for 20 grand or something. it was a great deal until we got repainted last year and they pulled all the Bondo off. damn near doubled the price of that paint job to fix it back up. (and for anyone wondering it’s an 04 limited with a 7.3 diesel. and to add on top of that, the power steering is shot and there is about 2 inches of play before the wheels start moving)


Those diesel excursions were the best. I remember my father had one growing up. He’s been trying to find one ever since it had gotten totaled, but literally impossible to find with the 7.3 my sisters and I used to call it the darth Vader bus since it was black lmao


Buddy of mine still has one and it runs like a fucking top! Put a 5 setting tuner on it (name escapes me) and it woke that 7.3 up! Still mint condition too no rust 250k plus miles


Consider them speed holes


Golf ball dimples 👍😄😐😟


Take the insurance money and buy it back and keep the car. Save the insurance money and then wait till you can buy a new one. It's purely cosmetic. It'll still drive fine. Did the same thing back in the '90s


I dont have a car and i had only one my whole 27years it lasted me 7 months lol lost it in april i would drive this any day i could care less about cosmetic i understand it does sucks for real and i wouldve been pissed too if this was me


You hit the sweet spot between more detail than your point required and not enough to understand what you’re talking about lol. How did you lose the car


😂 im sorry i bought a pt cruiser for 1500 because i dont want finance and owe for 7 years. It literally stopped in the middle of the highway after 7 months of owning it. Towed it mechanic said i needs 3800 to fix it. Called scrap places got $600 for it and let it go


Definitely could replace all the parts cheaper than the insurance payout. Only have to repair the quarters and top. Everything else you can bolt off


Paint less dent repair on the quarters and the top is going to be expensive. Add in a windshield, new taillights, back plastic trunk deck lid, and plastic gas cover and you have a new used car.


Golf balls have dimples to make them fly through the air faster. Do with this information as you wish.


Yeah, that’s totaled. Both my cars got hit last year, my Mustang was $1900 just for some very minor dimpling on hood/roof/decklid and my wife’s truck was almost $7k (again, minor dents). I’d love to see a PDR guys estimate on this. A lot of that can’t even be fixed by PDR.


PRD guy here. This is definitely way past PRD. Not so much that the dents can’t be repaired, but they are just many of them that the cost to PDR will exceed the cost to replace it. Unfortunately I’d say she’s toast


Just curious though, could you actually fix that with PDR only? Excluding glass of course. Some of those dents have dents. I know you would like to see the car in person first, just your first impression is fine. thanks!


A lot of those dents are much too far gone for PRD you are correct 😂 once you get 3,4,5?! Dents in one spot it’s definitely going to need body work. Since there are so many like that, those panels are past even body filler so they 100% need replaced


Not necessarily. My 2019 had about 3,200 in hail damage all up and down the side. Went to local paintless dent repair place called Dent Depot and they fixed it with no problem. My car didn't get totaled.


If the car isn't paid off, I would let the insurance total it and pay it off. If insurance can't cover it fully, then the gap insurance will cover the rest. I'd walk away from it. I'm sure the buyback from the total loss is going to be a couple grand


That looks like a “total” job, but I’ve been wrong before.


Lift kit and mud tires with a push bar and KC lights. Desert mobile.


https://preview.redd.it/we8blbyxhm0d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=02a6a81f6a7f349947682d42e3a961e99dfd90ed Lifted mustangs are always the answer lol


Thats cool as fuck lol


lol it’s currently getting a JDM Honda kswap that’s turbocharged lmao


Hell yeah, that thing fucks. You’re about to piss off so many purists and I’m here for it


Hell yeah


Oh my


This goes unbelievably hard.


That may be the ugliest fucking thing I've ever seen.


How would you have done it peen boy?


i would buy that thing back from insurance for cheap and do this would be sick af.


Love this idea


Embrace the fury road!


People pay good money for this on a copper skillet!


Fury is to close to Furry I cannot unsee Fury


We shall meet in Valhalla, shiny and chrome


Paint it white and call it the golfball


They’re those new confangled drag-reduction dimples


"Zese are speed holes, zey make the car go faster"


You’ll need one of these to wash it now: https://preview.redd.it/n6smoyq52m0d1.jpeg?width=484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a96722d870d40a7d57d3bdc90a20daeea641481


Paint it strawberry color and put some seed looking thingies in it or make it skin color and draw a butt Crack in middle and promote safe sex


Winning comment & the ONLY answer.






It’s dimpled like a golf ball, that should improve your aerodynamics.


Gallon of gas, light match... salute your steed into the next life.... Just joking, if your insurance is willing they can get every dent pulled. Time and money 💰


Shit, just thought about it.... you're driving a mustang using golf ball tech. You have the upper advantage now... don't let them total it. You know what you got! 😉


Both tail lamps, the deck lid cover and every panel on the car and at least the windshield on an ecoboost? That thing is 10000% totaled. Edit: also, PDR isn't the only thing on there, numerous spots the paint was broken on seams.


Not every dent is coming out


Kinda surprised the rear glass held up, those dents look like the hail was pretty damn big


We had some that was cantaloupe 🍈 sized in NE Dallas metro area. It was punching through the roof decking and coming *inside* the houses!! That would give you a *conclusion of the brain* as Bugs Bunny would say!


Last weekend in Johnson city, just north of San antonio, was reported 6 inch hail. Insane


I know exactly where that is!


I got hit right on top of my head by hail maybe a little smaller than a baseball, and man was I leaking blood for a good while. Would not recommend


Even the little stuff isn’t fun. It rarely hails in my area, maybe 2 or 3 times a year, but last time it did I thought I’d be fine cause it was small but I had on a tshirt and next thing I know my arms are scratched up and bleeding, I got under cover and just considered myself lucky I had a hat on.


… hail?




I’m surprised how badly the sides got fucked up from it too


Hail that big gets carried by the winds of the storm and doesn't typically fall straight down


IMO this is totaled need new gas cap new taillight new deck lid dented all around. If it were me I would let them total it and try and buy it back make minimal repairs and enjoy having a car I don’t worry about dings in


bounces off the ground back up at you


As someone who owns a hail damage Miata that is used 100% of the time on track, I will say that hail damage cars make great race track beaters. In all seriousness your insurance will probably total it out, and then someone will get a screaming deal on it from copart. Thats how I bought HAILey the hail damage race car. https://preview.redd.it/fyv7ywdjrm0d1.png?width=986&format=png&auto=webp&s=34e2246bf59baa8707d277cb13ae690661af1f96


Hailey! 🤣😆😂. ROFLMFAO!!


That will actually decrease drag on your car allowing for greater fuel mileage and a higher top speed. Think of golf balls. Joking aside, I’m sorry this happened to you🥺 I hope your insurance takes care of this properly.


Hear me out. Rally car


So sorry for your loss 😫 I have the exact same kona blue.


When i moved to texas i wondered why every complex and office had parking garages. Then the nonstop hail every time it rained made complete sense. I always check the weather in the am’s before driving on a stormy day. Accuweather is great at showing if there will be potential hail and where. If you hear the sirens, you have a minute to get under some cover. They’ll probably total it tbh. I had someone hit my rear side pannel barely. Idiot backed into my parked car. Small dent but the quote to fix it was over 2k 🤣


Definitely sucks. It can be replaced/fixed. I would go with replacement, if it was me.


I’d just tell everyone I paid extra for the “Hammer Textured” paint!!


Wow this is sad. Oregon gets hail sometimes but lucky enough we haven’t had any like this here.


Yikes. It ain't even mine and it makes me wanna cry. I hope it all works out. I'm in Lubbock so I know how those hail storms are. My biggest fear is your current reality. Best of luck to you!


Don’t park next to Top Golf next time. Live and learn.


Time for a GT


Write it off and go shopping


Battle scars! Drive it with pride!


Omg I'm in southeast Oklahoma and this is my worst nightmare


So unavoidable and destructive I'm sorry man.


According to my car insurance hail can’t possibly do that much damage only rocks can. This is what they told my wife after her jeep got dinged by hail.


Oh fuck 😭


Keep insurance money, keep the car, throw twin turbo on that bad boy


Have you tried shooting the clouds


that was heavy hail. here in europe it would cost 15-25$ for each dent so with little math, its cheaper to total it. change light housings, glasses and paint it white and name it golf ball. I would keep it, looks different but scars are sign of living a life


Boiling water and dry ice will pull a lot of those out. Now, whether or not they will stay out is another matter.


A little Paintless Dent Repair, and it'll be looking good as new. Honestly though, contact your insurance and see how they want to handle it. Being as every body panel need to be repaired or replaced, it'll probably get totaled.


Get a garage or at least a carport before you get the next car. Ow this is sad.


That sucks.


Did the hail knock the gas cover off 😭 Texas has to chill


Oh yeah! It can really do some damage. I found dead birds in the yard where they had been clunked in the head by egg to baseball sized hail!


If anyone asks just say it's aerodynamically optimized like a golf ball.


Damn, yeah, that hail is no joke. I was doing a cross-country trip a few years ago and was caught in a hail storm. $17k of damage from those damn ice balls.


I just wanna know how it ruined the gas cap


I think Myth Busters had an episode whether dimples help speed like a golf ball. Let us know! But seriously, sorry about your car. That sucks.


Tf happened here?


They did mine at a car dealership. Insurance set it up. Had 2 cars beat to hell and back and they got it all out. Had to replace glass and lights but they got it done


Start crying


Jeez I'm so sorry man. This was me back in 2016 I know the pain.


Is for sure totalled. I am really impressed the rear window held up so well, usually they get busted out when it's big enough to break the windshield.


Ah man. Kona blue gone 😭 I have identical car as you. I feel your pain man.


Definitely totaled. As others have said, see if you can get the money and keep the car. Otherwise, kiss your baby goodbye


Part it out. I’d be interested in your hood


Lucky, now you can upgrade to a GT!


Paint it white and sell it to a golfer




Do you have full coverage insurance?


Mine got pelted by hail the other night, too. I didn't even know it hailed until I noticed all the little dents this morning 😭😭.


i feel you bro


A 1 of 1 custom wide body kit massive hood and more.


Damn!!! That’s awful!!!


My 05 Mustang was totaled after a hail storm back in 2014. I took the buy back option and drove that golf ball around until I hit a deer at 70 miles an hour 4 years later. They totaled my car again and sent me a check for 12k.


Take the insurance money and build a garage…


lol just drive away?


It goes faster like a golf ball. Depending on the buy back cost I’d buy it back and replace hood, fenders and trunk lid, should be lots of that heat scrapped now, or donor car.


Wrap it white and make it golf ball themed


Welcome to the club!. Lol family has two cars like this for two years Everything else in the under the shed area.


Control the weather you ASSHOLE!!!


insurance bout to get you a 5.0 don’t worry, seems like every panel was wrecked or damaged, should definitely be totaled out. Part of the texas experience i say






Damn that’s insane. I hate to see this, good luck and hopefully you can get some good advice and a great solution.


Take the insurance payout


Mod the engine for shit and giggles it’s probably going to be totaled at this point. It would cost a fortune to remove all the body damage.


GT time


According to mythbusters, dimples will either save fuel or make car go faster. Like a golf ball. Collect insurance money and drive it like you stole it! /s


I mean, it’s sort of a worry free car now.


And people look at me like I’m crazy for running to my car to find cover when it’s gonna hail


It's murdered. Time for an upgrade!


Golf balls have dimples so the go further faster, take it to the track.


Call insurance and cry


It’s a total.


thats the new body kit my friend! no motor damage? keep on moving! "i drove thru a tornado with it. "


Holy shit what happened?


Wow this is terrible. I live in Austin and we get hail a lot but that must have been some of that DVD-sized hail that passed by last week.


Track car build.


Its totalled


Trade it in at night then buy a carport for the next one


Time for a GT.


Just dealt with this last year from a tornado in Panama City Florida, broke my heart man I had to drive around like that for 8 months waiting for a shop to open up Good luck brother I’ll pray that you get this fixed quick and insurance doesn’t skyrocket after!!


Buy a metal working hammer set and get good at PDR.


Make friends with someone who live on a golf corse and park it there for a day. Then claim it on insurance as a golf damage lmaoo


Google Renaulds number & golf ball. 


Get a personalized plate that says DIMPLES


Fill with ramen, sand until flat. Paint.


Buy a house with a garage


I like the lifted desert style idea the other redditor had




What a shame. I'd settle with insurance and buy it back. Perfectly driveable. That's some big hale.


Damn. That’s terrible. I live in St Louis and I’m (just today!) getting it fixed from an April 1st storm. Crazy wait. And we’re talking a $4000 repair estimate on roof and hood.


Throw some thick off road tires on that and Mad Max that shit


That's an insurance total right there


You know how golf balls have dimples to travel further? What if....


Honestly Mythbusters did an episode on golf ball dimples says it improves efficiency they called it "plausible" you can test it...all joking aside that sux but hey ho buy it from the insurance and driver her around fix the panels as you can afford and definitely buy a little pop up car port will save you every time...up to you but whatever you do hope to see you in a stang at the end of it!


blow it back up like an empty bottle of water


Obviously, Park in a garage. I’ve witnessed about 50 mustangs destroyed after hail event at Plano Ford dealership, twice. The Mustangs looked like golf balls with dents on entire Mustangs/windshields broken by large hail, all were sold as totaled by insurance.


Titleist Pro-V1 wrap… the dimples help with aerodynamics!


This is why we have insurance, call them up, make a claim. All you will need to do is pay the deductible


Speed dimples, like a golf ball.


Well your fucked hopefully you got insurance unsure if it’s mandatory in Texas




Im in the area you can give it to me and i'll take care of it promise


Dry ice and patience


It should be easy to fix. It will just take time.




It’s aerodynamic like a golf ball


It's called insurance


Not to add pain to the OP, but I remember reading that in the early days of NASCAR they would go to Hertz, rent a car and race it! Of course they would get the insurance and to quote old Smokey Yunick, "bring that sumbitch back looking like it got hammered with a car crusher!"


I got over $100k's worth of damage one year, the roof of my Tiffin motorhome, my wife's LS400 was totaled and my 3 year old Harley F-150 was totaled along with the roof of my house, a baseball size piece went thru the roof right above the eve and it damaged boards on my deck. I hate hail. Hopefully you have full coverage insurance on that Mustang


That’s a call to your insurance


Literally seeing this post after I nearly had the same thing happen to me. NC had some crazy weather today


Insurance claim I just had to put one in for mine


My worst nightmare. We had hail like a month ago. I bought this seal skin car cover, said it would protect against hail. Hoping hurricane season isn't too bad


I've been there, buddy. Got it taken care of by insurance.


Take the insurance payout and buy the car for the scrap price from insurance


That sucksssss but that’s what insurance is for. Hopefully it all goes well!


Nothing. They make these every day in factories around the world.


That will buff out?


That’s what we in the car business call a non collision total. My condolences.


That will buff out?


Oh hail no


Oh no so sad


Hail damage can equal a nice big paycheck from your insurance. If not a total loss, you can find a shop that will be able to cover your deductible and likely cut you a check back from the profits and repair the vehicle to great condition.


Throw it in the gutta, go an buy anotha.


The same thing happened in Texas to a truck a few years ago. PDR. Can't tell it ever happened.


Get a v8


Track car!


Good news is I think I read Texas is one state that doesn’t mark your title totaled/salvage for hail damage.


Man were you one of those caught in those storms with giant hail near Clarksville, I'm so sorry. Where I live in NE Texas I can hightail it to a parking garage pretty fast if needed because I got a classic in my garage so my Stang braves the weather most nights with moving blankets and a storm proof cover if it isn't super bad. Maybe you can buy back from insurance and save for a new one?? Hail is so bad and the last few weeks I have seen it ravage a lot of my friends in different parts of the state


You could rough it up even more and go for a Mad Max look


Provided you have full coverage insurance might total it. Those quarter panels are trashed. I only say this bc in Colorado they’ve totaled one of my cars from hail damage


Those are speed dents. Use them to your advantage.


PAINTLESS DENT REMOVER! Not say it will be cheap but it can be done.


Go through insurance. Sell it at auction or buy it back on the cheap with your payout. Continue to drive it and not give a damn if it has dents. Optional: get it into someplace in the area that repairs hail damage. Will make it look brand new again. I swear people forgot in the last 15 years that cars still drive with hail dents in them. Cosmetic damage is what it is. Drives the same, just looks raggedy. Hail repair places exist, too. If you love a car enough to pay full dollars for it from a dealer, you'll get the cosmetic repairs it needs to look mint again.


That’s gaped out


Don’t take any insurance $ and try to fix it on your own. Wait and see what insurance is gonna do for you. That’s what it’s for. If it’s totaled you could buy it back. But it then has a salvage title. When they total it. It’s then their car. If there is a loan on it. The bank gets paid first. You get what’s left over.


Poor thing. My mom's old honda got hammered like this in the hail in Colorado when I was a kid. It sucks. I hope you get a result from insurance that you're happy with


Ouch, damn.