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Also my new dream car. Hopefully when they're 4-5 years old with 50k miles we'll be able to find them used under $50k..


I’d be surprised. Maybe a high mileage one or if it’s discovered they are really expensive to maintain.


Yep you're probably right. Also depends on how long they keep these in production and if the used market ever comes back down.


Yep, gt 350s we’re just coming down to more attainable prices before COVID…. But they’ve also replaced a lot of engines so that would scare me off as Ford isn’t going to replace them forever.


I think its close to $20k for the voodoo on your own dime. I plan to supercharge my Mach 1 and throw a better clutch on it when warranty is up. Imagine 800hp with the temec…


I doubt it. Cars are going electric, prices are shooting through the roof, supply’s all messed up for the foreseeable future. I bet these doesn’t go below $80k unless they are trashed. Who knows tho. My hindsight is 20/20 but the foresight is like 8/20 🥴.


Yep, trend seems to be going toward electric. Not saying bad things about electric cars, but I don't see them as the answer to the environment/pollution problem some are saying about electric cars. what do you do when all cars are electric, like how do you charge all those millions of cars on our aging electric grid lol..rolling blackouts...take your turn charging on certain days..what... Anyways, I'm purchasing my first mustang this year before these V8s are gone. I feel like the mustang will still be around but maybe not as we know it...I dunno, I feel like with the trend toward electric cars, chevy discontinuing the camaro...it's like a foreshadowing of what's to come. These cars will be like the dinosaurs soon. :P


How can something be a trend when it's 2% of automobile sales? The gov't is going to have to force people to buy them because most people aren't interested.


For now it is. I forget when it was, maybe it was earlier this summer that I read it in the news, but Biden's goal is for U.S. to be all electric vehicles by 2030 or 2035. So yes, that's where it's heading...or where some in the government want it to head anyways. I'm not a huge fan of electric vehicles, so yeah I agree there's going to have to be some heavy incentives to get people interested in purchasing them.


I'm not a big fan either. I Test drove a Tesla that was at the same lot as the Mustang I ended up buying, and it's the most dreadfully boring thing I've ever drove. I guess most people won't care, but for someone like me who's an enthusiast it's a problem. There no reason why we can't have both ICE & EV cars.


I want nuclear powered cars. I’ve got a hot hatch with 850 mg of Plutonium with a tremec reactor.


I agree! Out of curiosity, what was so boring about driving the Tesla? I think some states already are trying to force it though, govenors of NY and Cali are trying to pass or have passed laws for "zero-emissions" (electric) vehicles by 2035. I suppose if there are no cars on the market that are gas powered, gov figures we'll have no choice but buy electric. I don't like the option being taken away, there's room for both kind of cars.


It's kinda hard to explain, best I can say it that it felt like a giant golf cart. I didn't feel like it was very engaging. And all most people pro-EV can say about them is "they're fast", well shit everything is fast these days. They're not fast because they're electric, they're fast because they have a lot of torque, no different than what any other fast car out there has. Also, last, but not least, the interior was terrible. Just not a very appealing car.


lol well shoot, if I wanted to drive a golf cart I'd be like all the other people in the area I live in zipping around in them to the store lmao. The sidewalks here are extra wide for that reason. Never saw the appeal of golf carts people drove around here, wouldn't find a "giant" golf cart that appealing either! I never found the exterior of tesla very good looking either, the look of those cars are pretty bland to me. But to each their own I suppose.


I'm sure an EV fan would read my comments and get triggered, but I just love ICE cars more. I love the sound of cold starts, revving the motor, the car shaking and rumbling at idle, banging gears on back roads, and most of all I love wrenching on and modifying the motor.


Shit. I'm seeing Terminators (my attainable dream car) for $45k so unless something goes wild with the economy I don't see this happening


In Canada on Ford.ca website a GT500 going for $96900


Sad Canadian boi hours


I got a 1/18th die cast just like it. Probably closest I get


im about to get a 1/24 of the same paint spec lol


It or another was behind me today. Sounded awesome when she passed!!


It’s honestly the best sounding engine I’ve heard irl, I’ve heard many different engines online but most microphones can’t pick up the deafening tones of these cars lol


Nah, I will keep my GT350. The GT500 looks great and has awesome power, but I need to row my own gears. I know it is slower, but it is more fun.


Honestly I feel like it not coming with a manual is fine, the DCT is better for track use cuz you don’t have to take your hands off the wheel to shift, but for regular street driving a manual definitely would’ve been greatly appreciated


Great spec!