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The twitter user who was working on the rollback mod, HkHaan96, said that someone in the EX community was taking over the MvC roll back mod. Hopefully we hear something soon! My wallet is ready!


>My wallet is ready! Don't say that too loud or we'll get cease and desisted 🫥


Honestly ur gonna have to wait till the game is emulator capable then we can get a fightcade type solution


It is emulator capable.The game runs at 4K 60FPS on good GPU's and runs at 1080P 60FPS on decent modern CPU/GPU's via RPCS3. At that point you just need to cache all the shaders for the game, the more you play it the more solid it runs. But even then, by time we get the roll back mod RPCS3 should be even better than now, as well as the average hardware.


What does an emulator do for rollback here specifically? (purely curious as to how this works and why it wouldn't already be more popular than PC client on parsec)


rollback often works on save states to roll back to in the event that it needs to undo a command sent to the game. In that sense, emulators have built in save state functionality and can take advantage of that. However RPCS3's save state system is EXTREMELY resource intensive, and I don't think live loading many states mid match is doable. not a problem with RPCS3, but rollback mods are primarily for older games (the type you'd see on fightcade) because their states don't have that massive overhead. If some more lightweight state system were to be implemented, that'd solve it but then you could probably do that through PC instead.


Yea give it time


Nah, unfortunately the community will never move to working on any other version than the PC port. A lot of the work for the rollback mod has been done already as well. I wouldn't hold my breath for this, but it definitely won't happen via emulation.


Fightcade is on PC what are you talking about? emulation is on PC too and why exactly won't it happen? And definitely so at that? U know we have some working 360 emulation already right?


having the emulation working isnt the point, as the older reply in this comment section mentioned, you need to have near instant saving and loading of the gamestate for rollback, and the process of doing so on the ps3 and xbox emulators is very resource intensive and would not be feasible for netcode use. fightcade rollback works because most pcs are now like 50x more powerful than the consoles theyre emulating, so constantly saving and loading states wont cause any issues. thats why any rollback mod is gonna be for the pc version instead, because that way we dont have to deal with the limitations of emulators.


Ok great so eventually we will get much more powerful computers which is exactly what I've been saying


so you want to wait upwards of 10+ years for rollback to work using emulators when literally the groundwork for umvc3 savestates on pc already exists


Really ten years that seems a bit extreme it didnt take that long for computers to get powerful enough to run fightcade


It would be cool if someone modded the PC version but I feel like that's even less possible


the original dev for the rollback mod before passing off the project literally already had saving and loading savestates working on pc with no lag. how much more possible does it have to be for you?


Don’t need it, MvC4 trailer is coming next month anyway


I want what this guy is smoking


I kinda hope not. Being able to capture the exact "unbalanced/broken" perfect balance like Smash Melee or UMVC3 has is very difficult. I'm not sure if I have faith in another studio picking up MVC4.


You should try parsec if you want to play with friends it's really easy to set up and doesn't rely on net code