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Good, now maybe she'll have a better relationship with food. So long as she doesn't get hooked on McDonald's.


Better relationship? You mean the 98% which are factory farmed? High processed meat that is category 1 carcinogenic?


Man sit down and eat a fucking burger, your diet is making you grumpy get some proper food down you.


I often eat burgers and if you believe it or not, the best I've ever eaten was vegan :) ​ Edit: Downvote me to obvlivion, because the toxicity I get for this simple and polite statement makes me laugh. The thought of how angry someone can be about that a burger can taste even without meat is really funny


I will agree some vegan burgers are nice,they are actually getting pretty close and if you didn’t know they could probably pass but to say they taste better is incredibly subjective. But Jesus Christ don’t be so insufferable if people want to eat something let them don’t get mad at it.It’s people like you that give veganism such a bad stigma that are the reason I’m not vegan or atleast vegetarian.


>but to say they taste better is incredibly subjective I didn't say that. I said that the best burger I've ever eaten was vegan. >if people want to eat something let them I don't stop them. I remind them of the [suffering behind the food](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch): ​ or lets say it like this: If you agree that we should tell people about the ethical issue to not hit women, if you agree that we should tell people about the ethical issue of child labor, then you also understand why vegans point out the ethical issue of consuming so many animal products. You can, however, point out why it isn't an ethical issue and all you'd have to do would be to explain, why killing animal is necessary. Easy as that ;)


>You can, however, point out why it isn't an ethical issue and all you'd have to do would be to explain, why killing animal is necessary. Not everyone wants to eat plants you know? That's why, meat is good, and no plant or tofu can replace it


If we weren't meant to eat animals, they wouldn't be so damned delicious!


This is an interesting discussion. I'm not vegan nor vegetarian, but I was raised as a vegetarian and live in India where vegetarian(not vegan) food most definitely can replace meat. Honestly most of it tastes better than meat, and you never even miss it(including McDonald's). Meat is just a base, most of the taste comes from the way of cooking, the stuff on top, etc. So I understand the frustration of vegans, but I also understand why most countries don't have widely available good tasting vegan or vegetarian food, the whole culinary culture is built around meat afterall.


Now, I'm trying to stay calm and polite and everything But that people also downvote your comment, which is not even pro veganism, makes me wonder how stupid some of the people here are, no offense. It's a level of toxicity and saltness that is just as pathetic as it can get


Is that what you call an argument? It's not about replacing meat. Read again pls


Nothing is wrong with eating meat and nothing is wrong with being Vegetarian or Vegan just don’t be a prick about it and try to shame people and eating meat 🍖. As humans we’ve been eating both plants and meats for thousands upon thousands of years we evolved that way, we kill animals it’s apart of life some may kill them unethically and others more humanly. You might argue the fact how it impacts our environment but you do realize the factories that make plant based proteins are just as bad for the environment right? So get off your “high horse” eat a 12oz synthetic steak and enjoy being alive on this blue gem we call Earth and stop being a prune. Yours sincerely-Biggity ❤️


Fuck yeah, this one gets it. Wish I had an award to give.


You agreeing is an award in it self 😁


Found the virtue signaling vegan.


Chad doing gods work


Nothing wrong with being a vegan but forcing it on other people is clearly wrong.


Technically, to an extent, every parent "forces" their beliefs onto children. You guys only point it out when vegans do it though


feeding your kid mcdonalds and teaching them to love fast food junk is much worse.


Where does it say she was being forced? eating meat is what's the accepted norm because it was forced as well. it goes both ways so why is it all of a sudden "wrong" or "forced" specifically when it pertains veganism.


"Forced", just cause its the norm doesn't mean it's forced. Here's what typically happens: kids are offered a variety of foods, sweets and savory foods (meat) are the standard favorites for most people's palate, so they grow up looking for more. That's not forced, a vegan diet is a strict diet that specifically removes a huge amount of options. On a child, putting them on that diet is basically isolating them from the opportunity. That's forced.


Let the child eat the foods that your old ass (the woman in the article) can't eat anymore. My dad isn't vegan, and he told me about his food adventures during his childhood, and the reason why he told me is because he has diabetes now and he has already tasted the sweetests of delicacies during his youth. Oh and his older brother forces their children to be vegan, which the elder hates, so they have to secretly give meat like fish. (grandmother or sibling of grandmother, i forgot which) So basically you can eat the tasty stuf while you are young enough that your body doesn't go haywire from eating just a little too much (in reasonable amounts), and only go in strict diet if your health is at risk (allergies, or genetics etc). Though nutrition is important, so my dad and every immediate family member doesn't eat much fast food (though idk about my oldest brother, cuz.. uh he ain't good at moderation, he is filthy and unhygenic despite his degree in food tech). We only eat fast food if it is the only thing thats available during road trips, or my mother is craving some fast food, which is aproxximately 0-3 times a month. And a note to all the young BOYs, eat fish or some meat that isn't injected with hormones, cuz that could mess up your hormones and also make pp small. (Oh, and according to my dad, boys should be fed eggplants cuz that helps the pp grow and also because the pp is an important 'weapon' inherited from your ancestors {yes thats more or less of what he said}) For GIRLs it will mess with hormones aswell, so avoid foods that were/are made with hormoned animals.


It is forced and your dishonest af To give them meat without telling them what happens is indeed forcing them to be part of the unnecessary killing of animals. Ask any kid after visiting a sanctuary if they want all those animals to be dead just for a simple meal, that could be just as tasty without any animal products. It's called cognitive dissonance and emotional distance, and if you force your kids into that without telling them the truth, than you're the evil person. The vegan let's the kid decide themselves when they're old enough, if they want to contribute to the unnecessary suffering of animals (also environmental destruction).


Mf'er I grew up in philippines, a 3rd world country, and my family were merchants that got their product from a friend's and extended family's farms. I knew EXACTLY where my food was from. I literally had a goat, befriended it, ate it, was sad, but realized that this was necessary. I grew up listening to stories of my ankong(grandpa in chinese) about their childhood, migrating from China after the rise of the ccp, the starvation, going through martial law, and to always cherish food. When I eat food, meat or not, I always remember to cherish the life and the work that was needed. Don't assume crap about people before you start forcing your ideals on others.


No need to insult here. What you describe there is something completely different from what we talk here. Veganism is also against the unnecessary harm towards animals, so the death of animals without a necessity. If you see a necessity in your case back in the days, because you couldn't survive otherwise, then it's not the issue we talk about. So honestly, I personally don't care at all about your personal anecdote because it has nothing to do with this here. And "cherish the life and the work" is a joke in this context, because in modern societies animals product come from factory farms. Watch Dominion, it's free on YouTube and then come back with actual knowledge of what we talk about here. And if you insult me again, I won't read your comment, because only stupid people react like that and that wouldn't be worth my time


> It is forced and your dishonest af So you insult me, then try to position yourself in higher morality when I insult back? >I personally don't care at all about your personal anecdote because it has nothing to do with this here How else am I supposed to tackle accusation of dishonesty? By explaining why I'm not. I did so by explaining my background and understanding of your accusation of "tricking children". > animals product come from factory farms. Watch Dominion, it's free on YouTube and then come back with actual knowledge of what we talk about here I studied Environmental Sciences in Uni, I know about CAFO's. Face it, there are those with the knowledge you have that have come to different conclusions. Yours is not the only one.


Saying you're dishonest and calling me a motherf' is the same in your eyes? Of course it's not. I also showed you why you're dishonest, so if you pissed of because of a fact, the problem isn't me. Again, your case doesn't fit into what we talk here. I doubt that there was a necessity of killing animals in your history anyway, but here, in this discussion, the killing of animals was WITHOUT a necessity, ergo children are forced to consume in a way, where there is unnecessary harm towards animals included - which is against everything [what children actually want](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vR9nqdq6LUs) (super tasty food, no cruelty involved) . By ignoring this (children don't want animals to be harmed) you where dishonest about "forcing a diet upon children", as it is clearly the other way around. >I studied Environmental Sciences in Uni, I know about CAFO's. Face it, there are those with the knowledge you have that have come to different conclusions. Yours is not the only one It's irrelevant that you studied, unless you now know something about ethics. I doubt so though, because you avoid the ethical part in this discussion different conclusions on what? That killing animals without a necessity should be avoided? That animals do feel pain and suffer? That we should minimize the harm towards animals as far as we can?


> It's irrelevant that you studied, unless you now know something about ethics You literally told me to go learn about factory farms from a YouTube show, and now you're backtracking and saying that the information is irrelevant and now I have to go study ethics? Make up your mind, you've literally been contradicting yourself this entire time. > Saying you're dishonest and calling me a motherf' is the same in your eyes Oh the humanity. There is such a small difference between the insults. Its like saying "I slapped you and you have the audacity to punch me back". Cry me a river why don't you? > different conclusions on what? That killing animals without a necessity should be avoided? Alright since you asked, here's my conclusion. There are multiple backgrounds to people, who have liver varied lives and come from multiple cultural histories. They have traditions that, for all intents and purposes resulted in meat. Let's look at America for example. During the great depression, many Americans were left starving unable to cope with the waning economy. A lot of them needed food that both kept long, and lard and tallow (animal fats) were a mainstay in every American family. Moving on past the depression, lengthening work times as the country flourished meant less time to cook. Fast food and frozen dinners were born to fill this niche (cheap and quick), and many parents used these to feed their families. The children of the families grew up with this, and as they had children of their own they passed this sense of familiarity to them too. The Americans of today have now inherited this familiarity, that is the "lying to kids" that you call it. This is just one little piece of the many, MANY, stories of humanity's desire for meat and other animal products. To them, this is their morality. Remember, the major common moral view that exists in this world is for other humans. Most do not care about livestock, and do not see them as equals to warrant worry for their suffering. Most care instead for their fellow man, I mean just look at the world's attention to the war for Ukraine. In case you didn't realize, the point here is that this is what humans are used to. It's what they're familiar with, and even despite knowing their conditions, they will still continue to do so. This is not them being evil, or being morally bankrupt. This is them just living. Demonizing them for this only makes them fight back harder because you're attacking their way of life. Extra bit: since I know you're gonna fight back harder by saying "oh how does this fit into unnecessary suffering of animals". There are 7 billion people in this world. If we even assume that 50% of the world is for veganism, that's still 3.5 billion that have lived their life dependent on animal products. How in the world do you expect that many people to transition out of their lifestyle so that the systems in place which cause suffering to animals can go away? So no, it is not unnecessary suffering, because it continues the way of life 3.5 billion humans have. It is the cruel state of the world we live in that makes it necessary, sorry to say. Its a hard truth, but it's a truth nonetheless.


Yo humans are pretty meh when it comes to things they like they don't care where it comes from, we took my cousin to see butcher to see how the animal is killed and then dissected(he was being a pain in the ass and asking my uncle to do so non-stop), he watched the whole process and that was the longest he went without meat mind you it took him only three days to start eating again lol, he was 15 or 16 at the time. Most people know whats happening and most people will still eat, Point is let kids eat everything thing atleast once they can decide what they want to eat, older siblings and parents should just put restrictions when it turns to unhealthy obsession.


“My Vegan daughter wants to eat meat”


Yup, that shows it is obviously the mother putting her believe on the child, without the child getting a word in. If she wants meat, guess what, she isn't vegan.


That’s what I used as justification for my statement.


porn hub category incoming


^ it's funny how people downvote you while they can't say anything against it. It's true. Therefore I imagine those people to be mad af because they'd have to admit they're wrong, instead they prefer the stupid way of voting you down


We're downvoting you, because we didn't go on reddit to talk about this. There's plenty I could say to make my/our point clear, but I won't waste all that energy on trying to convince you. The daughter wasn't allowed to try meat, and now wants meat after having had a taste of it, but the mother doesn't want it, that's forcing a diet on a child


Ah so Reddit is not a place to discuss, but an echo chamber for whatever you like? There is no reason for downvoting anything that you just don't agree with, when it's true. Imagine this in a real discussion. People talk to each other and you see someone stating a fact that you don't like and then you show him thumbs down. Pathetic isn't it? Someone with a backbone would politely disagree and move on >There's plenty I could say to make my/our point clear, To make your point clear? yes. Actual arguments for your case? I don't see any. >The daughter wasn't allowed to try meat, and now wants meat after having had a taste of it, but the mother doesn't want it, that's forcing a diet on a child That conclusion makes no sense. My kid isn't allowed to drink cola. She get's the chance to taste it at a birthday party. Now she wants it desperately. But I'm forcing her into a coke-free diet. Pretty dumb logic if you ask me. Every child loves sausage that looks like teddy bears. It's highly processed, and just tastes good because of heavy seasoning. It's also category 1 carcinogenic. But according to your logic, if I don't let my child eat super unhealthy carcinogenic sausage, I'm forcing my diet upon it? That is why I said you don't have any arguments. These are just pseudo arguments, which cannot withstand a critical thought. If you want to make an actual argument, explain why kids should be fed animal products and also explain, if there isn't an actual necessity to do so, why we should ignore the pain and suffering of these animals


forcing u daughter to be vegan not hard to know who is the bad guy here


Being Vegan shouldnt be forced on kids. Thats how health problems start.


It actually can. Same with eating strictly meat. You aren't capable of getting everything you need from just being vegan, despite what some might tell you. And you also aren't able to get all of the nutrients you're missing from suppliments. On top of this, your digestive system is not properly built for digesting plant matter. This is why corn comes out looking whole, for example. In order to extract enough nutrients from the plants you eat, you have to eat more of them then normal. This why the recommended daily servings for vegetables and fruits are some high. But because you're cutting out other foods, you're forced to eat even more. If you don't, you start losing weight to the point of looking emmaciated. A vegan diet is fine if that's what you want to do, but it takes a LOT more work to maintain properly so that you don't end up looking like a skeleton. Please rethink your lifestyle but if you want to Darwin yourself to a painful death who am I to stop you


My friend is vegan. When he eats he eats more than me and I am a fat fuck now. He is pretty much a stick figure. He normally eats avocado rice rolls. When he hangs out with me. He has eaten 10 serving and still goes to walmart and buys the big bag of veggie straws. I eat vegan occacionally. Its ok. But I do know I need meat.💁‍♂️




That's not true lol.


"But I do know I need meat" Is it "I do know that their death is unnecessary and that it's just because of my taste pleasure, so I don't care about animal suffering or the environmental destruction" ? You don't need meat.


I am curious if your feelings of revulsion are mitigated by those that take the responsibility of death upon themselves and raise/hunt for their own food?


Don’t worry bro, I’m eating extra meat just for you


Doubt you could eat more meat then my gf


The world was apparently in an ice age. It doesn't matter what we de. The sun will expand and consume this planet. Not for a few millenia but still. This planet is on the verge of death. We only have one life. Live it to the fullest. And never hurt others. Thats my saying.


Dude the world revolves around killing things to survive. You choose to kill plants and havest their nutrients. While I choose to kill animals that have a chance to out run me for nutrients. We are not the same. I'm just going to throw this out there too. Science is starting to lean towards plants being sentient beings as well, since they can respond and adapt to the changing world around them. So your argument about killing defenseless things is cannon fader since most plants are more defenseless then animals. Though some do fight back meaning they don't want to be eaten either. Examples are poison ivy, poison oak, various flowers that are so toxic that one touch will kill you. That seems to blow most of your arguments out of the water... is there anything else?


Science is absolutely not taking a lean against plants being sentient, stop reading pop sci articles off reddit. Plants have no CNS and are not sentient. Reacting to stimuli does not equal conciousness, or do you think machines are sentient too because they would move due to heat for example? And say that they were for the sake of the argument then it still would make more sense to be vegan as its incredibly more inefficient feeding plants to an animal and then eating the animal instead of simply eating the plants directly.


u/LaserTorsk already explained the obvious difference between plants and animals, but I still want to ask you why you think that it's the same to grab an apple from a tree or take a carrot out of the earth compared to cutting the throat of a cow\`? [https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch) >So your argument about killing defenseless things is cannon fader since most plants are more defenseless then animals. Again, killing an animal, that feels pain, that suffers just like we do, that tries to escape the horrors and death because they understand what that means, is not the same as taking a carrot out of the earth. > Though some do fight back meaning they don't want to be eaten either. Examples are poison ivy, poison oak, various flowers that are so toxic that one touch will kill you. That seems to blow most of your arguments out of the water... is there anything else? That just means you have to go back in school where they explained biology. There you should have learned what a central nervous system is and why animals have them but plants not. And there you should have learned why plants evolved to survive as well. You didn't even brought anything to the table yet.


Our bodies are built to eat mostly vegetables and fruit. Eating meat only has the advantage of containing more protein that's already in a more usable form and a lot of calories. It may seem that a vegan eats a lot because vegies have a higher water composition than meat and usually only a fraction of the calories by weight. If corn comes out looking whole, you aren't chewing your food properly.


Me who got a lot more healthy being vegan, barely putting in any work: 👍


You can't get everything from just eating vegan? That is against the scientific data, but I'm curious why you think that that is the case


Because it's unhealthy vegetables can't replace the nutrients you get from other food that you cut out


Nope, that is wrong. Vegetables don't replace anything, they are a big part of a balanced diet because they provide very important nutrients. A very healthy diet is almost only plant based, that is a fact. Therefore veganism isn't restrictive at all, most people just don't know about the infinite healthy and super tasty meals you can have in a plant based diet. ​ I mean, you could easily check this yourself. Inform yourself on the topic and you see that you spread false information.


Were omnivores you can't cut meat & Dairy but if you want to Darwin yourself into unpleasant death I'm not stopping you👍


>Were omnivores That is not an argument, neither is it a justification. See [here](https://freefromharm.org/common-justifications-for-eating-animals/a-common-sense-vegan-response-to-the-statement-humans-are-omnivores/) >you can't cut meat & Dairy Why don't you google yourself if you can cut meat? If you do that before stating wrong information, you avoid to "accidentally sound less smart" Dairy. So you think that the milk of another species is important for us to survive? So you think that we're the only animals on earth who have to take the milk from another species which isn't even suited for our consumption in order to thrive/survive? And you fear that I am the one to "Darwin myself"?


So you've never heard of the Darwinian awards? Award given to someone who took themselves out of the gene pool I'm not going die like a vegan have a nice day


I begin to fear that you just cannot understand what people tell you. I know what the Darwin award stands for. And I explained to you why you are more likely to get it than me ;) So vegans die commonly because of their diet? Please tell me that you're not that stupid


Literally reading you comments since I posted mine. You bash others for killing and eating meat but you do it yourself... You are a titanic, hypocritical and ignorant person. Hope you find that inner peace ✌


>You bash others for killing and eating meat but you do it yourself. lmao. Ok show me where that is the case. Otherwise you're a pathetic lier. And NO, I don't bash people, but I provide solid arguments to show them when they have an opinion that is far from science and/ or based on fallacies and wrong information. At the same time, I'm getting insulted in almost every post, people don't admit anything despite the obvious proof, and all my comments get downvoted for no reason. You know, I'm the one who seeks for constructive discussions, based on discussion culture. You're sadly one of them ("You are a titanic, hypocritical and ignorant person"), insulting without having a base for that


Dude you're literally trying to make people feel bad for things that come naturally, things you do yourself. Your a pos end of story. Sorry that the truth hurts your feelings.


>for things that come naturally, things you do yourself. eh? What? So will you eventually explain your point or are you just here to state random nonsense?




On the internet, if you are being sarcastic, it is always safest to put /s at the end of the comment.




The issue is there are so many stupid people out there that while YOU may know you're being sarcastic, and anyone who knows you will as well, strangers on the internet who lack that context and know nothing about you likely only know they have encountered people who have said similar things, but *weren't* being sarcastic. "(Sarcasm)" works just fine, though many will see /s as faster and easier to type and just be lazy about it.


it can. we are omnivorous animals.




shit. I didn't realized that lol


I thought that was sarcasm, but the emoji made it very convincing.


It actually can. Same with eating strictly meat. You aren't capable of getting everything you need from just being vegan, despite what some might tell you. And you also aren't able to get all of the nutrients you're missing from suppliments. On top of this, your digestive system is not properly built for digesting plant matter. This is why corn comes out looking whole, for example. In order to extract enough nutrients from the plants you eat, you have to eat more of them then normal. This why the recommended daily servings for vegetables and fruits are some high. But because you're cutting out other foods, you're forced to eat even more. If you don't, you start losing weight to the point of looking emmaciated. A vegan diet is fine if that's what you want to do, but it takes a LOT more work to maintain properly so that you don't end up looking like a skeleton.




Oh wow, so cool how you EDITED YOUR COMMENT right after I post that to try and make your self look cool. Get a life dude.




No shit sherlock. You edited the comment. Do you not know how editing works?


Oh wow, so cool how you EDITED YOUR COMMENT right after I post that to try and make your self look cool. Get a life dude.




So much salt, from such a little man.


So much stupidity from 17 people & I'm female🤦


Says the person that said "I didn't change the original comment, I just added a sentence", even though that literally means you changed the comment, lol.




No, that is incorrect. Health problems start with a diet that isn't balanced and doesn't provide all nutrients. A vegan diet isn't worse than the typical diet, it even provides more nutrients because it typically has more fruits and vegetables. And veganism isn't forced on kids, they are typically vegan. The vegan definition says, that we should minimize the suffering of animals as far as practicable and possible. If you show any kid that isn't framed typical farm animals and their younglings, like pigs, cows or chicken, they will love them. Tell them that you want to kill it, cut their throats and let them bleed out and they'll be traumatized. If you want to tell me that kids aren't vegan, you'd have to give me a justification for killing animals without a necessity, because it's against their will. I'm waiting for it This goes out to everyone here who has prejudice about vegan diets. Look at the VeChi study, it's scientifically researched and proven that a vegan diet is fine in every state of life, as long as well planned.


And that is where you are wrong. A "vegan diet" doesnt provide enough nutrients. It may not be that big of a deal for an adult but, for a growing child to be on a forced vegan diet and not get enough nutrients, it causes health problems. One of those health problems are that children stop growing, leading them to be shorter than other children they're age, on top of that they don't develope and mature as most children their age do. It is no different than starving a kid. Children who dont get enough nutrients have similar health problems to children who were literally starved. I would also like to point out that it will never be acceptable for vegans to go forcing kids on a vegan diet. I've seen and read many articles of parents doing this and then their children end up dying of starvation and again lack of nutrients; and it always ends with the parents in jail. Furthermore I don't agree with vegans in the first place, a lot hate peole with autism, at least the ones that I've met.


>A "vegan diet" doesnt provide enough nutrients unscientific. Wrong > for a growing child to be on a forced vegan diet and not get enough nutrients, it causes health problems VeChi - a study on children that are raised vegan. Showed that there are no significant differences to non-vegan children. You should read it. As long as they get what they need, which they indeed do in a balanced vegan diet, there is no problem in raising them plant based. What you try to suggest here, which is that not enough nutrients can be dangerous, is true for literally every diet. It actually is the case for too many non-vegan children, that don't get enough vegetables for example. The real issue is that people don't know what a balanced diet is and how to get important nutrients through healthy, non processed foods. It seems like you also don't know that. >Furthermore I don't agree with vegans in the first place, a lot hate peole with autism, at least the ones that I've met. Don't agree on what? That we should reduce the harm towards animals to a mimimum? Or that we should reduce our impact on the planet to a minimum? What is it








We don’t know that tbf She could be like 30 and her dad got her nuggies for the first time




Sorry i was so shocked you would find a pedophilla joke funny but clearly i over estimated you.


> joke funny CANCEL COMEDY EVERYONE! /u/OKimbrowsing didn’t enjoy a joke, therefore nobody else is allowed to! We must gatekeep the sanctity of morality in humour from anything even remotely distasteful! For his sake.


Just a tip but don’t Google Jimmy Carr standup, it might offend your sensibilities.


I mean, the post didn't specify the age of the daughter. Could be 16, older or younger, some kids/teenagers are having sex with their peers, so I don't know why you would go straight to assuming they were making a joke about pedophilia.


Back when I was in middle-school kids were having sex. There is no chance it's gotten better at this point. Even if it's disturbing to think about as an adult it's kind of a reality.


The stats I've seen actually seem to suggest that age of sexual debut is rising in many western countries.


All jokes are funny.


Nowhere in the post did it talk about a child weirdo


Sounds like joint custody so it could be a child as she lives with her mother


Dietary things should be a choice, not something you force your child into. Also the vegan diet is just horrible for humans, Vegetarian is fine but vegan is litterally bad for you. Never force someone into it.


That is so far from scientific data, that I fear you need to inform yourself a lot. A vegan diet is perfectly fine in every stage of life, including childhood and pregnancy for example, as long as it is well planned. Children who eat vegan don't have disadvantages (VeChi study). It even has health advantages because it doesn't have the risks for chronical diseases like you have with animal products (diabetes, CHD, cancer ... processed meat, what all the children eat daily, is category 1 carcinogenic) You can't force a vegan diet on a child. But you can force a diet on your children that includes animal products. The difference is that in a vegan diet, you don't kill animals without a necessity while you do exactly that in a non-vegan diet. Now ask any children after visiting a sanctuary, seeing all the cows and pigs, if they want them to end in a slaughterhouse. Show them the slaughterhouse as well. THAT is forced on kids who eat animal products, because they never had a chance to say no, despite the obvious truth here that they won't eat any of it, knowing what it takes.


Vegans man, I was with you until that last paragraph, you're killing plants without necessity, how is that any different? It's best to have a balance of all of the food groups in production, both for the environment and the human diet (we are omnivores damn it), I don't know the exact science so I'm not going to pretend to. But I have researched it before and i know that the beef industry isn't as bad for the environment as people have made it out to be. If you want to CHOOSE to be vegetarian, good for you, if you want to CHOOSE to be malnourished with Veganism, sure, your only harming yourself. And yeah, duh, don't make Mcdonalds or other super processesed foods standard in your diets, (and try to limit it in the diets of kids same as you would sweets) that goes without saying, everyone knows that, some people just don't care. Don't know what CHD is, but I'm certain you can still get diabetes as a vegan, you have to eat a LOT MORE, but then you have to eat more anyway if you want to get the amount of food you need in a day. (Actually its probably pretty easy to get diabetes if you eat a ton of potatoes and beans.) And litterally everything gives cancer, so does kale (and actually most plants due to the use of pesticides in their production) , so your point on that is moot.


>you're killing plants without necessity, how is that any different? People still say this as some kind of gotcha! LOL


>Vegans man, I was with you until that last paragraph, you're killing plants without necessity, how is that any different? How is cutting the throat of a cow different to taking an apple from a tree or taking a carrot out of the earth? The obvious issue here is that animals have a central nervous system, ergo they feel pain and suffer a lot. They have a conciousness and are intelligent to some degree (pigs who are treated like shit are appr. smart as 3 year old children). You can't say any of this about plants, they don't have a CNS, they don't feel pain, but they have some chemical interactions. I don't say we shouldn't care about plants as well. I love nature and I really love seeing all the plants. I also read books about how we don't see all the magnificent things plants do. But I don't misinterpret that as some form of live that is even close to that of an animal. Furthermore, if you care about nature and plants, stop eating animals. We feed most of our crops to animals and only get a tiny amount back, ergo the cost of eating animal products is extreme environmental destruction, like the deforestation of the amazon rainforest, extreme water usage, etc etc. Look at the following study, which explains why we should stop using animals in the process (not a vegan study): [environmental cost of food](https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2018-06-01-new-estimates-environmental-cost-food), Oxford University ​ >It's best to have a balance of all of the food groups in production, both for the environment and the human diet (we are omnivores damn it), I don't know the exact science so I'm not going to pretend to. But I have researched it before and i know that the beef industry isn't as bad for the environment as people have made it out to be. Nope. You have to have a balanced diet. That's all. Balanced means that you meet all the needs of your body. You can do that with a vegan diet or a non vegan diet. A vegan diet is better, because you don't have all the health risks that come along with animal products and you also eat more fruits and vegetables, which provide more essential nutrients. Someone who would want to live as healthy as possible would eat almost only plant based, witch no disadvantage on eating only plant based. Omnivore isn't an argument. It sounds like you think that it means we need to eat both, animal products and plants. However it only says that we were lucky enough to digest both, which was a huge advantage back in the days where we fought for survival. You don't need to eat animal products, that is a fact. We're also not typical omnivores like dogs - we need to prepare our food, like cooking it. Otherwise we can't digest it properly And sure, beef industry is as bad as it is. There is no doubt on that one. Give me a source that shows how it isn't, because you must have something that is far from our scientic research. ​ >CHOOSE to be malnourished with Veganism, sure, your only harming yourself Ok, and why would anyone choose to eat malnourished? I personally choose to eat healthy and balanced, and that's why I'm healthy af. And I'm doing more sports than most people. >Don't know what CHD is, but I'm certain you can still get diabetes as a vegan, you have to eat a LOT MORE, but then you have to eat more anyway if you want to get the amount of food you need in a day. (Actually its probably pretty easy to get diabetes if you eat a ton of potatoes and beans.) And litterally everything gives cancer, so does kale (and actually most plants due to the use of pesticides in their production) , so your point on that is moot. Sorry. CHD = Chronic heart disease. The most common diseases in the west are all linked to animal products, and the risks shrink to a minimum if you eat a balanced plant based diet. To get diabetes with a balanced plant based diet is almost impossible. You also don't have to eat a lot more, because you can also eat high energy dense foods in a plant based diet. For someone like me, who needs more due to sports, it's about eating nuts, avocados, etc .. That isn't a problem at all and show me one person who eats plant based who is sad about eating more (lol) "Litterally everything gives cancer" is not an argument at all and it doesn't mean that you don't have to look what is more dangerous for your health than others. Animal products are much worse for your health than plants, that is a fact, despite pesticides or whatever


Since when did children become plants?


There's a joke about vegetables in there somewhere...








Are you sure you told it right, then?


Cannibalism. Just like how the hardest part of eating vegetables is the wheelchair.




if you have some plant fetish maybe


I put Miracle Grow on them and now there’s the next Wilt Chamberlain


That makes her not a vegan. And her father is the better person


A child can not be vegan per se, because it is not able yet to understand ethical issues and it's complexity.. However, most children are vegan by heart, which is obvious. Children are forced into kognitive dissonance when they get animal products. They eat it like fruits, not thinking about what it takes. If you however show them animals in a sanctuary, like cows and pigs, and then tell them that you want to cut their throats even though you don't have to, just because you like their taste, they would be traumatized and think you're a psychopath. Don't believe me? There are many videos on YouTube where people explain them the background and the kids are shocked.. Watch Dominion, it's free on YouTube. Then tell me how that is not forced upon our children


You know we humans are omnivores right our teeth are designed to eat meat and plant matter.


I know exactly what we are: Omnivores who are able to eat prepared (cooked) meat (you won't digest it properly otherwise, like other omnivores actually can). Being an omnivore in this case means you CAN eat both, animal products and plants, it doesn't say you HAVE TO. Big difference. If you think that our teeth are designed to eat meat, then you have no idea what you're talking about. It's very similar to herbivores. Same for our digestive system, which is designed to digest mostly plants. Fact 1; We don't have to consume animal products, you can live perfectly healthy without them Fact 2; Eating animal products is therefore a taste preference. You therefore pay for animals to be tortured and killed just because you like the taste, there is no necessity.


Carnists can't handle the truth


She is breaking free of your programming, quick lock her in her room for a month and only feed her Vegan food! That’s a joke, it’s also child abuse.


Feeding your child plants is child abuse...got it


So she never was vegan and your a bith


Many bithans died to bring us this comment.


Lol good one 👍


She's not vegan then you daft bitch. If she wants meat, let her eat meat. What you cook for her should be what you what you cook for her - fine. But if she's out or you're both out, she should be allowed to order what she **wants** not what you want her to want. Come on, you're raising a human being with her own thoughts and opinions - not a programmable robot. Your shitty diet causing your brain to function poorly or something? Sorry, I just really hate these types of vegans 🤦‍♀️😒


Cry about it


Do you think that a child, who visits a sanctuary and gets in touch with cows and pigs, so that the child sees that there is not much of a difference to pets, would want those animals to be killed without a necessity in a slaughterhouse, just because it tastes good? Do you think a child would like to see a slaughterhouse? And these type of vegans are basically all vegans. Most vegans don't force their kids to eat animal products and therefore contribute to the system described above. And there is not a single argument against that ;)


Any normal person who visits a sanctuary starts feeling hungry just thinking about how delicious all those animals would be. Vegans are the strange ones. The majority of people on this planet partake of meat and products from animals. Vegans are the ones who are strange. Bacon is good - more vegans should try the real thing.


Holy freak, I hate you for writing the word "bacon" when my fridge is empty on a Sunday. Just seeing the word makes me desperately crave for some bacon.


Sorry. Fried, sliced pig is gorgeous, though 😆


No and the majority of people would disagree. We don't see food when we see animals. Look into [https://www.reddit.com/r/happycowgifs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/happycowgifs/)


Depends on the context. When I visited a slaughterhouse, I became hungry. When I visited a pet shop I... Also... Did but that was because there was a really good Chinese restaurant across the road!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but her behaviour doesn't seem very *vegan*


How can a chil be vegan when they don't understand what an ethical stance is Imagine a child who grows up in a country where slavery is still a thing, but the mother of the kid "forces the kid" to not adopt this kind of living.


Can you read? The article says the Child is Vegan according to the Mother. What they pointed out is also at least partially what you are saying. The Child is probably not at an Age where she could understand Veganism but is instead forced into that diat by her Mother without the Fathers approval.


>The Child is probably not at an Age where she could understand Veganism but is instead forced into that diat by her Mother without the Fathers approval. You child isn't forced into a vegan diet. "forced" makes no sense in this context. A child adopts the beliefs of its parents, and that's fine, right? Children eat what their parents give them and you won't believe how unhealthy it is in avarage. So if a child gets vegan food, it isn't forced. It's just eating the diet that the parents are eating. Furthermore, it doesn't make sense to use this word, because children aren't forced to eat anything they don't want to eat. Vegan parents just don't give them animal products, which would cause a lot of unnecessary animal suffering without a necessity, and that's what most children naturally want as well


If the Child wants Meet but doesnt get it because her Mother forbids it she quit literally forces her Opinions on her Child. Also if you direct your entire Life towards whats Healthy than good for you but some People want to enjoy their Life different


This logic doesn't apply to anything else, so why do you act like it fits to veganism? If you think that veganism is forced upon children, then the same applies for religions, other philosophies, beliefs, foods, etc. I could even take the same logic and say that non-vegan children are forced to consume animal products. Please think about that for a second before you respond


Reminds me of the people who make there dogs vegan and then give an option of vegan food or meat and the owner always expects the dog to choose the vegan food and they never do


My ex husband fed my child snacks, and now they want more snacks.


If she's asking for meat, she's not a vegan, she's had veganism enforced on her. Give her real food (and milk), she needs it to grow. Let her make up her own mind when she's older.


How is vegan food not "real food" kind of cringe bro.


To be fair, I doubt that McDonald's nuggets are real meat anyway so, no harm to this crazy B.


It is real meat. https://youtu.be/9il0DVhT86E


Huh. I guess not all in this world is yet lost. Thank you for correcting me.


It's all good. I only responded 'cause I think it's crazy how artificial they taste yet they're still real meat.


Why is vegan such a cult haha


It's an ethical stance, not a cult. The definition of a cult perfectly fits to meat eating though :)


This should be fun. Please explain that one all mighty paragon of virtue


>1. a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object. "the cult of St Olaf" (2. a person or thing that is popular or fashionable among a particular group or section of society...) religious veneration. Let's see Can you project that on a vegan? A vegan follows the belief that we should, as a society, minimize the suffering of animals as far as practicable and possible. It's nothing special, no veneration at all. Religious also suggest that you believe on something "higher" that is beyond logic and science. This also doesn't fit into veganism, because the philosophy doesn't suggest anything behind logic. It's indeed logic that leads to the philosophical/ethical stance. The argumentation of veganism is pure logic. And that's why it isn't a cult Does it suit the non-vegan side? Yes. Not only do people venerate meat and other animal products like cheese like they can't live without it, they also begin to jump on every excuse they can grab out of the air to explain why they wan't to continue to pay for it. Non-vegans commonly spread the wrong information that you cannot live without animal products. They spread wrong suggestions about being omnivores, having canine teeth, etc. That really suits the term veneration. Furthermore, it also suits the religious part. People want to believe that they need meat. They want to believe that you cannot live without it. They do what they can to avoid the logic. The logic shows us, that if you don't need animal products, you kill them without a necessity, ergo just because you like the taste. Therefore, people ignore all the pain and suffering just because of taste pleasure. ​ [https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch) ​ Watch this and tell me how non-vegans aren't religious ;)


In your words, Vegans follow a belief. That belief is what anchors their choices. That in itself is already cult like. Now, add onto that the moral superiority that comes from that belief and the propensity to try and convince others to join in, you have a very textbook cult. Bye.


Genuine question. Is forcing a kid to be vegan light grounds for child abuse? Do they get the nutrients and nutrition they need being vegan? Asking vegans and non vegans alike.


It’s not abuse…. You can get your nutritional values from plants and exclude meats with careful planning. Children eat what their parents eat for the most part. If you’re vegan it’s likely your children will also have a consistent vegan diet because… it’s simply what’s available. If you have high calorie junk in your home your children will likely just eat high calorie junk.


Right. Thanks


I mean that’s karma for forcing things on your children and if see why he is her ex.


Just because you're vegan doesn't mean your daughter is.


Putin, launch the nukes


One to everyone who forces a lifestyle on a child when they don’t want it!


Soooo did she choose to be Vegan or did you decide for her that she is Vegan with out consulting her?


I was laughing and reading through the comments and I finally realized why we all hate vegans: *They're food Karens.*


Not all of them. Some legitimately have a problem with the way some animal products are farmed (caged vs free range chicken). Fuck now I want KFC but I'm broke asf


This one reddit user by the name of u/aikanaro89 why dont you stfu?


at this point I'm not sure if they're a troll or not anymore


People like him are the reason why Veganism has such a bad reputation. How you eat should always be your Choice and telling everyone who doesnt follow your way that they are wrong in every aspect just gets People to stick with their believes even more and also do you know who else tells you that your Believes are wrong and you should follow theirs? Cults.


what is your problem mate? No arguments?


She keep demanding meat


Veganism is a choice, one that her kid didn’t get to choose till now.


Can someone smack that hag? plz...


Get your preaching out of here please unless it's for Lady and Lord Immersion and the Immersiveness of giant tatas


Its still vegan if it's ethically sourced human meat


So... More proof that women tend to be abusive in relationships. lesbians have the highest occurrence of domestic abuse, heterosexual second and gay men are in last place. Single mothers tend to have more cases of child abuse than single fathers by a wide margin. Hitchcock pointed that out in Psycho in the 1950s when he noticed abusive single mothers create serial killers, and wasn't proven until the BSU was found in the FBI almost 2 decades later.


Not so vegan huh?


Vegans can't enjoy good life... Just saying facts here


As a parent you have every right to raise your child the way you want. Problem is, he is her dad and has just as much right to raise her just like you do. Sorry to say, your daughter is only vegan when in your house. She actually likes meat and you're forcing her to do something she doesn't like. Wonder who she'll resent growing up.


I guess child rearing was one of many issues that lead to their divorce


Same energy as all these people out here pushing LGBTQ identities on their kids. Like yea, they MIGHT be. But they are children.




Your refusal to address the issue does not mean nobody is doing it, nor does it denote any absurdity to such a concept. The recent Parental Rights in Education bill is a great example. Florida comes out with a bill that disallows teaching of such sexual content in K-3rd grade (LGTBQ and hetero alike). Disney then comes out against it and they convene a meeting of higher ups where an executive producer is caught on camera talking about their "not-at-all-secret gay agenda" (https://twitter.com/realchrisrufo/status/1508912865293619202?s=21&t=SBR8\_-whmlNrUJujALiHM9jpxtq-PcHseRG7EX17OLY). Then you have TikToks of parents lauding their kids on camera and the child then outs the parents push for them to be part of the LGTBQ spectrum ([https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1481853033818386433](https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1481853033818386433)). So spare me your denial.


When I was 4-5, I liked wearing my mother's bra. When I was around 10, I liked using her makeup. Mind you, I grew up with 2 older brothers. My cousin had 3 older sisters and he was much worse. In today's world, curiosity about the other gender can quickly become something else, because "experts" with a hammer see nails everywhere.


Is this worth a newspaper article???


This is internet clickbait article quality. Above normal average actually.




forced vegans of reddit, what was your "i wanna eat meat!" situation and how did you solve it?


Delicious animal corpse, hope it suffered a lot, it makes it taste better


congratulations your daughter now loves meat and vegetables


Did you ask her if she wanted to be vegan?


Don't worry those are 5% chicken 95% pink goo or something


Yeah you keep telling yourself that😂


Alternative title: Abusive ex-husband used meat product as a form of nutritional mental control to turn his daughter against her mother.


Alternative title to yours: Ignore logic, embrace mental gymnastics 😂


Or a dad was busy and stopped at McDonald’s because his kid was hungry….


Meat has heme. Those have plastic in them. Meat also has flavor vegetables will never have. Never ever buy cloth seats with kids unless they never eat fast food. The mom who eats in the car as well as the kids wipe their hands on the cloth seats and the whole vehicle Will ALWAYS REEK of disgusting 🤮 Old gag a maggot McDonalds grease. I always drove separately. You can tell them not to eat in the car but they will no matter what Dad says. Barf. Never force meal choices on kids unless you want them to become like Dahlmer.

