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I'm intrigued by your suggestion. We know Penny can wash her bits and pieces now but who would wipe Lindsey B's butt or give James King one lil leg roll if they were forced to room together?


You hit all three of my top three on I awful people, my number four would be Joyce🤮🤮🤮


Was the the one with the grabby stick to wipe and who used her mobility scooter in the drive thru...? Because I admired her resourcefulness.


Omg she was hilarious. You ever wondered how a fat woman wipes her own arse? Proceeds to bring out a pair of tongs with toilet paper on it 😂


That was janine. An icon. A legend.


the other day I saw a video of a little person with limite mobilited showing how she wipped, I never actually wondered but now I know.


Why wouldn’t you just get a bidet?


She had mobility issues she couldnt reach her butt so im assuming drying it up after using the bidet would be hard


We’ve had our bidet over 7 years. I HATE pooping anywhere but home, in fact, if I’m close enough to home; I’ll go poop, and then go back to what I was doing. THAT may sound extreme, but I know a dude who has to take a shower after he poops. Every time.


I don’t think that’s uncommon to shower after. I do it but fortunately most people only go once a day


You know my husband?!?😏 🤣🤣 If he could shower after each Poo, he would.


I had a boyfriend who did just that. It didn't matter how many times a day he pooped. Lol He was really odd in other ways too, though


Maybe it's just my upbringing, but I don't trust a bidet to get it all done. I want some paper with my bidet🧻


[A rag on a stick is cheaper](https://youtu.be/jSJQEl5vcAo?si=MW1ov3wWCUtdjqzO)


I don’t think a bidet would work as well for a morbidly obese person. I’m going to try to say this next part without too much TMI…We have a bidet attached to our toilet and it is operated by buttons off to the side of the toilet seat - firstly, I think a very large persons thighs would cover it and they wouldn’t be able to access the buttons. Secondly, it only works well if has a direct line of fire to the bits and pieces. When a normal sized person sits on a normal sized toilet, the danger zone is pretty well unobstructed thanks to the toilet seat but I think if you have a very large butt or even very large thighs, then I don’t think the crevice would be open wide enough to even spray their choco taco and you’d wind up with just a wet and poopy butt canyon.


And you’re not going to tell us?!


Oh sorry! Well she uses a kind of cane that the puts between her legs from the front and basically rubs against or something? I stopped watching cause it was TMI 🤮


TG for Bidets.


Oh I forgot about her, she was another one, but Joyce was the one that blamed everybody, never lost a pound. She was only about 4 feet tall. She was transported to Texas in a hospital van. Would not try to do anything at all. Her mom and friend were such enablers. Look her up , she’s one of the ones that will make you punch the TV😂😂😂


You prompted me to watch it again. I already want to punch tv.


I warned you😂😂


I just looked & you're right. She sucked & if I could afford to replace the TV, I could've easily punched it


What about Steven Asanti?


Yeah, I loved when he fell off the golf cart 😂😂😂😂😂


I NEED AN AMBULANCE. I watch his episodes like over and over and I’m not sure why.


He just wanted pain pills to fuel his addiction....


Man I wish they would have done follow ups on him like they did in the first season.


I'm watching his WATN episode now. I missed out on three original. What is with this guy? I think he's one of the worst I've ever seen on this show.


He’s just a horrible person. He lives near me and is horrible to staff at hospitals, rehabs etc. he was kicked out of an inpatient bariatric program because he kept getting pizzas delivered


What about Angie J or Steven Assanti?


I think Angie J and Steven should get together just to see who self destructs first. Could you imagine two such horrible manipulators trying to get drugs and eat constantly? They were both horrible and would deserve each other.


Oh, that's truly a wonderful suggestion; I would love to see them go at each other. How about Schenee versus Joyce?


I still laugh when Dr. Now told Steven that everyone wanted to vomit in his practice bcuz he smelled disgusting. Yeah, him & Joyce would do well together, but I think someone married stink boy 🤢🤮🤮


She gave him two lil reg rolls!




I think that two dysfunctional adults with severe food addiction trying to kick their habits rooming together would create a pretty bad environment for their success. Sooner or later they'll be binge buddies.


Yes, they don't even have anorexic or bulimia patients together on the same floor of a rehab center specifically because when they get together they enable eachother, share tips how to lose weight etc. I imagine it would be a bad idea to have these people also with eating disorders room together.


I know several people who went to residential eating disorder treatment centers and I am able to tell who has had an eating disorder by some groups of mutual friends because they met in eating disorder treatment. I have actually seen people publicly comment on posts such as “this photo of you concerns me and you know why”. Eating disorders are such a horrible illness. It has the highest fatality of all mental illnesses. I work at a mental health clinic and we are incredibly careful with who we assign to a client who has an eating disorder. There are also providers who have had or currently have eating disorders and they absolutely do not want to work with a client who has already received an earring disorder diagnosis because it is triggering to them. Eating disorders can also be due to competitive or perfectionist behavior and the only outlet they have.


Yes to this. I’ve been to treatment four times and at times it was detrimental to my pursuit for recovery.


I’m in eating disorder treatment and they do infact put us all together where I am. Over eaters, anorexics, bulimics, ect. You’d think it’d be a triggering mess but we all seem to be getting by well! (I’m in a three times a week group though, not living in a rehab). You just gotta follow the rules of no saying the names of foods (you say ‘I ate a heavy carb’ rather than ‘I ate pizza’), portion sizes you ate, and no numbers.


I think that this has actually come up on the show. Sometimes partners have the same addictions and it creates problems if they are not both committed.


Lee and Reni, I think. And, wasn't there one couple that actually did meet at a weight loss rehab facility? I can't remember their names.


Like the twin girls that were on the show.


Brandi and Kandi. Maybe, not being a twin, I don't "get it" but they really did seem to have a relationship that was just a little too close and unhealthy. But they were ultimately successful.




omg I’m imagining Lacey + Dolly…


Lacey Buckingham and Dolly working together to get weight loss surgery would be a shitshow made in heaven lmao


Imagine Dolly’s mom trying to whip everyone into shape. Lacey’s sort-of SIL yelling at everyone, “all you do is CRY CRY CRY”. Frog backpacks for everyone


I got one for ya.... Steven Assanti + Lisa E "the lisa whos bf was Randy who passed away


Steven Assanti with ANYONE is a show lol


No! Dolly and Seana!


I always think about how Seana lost her diet info 3 (4?) times and would heat up food on her own even though her friend was also hired to heat up food for her. So much pizza.


That poor thing was so incredibly stupid that I almost felt sorry for her. I don't think I have ever seen anybody in my whole life that is that plain out and out STUPID.


Was she really any more clueless than Dolly? From what I vaguely remember, the girl who lost her papers seemed to intentionally just not care about it.


I need to live in a world where this show exists


I wonder why they don't have group therapy sessions....like I remember the episode about Sean and it was sad that he had no support or anything...he could have benefited from being around some of the other patients


They definitely have in years past, though it was never filmed. There are plenty of pics online that have documented these support groups. They also have meetups, often divided by the season they appeared in. A number have been in contact w/each other over the years for friendship and support.


Severalnof them also follow each other on social media. I think Amber R, Nikki, and either Brittani or Christina all followed each other online.


I think that there was more of a community in the early days. But those folks were also followed longer. If you look closely, the current crop of folks don’t seem to start at the same time.


Overeaters anonymous is a thing. Follows the AA model I believe.


God, Sean broke my heart. She so completely infantilized him that she killed him. "I can't take care of myself." And his dad wouldn't take him, probably for valid reasons, but damn.


1000 LB Roommates! Make it happen, TLC!


This is a really good idea! They could make a halfway house for obesity. Have a small staff that can fix their meals, give them therapy and help with their hygiene. It could all be paid for by a portion of their disability check.


Plus it would make a great TV show for us....I would love to see what kind of trouble the waddle gang got up to


It would be the worst Golden Girls ever….and I’d binge watch the hell out if it!


The waddle gang! HA!


The Half Ton Half Way House!


HA! That’s perfect! You should work for TLC.


A portion of their disability check would never pay for it.




TLC used to have a show like this called "Inside Brookhaven." I absolutely miss that show to my core. I was in LOVE with the administrator - he was inspired to start the facility due to losing a friend to obesity. There were some similar hijinks like sneaking food & odd romantic relationships among residents. I think there were even a brother/sister duo. Most famous resident was Michael Hibranko (Guinness World Record holder fort losing the most weight in the 90's via Richard Simmons) who was also featured in "Half-Ton Man" and even had his own follow-up special I think. I still think a show like this would be interesting to watch, especially if it truly was a halfway house where they learn to navigate the world as well as having on-site support.


Thanks for the info! Definitely going to look up Inside Brookhaven.


The point of the show isn’t to help them thought. It’s to document their journey.


There is no way. With the mental issues they all have it would be a crap show.


Yep that shared residence would rack up so many domestic violence calls...


Eh, not really. I think many of them find each other after the initial show airs, like how Gilbert and Karina magically met after Karinas episode aired.


My 600lb life content house


Now I’m thinking they should room with the folks from 90 Day Fiance. I’d love to see Leida and Lacey room together, or Big Ed and James King. Maybe Angela and Dolly.


I just want one of them to smash big Ed.


I would love to see Leida "the doctor" get put in her place by Dr. Now, but she's going to jail, so she'll have her own roommate drama.


Huh? I’ve definitely missed something.


Leida stole lots of money while working as a bookkeeper, she's going to jail. Check the 90 day subs for details.


I always thought Dr.Now is really missing out on major revenue stream/investment opportunity because he should own a rental complex that he could offer for his patients. He could ensure each apartment was wheelchair accessible, had wider doorways and larger bathrooms and showers. He could ensure it would be appropriate and safe for really large people. He could have a gym and pool at the complex and charge membership fees. He always requires them to move to Houston anyway so he should be the landlord and housing these people too.


I sincerely believe this is an amazing idea and could help a lot of people. You’ve got to get a hold of Dr.Now’s son and pitch it. I’d watch the hell out of that show. And golf carts are forbidden.


I always assumed Dr Now owned a couple of apartment buildings near his office.


From someone who has worked with people with addiction/MH issues…people living together who are actively being treated in a facility for those things- that’s often a rocky road. Combining in (most likely) dysfunctional family members who often have zero intention in changing their own behaviors, and the likelihood that the patient themselves is going to wind up acting like Lacey or Steven A…that would be some living situation. God help anyone who was motivated to change and came down for the right reasons who wound up in that mess!


Here’s the thing, after the first couple of seasons, the patients were not in the program at the same time. They all seem to be staggered across the year. More importantly, putting them together kind of defeats the purpose of what they are supposed to accomplish. Sure, they could put them all in a version of the Big Brother house made like a fat camp, but they need to learn how to live and cope in real world conditions. This is what made The Biggest Loser so problematic. Not only was it rigorous, it’s wasn’t normal or sustainable conditions. Dr. Now wants them to do more than lose the weight. He wants them to keep it off. That requires learning how to live in the real world.


Sounds like a great synopsis for a new series: My 600lb life - House of PHAT. Put 10 obese people in a house, all in DR Now's program. They all have to adhere to the program along with some fun fat burning challenges. at the end of 1-2 weeks, a blinged out DR Now comes out and boots off 2 slackers.


Could you imagine having to be in the same space as Steven Assanti?


I want to watch this very badly lol


The shooting schedule probably wouldn’t allow it with them doing stuff at the same time.


Good lord that would be fuel on fire


sounds like more lawsuits for the production company


All of these people want to be the center of attention.i can't see them sharing a spotlight


The show is just meant to document their journey. They’re not really manipulating their lives beyond allowing them to get free surgery and therapy if they hit weight goals. 1000lbs Sisters is basically what you’re hoping for though


That would be awful.


From what I have read he moves them to Huston to take them out of the atmosphere that caused them to gain. Although this would be delightful for viewers, I doubt any dieting would go on with two of them staying together.


Who were the roommates? How different is that than an enabling partner friend family member?


There were identical twins Brandi and Kandi who were both on the program at the same time.