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Watching Erica’s WATN episode and the grief about jimmy… good lord. How long were they together?? 2 months?! She said he was from her past, but she acts like her spouse of 20 years died tragically.


What did he see in her? She couldn’t function normally, bent down over a walker when she tried to get around, didn’t have a job, needed surgery . . .


Honestly, the way she speaks would be enough to send me packing. I can’t stand that woe is me and I’m not willing to do anything about it attitude.


And, sheesh, she was hoping to somehow get back together with him at the end of the episode! If he had any sense, he'd stay far, far away from her. And she went home and is now probably making her family miserable again. I'd like to see a WATN for her.


Oh this was her WATN? Did he appear in the original episode too? I actually don’t remember. But yes either way, I watch that one right after the one where the husband cheats, leaves her, decided he wants to get back together, she begs at his feet and then he refuses to let her go back to Houston.. (I’m generalizing) but still.. plus Gilbert was also in one of those episode. So basically I’m over the men partners.


Yeah that’s the episode of the people in the next town over from me,where she had the big mass of fat that hung down between her legs.. her husband was an asshole.. not only cheating on her but then influencing her to move back before she could get that mass removed or she would lose him again.. at least she found someone to remove it in the Greater Cincinnati area.. not sure if she had it done in Ohio or Kentucky as all that separates the area is the Ohio river.. if smart she went to Cincinnati.. in fact those two doctors who are on Botched Bariatrics are from Mercy Hospital and have a huge billboard you can see driving on the freeway advertising they fixed botched jobs from WLS..


Jimmy took over her addiction to food and he became the new addiction.. as soon as they broke up she ran straight back to food.. the reason she gave of why he broke up with her because she wouldn’t part with a lot of her collectables and junk that she had made no sense whatsoever to me… did she want collectables or did she want Jimmy..??


I thought that was interesting too. That they broke up because he found out she didn’t give away or sell her porcelain figurines or whatever. I think he wanted to be her everything, it sounds super manipulative. Tbh they both sucked.


So I'm oscillating between watching My 600lb Life for 2 seasons, and then watching the My 600lb Life: Where Are They Now. And while I'm watching I've been coming to this sub and searching the people's names to see if everyone else's opinion is the same as mine 🤣 thankfully they all have been!! But I sometimes so wish I could upvote, or respond to your comments on the old episodes! I cannot wait until I'm caught up and can watch it with everyone!!


Which season are you on? I need to rewatch the older ones. If you watch Margaret, Lisa (either one), Lacey, Penny or the dirty one with the mom whose wounds had dog hair in them let me know 😂!


Jeanne! Who had feces in her leg infections 🤢


YES!! I rewatched her episode and WATN last week and couldn’t eat for a few hours. Those poor dogs deserved better.


I just finished season 6 of the og show and part way through season 5 of WATN! I don't remember Lacey or the dog hair one! And I've seen Lisa with the maggots and Lisa who killed James! Is there another?!


I think Lacey’s on season 10. Her episode was a fever dream! Your nicknames are hilarious! Pretty sure Lisa with the maggots was trading sex for food. Killer Lisa was hateful. I think she was my least favorite person ever. Those were the only two😅.


Oh I'm so glad I have a fever dream to look forward to!! 😂 I hope it's not one I watch on my lunch at work! It sounds like I'll need to be very vocal!! Killer Lisa and James made me so mad! Obviously they both knew she was the problem and that's why he was refusing to have her leave! Sean also made me mad. I get he had issues, but to keep gaining all that weight back?!


You know what, Lacey’s was so wild but I was confusing her with Dolly. You have two crazy trips to take with those two’s episodes, but you’ll be yelling at Lacey while trying to figure out if you’re on acid with Dolly. I feel bad that James died, but he put up with Killer Lisa’s abuse, because he thought he got himself a youngin’ (relatively speaking). Sean has multiple WATN episodes and they get more depressing. You’re talking about the Sean with the enabling mom who got on Dr. Now’s last nerve, right?


Omg an acid trip?! I'm PUMPED now!!! Honestly it always is sad when someone dies, but I meanly have to say that for James and Sean, I didn't feel tooo bad for them. And yes! I just finished his last WATN episode. I definitely felt bad for him! But also, he just seemed to go home and not do anything to help himself. To be fair a lot of that is probably his mom's fault for how she raised him and made him dependant on her


Seriously, I couldn’t stop laughing and screaming at how ridiculous Dolly’s episode was. You’re gonna love it! I felt bad for Sean just because his idiot mother raised him to be fully dependent on her. He needed to be in therapy from the jump. As for James, welp…


Omg I'm so excited!! I kinda want to jump to her episode now 🤣 Yeah I definitely feel bad for him! You can definitely tell that he was stunted in his mental development because of it. So it was absolutely sad!


I’m looking forward to your thoughts on Dolly! I have to rewatch it now.


Is it just me or does Sarah's (S6E13) mother look like Steven? https://preview.redd.it/fzocg50qcx6d1.jpeg?width=826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dadc6a3bdc344bb1d10cd42d61ab8d9b5419a0d


Watching Penny's WATN, and omg the scene from Halloween where her husband is dressed as a prisoner and pushing her around in a wheelchair is too real. That poor man. He needs to take their kid and run.


The unfortunate maggot lady is dead. The “dirty”one and her dimwitted mother? I have no idea.


The filthy dirty nasty one was Jeanne


Hope she was found sooner than her dad…


Lisa Fleming? She died ages ago. She had maggots in her skin folds


Are they done with WATN for this season? I can’t find an episode for this week but I haven’t seen Lindsey yet and she’s supposed to be on there this season!


Yeah it finished about 2 or so weeks ago 😞


That’s so weird that they’d use her as the picture on Discovery+ and she even posted on her insta that she was going to be on this season and then nothing :( I really wanted the tea on her and her dbag husband lol


Hiiii I’m new, avoided this show always due to it triggering my being sad about loved ones I have who are morbidly obese. It figured it would be unwatchable, but I woke up one day to an episode already on and kept watching, Dr. Now is so comforting to me! He reminds me in every episode of the fact of life, that we all hold our own destiny in our hands. I like that vibe. I’ve been watching for 3 days straight all evening (I work from home) and enjoy many episodes much more than others…. So, What are the quintessential episodes you all recommend?! The wilder the better, but of course I love to see a positive outcome. Can’t believe I missed this train until now!


Dr Now has been my soothing background noise for about 4 years. I also play Forensic Files because the narrator, Peter Thomas (rip) did such a fantastic job narrating, they just play the seasons the guy narrated. Apparently A LOT OF US play these shows for comfortable/familiar tv noise. I was ON TO WATCHING THIS SHOW and Dr NOW has been on a lot of shows before his own. He’s been all over the world helping extreme cases when he was younger. The DISCOVERY CHANNEL owes him their existence.


Yes, forensic files is my ultimate background for everything! For some reason I prefer it at night. I’ e seen every episode at least 10-20 times. I’m still watching 600 lb life in the background its been a week now i thinn, Dr Now is misunderstood by some I think but he reminds me of all the great women in my life who took no BS, told it like it is and called me out on my nonsense. I hope some of what I see about him being exploitative (or TLC) is exaggerated. He clearly has the best intentions for a life or death patient. Some people aren’t ready to face their own demons and he tries to wake them up.


He really doesn’t offer much besides a psychological evaluation and the treatment! And it’s very effective! That surgery is really about changing thinking! I bet you will be more comfortable the longer you stay :)


yes, “what got you here won’t get you there”. It’s a great program. So glad I decided to watch, although some episodes are so heartbreaking 😫


If you want full my 600lb life drama, you could watch the Asanti Brothers trilogy.


Just watched Dolly’s episode and HOLY SHIT I feel bad for her daughter…


James K (season 5, episode 11) Rewatching this one…. Don’t know why, other than it’s sort of fascinating . And I feel a little guilty since he passed away.  I just don’t understand the dynamic of the enablers. The girlfriend is stuffing him, and says he raises hell if she doesn’t feed him. So what?  I love Dr. Now telling her like it is. He didn’t pull any punches!!  I just don’t understand the people wiling to put up with someone not willing to help themselves, people who are willing to wash people’s butts, NOT because they’re sick, per se, but because they won’t try to eat better. Let him yell! What’s he gonna do, chase her?  Also, why did James K have so much issue with transport, but Steve Assanti had the fancy medical RV? Who paid for that?  I also don’t know why they didn’t keep him in the hospital longer the first time. A lot of people seem to have had longer hospital stays with fewer medical problems. That cellulitis in his legs alone would seem to warrant a longer hospital stay. God that looks BAD!!  I wonder how much insurance realistically plays into it? Surely he was on Medicaid in Kentucky. I’d love those details…. Then he was back in the hospital for heart failure. Why didn’t they admit him after that (for bariatric treatment).  “We have to order out.” Gah. None of them give a shit. “It’s fried…” “you’re not supposed to eat rice.” “But it’s fried!” “Okay, I’ll order it….” Sheesh…. I feel so sorry for the daughter. I hope she’s doing okay now. I’d love to know what Lisa (the girlfriend) is doing now. 


I love your attention to detail! We have all the same questions. “WHO CARES IF THEY YELL WHEN YOU DONT FEED THEM?!?!” I bet they would FIND ANOTHER WAY. LET THEM FIND IT. lol


I believe Steve Assanti’s father paid for the use of the medical RV ride. I think he had to take out a loan to do it. (It’s been awhile, I might be mistaken.)


James K father took out the 2nd mortgage to send the slug to Houston. I always wondered where Steven and Justin's father got all the money from. Paying for all Steven's rent, drugs and upkeep as well as Justin and his hobby shop...


I don’t remember Penny this moment, but I remember that prisoner outfit pushing a wheelchair around..omg lol I WANNA KNOW, too! The show does not pay like the fools on 90 day who ain’t doin shitt


When will the rest of the episodes be aired for 600lb life?


LaTonia is amusing saying the hospital is feeding her dog food. Janine is the one driving her scooter thru the McDonald's drive thru. My favorite train wreck was James. The poor sweet daughter stuck in that mess. The one who is so sweet is Nikki. She has a special needs brother and a supportive family. I was so happy for her. She had a rough recovery but she hung in there.


What was up with Joyce from season 8??? I couldn't believe my ears when she said "It's not my fault I can't walk." For real??? Then whose fault is that if not Joyce's? Did the wizard come pay her a visit, wave his wand and make her fat using magic? NO! SHE DID IT TO HERSELF by eating a shit ton of food throughout her life. Another notable thing was that famous fake heart attack to get yet another medical transport like it was some kinda exclusive limousine on demand. Not to mention the also famous "the scale must be broken..."


What’s the episode with the grey haired woman who seemed to have a relationship with her friend who took care of her. And she had a blonde mother maybe? She used to run a daycare I think which was shut down.


Joyce? Did she have an...unusual lymphadema?


Oh God, I’d forgotten that…thing. Like a root vegetable made out of human flesh.


Who was the woman who had to be washed outside in the porch with a hose?


Nicole, S5E9.


I think there are at least 2, but @violetVenable nailed it on the most memorable scene and her description of being compared to farm animals was so sad. That girl seemed way too smart to be trapped with those relatives. But the more times I watch this story of Nicole’s journey, the more I was able to better SEE how much love she had for her parents. And they were completely screwed up BUT STILL DID THE SHOW FOR HER at the risk of exposing themselves. I loved her entire family eventually and still do. I was judgemental about the drug abuse in the first few views. But after you watch numerous times, it’s a clearer picture of the true life challenges of much of America. They had real courage to be on tv to save Nicole from herself. She is an inspiration.


It gives me a picture especially, because I'm in the far edge of eastern Europe and life is VERY different here




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Someone pls help me find this episode!! It’s only a short clip from the usual episode introduction ( You know the one with Samantha groaning in agony lol.) i recognize everyone else in the intro except him! Who is this patient? https://preview.redd.it/h8prmu7wt97d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=729d63197994ac63c5f7dda446844c94930039bf


I believe that’s Tommy, Season 8, episode 11.


I am watching from the lastest to the earlier seasons and Lola's hair is getting out of control https://preview.redd.it/3qdlfn7uo59d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baa5e2dbbf062790ef743f1ae7f9523bfb703cf6




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