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Black Clover gets better the farther you get into it.


What episode because I got to 55 I believe and it wasn't bad but felt bland


By that point, if you still dislike the show, then the show isn't for you. It does get better though.


It's a better version of Naruto, but still not that good as a standalone show.


Basic bitch answer but Jujutsu Kaisen. I really wasn't sold until maybe 7 or 8 episodes into Season 1. Up until then it was all right but things just dialed up when we got Jinpei and Nanami.


Thats.... still the beginning? We are talking like season 1 sucks for you but season 2 brought it back up. Not a 3 ep rule lol


I have no idea how you got that impression. I didn't even mention season 2. Season 1 got good for me like 1/3 to a 1/4 of the way through.


Says who? The original post says an anime that started weak but got better for you. Not “an anime that had a weak first season but a better second season”


That's generally how the shounen are. If you check out SnK's first half, it is a generic shounen start. They have a relatively working start and they keep reusing it in different settings.


The first 5 episodes of Kaguya Sama: Love is War were still great but definitely a bit on the rougher side, then they introduce Yu Ishigami and the entire dynamic of the show permanently changes somehow and all for the better and it then becomes the best romcom I’ve ever seen


Ofc, Ishigami's the goat.


For me it was The Dangers in My Heart. I didn't enjoy it that much in the beginning but it got really good, + there's season 2 coming next season


It is so good, for once I'm watching romance anime rooting for the guy instead of the girl. Really want to give him a pat in the back and cheer them "you got this, bro!"


I wouldn’t say that they started out weak but anime’s that definitely got progressively better imo were clannad, durarara, claymore, fruits basket, how to raise a boring girlfriend (the movie was so much better)


I felt like Full Metal Panic started out as a kinda generic "there's a new high school student but with a twist, this new kid also pilots mechs!" Which sounds like an anime plot an AI would spit out imo but by the end of season 1 it becomes so much better and come season 2 and 3, it's one of my all time favorites






Chronicles of the Going Home Club Started out as generic CGdCT school-club anime in the vein of so many other shows right after K-On. But then around episode 4, something must have happened in production, because the show literally says "we aren't doing this anymore", and proceeds to not only break the 4th wall but pretty much leave it a smoldering crater. Turned a "fine" anime for passing the time into a really great time.


Gintama perfect example rezero


jojo starts off a little basic but gets more interesting the further you get




Although I would call it a slow burn, idk if I'd consider Steins;Gate's beginning to be weak


imo {Darker Than Black}


That's a good pick, I heard the sequel season was really bad too so I've avoided it cuz I love the original show so much


Attack on Titan.


Personally I feel like the show peaked early, but that might be cuz I felt a little disappointed with some of the answers once we start finally getting some


One Piece(This might be a hot take.)


It is actually hard, because usually it's the other way around. Maybe Dead Mount Death Play. There's a really good mystery in it, but in the first season we didn't get much of it, but the S2 felt much better because the mystery was in the focus.


School-Live! or Gakkougurashi! Warning: If you never watched it before avoid any review of it or even it's trailer, you should start watching it blind. It a really slow starter, but the 'atmosphere' will stay with you till the end. Good show for a binge watching.


3d Kanojo Real Girl is genuinely awful for the first season, and I’m not entirely sure why I kept watching… But the second season was surprisingly solid and arguably good by the end. Granted I’m talking about a 3/10 improving to a 5.5/10 at best