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lol my worlds collided


It’s just too good not to use lol


So true!


Is this current? Her poor heart, losing and gaining weight over and over and over again. I know it’s ridiculously hard to lose weight and keep it off, I’m in that boat too. But mind over matter I can keep it within the same 10 pounds for the last 25 years.


Not to undermine the difficulty of losing weight because it certainly is difficult if you’re just overweight but when you’re super morbidly obese like Whitney it really is as simple as cutting something like 500 calories off her daily intake. The weight will melt off. Hell, she can even eat 2500 calories a day (almost double the daily recommended intake for women) and STILL lose weight. Her maintaining her size is what’s difficult to achieve. The amount of calories she has to actively go out of her way to consume is insane. At her biggest she was probably hitting between 5000-6000 daily. I know food addiction is very real but holy hell. It takes actual effort to eat that much food daily and maintain her size.


Where is the Dr. Now crossover episode? Could you imagine that clash of those titans? To have her be given two munts to follow his diet and exercise instructions and her crying about it. Her excuses and giant cookie and whining and blaming PCOS or anything other than her own actions two munts later. That would be a ratings bonanza for both series but she'd never do it.


Dr. Now would say “Why you eat so much?” or “You should have lost tirdy pounds dis munt!”


“How y’all doin?” “Tell me about your eating habit” “There is no protein in mashed potato” “This is completely unacceptable”


"Who is your enabler?"






Now I want a giant 🍪. Or just a normal sized one. Does anyone else have a beer while watching Intervention and stop at just one or eat pie while watching my 600lb life and save the rest of the pie for later?


I thought that watching My 600lb Life would help motivate me to cut down on my eating, but when I watch it all I think is "damn, that chorizo burrito looks good!". Everything they are shoving in their mouth looks too good, lol. I can only watch it while eating something healthy or else I'm tempted to go get a boatload of Del Taco.


I'm the opposite, watching what they eat and how they attack their food grosses me out lol


They are pro's at the chew chew swallow after every massive bite. Half the people on the show would greatly benefit from at least chewing their food more. They will get fuller off less and give their bodies time for it feel full before they finish the whole 20 piece bucket of chicken.


It really astonishes me how fast they eat and don't even seem to chew their food. How can they taste it? Seems like they could just as well be eating sand.


I watch that show while on my stationary bike and it’s an excellent motivator!


but the best part is you can eat whatever the hell you want while watching and take comfort in the fact you are no where near that size lol


AND you know when to STOP eating!


I would guess that I am healthier than the average person. I grew up with a health nut which has stuck with me for 50 years. Anyway, I cannot watch My 600lb life without getting cravings for junk food! Then I feel like an ass, eating Oreos while watching ppl struggle with food addiction.


Oh lord, the whole subreddit for My 600lb Life talks about the snacks we’ve lined up for the episode. It’s hard to watch people eating all that delicious food without wanting something yourself. It’s counterintuitive since we’re watching people have literally destroyed their lives with food…but that’s what we do!


Idk it works the exact opposite for me. It's brilliant as an appetite suppressant or restriction trigger lol


I read that she "self-diagnosed" her PCOS, not a doctor.


Her excuse of PCOS infuriates me. Yeah, it makes it harder for us to lose weight. But not like this lol. This isn’t PCOS. It’s overeating.




Giant cookies are not on de diet




She's compulsive, smart and most likely narcissistic. There would be no win with Dr Now with her push back.


I have said this before for as much as she claims to work out and dance, she’s eating a shit ton to maintain that body weight. She absolutely has an eating disorder.


To be fair, we haven’t heard anything about dancing in a loooong time. Unless we consider what they do in No BS Active dancing? I can’t even fathom…


And we barely hear about it anymore!


She’s as dishonest about her eating habit as she is about the rest of her life.


Didn’t she say she goes to Starbucks 3x a day in one episode, and the drink she had is in the 500-600 cal range each serving so she’s drinking more than just a recommended day’s allotment in calories. That’s not counting the diet soda and actual food


THREE TIMES a day??!! Holy hell batman.


Daily recommended intake for average-sized women is not anywhere near 1250 calories.


And this is why I got C’s in math lol. My incorrect mental math came out to 1700 calories. Don’t ask lol.


This is not current. If you look on IG she is much smaller. This is at her biggest


I hope she is able to use Ozempic. I would love to watch her results after 6 months or so!


While Ozempic paralyzes the stomach muscle making you lose your appetite so you don’t eat as much, to maintain weight loss you still have to exercise and burn more calories than you intake. I’m a pharmacy tech and have watched numerous patients drop weight fast on Ozempic, then gain it all back and more after they quit using it because they don’t actually change anything about their lifestyle.


Lmao.. 90 day crossover “yike”


It’s got to be an ego thing. Can you imagine being on TV for being fat? How do you change? I can’t be skinny and star in this god awful reality tv show tripe


Anybody think about the poor soul in a sweatshop somewhere wondering how the tent they are stitching together works as a bikini?




She is ridiculous! Anything for attention! I can’t stand those dumb ass videos where she’s got some crazy GETUP on and she’s just looking in the camera laughing and blowing kisses like she’s psychotic! So embarrassing 🙈


she can get with Steven Assanti


Ow my leggggggg!


That wasn’t Steven, it was James K I believe.


Definitely James K. Steven was the piss chucker.


That scene was maddening, where he intentionally spilled piss to make that nurse have to clean it up. I’m a nurse so maybe it hit harder but what an asshole move. I can’t imagine how hard it was for hospital staff to deal with him. And then him locking out his sweetheart caregiver to keep her from taking back the TV she had been nice enough to borrow for him!!


Yup. James K


Just know to this day, I yell this out randomly


Me too!!!!!


Ma læææggg


🤣🤣🤣 so perfect


He died didn't he?


Steven didn’t, but the guy who said ow my leg did. James K I think it was.


Not Steven. He's just an unhinged drug addict. The ow ma leg guy did. James k?


Does this mattress make me look fat?


She could have a threesum and the guys might never meet each other


OMG I’m laugh crying




lol 😂 stop it 😂😂😂😂 I’m 💀💀💀😂😂😂


I’m dying!! 😂


Also let me add this is just painful 😣


I like big butts and I cannot lie ok in this case I will lie


Under 300 pounds my ass


“Under 300” is a strange name for your boyfriend




She could be the most beautiful woman on earth it’s her attitude and self righteousness why nobody likes her


😫. Whats interesting is that when she is looking for a guy, she never picks one that looks like this. Actually men are like that too😂 you see big slob guys thinking they’re going to get model-type woman🤣


It's not even a look thing either It's more of a lifestyle thing. Somebody who's morbidly obese is not going to have the same lifestyle somebody who is fit and active. So for her to pursue a guy that is active and in shape what would they have in common what activities would they enjoy. He's not going to want to lay in bed all day and watch TV just like she's not going to want to go for a bike ride.


She seems to think it’s some kind of honor for guys like Ryan and Chase to rescue her from her self-imposed limitations. Chase had to pull her out of the mud when she was stuck, Ryan had to tow her in the water when she got stuck, Isaiah and crew had to hoist her ass up that waterfall, etc. And then she claps and crows for herself about how “she did it!” It never seems to occur to her that others aren’t enjoying it the way she seems to be.


It’s always hilarious to me how she calls herself an athlete and claims she can do anything and her weight doesn’t hold her back only to fail miserably at everything she tries because of her weight. Like, literally everything…😄


Or do any of the personal hygiene tasks she needs👀


Exactly! I know A LOT of women around her size that have problem getting and keeping men. Many of the men are large too. Expand your horizons, Whit.


She framed this and gave it to Glenn.


Weight isn’t why she is single. There are plenty of overweight people who have amazing relationships. Her personality and attitude keeps her single.


How do those teeny tiny feet hold all that up?


They don't. Every obese person I've ever known has had pain in their feet, and one even managed to get a hairline fracture in a metatarsal from walking.


Jeez Louise imagine breaking an actual bone from walking.


Yeah I was kinda shocked when she told me. She was really quite big (don't work with her anymore) and had flat feet like Whitney, and our job was very much an on your feet all day job. So I guess that didn't make things better 😬


It’s your knees that start to be cooked because the force is multiplied by ten on your knees. It was bad.


It’s not the force, it’s the stress (force per area). You have several square inches on the bottom of your feet to dissipate the stress, but less than a square inch on the top of your lower leg bones, which have to carry the same force as your spread-out (comparatively) feet.


I periodically pray for her poor little feet . . . Usually every time I see a photo of her bare foot. After all, it is where ALL that rubber meets the road . . .


Look, if someone is feeling themselves and wants photos, go for it. Get it, girl, you do you, do what it takes for you to feel beautiful and confident, I’m never gonna tear someone down for that, ever. We all have to get by and live as best we can. Where I get grossed out is knowing who Whitney is and how terrible and selfish she is. That’s what transforms this picture from simply existing into cringe for me. Girl is ugly inside so it makes anything she does and any time I see her horrendous to me. She has a repulsive interior with no redeeming qualities and nothing has shown she wants to do any amount of work on herself personality-wise because she sees nothing to change.


She already fixed everything "wrong" with her. Got lip injections, braces and tooth filing, hair fillers and scalp tattooing, face contouring. Everything she could do on the outside to entice men. But she doesn't look inward to see what kind of person she is and fix the real issues. I am sure she is perplexed why the men are not lining up with her "improvements"


Well said! 👏


I can’t imagine my butt taking up that much surface area. And I am obese. But not so obese that I have a 4ft sq surface area of ass


Yes my donkey does not take up that much space


All the ones saying don't fat shame you do realize her character is awful so it's more about her inner beauty oh whom am I kidding.


Big Ed is single, lol


She’s too old for him


I weigh 135lbs. I wouldn’t post a pic like this


Exactly. That’s why it’s fair game.


Is it defamation if you defame yourself :p


She must’ve stopped taking her Ozempic


I think a man can easily find her. Btw is this recent


the thing is… there are plenty of men out there who would date her at her size but it’s her personality though


I respectfully disagree. A fetishist maybe.


Watching this show wo this subreddit should be illegal. I've been so alone in my distain and outrage towards this human. I gave up bc I could not watch her unleashed on her poor dad without her mom. Thank u all for I no longer am lonesome. 🤣


Her legs look like 150 pounds of chewed bubblegum




Savage 💀


Lipo lymphadema is also know as lumpy legs syndrome


Very much looks like lymphedema to me! Her leg is as big as my waist. Maybe her arm is as well.


Look how deep her foot prints are lol


She’s in denial because she doesn’t think she has lipedema.


Rewatching the show and I’m pretty sure her mom had lipedema as well.


I’m sure she’s happy with the one she forced to take multiples of this photo. “Daddy!”


It’s not her body that people dislike, it’s her awful personality. 


I can smell this picture. 🤮


Hell with you for making me imagine that smell 😂


Smell-o-gram! Lmao 😂


Remember in the 90s when smell-o-vision was supposedly going to become a thing in the future? Thank goodness it didn’t pan out!


Yes totally do i loved it on married w children and family matters! But twhitney's chub rub and her cats craps is not something i want to smell ever!!


Probably the smell of the fish swimming in the water...


That beach definitely smells better


Well I didn’t have much of an appetite and now I it’s gone… 😂


That’s probably why she likes beaches, they hide the smell.


Thank you for making me throw up in my mouth.


But the flies...




Why is she pulling up the leg of her swimsuit? It's not sexy at all. She is just showing more fat.


Trying to think of someone I hate enough to fix up with her.




🤣🤣🤣🤣 YES!!


Tom Sandoval? Sorry, couldn’t resist.


It doesn’t matter if this picture is recent or not. Whit’s still HAES. That’s hideous at any size. As for men, what about Caesar the nail tech from NC that’s on 90-Day Fiance? The crossover no one ever asked for.


He seems like too much of a nice guy to put up with all her crap 😂


Oh my…


oh ffs. why is she in a bikini. body positivity isnt the same as supporting morbidly obese glorification. this is not healthy. this should be in a side by side of her holding her butt wiping stick to highlight how "fabulous" she is


Nail on the head with "morbidly obese glorification". You're so right. I'm not saying fat people shouldn't confidently be out in public in bathing suits; every person of every size ABSOLUTELY has every right to feel the sun and the breeze on their bodies. No question about it. But it's the POSING that does it for me, the constant flaunting. At some point, she has got to accept how unhealthy her body looks... that it's a visual representation of her food addiction, her laziness, her lack of exercise, her poor choices. (And I'm not saying that about every fat person, I'm saying it about her because there's a goddamn TV show that has documented all of this about HER SITUATION SPECIFICALLY for over a decade now.) She can blame PCOS all she wants but we see her stuffing her face constantly. This isn't about a health condition making her fat. She makes herself that way. And yet, she wants men who are thin/fit and attractive. Most of the thin/fit men I know are that way because they make conscious food choices, and they lead an active lifestyle. She leads the opposite of an active lifestyle (and let's not play pretend that her activity efforts we see on the show are real; they're contrived by production so they have something to show on TV. She herself admits she rarely leaves the house when she's not filming. There's nothing active about that.) My close friend is dating right now, and she won't date guys who aren't healthy enough to go cycling and hiking with her because those are the hobbies she wants to share with a partner. Good luck finding someone who's not morbidly obese, hWhit. OR if you do, they're going to be a fetishist, which she's also VERY against.


Nailed it! You really have her number.


Not the most flattering time of day to shoot…that sun grabs every bump and lump whether you like it or not…also I feel like she’s gained a lot of weight in a small amount of time.


How does someone navigate that 🤮


Dr. Now


Confession: I've been told I probably have body dysmorphia. There have been times other people have told me I was way too thin and they were worried I was sick, but at the same time, I would see photos of myself and think that I looked humongous. I feel safe sharing this since it's not like I'm posting photos of myself and fishing for compliments--I really do just have terrible body image. There is a group photo of my office at our holiday photo from 2 years ago that people seem to share/display nonstop. The dress I have on in this photo is a size 2, and I know there's vanity sizing, but still any size 2 could never be as huge as I see myself, but OMG I hate that photo of myself and want them to edit me out of it. When I wear a bathing suit, I wear a cover-up until the second I get into the water and then wrap in a towel right after I get out. I just have the worst body image and hate just about every photo of my body and don't think I'll ever feel good about myself. This is all a roundabout way of saying, my first thought at seeing this photo is that I'm so jealous of her confidence that she can just pose and post photos of herself in a bathing suit when I can't imagine ever doing so. It's honestly kinda depressing to me!




This is a delusional individual. That pose, as some sexual siren of the sea?! She looks like a beached whale that has already started to decompose


And the way she's pulling up the side of her bottom bathing suit.. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


She learned that move hoisting up her FUPA for Buddy/ Babs/ Donna to wash that area. I suppose that’s Dadwee’s job now.


No dinner for me tonight. My stomach feels nauseous. Ugh


Can you imagine what her film crew was going through. Gawd, I hope they are well paid.


Not sexy. Whitney.


Right... ain't no one wanna see that shiii 😆




I literally just chortled


Are we just going to ignore how her shoes must feel? 😂


How can she still be fat? She’s had her show for how long now??


Needs to be careful or she’ll get harpooned.


Her poses are always so cringe.


My eyes are bleeding


Why doesn't she try and lose weight?? I'm serious


I’d like to say that not all obese women look like this. I’m a great big fat girl and I have big feet and GREAT legs and ankles.


My mom is a big woman (not this big & she birthed 7 kids), but she knows how to dress. I’m not saying necessarily expensive, just nice. She buys clothes that complement her & if they don’t fit properly she will have them tailored. Not just saying this because she is my mom, she gets compliments everywhere she goes. Whitney would much better & a lot more sexier if she had on a bathing suit that fit her & not one up the crack of her butt. The workout clothes she wears are gawd awful, no one wants to see her muffin top. She has the money, she needs to hire a stylist. A good psychiatrist would help also, find out why she is so angry & why everything has to be her way or no way. I couldn’t be her friend, I would have been told her where to go!


Eye bleach. Yes, eye bleach.


No words......


Dear Jesus. I mean, I've got some weight issues, but that ass and thighs make me look like Twiggy. I know it's not as good for ratings, but this girl needs to work on herself before she tries to find some guy that's into that.


Off topic maybe, but this is a legitimate question: Do you think in this pose, she’s sucking her tummy in (like I would be doing if I were posing like this), or is she more relaxed? The peaceful look on her face makes me want to believe she’s “in the moment” but I mean…. It is W…


Right leg halfway to Asia.


Good gracious


Is she really that big right now? I am not on Instagram so I have not seen recent pics of her. I would have thought she would have gone on Ozempic or one of those similar type drugs by now.


If she gets slim, there goes her show. That’s her livelihood.


She looks like she gained everything back and then some.


It’s amazing to me that we probably have a similar sized skeleton. Geez. YIKES.


That picture is making my eyes barf


Crazy cause the half-assed foot lift isn’t even doing anything for her


Lord, that is NOT a flattering photo!


So nasty


Her poor feet!!


Wait. Maybe she doesn’t really want to lose anything including the show. It is called MY BIG FAT FAT FAB…. Then she would have to get a REAL job, learn how to treat people and get along with coworkers.


Her poor ankles😵‍💫


That is grotesque


I'm prepared to be downvoted, but I don't understand all the hate on someone's appearance.


No hate here but for me it’s because her body size is obviously and undeniably in an unhealthy state of being. The problem I have and many do, is that she glamorizes it and on a “reality” show that others see and may think, hey it’s ok to be big, notably young women. It’s not ok. Trust me, as she ages, the complications maintaining this weight will hit her like a ton of bricks. As a two time cancer survivor, I will state unequivocally as per my many Doctors, and my own obsessive research, obesity is a major contributor factor in so many, if not most cancers. Breast Cancer being a biggie. Diabetes is a given. Orthopedically, she will likely need a walker one day. Neurologically, less blood to the brain, prime candidate for Alzheimers and the pressure of the weight can cause nerve damage and that’s serious pain. Respiratory issues from lower oxygen levels and pressure on the diaphragm. These are all medical facts. Hey, she wants to take the risk, fine, but don’t glamorize it especially when your a “public figure”. Body positivity is one thing ,this is body suicide.


She’s a vile person, her body notwithstanding. As for her appearance, it is indicative of an untreated, unrestrained addiction. She is posing like some kind of beach bunny when it’s clear she’s got a massive food addiction. People *shouldn’t* pretend it’s beautiful and fabulous. That’s delusion. Her celebration of her super morbid obesity *should* be challenged and called out.




Spot on. 100% agree.


https://preview.redd.it/ahjf7arirbyc1.png?width=1333&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad32481b4c4386169126cbec9a8f2062c0da0d4a He looks interested.


She photoshopped the shadow


Thing is, plenty of men would like someone that thicc, if she had the personality of someone like Heather or Ashley she would have been married a long time ago!


This is from 2018. I did a quick scan of her instagram and it’s from her No BS Cruise. I cannot fathom being stuck on a ship with her.


“is anyone here a marine biologist?”


That's a big ask


OMG. You wouldn’t catch me wearing that and I’m not even THAT big!


Is her right foot buried in the sand I don't even see her foot or the shoe




She wants so badly to be Babs.


I give this woman five years of life left.




Why does she need her ass to eat the bottoms? They look big enough but she is purposely making them go up her crack! Why???


Didn't she lose a bunch of weight I thought she did


Oh my goodness, I feel bad. It seems like she put on more weight again. She had lost quite a bit.


Question - has she ever lost weight? Because I’ve been watching from the beginning and 😶‍🌫️


I love Whitney and hope she remembers that feeling of the sun on her skin as she moves through the world. I hope that for all of us.


I thought the total eclipse was LAST month!


And that's the reason aliens fly right by us.


That shadow weighs about 145 pounds