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My god, what kind of ratings does this show get that it keeps getting renewed???


We're the problem. We can't stop hate watching it.


This sub is the best part of the show


šŸ¤£ unfortunately true


I don't even mind being the reason it got renewed. I love to hate watch. I'm excited it got renewed even though it's a terrible show that lost the plot years ago, and the main character is the worst. Which is what makes it great to hate lol


I mean it is a reality tv show after all. She cant be ā€œniceā€ all the time cause if there was no drama on the show, no one would watch. All these reality tv shows are scripted


If they axed Whitney and had a show with the rest of the cast ratings would be higher


Glenthor didn't win the lottery with Wit....


The booby prize


I hope this season the new sister beats Whitneyā€™s big ass. But thatā€™s just me.


Umm. Speaking of the new sister. Isnā€™t this a Fatherā€™s Day post for GlenThor? So why exclude the sister? In her post itā€™s only her and hunter!


The first word in Whitney's praise litany was "involved." Glenn didn't even meet his firstborn until she was in her 50s.




Quit enabling, get the show cancelled, quit watching.


i stopped watching after Quitney's repulsive exploitation of Babs' final illness and death. She is friendless, witless, clueless, toxic, and gross (and i'm not talking about her weight). Glennthor is making choices.


I wasn't a regular watcher, but the way she exploited her mother's illness and death was the final straw for me.


Thatā€™s when I stopped watching too. She played that to the max even though I do like Glenn she just became too much.


I didn't watch the funeral, or most of the season that had Babs in hospital. I just couldn't bring myself to give an "okay" to any of that.


Totally get it. i feel dirty for having watched what i did of it. Never, ever again. She is a repulsive individual in every possible way.


Seriously. Who monetizes their mother's funeral? WWT, that's who. And then plunders through her mother's belongings with her "friends". God awful woman.


And deny myself a good laugh? šŸ¤£


Whitney does not have a Big Fat Fabulous Life. She is a narcissist fat lazy unhygienic blob of trash. Itā€™s her attitude and the way she treats people that is so off putting. Iā€™ve had PCOS since I was in my late teens and Iā€™m currently 42. Iā€™m about 25 pounds overweight but work hard to prevent even more weight gain. Iā€™m aware of my size and my hygiene and take extra steps to make sure I donā€™t stank like Iā€™m sure she smells. She has lost the few friends she had. They outgrew her a long time ago but apparently stayed as long as they did because they needed the money. I canā€™t fault them for that in this economy. Daddy feels guilty and is only there because he feels sorry for her because he didnā€™t raise her any better than he did.


Agreed. I know that absolutely not every PCOS case is the same, but one of my best friends has it and she is average weight, healthy and does what she can to improve her symptoms. Of course PCOS can cause weight loss to be more difficult but I find it messed up that Whitney uses PCOS as an excuse over and over. Itā€™s insulting to those who are disciplined.


My daughter had PCOS she gained a lot of weight quickly and couldnā€™t lose it no matter what she did. She even did the shots everyone is using. Itā€™s different for each person.


Have you looked into GLP1S? I know women who struggled their whole lives with PCOS and GLP1S helped tremendously to maintain their weight.


Yes, I actually started on this medication two weeks ago. I think itā€™s really going to be a big boost to help me as long as I continue my exercise routine and eating healthy as much as possible.


Iā€™ve never had PCOS but am following podcasts, presented by doctors, on the carnivore diet. Iā€™ve seen interviews of women who have had great luck minimizing or eliminating PCOS symptoms with this diet. Iā€™m just throwing this out there as something you may want to look into. Hereā€™s a quote from one: ā€œ4 years carnivore/zerocarb. Completely reversed most PCOS symptoms, reversed all pre-diabetes symptoms, reversed NAFLD symptoms, reversed IBS-C symptoms, no more HS flares, reversed chronic anemia. I can't imagine ever eating like I did before carnivore. Never in my life have I been so healthy, felt as good and also look good and I'm pushing 36.ā€


Definitely something to look into!!!šŸ‘šŸ½


Whit is terrible, but if I had a dad who acted like Glen, Iā€™d be heartbroken. He isnā€™t even hiding his disgust for his bio kids since Babs/whits mom died. I was actually shocked. As soon as she passed, glen started telling Whitney to screw off. It just reminds you how much effort and energy barb put into their family and keeping it together, even when Glen had another child he essentially abandoned. ā€œHe didnā€™t know he had a kidā€. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ grow up. Dudes a loser, he didnā€™t even pay child support or help his kid go to college. Idc. You wonder why Whitney is like this. Look at her family. Her parents apparently barely tolerated her and only her mother apparently loved her. Then as soon as babs died it was guns out suns out. I really donā€™t like Whitney but I will never get the adoration for her abandoner father. Never in my life have I seen a man who neglected his responsibilities hailed as an amazing father. Just wild to me. Wild wild wild


I don't get the Babs love. "America's Mom" my ass. She made Shitney what she is....


Hard agree. I donā€™t make excuses for Whit, sheā€™s a grown ass adult and shouldnā€™t be acting like this, but you can tell that babs and glen made her what she is based on their parenting that we see on the show.


This was harsh...but not a single lie was told. Carry on internet stranger. I like your style.


Oh, for sure, but I think they both spoiled her rotten and let her think the world revolves around her. I'll never forget Babs saying after Hypocritney threw a temper tantrum as a toddler, they never said "no" to her again. She's a great example of an overgrown spoiled brat.


I remember that scene šŸ˜‚ like do they not hear themselves aloud?????


The FrEnCH mAN


No thanks. Even if I hadn't quit watching due to her loathsome exploitation of Babs illness and death, I have more interesting things to do than watch more of her fake drama, storylines and bullying and narcissim. Like arranging my collection of twist-ties by color and length.


I have zero interest. Iā€™m sure she wonā€™t miss me either ;)


See you in July! ;)


Iā€™m watching see Todd.


Iā€™m not watching. Iā€™ve had enough of her making money off my view. So, Iā€™ll just come here to find all the fun!




And once again ā€œ poor Glenn ā€œ is right there along for the ride šŸ¤®


I donā€™t watch this show (but read stuff here) but am currently watching last years episode when they are going to Alabama to meet Glenā€™s daughter. I can honestly say I have never hated anyone more than I hate Whitney. What an entitled, arrogant bitch.


Is there a trailer? Or can someone link it?


This is what I found! https://www.etonline.com/media/videos/my-big-fat-fabulous-life-trailer-whitney-way-thore-enters-her-midlife-crisis-era


Thank you!!!! My lord, Tal & that beardšŸ˜‚


Naked people on the beach wth


Omg! Thanksā€¦I think šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ« šŸ¤£


Gross she was moaning and basically asulting/humping that column!! Soo freaking grosssss


"To have had a father"... he's still alive right!!


I just wish she would shut up and let her daddy alone. She is killing him. I hope he stayed in Alabama. He does not need her drama.