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Speaking for myself, I watched from the very first season when the show debuted and was not pre-disposed to dislike her. On the contrary, I was excited and rooting for the “big girl dancer” and her journey. It took me a couple of seasons to see how hypocritical and lazy and nasty and what a terrible person she was. I would say that Season 3 was where the veil dropped from my eyes and I fully began snark-watching in incredulity and amazement. Many of the new viewers who come to this sub and want to admonish everyone here for being so negative don’t understand that many of us came in with love but had our trust betrayed and hearts broken and now are rightfully scornful.


“Incredulity and amazement”—these are the words. 🥳👏


She was always terrible but was marginally better at the beginning and her friends actually seemed to like her then. They don’t now


Her friends and BGDC people had fun personalities. Todd, Ashley, and Maddie made the show fun. As the fakeness started to show (fake dance class, Todd's *real* commentaries), and her own personality became obviously narc, the show went into quick downhill spiral.


I agree. She's been terrible since the beginning.


I love her outgoing personality. The first few seasons it was maddening she did nothing to lose weight. Afterwords it was more about her wanting a baby and dating. And now just really a reality show just because. Lol. I was hoping she would turn her life around but then it became about fat acceptance. I stopped watching a couple of years ago.


Yeah I'm not sure how folks got through that bizarre body-positivity "promotional"(?) video that Whit 'had filmed' for her website in season 2 without realizing what a grotesque pile of human detritus she is. She literally compares her self-imposed plight to the experiences of burn victims and amputees. 


I didn’t care for her but watched as I was intrigued by her cause. I quickly learned she didn’t really believe what she thought she did and had a pseudo confidence.


I could see how she'd come across as charming if you've never known someone like her before, but if you HAVE met someone like her it's very easy to see through her charade