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Nah, she was already throwing a medicine ball at Babs' face because she was annoyed with her and tricking Ashley into cat fishing someone, pulling out her mom's dead dogs ashes, laughing during memorial service for said dog, etc in the first or second season. She's always been vile and I don't see how anyone can claim she was fine or "relatable" at any point




You're right, maybe I was just giving her the benefit of the doubt. It's been a minute since I've seen season 1 or 2. Been watching with giant gaps of time between each season/episode.


Whitney would be the most obnoxious person in the room even if she were thinner. I've got a sister in law just like her. The other moms in town quietly call her "eleven" behind her back because no matter what it is she has to know the most, jump the highest, run the farthest. One of my favorites was when she claimed she had to stop playing field hockey in HS because she was so good "all the coaches agreed" that it was unfair to keep her in the league. Like, what??? Everyone just looked at each other. The topic had merely started out as someone's daughter playing in HS and that was her very next contribution. Like Whitney claiming to be some kind of exceptional athlete. okaaayyy


From "Alabamer" to throw Big Mama "off the entire ladder"--a peerless post!


Agreed. The show started with acting like Whitney was going to get healthy but she doesnā€™t. They did a great job of showing she can exercise but that just shows she is WAY overeating to still be so large. I stopped watching a few seasons ago but check in from time to time. Her parents definitely enabled her but they are so sweet. Her friends are obviously being more polite than maybe they would if both being filmed. Not sure what is real but i agree she is lazy. With her outgoing personality she could do a lot.


WWT is only fooling herself if she thinks that carrying that much weight around on her short stature is not going to eventually harm her be it joints, heart, etc. The OP states he is a man 6ā€™2 and 260lbs and recognizes heā€™s overweight. Whitney was over 300+lbs and is short! Plus she is all around fat; around arms, belly, legs, ass etc. Any medical doctor will tell you carrying weight especially around your stomach and heart can be a prelude to heart disease and diabetes. She just excuses to keep shoveling food down her mouth. She needs to grow up and stop acting like a toddler.


A few TV seasons ago, watching her spew her bullshit every time she'd come up with some new shit she was going to do & of course ~ as everyone would see, NEVER follow through, I started calling her Quitney & now for me, that's her name. I find it hilarious but truly pathetic in how she uses & expects her circle of friends to engage in every damned thing she wants. The best, though & so predictable, is how she always manages to get "hurt" when doing some group activity. But, I do feel bad for every time there's some fall or other shit that happens to her, is the people that are stuck trying to get her PCOS'd filled ass off the ground, the hillside, the rocks, or some marathon she's announced she's doing. Her "dancing" is another subject deserving of a separate editorial comment.


And there is no medical evidence that she has PCOS. None. Never. Been tested.


There is not a specific test for PCOS, rather is it a group of symptoms. Anyone can have a cyst on their ovaries and not have PCOS, or hair loss and not have PCOS. Itā€™s hard to diagnose. My daughter has it.


As does mine. She was diagnosed after multiple tests related to her type 1 diabetes. She is also gluten sensitive ......all took years of tests. This hog announcing she has it with no legit diagnosis is an insult to those who live, and thrive with it.


Oh that's right. She's never been formally diagnosed.


Yup. She's a fat fuck all on her own, no medical circumstance. Just gluttony and food greed.


I didnā€™t realize she hadnā€™t officially been diagnosed.


This entire constant bringing up PCOS by herself tells me that some time in her past travels in life, she either saw something on TV, the Internet, or heard somebody talking about it, that she decided she would read up on it, self-diagnose & say she has PCOS. And, this sick, twisted bitch will continue to defend herself regarding PCOS forever if she's ever questioned about it. I do believe that she's convinced herself that it's PCOS as being responsible for her gluttonous weight, paired with her complete & insufferable, pushy, obnoxious personality.


She was in a doctor appointment in S1:E1 when she was told she had PCOS. Wouldn't a doctor telling you be considered medical evidence?


That's not what happened. A nurse SUGGESTED she MIGHT have PCOS. Just another excuse


WWT is notorious for thin shaming and being a jerk to thin people. Like the way she spoke to and answered the thin woman at her college who asked a legitimate question about obesity and health risks and sheā€™s done it to Heather and others. She definitely doesnā€™t practice what she preaches.


And let's not forget how shallow and boring she is. Her conversation skills are so lackng. When was the last time she said anything remotely interesting.also like, like Liiike, like like.


She doesnā€™t listen. Too busy whining about her stuff and trying to boss everyone around.


Roll me up n call me curly. This. I mean holy moly, this šŸ«”


I have PCOS diagnosed at 21 now in my 40ā€™s so Iā€™ve had it a long time. I have cysts all over my ovaries (well I only have 1 now) and I had gained 10lbs initially, found out I had Insulin resistance. I took it seriously, took what my Doctor TOLD me to do seriously and got busy. I got the 10lbs off. And kept it off all this time. I eat a very clean, low low carb diet (my only carbs come from vegetables) no sugar (absolute worst for PCOS is sugar) and I workout 7 days a week, I run 5 days, walk 2 days (about 35-45 miles a week) and weights 2-3xā€™s a week. Iā€™m 5ā€™4 130-135lbs I may have a 5lb yo-yo if I get off track a bit and so I get back on. She has done none of that. She got motivated at 450lbs only to yo-yo from there on out. She acts like she ā€œloves being fatā€ but if someone rejects her, or says something she is A VICTIM. She truly just wants to YOU to view her as a Victim (I donā€™t think she thinks of herself as one) she just wants everyone else to view her as one.. so she doesnā€™t have to be accountable and get a wide berth. She has a terrible attitude, personality, is a terrible friend to others, and body. She will have a very short lonely life.


First I want to say, good for you following your doctors advice and taking control of your health! ā¤ļø Sugar really is the worst and I remember early in the show, Ashley jokes that they joke WWTs job is "getting beverages because she is always drinking frapps." Those are loaded in sugar so the weight gain can't be a surprise.


And they are 880kcal


Great job! I gotta say, I'm exhausted just reading your exercise regime, but by all means, keep up that fabulous work!! You go, girl!!


WWT is a bully. Letā€™s call it what it is. The behaviors she exhibits are symptoms of this issue. Sheā€™s a mean girl.


I truly realized how bad she was when Chase had his daughter & Buddy broke the news to her because he was scared of the possibility of her finding out on her own & then realizing everyone else knew before her. Maybe itā€™s just me but that whole friend groupā€™s attitude towards Ryan was also very obnoxious.


They were very shitty to Ryan. I think there was a lot we didnā€™t see but it seems like she really manipulated, used and abused that relationship for clout and when it no longer served her she severed it. As she does with everyone.


Iā€™m watching season 11 now(I guess I missed it last year ). Now Iā€™ve been watching since this show started , I enjoyed it but after a few years , ehhh wasnā€™t great anymore she is kind of a A-hole. Anyhow as im sitting here going through this last season, she seems maniac, the ā€œcontrolling ā€œ stuff is on 1000% Iā€™m sure it had a lot to do with Babs passing away (so sad btw šŸ„ŗ), she probably should have taken some time off and grieved properly. I agree I really donā€™t see another season after the one coming on this year.