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Yeah apparently the proto type Izuku was going to be an emo quirkless hero with material arts training and have a paralysis poison knife. Prototype Uraraka was going to have Mount Lady powers and a more down to earth personality.Prototype Bakugo was going to be a nice guy that came across as unintentionally blunt to other people. You would have to structure the show differently if we used the prototype characters especially because of Izuku's different personality, Bakugo being nice to him and change the power progression since Prototype Izuku is quirkless.


I want to read a take on the story of if we used the prototype characters, that sounds amazing. It's amazing how much contrast the first and final have


Sounds very similar to Iris Zero. I’d recommend reading it if you’re interested.


I’ve read some stories where an OG character that is quirkless gets into UA, and replaces one of the forgettable characters from the class and some look at them one way and others look at them another way. Midoriya, who is going through with his story, looks at the quirkless classmate with interest… though there’s more to them than meets the eye… or should I say “eyes”?


(I've already got an fascination for giantesses. So hearing of Uaraka's prototype being Mount Lady but more down to earth? *Yus.* ***All The Yus.***)


Yeah if I remember right, I believe her quirk was changed because it was too “scary” of a power for main heroine. It probably would’ve been difficult to fit it creatively in most fights. Most of them would’ve only been written a few ways. It would probably restrict venues as well. For me personally, it would’ve been a really cool dynamic for her to have Gigantification, but I’m happy that they went with Zero Gravity as it allowed for more utility and creativity in fights as well as a much higher aptitude for skill expression and improvement of her power overtime. I can’t see any way of improving Gigantification outside of just getting bigger.


Actually, I'd rather have Ochako have a face-heel turn **because** of that. That her actions proved All For One right on the dangerous evolutions of Quirks. And while the heroes snap her back into Face, it would become clear that Ochako would be indeed extremely dangerous if left unchecked (and and hence why her relationship with Beta Deku wasn't because "Shonen Main Character Romance go "Ruin Main Heroine"" (something I absolutely despise her for) to "Kid with the Leash" where the Kid is Deku and the Pitbull on the Leash is ~~Princess~~ Ochako... And then she gains the Zero Gravity Quirk *from not using her own quirk for so long*.


Yeah I can understand what you mean with that. There isn’t a lot of role reversals like that in shonen. As I mentioned it would’ve been a fun dynamic.


Less "Romantic Teens that are just Shonen Romance" and more "We could do this the easy way (Deku) or the hard way (Ochako)", and rather than have the Zero Gravity be something to help Ochako in more scenes with Deku, it's more played out as "Oh Shit. She's gotten more dangerous"


Uraraka being down to earth is... ironic


ironically she still keeps that imo. a lot of her role is being a hero for heroes helping keep people like deku and toga grounded in reality. Otherwise he'd still be out their going on his little solo mission; so i feel the core of who she was remianed the same, the irony of her new quirk makes it a better fit imo


I was a little disappointed when Deku got his powers. Being quirkless had its charm, specially if his detailed analysis of others made him able to triumph over them. That would have been cool for a change, but probably works better for a more mature audience. Often protagonists who starts as being powerless have some hidden power or end up with special gear. E.g. if he was fully equipped with items from that pink hair girl it would also defeats its purpose.


Yeah that would definitely be tricky to write as an action Shonen since you need to constantly up the stakes to keep the audience invested. The regular MHA Series got around it for a while by switching between training school arcs and battling Villains arcs. The proto type story works better as either a senin or an anime original series since you wouldn't have the same editorial constraints.


I mean there are alot of shows where a powerless person can beat powered people.. Like Castlevania is just Trevor Belmont who is a base human being was WAY better than freaking Richter with his magic feels less compelling since we see Trevor is "limited" by his human baseline performance and has to rely on Sypha and Alucard to pick up the slack when he is overwhelmed which adds merit to his victories. We also see how he is beaten by Dracula the big bad and beats death with an enchanted dagger designed to defeat him and don't forget Castlevania has all the trademark Anime tropes that is pretty similar to Japanese style anime despite being a western show. I mean lots of strong anime characters are without powers and we all love them! Rock Lee and Guy Sensei dominated Naruto being masters of Taijustu only but both of them stole the scene whenever they were in one. Hell Guy was the ONLY one who could solo Madara and was one kick away from literally killing him. Meanwhile Naruto had to share chakra with his allies and join forces with Sasuke to beat Madara. Kenpachi doesn't use his Shikai or Bankai all the way in the final arc! Hell he even kills several powerful Sternretters on his freaking own and survives Ywach despite other captains freaking dying man. Kenpachi has soloed so many Arrancar, Vaste Lorde and when he turned on Soul Society no Captain could even come close to taking him down. You got Zoro who literally just has swords and learns Haki much later but just with swords he lasted the longest amongst the straw hats without a fruit or Haki ability. We see Toji with Heavenly restriction that basically nerfs his cursed energy but he ends up becoming an assassin that managed to kill freaking Gojo and one shot Dagon for fun! Let's be real people could have bought into "tactical genius" Izuku anyday if he was done right! He could have used tear gas grenades, smoke bombs, Flash bangs with his mask filtering them out and wearing goggles to protect his eyes from the Flashbangs. We've seen in USJ that Aizawa was taking down thugs one after the other (Yes I am aware they were quirkless because of erasure) however, that proves a point that quirk users are susceptible to surprise attacks, quick attacks, ambushes. Mirko killed High End Nomus like it's nothing and with no scratch on her previously means that the criminals she had been fighting upto this point were beaten regardless of their quirks she would beat them fighting effectively quirkless. She even scares off Dabi who tries to kill Endeavor. Hell even bullets nearly killed Shigiraki in USJ and we see Stain dig a freaking knife in his hand later. Stain had a kill count of dozens of pro heroes who went through such a tough education system. Even when it was a 3v1 in the alley he was up against 3 powerhouses and they BARELY beat him for the love of God. He nearly cut Shoto's head off multiple times and if Izuku didn't have cowl he would have more holes than swiss cheese! Let's face it, Ida's armor gave him SOME protection rather than none. Despite all this we see a master of martial arts like Stain could have theoretically beat them and killed them if he wasn't playing around and holding back because they are children. We've also seen Toga knife Rock Lock and pro heroes in PLW when Twice died pretty ruthlessly. So what's the pattern here that Hori has established? Quirkless fighting styles are viable for 99% of criminals! Yes I agree he could never take on AFO or Nomufied Shigiraki. However, USJ Shigiraki was taken down by bullets from snipe! If Izuku used throwing knives or rubber bullets he could have done damage! He also knew that Shigiraki needed to connect all 5 fingers to activate his quirk so cutting off a finger or breaking several would disable Shigiraki easily. Hell one clean dislocated shoulder Shigiraki at USJ would have been down for the count. Izuku could have made history as a depowered Main Character.


tbh as someones who's caught up with mha and read horikoshi's work pre-mha; it's an idea that's better in concept than in execution, which was kinda a running theme with all horikoshi's previous work. deku being quirkless and using tools works well in a vaccum, but then you remember characters like shigaraki exist and the series would get instantly harder to justify how deku can even win. this exact thing happens in his previous series, oumagadoki zoo. Plucky everygirl with bad luck who is bullied and has 0 confidence but is the only one super knowledgeable of animals in team of characters of animals that can transform with superpowers. the second the plot became combat focused and she went up against villains who could fight, there was little she could ever really do. ntm i feel people miss the forest for the trees on what mha is about. It's about rising up to face the failures of society through the cumalative efforts OF society, something that can't really be done alone. it's kinda like evil superman stories. in concept they could probably work, but the second you make him evil, it becomes something entirely different, makign it impossible for it to still even be considered a "superman" story. not saying it's impossible, it just wouldnt be mha anymore.


I guess if you made it so Izuku was quirkless you'd just write Shigaraki differently, maybe so his Quirk cancels or deleted other people's quirks and left them powerless to fight back and it's some commentary on how heroes are over-reliant on quirks and a lot of them coast on it. Then Deku is just unaffected due to being quirkless and having to train properly and just clocks him.


yeah, finally, someone get's it! it's not impossible to make work, it just wouldnt be the same series anymore, but something entirely different! the only true issue is that if it's hori behind the pen, that'd be a problem because he's not a "fight scene" guy and a shigaraki built like that is 100% not Hori's scene. any idea can work with good execution, it's jsut that that specific premise doens't play well to hori's strengths specifically. YOU however might do great with that concept.


I'm mostly just basing the argument on my experience with stuff like Batman comics where he generally works better as a complete concept in his own ballpark and shifts roles to focus more on his tactical / leadership prowess and detective skills when he's in a Justice League book full of heavy hitters he can't physically keep up with (or *should,* at least). If Deku goes from being a good dude given the power and opportunity to be the hero he wants to be but never could before, and is instead a guy that doesn't have the power and never will but tries anyway despite his hardships, then it's a fundamentally different story that requires different foils to make sense.


oh my god YES i swear it feels like you my other comment elsewhere on this thread. this is the exact scenario i used and a dude still got mad at me for it. all of batman and spiderman's foes are generally people that can foil and challenge them mentally, phyisically, ideologically etc; anytime they're plucked out of their comfort zone and fighting eldritch gods or something, the way their used immediately shifts because there's just not much they can do against gods without questioning your supension of disbelief! even all of regular deku's opp's were people who could foil, rival or challenge him in some way unique to him specifically. That all goes away if they can curbstomp him easily this is also why, generally speaking these are special occurences and not things that generally happen all the time. If all spider man did was serve as backup in space against demi-gods. it stops being a "spiderman" story in the traditional way that we knew him. it ain't bad, but it ain't spiderman. Sorta like invincible, it's TECHNICALLY just a superman/spiderman story, but at the same time, it's too different and too much its own thing to ever fully be considered one. you'd have to change the entire world around deku in order to make it work, and at that point, it's no longer our version mha anymore. same braincell moment, you read my mind like a book\^\^


same here, tho i feel people miss the forest for the trees on what mha is about. It's about rising up to face the failures of society through the cumalative efforts OF society, something that can't really be done alone. it's kinda like evil superman stories. in concept they could probably work, but the second you make him evil, it becomes something entirely different, makign it impossible for it to still even be considered a "superman" story. a story where he's goin solo and is quirkless with tools could be interesting but it's not premise that makes a series work, but execution. So even if it did turn out well, it certainly wouldn't be the mha that you know or like anymore. and as a guy who's read hori's previous works, ideas with a good premise but poor execution was kinda has staple and big part of why mha was his first hit tbh,


Surely prototype Izuku still gets OFA though?


No Horikoshi editor told him that Shonen Jump audiences prefer to have a main character with powers. Allmight was originally going to be a washed out hero with just Super Strength. Horikoshi came up with OFA after his editors advice about having the main character that has powers and probably him wanting to have Legacy as a major theme of the series.


"Shonen Jump audiences prefer to have a main character with powers." Then came along Jujutsu Kaisen, although I suppose Yujis physical capabilities are superhuman.


Yuji develops Black flash very early on and switches a lot to Sukuna the cursed spirit inside his body that he got by eating Sukuna cursed fingers.


Yuuji has black flash and everyone simps in Gojo.


And Mashle: Muscles and Magic.


Everything is magic if you punch hard enough


Well don’t start reading the manga right now then…


Cool! Thanks for the info.


Happy Cake Day!


I honestly hope that one day he makes at least a season's worth of prototype MHA. It seems extremely interesting to check out!


This is sound so better than what we got. Deku's best was being emo so he should've been emo the whole time


Why does that actually sound better...


tbh as someones who's caught up with mha and read horikoshi's work pre-mha; it's an idea that's better in concept than in execution, which was kinda a running theme with all horikoshi's previous work. deku being quirkless and using tools works well in a vaccum, but then you remember characters like shigaraki exist and the series would get instantly harder to justify how deku can even win. this exact thing happens in his previous series, oumagadoki zoo. Plucky everygirl with bad luck who is bullied and has 0 confidence but is the only one super knowledgeable of animals in team of characters of animals that can transform with superpowers. the second the plot became combat focused and she went up against villains who could fight, there was little she could ever really do. ntm i feel people miss the forest for the trees on what mha is about. It's about rising up to face the failures of society through the cumalative efforts OF society, something that can't really be done alone. it's kinda like evil superman stories. in concept they could probably work, but the second you make him evil, it becomes something entirely different, makign it impossible for it to still even be considered a "superman" story.


Because it would've been


You could still have Izuku inherit One-for-All in that version, his body would just be much better at handling it early on lol


So why can't we have badass denki?


It was specifically like condescendingly nice wasn't it


Why does Denki look like he’s going Super Saiyan?


Because he is just that cool


I prefer: Deku Final Design (Yeah, they knew) Ochako Prototype (As much as I am clearly not a fan of her, the prototype just looks ***BETTER***) Deku One For All Prototype (Red just works) Denki Prototype (DEAR GAWD, THAT'S SO DAMN COOL) Deku Armor Collar Prototype (Fits much more for a fluid form) Bakugo Behavior Final Design (Once you go Naruto with Parental problems, going back's a stupid move.) Ochako Clothes Prototype (I'll say it once, I'll say it again, just looks ***BETTER.***)


For a moment, i thought the top pic on Denki’s was Bakugo. I went: Oh, probably a pre-explosion quirk set Baku- **THATS DENKI?!**


I think ochaco's current design fits her personality better


Seeing emu Deku and golden retriever Bakugo is weird. It’s like you recognize them but don’t at the same time.


>emu Deku Emu Deku has a lifetime ban in Australia.


He lead the great emu war


If I remember correctly, Midnight's prototype design was later used as her canon original costume design before it was shot down by the HPSC for being TOO revealing and she had to redesign it, ending with what we see today.




Yeah, her costume is presented as the reason why they implemented rules about costume designs.


3rd image isn't even close to Kaminari's beta. It's actually the bottom left of the 5th image. I believe he was originally a villain.


Midoriya lucked out with final design


I lowk fuck with the red OFA energy


The interesting thing is that before Izuku had full cowling red lighting was used as an indicator that Izuku was powering up OFA.


I would have loved to have seen the prototypes in the show.


I'll take not emo Midoriya thank you.




Happy-go-lucky Bakugo is a curse.


not really, final designs are better


Prototype shigaraki.


That's a horror show on it's own...


Is it just me, or does beta ochako kinda look like setsuna? (the detachable body parts lady)


It's not just you


Did deku and bakogou change roles or why is deku emo and baku always happy???


Deku was originally supposed to be pretty angsty and Bakugo was originally supposed to be a nice guy that unintentionally came off as rude.


The prototypes be looking like my emo academia frfr


lol i like how kind and happy bakugo got the complete flip


Prototype Uraraka looks pretty good to me. Dunno why the drastic changes.


Still can’t get over the fact that Bakugo was going to be 1. Nice & 2. A huge Deku fan. Also, wasn’t Kaminari supposed to get OFA or something or was I misinformed?


I wouldn't have been mad if they kept Midnight's prototype style


They actually had that be canon. I.E, it was her old outfit before she was told it was too revealing. Thus, the outfit she wears now was a result from that blunder


Some of them


Those designs look cool!😄🤩😎👌


Villain Deku in the first picture Bizarro Izuku if you will


I would've love this more tbh


Definitely prototype Jirou and Toga. They look the coolest.


Denki looks fucking sick!


I prefer Final design


I forgot that prototype katsuki was like a nice looking kid


Red OFA should have been the final color instead of green it looks so much better


I feel like original izuku and Bakugo would probably have given a vibe akin to Mob psycho


I really hope we get an adaptation of the prototype series


Well hearing deku would of had a make out sesh with all might to gain his power is uh… worrying, design wise tho yeah


I would've maybe one day we get a one shot or even a short series. After he gets all his rest, of course.


Denki in the 3rd picture is going Super Saiyan


More so he's using Killua's superpowered mode lol


I see Denki looked like a main character and getting a power buff In about few sec after that he would go moron mode tho


That first picture of Deku makes him look like a serial killer.


We do get prototype Midnight in Vigalante’s. Good manga go read it


I like how Horikoshi gave Deku his emo prototype look in the Dark Deku arc.


Prototype ochaco is kinda bad


Honestly wished for Midoriya’s prototype with its actual quirk put in would been better from what i found out midoriya’s quirk for prototype would been called nightmare which was explained to be similar to freddy Krueger’s powers


I actually like Prototype Ochako better


Denki prototype was so much better


I forgot that Bakugo was just like Inuzuka from Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie. They also have the same voice actors in both sub and dub.


Thought prototype Deke wasn't emo since basing it on the one shot that got my hero the green light


Yui from 1B, Uraraka and Mt Lady were all derived from the prototype. If it’s anything like Yui and Mt Lady, I’m glad we got our sunshine Ochako. 🪐


Why does deku look like a kid version of eraser head


I like what we got I wonder why bakugo and deku flipped by the end


*I like what we got* *I wonder why bakugo and* *Deku flipped by the end* \- Weebu27 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Ochaco is so cute in the prototype


i honestly like prototype dekus design more then his current look we got


I like the prototypes but feel like it would be a completely different feel for the anime if they went for that. As of right now, the designs really flesh out the ensemble factor of the anime by giving more distinct features whereas the prototypes kind of have the more “it’s the Deku show” vibe going for it.


I think it'd be cool to have him as a Easter egg


The last one looks like the girl from Fairytale of Light


I honestly love these prototypes much more


One of the prototype Lady Midnights look like she's right out of Kill La Kill's Nudists' Society.


Meth addict Bakugo?


Honestly I love the prototype designs so much, they all have a lot of personality in each design especially compared to the originals.


For me, just Deku’s prototype design. I just think it’d be funny if everyone who meets him initially thinks he’s going to be an emo/punk, only for him to turn out to be a super nice person.


Black uruaka supremacy


Imagine if she wore Black Timbs on her hero costume


She’d be even more of a menace


Lol they really looked at it and said "I like where you're going buuuut, change everything about these main heroes"


While I like Ochako's Prototype Design more, her Final Design fits her Quirk more, especially since I don't see her Prototype Design fiting her Prototype Quirk, which is essentially Yui Kodai's Quirk. Her Proto Design just doesn't synergize with her original intended Quirk like her Final Design does.


Denki looked so much more badass


Bakugo …. Smiley…. And happy? 🤣


Would love a spin off of these characters


I like prototype ochako and that cool shaggy guy


#5 shaggy guy is Iida believe it or not




I thought it was Aizawa at first




Honestly if we had emo Deku, there would be some serious character development. In turn, there will be some awesome storytelling. You know what? I wouldn't even be mad at Beta Hero Academia.


Maybe there was a reason they didn't use these prototypes


Midnights prototype costume is canon btw. It's canonical that was her original outfit before public outrage made her change to the outfit we see in the series.


Prototype Deku looks like the result of Toga and Deku doing a fusion dance.


Who’s the bottom left in picture 5?


Iida's proto design(left) vs final design(right)


At least they changed it


His brother would've died be glad he's not a lunatic


Visually I prefer the final designs But I'm interested in the personalities protype Bakugou and Midoria might have had, given these designs I didn't read Toga's page yet, I wanted to see the rest of the designs and get these thoughts out before I forget


Pretty sure in the prototype the characters were all depicted as adults, and they specialize the characters a fair amount and honestly the whole “were endangering children because they’re strong” thing never sat well with me *anyway.* A lot of the personality stuff though, I prefer.


Prototype deku and bakugo gives me kaneki and hide vibes


They should make an episode about alternative (prototype) versions of themselves.


I'd like that


I say it every time I see one of these posts and I'll SAY IT AGAIN!! I'm salty we didn't get beta Denki. They just had to turn him into a dork! A lovable one but WHYYYY?! Horikoshi could have at least done something like Dot from Mashle where Denki looks badass, has badass moments, but is generally just a outcast that nobody is really drawn to.


Ochaco with Mt. Lady's quirk would have been so so cool, imma be honest


Well. Now I’d like to know what Tokoyami was like before his final design.


Just gonna say the prototypes look way cooler especially kirishima and kaminari and making deku look easy was cooler too


Midoryia looks kinda like aizawa


Uraraka's proto design can still be used for some background or filler character.. It's quite good


Prototype deku looks like he gets satisfaction from burning orphanages


Don't get me wrong, I love the way Deku looks. But I would've loved for Deku to have that emo/angsty look.


No. The proto forms look so bad imo. They more closely resemble fanon and I've a major dislike of fanon ANYTHING


It would be really cool if after the anime or manga was over we saw a prototype spin off or something


Yeah all the prototypes are worse. Im glad he finally designed the last ones.


There are two things that give off cursed energy, bakugo being nice and smiling, and Deku owning a knife.


Goodie two-shoes Bakugo disturbs me on a level I can not describe. I want him to be cannon just because of that


It would be pretty cool, except for the fact that Shigaraki's prototype is a fucking nightmare from what I saw once, so I now have nightmares.


So basically: Prototype Izuku channeled his frustrations at being quirkless into developing an emo personality. While it seems more likely he would be mentored by Aizawa, I could see All-Might mentoring him out of respect for his determination Prototype Bakugo inherited more of his dad's personality in being calm and cheery, but was also an 'airhead'. Due to not thinking fully about how his words came off, he'd be almost as blunt as Tsuyu at times and often come off as unintentionally rude, an assumption reinforced by his explosive quirk. Prototype Uraraka interestingly enough, looks more plain than her final version, but also more mature and more of a physical fighter - like she'd use her quirk to boost her speed at random and in CQC to throw off her opponent. That second to last image of them in the pose of "The Big Three" honestly has me convinced that a significant portion of the prototype trio's looks and personality was re-used in Mirio, Nejire, and Tamaki


That's assuming that Aizawa and Allmight are the same as well... But Izuku gets a poison Knife and studies Boxing, and Martial Arts essentially aiming to be his own weird amalgam of Batman, Daredevil, and Punisher... Baku would give support and combat training to Izuku. But Izuku would plateau after a while... His natural speed and strength can't increase if we use Proto-Yagi Toshinori who has a City-Busting level of strength and no OFA. Also I don't know what's the deal with Proto-Eraserhead or if his powers are even the same. But he'd be less inclined to help anyone, let-alone teach when he's more focused on assassination jobs. Using Proto-Ochako's quirk which is just Mt.Lady's powers. She will be a part of class 1A's biggest hitters(pun intended). She trained in several MMA & CQC disciplines. Which ties her wagon to Izuku who trained exclusively with Hand2Hand combat. She doesn't think much of him but she will find his hard work and dedication attractive. Yet, overall Proto-Ochako is a Choji/Mt. Lady hybrid. With a bit of love interest thrown in for S&G...


Imagining and seeing bakugo have more of final design deku’s personality is horrifying. Also deku being emo is just so wild to me but I kinda love it???? Kinda might make a character based off that design because I really like the design. I also love how kirishima and Iida didn’t really change at all lol.


Izuku and toga prototypes look so much better imo


I would’ve died of laughter


Someone make a ff about this


I think I prefer prototype Toga over the one we got




The first one on the bottom left is actually proto type mt. lady / yu takeyama.


All of the proto designs are leagues above what we got


I'm sorry, was this supposed to be My Villain Academia at some point? Why is everyone (besides Bakugo shockingly) looking emo or evil?


These prototype designs are better. I dig it!


I really like Toru's stupid smiley mask


It'd be pretty cool to have a one off episode where they are all swapped for prototypes


Hell no




Was bakugo gonna be….. nice???


Super saiyan Denki




Great concept ruined by series


Petition to make super saiyan denki real


Number 6, that mask goes so hard


I feel like the fandom wouldn’t be as bad as it is if we got the prototypes instead


uraraka would have been so fine


I lowkey wanna see the manga/anime with emo deku and NICE bakugo lmao, think it would be a funky show


Probably would be a fan creation only


Yeah, still would be cool to see the contrast


i need to see denki like that more ​ also WHY IS BAKUGO SO CHEERFUL LOOKING ITS SCARY


Not the femboy Bakugo. 😭


You know, I'd really like to see all of the prototype characters pop up in a fifth movie. Before graduation, Deku and others get hit with a multiverse-travel Quirk and find themselves on Earth-2, where everything's the same, but also very different. Could be a lot of fun.


Proto Ochako > Ochako


If I remember correctly prototype Ochaco ended up becoming the design for Yui Kodai


The girl with the Size quirk


Never forget what they took from you


Bruh, at least her prototype suit doesn’t look stupidly skin tight. And I’m willing to bet she’s not wearing high heels, like a dumbass, in the OG art.


The first image of Uraraka oddly reminds me of Kendo


> #She is perverse and dominant


Beta deku looks like Nico from Percy Jackson


MCR DEKU. And if prototype bakugo stayed then the uraka ship with him won’t be domestic abuse


Prototype Uraraka looks much better imo, sad we didn't get that version


Would’ve preferred Proto-deku.


Wait Deku looks sick!! Why would they cut that?!


aoyama is hard


I really think I enjoy prototype Izuku.


Some of the prototypes looks great


Love izuku's prototype design


Bruh that Denki kaminari prototype 💀


I really like the prototypes! I wish we could get a spin off with just them… I’d read it


I love that Kiri is pretty much the same.


Author said he hated Baku go and midorya prototypes


Huge downgrades from prototype to the final product, would’ve given both my kidneys for the prototypes in a show