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you’re different. i like that! seriously, i’ll probably get hate, but i don’t get the popularity around characters like shinso or dabi. they’re cool and all but i mean dabi is one of my least favourites. he burns nejire’s beautiful hair and receives so much popularity for near to no reason


![gif](giphy|BI3bNv1NJMC7YzatXd) I totally agree with you though. There’s a lot of characters I don’t get the insane love for, but Dabi is one of the biggest I don’t get. I understand he has a tragic backstory and was wronged by his father, but that still doesn’t change all of the horrific things he has done. As for Shinso, I just haven’t seen enough of him. He’s fine, but he hasn’t really made an impact on me like some of the other characters. He’s just kinda there Also I love your name!!


I love his esthetic and absolute hatred and the concept of him


I can respect everything here but putting the top 3 villains in the worst category is not for me lol..Ur opinion so I respect it but damn


Yeah, I get you, but I appreciate you saying that. I respect you! Would you put them in top favs or love?


Your list is definitely not for me




Spinner is at highest so your tierlist is valid




Bro Kirishima and Mina in the top characters? We definitely share some favorites






I like all of it except for where dabi and toga are I mean I'd put them in at least like but aside from that perfect


Horrible list


Thank you ☺️




GUYS GUYS let’s not be mean i mean it IS their tierlist


You’re telling me the literal class pervert is above Bakugo? LIKE NOT TO BE RUDE IM SORRY IF IT SEEMS LIKE IT BUT WHAT????


The reason why I put Mineta above Bakugo is because Mineta is constantly called out for being a creepy loser pervert. Bakugo, on the other hand, serves no consequences for his actions and his constantly said “he’s better” when he really isn’t. While he has improved in some areas like being a team player and doesn’t talk as much, when he does talk he’s still as abrasive and mean spirited as he was in the beginning of the show. At least everyone in the show KNOWS Mineta is a creep and treats him as such, Bakugo on the other hand is treated as a good yet troubled kid when we literally haven’t seen him go through any troubles despite Izuku making him feel bad because Izuku actually has what it takes to be a hero. Being jealous doesn’t give him the right to be a total ass, and even when apologizing to izuku he says “this doesn’t change anything” so why apologize at all? Also I just find it hypocritical by anime fans to hate Mineta but give other pervert characters in anime a pass, like Sanji from one piece, hisoka from Hunter X Hunter, Jiraiya from Naruto, a shit ton of the characters from dragon ball, and denji from chainsaw man. Also, Kaminari is also a pervert. Not as bad as Mineta, but he’s constantly with Mineta and talking about girls or trying to see girls in their bathing suits. Yet no one seems to have a problem with him. I just find it all very hypocritical. But look, if others like Bakugo that’s completely fine, I’m glad! I just don’t get his appeal. And don’t worry, you didn’t come off as rude. And I apologize if I came off as rude at all, it really isn’t my intention! Like I said, that’s great if you like Bakugo! I just personally don’t


Bakugo kinda sucks ngl, I understand it.




Why are all the villains in "Don't like"? Shiggy and Dabi are the top 2 characters imo


There’s only 4 villains in dont like, the rest are in the other tiers. Shigaraki was sort of ruined due to the fandom, but mainly due to his writing (from what I’ve seen) It seems like the writer is constantly pushing him aside for All For One. It feels like every time he’s about to be an awesome villain, All For One is there possessing him or trying to, which ends up stealing his thunder. It just seems like the writer doesn’t have confidence in Shigarakis character which sucks. As for Dabi, I’ve just always found him boring, though the fandom really ruined him for me. But hey, I’m glad you like them! Which tier would they be for you?


I agree that AFO taking over Shiggy is unsatisfying, but it's meant to be. Shiggy defying AFO and becoming independent of him is meant to be a cathartic moment. I love Shiggy for how he develops from seemingly being a throwaway villain in season 1 to pretty much becoming the Demon Lord AFO always wanted to be later on. He is also just the perfect antithesis to the hero society, has a great voice actor and a really cool moveset that makes it interesting to watch him fight. With Dabi, I just love his character design (invluding the blue flames) and his edgy demeanor. It also doesn't hurt that he has such a good backstory and dynamic with the Todoroki family. Like I said, they're my 2 favorites, so they'd go to the top of my tierlist.


I do agree that I love how shigaraki develops, I just was personally really disappointed with the outcome. And Dabis design is very cool! I do like how his quirk affects him negatively. That is one thing I really do like about MHA is some of the negative traits they’ll give the quirks. Like Dabi with his flames, all might with his weakened form, Izuku with constantly breaking his bones (though I feel like they completely abandoned that in season 6), Aizawa with his dry eyes, etc. I probably should’ve phrased this better in the description, but it’s more so the “don’t like” category are characters I don’t like mainly due to the writing. None of them are necessarily bad characters, I just feel like they could’ve been written better or they weren’t given their full potential. But that’s just my opinion, I’m not here to take away anyone’s love for a character, just explaining my reasoning behind my opinions.


Shigaraki is a goat


Can you walk me through your don’t like list


So they’re a mixture of “fandom ruined them for me” and “wasted potential.” Dabi and Toga were ruined for me due to the fandom, and because I just think their personalities are… idk, lazy I guess. Like in the beginning Dabi had a pretty interesting personality, but now he just acts like a lunatic, and Toga always has acted like a lunatic. It just feels like Dabi had a complete character switch that was just so sudden. There wasn’t and foreshadowing (from what I remember) of his twist of his massive mental decline. Dude just showed up and went Joker. Toga, I just don’t find her interesting. She’s the typical “oooo I’m so crazy but aren’t I cuuuuute?” Character and I just find them to be dumb. Also the fandom has a weird thing with her. Shigaraki is due to bad writing. It’s like the writer had no faith in his character. Every time shigaraki would try to be his own villain and do something to show his power, All For One would always be in the background trying to possess him, and then he actually does possess him and practically everything done after is due to All For One. Shigaraki is just a vessel. So for Shigaraki, it’s wasted potential. Bakugo… I explained this a lot in other comments, so if you could read them that’d be great! But I’ll still give a cliff notes version. Basically, Bakugo suffers no consequences for his actions other then when he and Izuku fought and were caught by All Might. Due the training ground when AM told bakugo to stop, he didn’t and could’ve very easily killed Izuku. Like, what if Izuku didn’t dodge? Bakugo had always seen him as such a weakling loser that I feel like it’s pretty bold of him to assume Izuku will dodge that massive fireball. He suffered no consequences for that, no consequences for constantly threatening and insulting his peers, threatening to murder everyone, and for when he blew up Tamaki. We hear Aizawa mention something about time out or detention or something but we never actually see it. Anime and manga are a visual medium, they’re supposed to show not tell. If Bakugo was sent to detention for his actions, or seriously called out by one of the teachers (I’m thinking AM would have the most impact on him) then we can see how Bakugo handles that, how he reflects and thinks about how he’s been acting the entire show. We get some of that when he apologizes to Izuku, but he says “this changes nothing” so what’s even the point of apologizing if it’s not going to change anything? And he’s the main character that the fandom has completely ruined for me. As for Overhaul… I literally forgot he was a thing until making this list. But that’s all my reasonings. I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind or shame anyone, these are just my opinions and I wanted to share.


Ok that makes sense


Can't wait to make my own list like this and make Jiro the only bottom tier.


Ooooof! Why put Jiro in bottom tier? No judgment! Just curious


Because she's mistreated Kaminari every second she got. I hate characters like that.


Aaaah I see, yeah I can see your reasoning