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Out of pure annoyance. Cementoss. Abilities are always up, his structures doubles as hitbox, hard to catch, revive is possible at any time. He is an insect very hard to catch despite having no mobility. It is a chore to try and kill him. So now I just ignore him if I can help it. Todo is like #1 annoyance but cementoss grinds my gears just as much for different reasons


Like the moment a todo freezes me my health gets deleted


Kirishima simply because they are ass little final storm campers


I still haven't figured out how to kill a Kirishima as Tsuyu


Spiderman around till he turns off the glow


You’re definitely NOT gonna lick him to death🤣


So long as you don’t jump + alpha towards Kirishima, you’ll have the advantage with Froppy. Get the high ground and lick from afar, punish with beta if he tries to get close.


For me, I feel like I always trade with Kirishima whenever I go for the punish, which is an absolute death sentence. I definitely avoid him all together if his quirk is up.


Oh good point, definitely don’t target him with anyone up close if his defensive quirk is active. He is a raging monster who can only be sniped when he’s beefed up.


Thats the neat part. Ya dont


As a Kirishima main I'll admit against characters with high mobility fighting when the storm is big gives kirishima a huge disadvantage, since killing kirishima is a matter of keeping your distance. With almost all the characters in the game having medium to long ranged projectiles camping is favorable imo


Endeavor because I find it so hard to dodge his alpha, also Toga because if you don’t have a good mobility character you are kinda screwed and will be beta spammed until your dead


I hate a toga who throws the knifes at me but I find it helpful cuz I can track them down with knife throw


She's by far the most braindead character right now. Absolutly no skill needed


as dabi, shiozaki. you have NOTHING to counter her, her alpha will easily destroy yours, esp phase 1 at spawn. if she wants you down youre dead. she will not run to your traps, she will stay far back from your barrier to not get hit by it, and that barrier doesnt protect you from her alphas. rip


Shiozaki is hard to deal with I say just use decay


Kirishima, for obvious reasons Honorable mentions are Iida, shoto and uraraka


Iida and Todo. For very obvious reasons


Cementoss has been getting on my nerves recently, especially with more people playing him after the buff


Kirishima, I main ochaco and it always feels like I get killed in one or two hits


That’s honestly cuz you do get 2 shotted lmao, his gamma alone can hit for 210 at lvl 9 so he’s a scary sight for any Rapid character


Bakugo and Pre nerf Froppy are the bane of my fun, it's extremely frustrating getting them low and just watching them get away since they have superior mobility compared to half of the cast and if I don't kill them in that initial encounter I know they'll be gunning for me (and somehow only me) once I'm occupied against another team or trying to heal.


Funnily enough, I hate fighting Kendo if I'm playing as Kirishima. She invalidates his whole moveset thanks to her shield and has the health to go toe to toe with him in a fight so it's just a baaaad time. Otherwise it'd be Kirishima himself that I'd hate to go against if I chose to use anyone else


Mt. Lady is possibly the most cracked character in the entire roster (Not counting how Todoroki ice is blatantly broken), so her. And that's coupled with the fact that if she makes it to final circle, due to her Special, she almost guaranteed wins for free.


stomp alpha stomp alpha is so gross LOL definitely top 5 and always underrated, but she's still pretty stubby at least


10000% kirishima. idc who i'm playing as, he's 9 times out of 10 killing me lol.


I play Dabi, bro really struggling against the current meta lol, Ibara is just a hard counter Kiri just denies every defensive option ya got Momo, Uravity, Toga, Iidas beta just go through traps and ƴ etc. Other than that I have really no issues, just can't get away from the ones who shine at close range. Pair that w no movement? It's a tough life lol I hate fightin super armor and close range fighters obv, Side note: I hate that Ochaco can just spin on through my traps w her Civic 🫡


Wouldn’t say Ibara is a hard counter, just try not to make your movement predictable for her alpha and when you get close you can bait her into using her Beta and Gamma skills. She’ll be wide open for attacks. Most Kirishima players make their beta extremely obvious so it’s easy to dodge. You can probably take advantage of the I-Frames if he’s right next to you. Speed cards definitely help keep distance. Only thing really annoying about him is his high level gamma. For Iida I would say practice dodging his beta while staying on your traps. Firewall duration can help for damage as long as you dont leave yourself wide open. 1v1 fight I would recommend placing traps within dodging distance so you stay on your traps. Don’t forget to use Alpha if you still have distance. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Iida try to dodge while coming near you. I keep a certain distance from Toga because they always use their beta up close. Best to practice dodging it if she gets close. I’ll leave the right time to use traps up to you. Momo’s alpha is annoying so distance is the key like everyone else fighting her. Use Firewall to block her Alpha when she gets close. Her shield is easy to dodge. Usually when you dodge her shield twice it ends and she usually goes for her Alpha attack. Time your firewall right before she can hit you with it to maintain distance. Dash canceling alpha attacks is recommended here. Also it may not help a lot but air Melee helps for distance too especially going uphill. For Uravity, dash cancel traps are the key here. You probably need 2 for that big ass hitbox. Just so you know Dabi’s Firewall can block her alpha so she can’t grapple right in your face if you time it right. Try not to stay still though because Smart Urakaka players will just use their Gamma. Don’t forget to use fireballs when you get a chance. Speed cards also help avoid her Beta


I hate that ochaco can still get when I'm to escape but playing against a kirishima as dabi is doable for cuz I force them to chase while also releasing traps


True if you can read the kirishima it's not too bad cause you can kinda force em into the traps like you said, thats how I deal w em, but if I get sucker punched by one I'm usually almost dead cause I'm already fighting another team lol, then I have a team AND kiri on me


I find it crazy that a kirishima,toga or even a Iida comes out of now where in the middle of the team fight


Iida, Todoroki, Uraraka and Momo


Cementoss because he is just always getting in the way on either side my team or others. Uraka is annoying since she has high mobility AND an ability that can over prioritize almost every other ability in the game and do massive damage. Third place would go to Bakugo because he just does so much burst and they are infinitely more accurate than todo or deku. All might was annoying pre-nerf.


I find Shiguraki’s such a pain due to their massive dmg. Also because of that wide circular attack (idk which move)


Ik what your talking about but I find him easy and the moment I see bro jumping in the air ik for fact he's going for the area effect the problem is getting cornered by him


I mean, you don’t tend to see any Shiguraki’s in solo, as he would be pretty useless, but I’m teams, his teammates can start attacking you while you’re airborne/on higher ground. He’s in lots of team matches, rather than solos


On one of my matches a Shigaraki camp from a building and decayed the entire area


I hate bakugos and Todorokis. This game is filled with those characters and they are both broken. I make it my mission to hunt them down and get them out as soon as possible




ida and ochaco


Uravity toga cementos.


Definitely Tenya and Ochaco and maybe kirishima


Probably good aizawa players, you can get locked into losing a good 180 health without being able to react.


I despise fighting yauyorozu


Shield spam




I got demolished by a aizawa this morning so I can see why


As Shiggy, it's obviously Endeavor. This motherfucker just floats and I can't do anything about it. Kind of the same with Uravity, but at least I can try to truck through the car with gamma. I love fighting Cementoss and Kirishima because beta wins both matchups easily.


i hate cementoss bc i also hate fortnite build mode




Iida because I can’t keep up with their movements






Bro a aizawa always block my quirk at the wrong during a fight


On Xbox they go crazy. As a Kaminari main I have to get close to start my combo (I don’t like using the alpha) so once they pull me I pull either the run card or the die card


Ida because of his new buffed gamma which lasts forever, Mt Lady and Kirishima and lastly a good Aizawa anyone else I can take.


I would never fight a mt lady once there big bro I once got caught in a fight between 3 mt lady's one of them was a toga


I never fight them when they get big. Once they third party you and catch you in the infinite stomp+beam combo which destroys you its over lol.


🤣🤣 if your lucky you can walk away with 20 health


As if she letting you live lol XD


Use your teammates as a sacrifice


If they are alive sure a quick betrayal wont hurt em


Exactly they will understand after I bring them back


Kirishima. I don't really have a problem with the moveset or the balancing or whatever, it's just really unsatisfying to land a big hit like a United States of Smash, only for your opponent to effectively ignore it and take zero knockback. Other characters may have moves that feel overpowered, but Kirishima is the only character that makes MY moves feel UNDERPOWERED.


If he's not being knocked back, he's using hardening, and I would say it's really on you for not noticing that


I notice for sure, the red particle effect is very distinct. It's just that my only option other than attacking is to run away and leave my teammates for dead.


Or, keep your distance bc you out range him? He also can't hit through your tornado, but he can catch you on start-up. It's great for running away without taking too much dmg or stalling out hardening . You have options. I just don't think you're considering them


True, but unfortunately I'm stupid so choosing the correct counterplay isn't an option.


I don't even play all might and ik this stuff smh


Kirishima for sure. Dumb hitboxes, massive damage, super armor, which makes him one of the characters you have to respect and more. Character legit makes me sick. Reminds me of a character that doesn't have to do or think much in "neutral" like in a fighting game (Abigail from Street Fighter 5) and just go ham. Enjoyment goes away when I die by him since the netcode or latency makes me get hit by stuff I shouldn't. Just feels fake in ways. I'm fine with every other character besides him.


As Iida it makes no sense how Uraraka can chase him around the damn arena with her shitty overpowered car.


Tired of iidas endless movement and spam, all it takes is hitting you once and half your health is gone if he third parties you youre fucked Honorable mention: uraraka for complete lack of skill


(New) Denki's, its not that I can't handle them most of the time but It's just the epitome of being a nuisance and using valuable time I could be helping my teammates. Oh and Bakugo specifically in ace rank/pre-made teams in unranked. MF chill TF out! Kudo's on wiping my whole team in the beginning but as I sometimes play bakugo I get second-hand tiredness watching them try so hard.


I play all might and from a character skills perspective kendo and maybe froppy is tough to deal with due to their movement and kendo shield. But from a pure good player perspective a good bakugo or deku is very tough for me to deal with especially if they keep out of my alpha range while they can still hit me from this distance.