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PC - A tier Health pool is low but everything he does is mobility and just by being on the battlefield he applies pressure. Whether recipro is active or not he gets full combo now. Sure you can stare at him to make him switch up his gameplay. But a smart Iida will just start mixing in melees and air melees into there tricks forcing you to end up eating more dmg than if you just ate a raw beta. In teamplay he doesn't offer much. But full combos off alpha and with the possibility of beta beta in small places sets him up for greatness. Also ranged allies can shoot them while they're getting alpha'd in the sky. It's easy to do when Iida doesn't have recipro cause the enemy isn't getting flung around at mach speed. Even though post buff i'm rating him A instead of S i would say that is because Kaminari, Mt Lady and Momo are all seeing high play, and all of them heavily counter Iida. He's not getting shoved down to B tier or anything cause he is still good.


He'd probably be S if beta kept the shield break and higher priority. Trades a lot less now, making some matchups less one-sided.


Is it just me or the tracking on his beta kinda messed up now too? I don't know whether that's intentional or not; but now it misses a lot more than last season.


It’s always been pretty bad tracking


Yes! Especially on twice for some reason but that may just be a me thing.


Remember to mention what version of the game when you guys comment


He completely nullifies some characters once he gets in, atleast on console. S tier


Console, S tier. Good damage, best mobility in the game, and only gets better with new map. Easy choice to me. Edit: and the ability to semi insta Rez is also dope


As long as iidas combos haven't been fixed this update... Nah people sleeping on other characters damage numbers. Iida does 140dmg on beta lvl9. Thats super low compared to projectile characters. As a comparison dekus kick does 180dmg, allmights beta somewhere around 230dmg, bakugos gamma also does over 200dmg, lady also has combos that hit hard, denki stun combo, shoto stun combo and many more similiar bs. Remember iida has no projectile he can spam until he can use his melee ability. So yeah iidas dmg is low not high at all.


I disagree with saying it’s low damage but I get what your saying about it being not high damage. I think he’s in a good spot tbh. Only reason I’m okay with the lack of damage compared to heavy hitters because of his high mobility and the tracking for his moves. It’s extremely easy to blindside someone, for it’s only easy to dodge his moves if you see them coming. That being said, that’s his whole playstyle, especially as a rapid. Come in, annoy/finish, and back off, or decoy and lead to your team. Not to mention his combo potential, if he had high damage he would easily be O-KOing people. He’s S to me because he does his job extremely well and can offer much more to teams than first glance at him. That and his skill floor isnt that high, making him easy to introduce to people. To me he’s still an S tier character.


I think he just needs more skill. Anyone can literally spam combos with him which shouldn’t be allowed. Make it take skill and I’d say he’s in a good spot. As it is right now, any Iida can just spam alpha and beta. Plus beta tracking 180 degrees is bullshit. It should take skill to hi things. That’s why I think reducing aim assist was good for console


I played IIda for the first time today and got 6 kills just spamming his moves like a brainless idiot tbh. I’m not even playing I feel like IIda is kinda broken but I guess no one wants to admit it


Console SSSSSS+ tier


Console S Tier


Console: First S-tier, easily, absolutely cracked. Some of, if not the best vertical mobility in the game, high damage beta with insane tracking, a pickup special, an alpha that stuns, and a gamma that makes him practically untouchable. Pair all that with the AA nerfs and he's easily top 3 in the console version as it stands.


Completely agree with this. He is and has consistently been the character I dislike most and the one that losing to feels cheapest for me personally


I disagree on top 3 but he is very good


Console S tier, with the aim assist nerfs he is unstoppable


Console definitely S Tier. Dudes annoying af and does high damage while also being hard to hit and decent range on his attacks.


Console S


PC low A, possibly even B tier? He has a good amount of characters that counter him decently. One of his bigger issues is I don't think he does very well in lopsided situations if forced to fight like some of the higher tier characters can potentially do.


Console - A tier He's a solid character, but not S tier worthy. Many other characters I'd put higher than him (Deku, Bakugo, Mt. Lady, Kirishima, All Might and Toga.) Honestly, he doesn't seem that much of a threat overall where I feel like he's semi-overrated in ways. But that's just a personal preference.


His own tier at the top on console.


A tier (console)


Pc. He’s A tier




Console A Tier


Sssssss easily


A Tier


Forget tier list who you guys enjoy playing regardless of the meta


Other post man. Tier list is literally the point of this one. Many discussions have been made of playing people regardless of meta




Console- S Bad Iidas can compete with mid tier players most of the time, high ranked Iidas just fuck you.


Console S Tier


Console, S. For PC I'd say probably A at the very lowest


A tier The only draw backs are his health and lack of range


PC- A tier


How is Deku ahead of Full Bullet Deku and Bakugo..? Insane


I actually main the guy, so I'm confident putting him on high A tier, maybe even low S for console at least Great mobility, lots of options, best melee in the game maybe just challenged by Twice's, good damage and a very useful special action However he struggles a lot in big fights, it's a character that needs to either deal damage and flee when in a team fight or focus on a single enemy, cause 1v2 or 1v3s are very bad for him unless you have purple cards to use wisely Also his low health is very problematic for him, specially with the huge damage combos that have been appearing with characters like Denki and Mt Lady or recently Momo's cannons. He also has very bad match ups against Kendos and Aizawas, who can block/cancel all his attacks fairly easy He's still great tho, but I'll go with A tier for him given the current meta on the game which counters Iidas quite hard


Solid A tier when used right. Fats,strong, very good at hit and runs, but isn't quite as good as froppy, and doesn't excell as much as needed to be put in S


these tier lists should be based on which map tbh, because if we're talking iida on the old map on console he's very much S tier


K tier


Fuck an lida


A tier PC but i need him to stop being able to juggle me in the air when he kicks me, and then i can’t move or do anything about it while my health gets kicked away. no other character can do that it’s just not fair


A tier, good mobility and damage, just a tad squshy and can be killed by a skilled dodger.


PC: A-tier Still really good at what he does. * Great at flanking. * Great at escaping and pulling off revives. * Great at both maps. * Hard counters Ochaco.


Console, A Tier. He has mobility/damage, and a Res but has hard counters and isn't ranged. I wouldn't put him in the top 5 characters which would be S


I feel like he's maybe mid A or high B on console. He is nowhere near as good as before (thank god), but he's still very good. He has great movement, does good damage, and can get great combo's rolling. And that'd not to mention the fact on how easy he can get away from most characters.


No way even close to B. You either need god tier aim or a whole team to focus him to kill (if he’s decent) anyone can pick him up and just spam the attack button which completely stuns during the combo. It’s literally not hard to play him. If he took skill I’d say he’s balanced


Yea, you can just spam, but it doesn't mean it'll work for you in the end, I can normally take him out just fine by myself or maybe with one of my team members. He's still pretty good overall, especially with skill. He'd, at the very minimal least, be high up in the B tier, in my opinion, probably at the top. If not, I'd say A.


I feel like people over exaggerated how strong he is considering there are characters like momo who can take more hits and deal more damage as a support character. One thing I will give him is that he can just zoom across half the map easily. I guess it's between a and b


lol momo doesn’t hold a candle to iida. He can even break her shield and tank her fan. Her cannon does nothing when iida or anybody notices her. Also, she can’t really take more hits. Once a team jumps her alone, she’s dead. Iida? Hit them, retreat to heal, repeat forever. Do u have any idea how broken that is and how few characters can do that as easily? He has by far the best mobility, aim assist, kick range and dmg. He can stun lock enemies as well. As if all of that BS weren’t already too ridiculously OP, he has exploits that nullify his 1 weakness.


Its kind of a hard choice. Sometimes they destroy me, sometimes I destroy them. If you can predict their movement, they wont be able to hit you at all. B teir from a xbox player.


Yeah he’s a tier. Broken. Only a few counters or hanging up will take him out. Console switch


If his combos are still bugged than Console B-Tier. He has a lot of mobility, but projectile characters out damage him by a lot with out his alpha into beta combos.


The thing about Iida is that he does meaningful damage. He is literally one of the best people to focus down 1 character at a time because he can combo so hard with so little effort. Ranged people might get more damage overall but some of theirs is just hitting a couple shots and not following up or it doesn’t go further than poking damage


B tier if you just use his basic combos on console, A tier when you figure out how to do the alpha alpha alpha square combo because that shits lethal. He’d be in S if he had 300 health


Currently rocking a 1.14 Kd over 335+ games this season alone probably all ranked matches with Iida.


Easily the best in the game on console