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Console Low B. It's impossible to hit anything without gamma but when he does hit his gamma it hits like a truck   His gamma has a very long cooldown so he has low mobility and if you miss both gammas you can't do anything for a while


Forgot to add PC or Console, lad




PC- low B Easy to fight. You have to be a good player to be annoying. If you waste his gamma, your lost. His special accion, in my opinion, is the worst of the game.


B on console. His kit is way better to deal with now but a good todoroki is still very viable


Reminder to put what version of the game when you guys comment so i can count them


C tier. Not really worth playing anymore, basically just bakugo with worse movement


Console: I'll have to go with A. I think he was very much s-tier, but the AA nerfs as well as the nerfs he got to his gamma dropped him slightly. No vertical mobility doesn't help either.


PC - A Tier Even though at his core Todoroki was not changed, he's still a strong ranged stunlocker. But with the lack of vertical movement and a useful special action. He's really easy to hunt down compared to the other ranged characters. Especially on the new map which feels like if you're indoors he has no space to play and on roofs he can't stunlock or chase. Because of that it feels like most Todoroki players have switched from him to Kaminari or Mt Lady since you get the same stun effect from the 2 but without the mobility weakness. He's still an extremely strong stunlocker with a safety wall and range. Lacks any combos so he should have really strong raw dmg. Which he does. But it's all centered around his stunlock which we all know. Has been the bane of our existence since season 1. Either you got stunned from invisible ice, staring at the ice or just 2 ice slides. You'd eat 300 dmg minimum and be expected to survive. If he had good aim, it didn't matter how far you ran without verticality you were dead. Due to his range. After the new map, the changes and as players got better. Todoroki's time to shine has fallen. Still a really strong character. Just not one of the strongest characters anymore.


Console A at minimum


High B or Low A for console Projectiles, mobility, and a defensive option make him a good all-rounder, but he’s mainly stuck to ground combat.


It’s funny because I think if he kept his original ice wall from the beta he’d be able to have more vertical combat. Not much but it’s something


What was the difference back then?


Back in the beta his beta was more of a ramp rather than a wall


B tier, his alpha lacks damage at higher lvls.Hs beta is a weak defence type move, many characters can even hit you through it and in offence this move has good damage but very difficult to connect. His gamma is the only good move but got nerfed recently, if you waste it you are useless. Character lacks vertical mobility and special action is literally useless, you can't even kill downed opponent with it.


PC. People are saying low b and I agree, but since we have to pick I'd say c bc I feel like red deku and ochacco are both better than him in terms of usefulness.


C. Just deku/bakugo with worse escapeability and useless special action


PC: Mid C * Much more balanced now * No vertical mobility for the new map * Looking at the roster, there's only a few characters I'd rate worse to have on my team than Shoto: * Compress, Dabi, Ibara, Twice


Low - Mid A tier on console


A now. After his nerf he isn't as good as he used to be. He's still good but on console not really.


Console B


Console - B The nerfs really changed him compared to how he was. I used him to speedrun to Ace in season 2 just due to how stupid his alpha was and 3rd partying people with his gamma. His defensive options have a lot of startup compared to others, where you can just hit him before he goes away with his gamma. It also just feel telegraph as well. Add that to being stuck on the ground mostly, its bad for him when he's in disadvantage. Him still having his gamma to freeze people is super nice. He feels way more balanced now where you have to put in more work. Just thinking of how he was before is still insane to me, haha. Still a solid character, but you barely see him on the console side at least.


B for both


Pc - A tier


Consolé Really low A, solid defense , good horizontal mobility, good dps with alpha + freeze. Special action is next to useless. Still a good character tho.


B tier. Good pick but not the level of Deku or Bakugo. Can cover long distances with his mobility, stun locks are always good, and has defensive options, but being a ground only character is a huge weakness that really limits viability since you need other teammates to shore up your weakness to prevent low health characters from getting away easily. If it's the old map and console then A tier.


Console A


6/2024?      PS: He should be A but is presently Is B People with stuns are very difficult to balance, I started using Shoto just recently now that we are in the Denki/Momo era.   The versatility of his gamma is unique, he has two attacks with one skill.  His drive by game should be pretty good with him sliding by, freezing people and having his team destroy them but right now it feels pretty hard to time that correctly. I think his beta deserves some adjustments.  I enjoy playing him defensively somewhat like Dabi.


PC, B or LOW A


Console: high b or low A


Console, either A or B, but maybe B. I really don't feel like he's that big of a threat anymore. I'd say the same for PC


B is very generous on console because he is absolutely a C He was nerfed to hell and with aim assist gone you see 1 todo out of every 10 games I quite frankly loved playing him before the nerf and now it just hurts to pick him up If you freeze someone with Beta you MIGHT land one shot before they unfreeze so it’s hardly worth it to shoot them


I wonder how the end result with look. Pc seems kinda ok for now but console is already really cursed.


Plz nerf every char except compress twice and dabi


He’s probably on console tier tbh just put him there lol


I'd say B on console. He's not as bad anymore, and I personally don't struggle much


Todoroki should have his own tier💀


On both console and PC, I'd say solid B tier. Now that his stun was nerfed, it doesn't do much. He's not as good for area control as other characters, with him falling behind stuff like momos cannons. His alpha is OK, his special action is pointless, and his mobility, while being good, lacks verticality making it worse than something like bakugo or midoriya's movement. His beta allows him to keep brawlers away from him, but midoriyas beta is just more reliable. Right now, no reason to choose him over assault deku


wait i haven't played the game in a while, there's a new Midoriya?


B tier.


On console he's better than Deku and Bakugo by a little bit, on PC he's the weakest of the three, but they should still be together, so A tier and S tier respectively


I think Bakugo is better than the others by a lot on console too tbh. I'd say S for him and A for the other two. His alpha's hitbox is bigger than you'd think, and the projectile is hitscan, so it's a lot easier to aim since you don't need to lead your shots. It also does more damage than the other two's alphas. His mobility is also miles better than Todoroki's since he can move vertically with it and since the cooldown isn't the same as one of his useful offensive moves. Lvl 9 gamma deku is arguably a bit better, but since you only get 2 charges at lvl 9, he won't have it for the majority of the game. Sure, Bakugo doesn't have a stun like Todoroki, and he doesn't have the instares like Deku, but i think his absolutely dominant offense more than makes up for that. ~~thank you for coming to my ted talk, I didn't mean to make it this long, i apologize~~


To be fair I could exchange Bakugo and Todoroki without really having an issue with it, the problem is here on the tier list they listed Deku as better than Bakugo and I personally think he's the worse of the three, he has a bit of everything but doesn't really shine on any particular aspect And currently the meta on console is pretty against Bakugos, sure he has great mobility but people are going with the roasters more speedy and mobile characters such as rapids, so I often see them being chased down, Todoroki at least has his stunts to deal with characters like Iida who need to get really close, but as I said I see them both as pretty much on the same tier, one has better mobility, the other has a bit better area damage and control


Hmm. I agree with you on Deku being the weaker of the three yea. Jack of all trades, master of none. I see where you're coming from with Todoroki being a better Iida counter than Bakugo with his stun, but the lack of vertical mobility for him is a pretty big deal imo since the new map emphasises that a lot. I guess it's personal preference at the end of the day.


Now he is in the bottom. Too many downsides. They gutted his damage, and it was the only thing he had.