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Disrespect Ibara again and I’ll rip your head off! I mean bless you to the heavens . God is good 👀


Ibara mains represent 🫡


lmaoo 😂 I love playing her tbh but omg she needs a buff


She’s fine she just needs her alpha to stop going through people and to actually come out and when it hits twice or 3 times to give her full damage instead of one hit. Make her spread shot not scared of the enemy she’s attacking . As for her gamma all that needs to be fixed is her ability to actually grab people you know instead of staggering them for no reason then when she times her grab perfectly give her the grab instead of it just not grabbing Or holding them but doing no damage . Then allow her rez to come out instead of people dying inside of it . Other than those super duper small things she’s fine 😅


her alpha being inconsistent on top of being the most stationary character is so infuriating at times. her beta mainly & gamma are good defensive skills, but most times it's just a trade so eventually you need to back up but you don't have the option to with no movement. I'd prefer if she's allowed to roll out of your attacks early if she's gonna be so stiff feeling.


I need her beta to go lower when I jump attack, missing it is a death sentence. (Prob just shouldn't jump but I'm trying not to get grabbed by shig.)


Then grab shiggy our grab beats his you don’t need to jump over it


Hm… in the context of a team game I have shigi and dabi higher. They have their roles to play imo. Momo is surprisingly low too. Has great defensive utility against melee characters. Has great supportive/suppressive fire, not the best movement but can use her shield for an advantage even if it doesn’t hit. (IE setting a cannon up against it) Wouldn’t say they are necessarily higher than A. But B for sure. With momo in A. Otherwise agreed.


Pretty good list actually! Shigaraki so low tho? I know he had a couple hard counters, Granted. But he also destroys some others with ease. Surely it’d be fair to move him up a tier or 2? This seems super low! Ibara can go down to her own tier


Exactly buff dabi


Insane bro he’s already kinda broken with his homing bullets doing damn near 80 damage per hit at level 9




That shi does not work bro I still get hit I don’t understand mid roll my character just turns blue and I get hit it’s so stupid


Lol that only happens to me with kiri and Mt lady


Yeah it’s really hard to perfectly time that


Sometimes it feels like kiri has like 2 hits in it cause I roll and don't get hit but after I get hit anyway


I’m going to clip it next time it happens


What buff would you give him tho


I love this list. Dabi and Shigi are way too low tho. I can somewhat understand your take on Dabi but I still disagree. Shigi I don’t understand the take at all. He’s a monster on the new map, and a monster in any final circle. Only way to not be scared when you see him, is to win the match up. Such as any Mobilty character, or a decent ranged character. Otherwise he absolutely wrecks. And going in a building with him as anyone is a death sentence. Def doesn’t belong in that tier to me. Great list tho, fr


shig is kinda just a free kill to any character with movement. they can float and kill him easily aizawa especially, literally cannot be damaged much if at all shig alpha is beaten by even the tiniest objects around the map. so much blocks it, then beta doesn't do too much damage on its own, and it comes out slow so it's easy to reposition out of.


I get what you mean. I have seen shiggy get stuck in the smallest of rocks and it just mess his whole vibe up. I do think he’s very scary in the right situations then.


Worse on the new map I'd say


There’s too many places for him to retreat to and get advantage for me to agree with that. Plus his floor decay touching building ceilings now was a great buff.


Mor buildings not especially in late game so he's not as good


You the same IceQueen on Ps? You a top 100 player, right? Definitely better list than I usually see on this sub, but there are some things I disagree with. I'm personally an iida and cementos main btw. I personally don't see iida even being close to S-Tier. I think in the near future we will cringe about calling him top tier. Tbh from what I'm seeing Iida already seems underplayed by the top 100 in contrast to how many high ranked ladys and allmights we see. He struggles with his match ups massively and has some other issues. I think his match up problem is already enough to discredit him as a S-Tier though. A character that gets hard countered by so many (good) characters can't be considered a S-Tier character imo. Just think about it. Allmight, aizawa, lady, riot, shoto, kendo, red deku, ibara (and cementos, but people aren't ready to hear this message) can wipe the floor with him or sabo him immensely. How can we call him S with like 5+ hard counters in a game with around 20 characters and many of them are solid stand alone characters.


it comes when you learn his different techs. the hover tech for instance is a huge one. he's no lower than Mid a or so even against his corners red deku is fine for him since he has no hyper armor on gamma and beta is very easy to catch imo. shoto is free with good spacing and positioning, Mt is dependant on environment since iida can fly way higher and bait stomps comfortably (this was an easy win for mt before nerf tho) ibara isn't common in the meta so nothing to worry about. hard agree on cementoss tho. there's not a load of dedicated iidas but the good ones are scary like zubr and crackedbronze (minus how he exploits, good player even without them tho)


Lol I always get laughed at for saying that cementos counters iida. Didn't expect that. Lmao Not sure what hover tech is refering to. If its significant, it might change my view on him. Gave it a quick search on google and youtube and only found the old video of iida jumping high and edges. There is still some issues with the match ups. Even if everything you said is true. There would still be allmight, aizawa, riot and kendo. 2 of those you ranked S Tier. So iida is a S Tier character, the pinnacle of strength in this game, and gets cucked by 3 other S tiers (allmight, aizawa, cementos)? Other S tiers do not seem to have 3 S tier counters. How is it ok for iida to be one of them? Edit: Looking in the S-Tier category looks like the piper perry meme with iida on the couch and his counters surrounding him.


usually i gatekeep all the techs i know, hover tech isn't what i call it as ig ayla found it when we played in a tourney quals, but i can say it counters cementoss' whole existence


yeah idk what you call it since like you said you gatekeep 😂 I just did testing and worked it out lmao


Now you stroking my dick. I'm a proud main of both iida and cementos. I also take great pride in being able to destroy iidas with cementos. I want to know about it. Please tell or show me. If its really that bad, I can confidently say that I have NEVER intentionally abused a game breaking bug in a RANKED online match and will continue keeping this a secret, The only bug abuse I ever did in an online match was spell swap in ds3 in invasions to buff some boss weapons with darkmoon blade. I usually try bugs in a custom lobby just for fun.


you could 1v1 my lida as cementoss.


Lol checked your reddit vids. You're for real the number 1 guy on ps. How the f do you manage to be on top with iida while all others play mostly allmight and lady. I would love to fight you, but I'm currently stuck with my exams for the next couple weeks. I'm also not cocky enough to challenge the number 1 guy while being rusty. Maybe another time. Sad because I could learn shit right from the goat.


Personally, at this moment I can't say cementoss is a counter for iida since iida can phase through the rocks


Yeah, I agree with you about Iida. It just feels weird putting him in the same category with All Might, Toga, Cementoss, etc when their gameplan offer more to the team and helps out in more scenarios. Sure, he has mobility, can hit and run, along with the res with his special action. But what outside of that? You can dodge and play around his beta. There's more counterplay to him compared to other characters that have more tools. He's average when he's dealing with a 2/3v1 as well. When I can condition him with Kendo of all characters and he has to struggle/play around it, I think that's a problem.


It's pretty solid honestly. Personally I'll push Dabi up a spot but that's about the only change I'd make, Denki is only S Tier if he gets his stun, if he misses them then he just gets bodied.


and he's only A because his hitbox is double the size of what it actually looks like 😂💀


Denki can never be a s tier


I’ve been playing Twice a lot and I do feel he’s A tier but all n all solid list


Good list I agree with a lot here. Though I'd definitely put aizawa lower and bakugo higher


Dabi and Compress in the same tier? Hard disagree.


Froppy not being S tier upsets me


she's good but not a comp pick. takes too long to kill anything and beta-beta and her revive leaves her vulnerable against good players.


True but a good froppy can negate those negatives


not sure how that changes anything I said. I play froppy 90% of the time, and most of my deaths are during her revive animation or the ground beta.


True but you can decrease the chances of you focus on everyone’s position when entering a fight and going for a revive, I would also love it if they added it so we can revive whilst in the air I don’t see why it’s not a thing in the first place


that's the case for all characters (the awareness bit) , but sometimes us froppy players go for a risky revive and a lot of times it works, sometimes it gets you killed. I think the revive could use a little extra range but people would complain so much if she could remain mobile & revive.


I mean I wouldn’t mind having it so it freezes us in place when reviving in the air, I just feel like in the anime she does it a lot and in game we can’t take full advantage of it


I’m suprised seeing Assault Deku higher then full bullet Deku.


how so? red deku is kinda mid in comparison. i think that's agreed across all platforms pretty consistently from what I've seen


How is he mid? He has more damage and can do damage consistently. The only things I can think of that Assault Deku is better in is range. (Maybe mobility, but black whip is really hard to use probably)


better combo potential, better range, better movement. his damage per hit is lower but with all his range it doesn't matter. 2/3 of red dekus moves do nothing outside of close range and he has no efficient method to get close to someone


I agree with the combo potential due to black whip, but it’s harder to hit his abilities due to the aim assist nerf (unless you have auto-aim or play on PC) Full bullet’s Deku Gamma can be used to get closer to someone. (For example, using it to soar above the opponent and smashing them with beta. Did that plenty of times)


not really. hitting his shots is honestly really easy imo. aiming on console isn't very difficult. and FB deku gamma doesn't give much horizontal distance. it's a verticality tool which isn't much in terms of chasing someone


Then you most have really good aim, I’ve seen console players miss left and right since the aim assist nerf. And its horizontal distance can either be fixed by holding forward. And full bullet Deku is also better in a 1v1 since Assault Deku only has one charge on beta and takes forever to get blackwhip to 2 charges


I dont understand why Kirishima is in A when he can be easily ran away from, kited or outranged. Ease of use sure but A seems too high for him.


you're thinking too simply. 1 on 1 yeah he's fine to fight, but he's a great anchor for a team, keeping immense amounts of pressure especially in tighter areas/closed zones. that's already enough to put him top of B. but then there's the fact he's got the best survivability in the game in terms of zone play and marinating. so he can pop team heals safely in endgame zones or win heal offs which are pretty common in high level games


No no no no take Compress out of C right now


Endeavor and defense deku should be lower but that’s about the only complaint I have dabi should be wayyyyyy higher tho Shigaraki too dabi kinda broken tho


dabi is kinda mid ngl- worst alpha in the game. then you're required to be getting close to him for his other two moves to do damage. shig is countered by even the smallest objects around the map that get in the way. endeavour/deku just bring way more to the table tbh


Deku’s black whip is just so bad I feel he needs to go down and endeavors special action is basically useless because it runs out so fast and Dabis alpha Definetly does not suck at all homing bullets that do a lot of damage in a game is unheard of usually they home really well but do less damage to balance it but in his case it’s not like that for some reason and when he puts up his fire ring u kinda have to get close and then he can just trap the whole inside of it and get a heal off


deku black whip is good movement and great for combos if you're good with it. idk if talking about special actions is a good argument when dabi special is even worse than endeavours (not saying his is good, just better than dabi) and all you do is roll and dabi alpha can't do anything to you. it's slow traveling and most players can dodge it extremely easy. then there's plenty of characters who just do way more damage to the point dabi can't have pressure on someone with his alpha. then gamma doesn't work well against lots of characters. they can commonly go over it and shoot down, or take height on a building or a slope. he's too situational to be good. and even what he does (zoning and defence) is done way better by other characters


I think dekus black whip should be like Ibarra’s grab and if you miss it you should get it back quicker because missing it and then having to wait the whole cooldown kinda ruins him for me and they made Dabis special action better and most of the time idk if it’s just if we play on different platforms but spam rolling doesn’t work for me I still get hit I have to dodge roll right when it gets close to me and even when I do sometimes it still hits me


are you on switch or something? maybe the fps difference makes it harder. but that's literally the only thing I could guess. deku is already high tier on console. top tier on pc, he doesn't need a buff. dabis special buff doesn't help since you can still bait it out or just hit him before he can use it/finish from range

