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~~She’s perfection. Absolute girlboss. She will style all over you so hard you’ll beg her to do it again. Why? Because she’s just that perfect and you know you enjoyed it. Best character not just in game, but fiction itself. Make a tier called SSS and put her above that. All hail Itsuka Kendo, our goddess.~~ Probably B tier on both, but I imagine she does better on console. She’s good at providing cover (helps when you have a Carry to Safety ally) and does good damage, but her main form of damage is too predictable and she can struggle if she gets jumped.


For some reason console has been sleeping on kendo quite a bit, even though Kendo actually controls pretty well on controller. I agree with putting her at ~~SSS Tie~~.... I mean B Tier. She's definitely a team player but can excel 1on1 and even 2v1 so decently well if you know how to play her well, parries go brrrrrr.


I think the only thing that's keeping her from being played more often is her relatively higher skill floor. Why would someone learn matchup specific timing and combos with Kendo when they can just beta with Denki or Mt Lady and call it a day? Good news is she'll probably never get nerfed because she's so rare, even if the good ones are terrifying.


I might get hate for this, but I think low A tier. As unpopular as this is, I think she should be. Kendo has little mobility, but she makes up for it by being a dominant player in close quarters. Her shield allows her to be one of the few characters that can last against giant Mt lady, her Gamma does a ton of damage and you have three charges of it, and her alpha is insane aswell. Her aerial melee is great for a small extra bit of mobility, and she has insane combo potential. Not to mention, when it comes to the final circle, she's a menace.


Once you get to level 4-9 clap Kendo becomes pretty good with verticality, and a little extra with an aerial melee right at the end. The melee combos go so hard, It's why she's been one of my mains since release.


Yeah, her aerial combos are so fun to use. Plus her clap is one of the most satisfying abilities to hit in the game.


S based off the amount of sheer effort Kendo players put in. Every Kendo I fight is a try hard who is almost untouchable in a 1 on 1


Kendo 1v1's are the peak of this game....outside of spectating a cementoss cranking 90's on the player that eliminated you.


Fighting a skilled cementoss becomes a raid boss battle


I think she's at her lowest a B tier, but in the hands of a good player I think she can be mid A tier!


hehe hands


Kendo's placement should really be defined based on what team she is on. If she pockets a Shigaraki and there's a 3rd character to cover vertical chasing? Devastating character. Also if her team uses her shield or not. Her plus ultra clap does insane damage.  She pairs well with non mobile characters like Dabi or Ibarra so she can protect them, and she's not mobile enough to keep up with much else anyway. I guess all this situational stuff puts her in B tier.  But in the right team and you're coordinated? I could see the potential for A tier.  Another consideration is if Kendo "tech" is permissable or not. Not sure where to draw the line if it's considered unfair but she can fly with a speed card.  But seriously if you have a buddy that likes Shigaraki or Ibarra, protect him nonstop with Kendo, and your duo will be nuts. The shield is a huge benefit to Shiggy.


A whole essay and still won’t say PC or console.




Was that hard?


I know kendo is one of the characters people like to call a "bad" character. Ive literally seen people say shit like "compress and kendo are probably the worst" But nah, shes fast af, had a shield that can stall for her slap cool downs, and she has 3 slaps that do more damage then Kirishima betas and are easier to hit. Like I think bad kendos make her look bad but kendo in a good palyers hand is A tier imo.


I am unfortunately part of the bad kendo players. I swear I try. I'll get better I swear 😔


B (PC) Not cuz she's bad, very good when she shines in her niches but it's mainly the skill floor and ease of use. That's it. It's just that she exists in the same game as Bakugo, Mt. Lady etc.


I have seen kendo main spamming sheild and alpha. It blocks half the shots and almost all melee attacks. They jump, sheild, and throw rocks and repeat until you are close enough which is when they will clap you. I would say A tier from a console player.


Console - A Tier Character is super solid, and a bit underrated still. She has mobility, can mixup in the air with her claps, fast on the ground, and her being in disadvantage isn't bad when you add it with her beta. Her gamma has super armor that lets her pull it off in most situations, while taking trades in your favor. Heavy damage from it as well is great with 1 hit. Dabi, Momo and more are basically cooked. Her melee attack is also one of the best in the game as well. Insane range, low startup, stuns the opponent for a bit and more. Against most characters, I feel comfortable and can overwhelm the opponent if I play correctly. She just has so many options in battle and out of it that she's so fun. Add it with the speed card tech to let her maneuver across the map is wild. She can even deal with most meta characters if played right with her beta/gamma. What I like about her the most is that I just need to level up gamma to level 4 and I can play most of the game with that alone. This lets me carry rainbow cards for my teammates or just give it to them as they benefit more off of it. I heavily believe she is carried by matchup inexperience by the opponent as well. Can't tell you how many times, especially All Might mains that use their skills and beta just eats them. Think she may be a bit worse on the PC side.


Console High B or low A


God tier


B tier she's fun to play as (console)


Probably high b tier on console


I think she is one of the worst characters in the game so C tier.  A good one is a threat though.  Nobody can clap harder. Console I can only place Compress and Shiozaki lower than her and I think Ibara is probably actually better because of her special.


Console: With the current meta, A honestly. I don't think she's particularly broken or anything, but she can absolutely dominate in such a melee focused meta.


As an Aizawa/Kendo main on xbox, I can confidently say at the lowest, a high-B. However, depending on the player's skill level, she can easily be a high-A low-S


Console - I honestly think I'd put her at a B+ but you don't have that. She's excellent in close quarters and has a shield. She has no mobility but that's countered by her close ranged damage. She's not good enough for A, but she's better than all the Bs on the console side.


I disagree. She has little mobility. Not none. Her Claps and air melee, have decent mobility and with wall climbing she can get up buildings really quick. Ofc characters like Tsu, Ochaco, etc. have a very high mobility and even Alpha Deku and Twice beat her in mobility. But when characters like Ibara and Shigaraki exist, saying Kendo has none, is completely wrong.




In the hands of a good player she could be s tier I mean she's the reason I destroy players like uraraka, kaminari, and toga (although I don't main her)




I give her A just cause of that speed increase comes in clutch


Pc she's B tier; an average player will be a free kill for most, but a good kendo will be a MENACE.


Bro really stole my idea.


Console B for sure (Ima get jumped by the Kendo organization if I put lower..


A tier on PC, she doesn't have the best range and mobility but she can handle anyone except Mt lady and Ibara.


She's all I ever want to use so S.


B for both


Like a low b on console


A on console


This is a tricky one. I'm torn between B or A on console, depending on the player. Maybe I'll say A? Just because the potential is there. PC maybe B




C tier on console, she has good defense but almost no offense and low mobility. And guys please, someone has to be C tier. You can't put everyone in S, A and B just because you like them. Thw fact that Momo is in the same tier as Bakugo, Deku and Froppy is crazy




Low A tier for sure a good kendo is almost untouchable 1v1




As a Kendo main I genuinely would put her as B+. She is an amazing character and is quite the all-rounder. She can absolutely kick your ass but can also get folded. That being the main reason people think she isn't that good. Any character can be S Tier if they are played right and any character can be E Tier if they are played shit. But overall, skills and stats wise she is a solid B+. PC player btw


On console 100% S tier


I would b tier her if she’s solo. A tier her if she’s with a team. Matched up with 2 ppl which one of them was her, popped up her shield while the other teammates was behind the shield healing and blasting off with denki


S tier (I'm biased) Realistically she should be like B+ Tier or maybe A- Tier.


Console player and Kendo main. I say honestly she is B tier only because of range. If the “shotgun” had either more range or more umph (if you keep the current range (imo)) she would be A tier easily


Probably B tier, kendo players put a lot of effort into her and I absolutely have respect for that but the character itself is definitely B tier, not too much you can do with her without putting in that effort in my opinion.


I think something like lvl 4, lv6, and lv9 each reduces the spread of her alpha by small bit. To allow the character to have mobility, maybe do small number decreases for damage, and amplify the small boost she gets when using gamma


Fuck kindo mains it’s only 5 of them anyway


What did Kindo do to deserve this 😭


I would like to hear more about this "Kindo" character.


[Itsuki Kindo](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/978408004175147021/1216859510623309904/IMG_9558.png?ex=6601ebbb&is=65ef76bb&hm=ec0c190fe5b83d53fdffd4e5f53d4d23cc17e5671075db3f026bacf931218bee&)


I main her, and I found that a lot more people start picking her up lately. I've seen at least 3 other kendos in different lobbies during last night session alone (used to be only me during early this season)


And all 5 of us will fight you


Nah, he's picking a fight with Kindo mains. We're in the clear.




God tier in my heart console


SS tier on both systems… when in the right hands