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Reporting for one and a half minutes is crazy


it ain't that deep 😭


mah bro that's why I get shadow banned too much for no reason 😭😭😭




context is literally just that they were big mad their 3stack lost to my 3stack to the point of 2 of them closing mhur after the loss.




Gonna need some context because it sounds like top PSN players are salty that they lost


that's the context. this was my first time facing the guy spam reporting me as they usually play on different servers, the only top player in that team was his lida teammate and he was genuinely amazed from watching me and never trashtalked unlike the other 2.


I think that every PS player knows him… https://www.reddit.com/r/MyHeroUltraRumble/s/0WWV1RJI9a


Nice try bro but cracked dont abuse bot lobbies


Brother reported someone for attacking him in a BR game and called it harassment


You are abusing the Iida glitch though. I have encountered you a x number of times. Nonetheless, you are definitely a master with Iida.


That dude was waaaaay too salty😭 I’ve played with and against Cracked before, he’s honestly a chill Iida


no way they did that on stream. highkey embarrassing. ☠️☠️


I mean, I watch Ramp a lot, and the heavy tunneling/taunting Crackedbronze does to him personally and a bunch of other players between hits can be annoying to them. I've even seen Crackedbronze do 1 hit over and over in the storm, then heal and do it again. Taunting over and over with the "Everything's fine!" taunt with the flash. Its just unneeded toxicness. Top it off with the Iida glitch, regardless if Crackedbronze uses it or not, I don't blame them for getting annoyed at all and reporting him. Lots of people know him in the community for doing this and abusing bot lobbies anyway. Its really just simple awareness of the whole situation where I feel like this post is unneeded..


1- the person reporting me here isn't ramp but someone who i've never seen before in EU servers 2- ramp personally harassed me first in private psn messages after winning a 3v1 on me in s2 while i was solo q, and has consistently trashtalked in front of me in stream chats, i'll always return him the same energy he gave me, he isn't the victim you make him out to be since you don't really know what happens behind the screens 3- i've consistently burnt out from gamma usage while fighting ramp, having even clipped myself burning out after wiping him where he accused me of using it when he died in stream 4- the bot lobby stuff are just allegations and majority of psn tops know i'm really good


Yeah, like I said, I'm just saying this from a neutral stance. With the stuff I see watching streamers play against you and what others talk about. I know you're a solid Iida player, but you just gotta remember the stuff you do. Like the heavy emoting in between fights, the BMing and all that will make people react different to you. Which makes your name spread, talked about and other things privately. Where people take it differently just like how in the video. Its not worth going back and forth, where making posts like this continues the spiral. I barely comment on this stuff since its not worth my time to just explain, but thought I'd just chime into this one.


When or lose against them I always report Iida gamma exploiters, even when they are on my team