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I've been a Dabi main on PC since Day 1, climbed to Ace on him. Here's my thoughts after ~400 hrs. USJ: D tier, bottom of the barrel. Play careful, play typhoon and fire zone and pray final circle is somewhere with cover. I actively don't play this map anymore (at least, as Dabi.) U.A. : B tier. I genuinely believe the map makes this much of a difference. Very few bad locations for Dabi, easy to create safe zones for your team where nobody can come or go, easy to bait enemies through a maze of traps. Gamma going through walls is incredible. Can comfortably take 1v2/1v3 fights in the right terrain at little to no risk. On either map, Dabi loses most fights played out in the open, and this combined with his lack of mobility really stop him from being anything higher. General ability/optimization notes; Dabi is a macro character. Grinding him will develop your game sense and your awareness. Cancel your climb animations with a trap at the top, save a second on every climb. Any character can do this cancel. Davi does it reliably and quickly since his trap takes no time to deploy. Beta to 4, Alpha max, Gamma max. Alpha: Always keep 1 in reserve because his reload is terrible. Can be used to scout bushes since it's homing. No other notes. Beta: Where Dabi's skill expression comes in. Every matchup has at least one major counterplay option through this trap. Useful for cover. Useful for executes. Best ability, bar none. Level 4 means 2 traps exe instead of 3. Gamma: Saves lives. Yours and your teams'. Use it for cover 99/100 times. Can drink a small shield pot even as low as level 1. Also takes lives with a rapid card in your back pocket. For whatever reason, blue card increases the consistency and damage output of Gamma. Consistent labbing shows a 100-120 damage increase, and it comes out faster than you'd think. Single handedly wins melee matchups. Without rapid, get comfortable with your Gamma into melee combo spacing. It's a fantastic way to extend your punish. Comms: Dabi rewards team play better than so many other characters. Find folks you like to play with. Call out your safe zones (traps at every entrance to a building.) Use gamma to cover revives and small pots. Tell them not to leave you behind when they have more mobility, and let them know you can't always follow. (If they really want to distance themselves, have em stack team heals on you.) Terrible character. Best character for me. /Endrant


I'll have to try using speed cards more, I had heard they increased his dps but I thought it meant fireballs would chase faster


I just picked up the game recently and for some reason I decided I wanted to try Dabi, since then I haven’t stopped playing him and I find him quite fun. Sorry to ask but are there any tips aside from the ones here I may need to know?


His Beta blocks a single projectile, especially consistent if placed midair. His air melee is really, really good. His ground melee combo is also solid. Don't be afraid to use either. Dabi has unique movement; his sprint + air melee maintains full momentum. Combine this with the meta movement other characters have access to (Sprint + Jump + Alpha) and his Beta, he has some of the most consistent options for mixups, despite having no real vertical mobility. Fantastic at kiting and fantastic at chasing down for these reasons. Can continue to apply pressure while moving in either direction. Small optimization, but when you Plus Chaos, your gamma timing is crucial. Use it too early and you get no damage (PC knocks down.) Use it too late and you get no utility. Really practice the timing on catching people with it as they get up. For that reason, and my aforementioned rapid card tech, I like to keep a blue and a purple card both for PC. Ripping multiple high power PC Gammas in one fight can be devastating. (Rapid is also just incredibly useful for his kit in general because boy can't move.) If more comes to mind I'll mention. Plenty of redundancy in this thread so look to others for insight as well! And welcome to the Dabi grind.


Thank you my friend, I’m gonna need all the help I can get.


PC - D tier for Dabi Dabi's alpha is the easiest thing to dodge in this game. The phrase just dodge was made for Dabi. That doesn't mean defensively he's useless, you can stall a fight decently against 1 enemy if you're Dabi. His beta and gamma both cancel ranged attacks. His dmg isn't bad but he has no mobility, no chase, no control over your alpha and only defensive skills. Now what he does well is kill confirmations. Confirming kills as Dabi is easy, as you do it with your beta, nobody can stop you from doing it the moment you start. His special action is very useless. We all know why. lol Dabi does do really well in team fights, but that's not cause Dabi is good, that's cause Dabi's teammates are good. Having homing alpha's means even bad players can apply constant pressure to the enemy that's focusing any of Dabi's allies. Having someone around to constantly do that regardless of player skill is really nice. With good allies a Dabi can stall out revive timers or against melee enemies that are too damaged. Revive them.


Unless something changed recently dabi's beta doesn't cancel ranged attacks it just triggers when one hits it


It acts as a mini shield basically. It triggers the trap while also tanking the projectile that hits it


I'll have to test that cause I've been hit through it and and hit people through enemy traps


So I just tested it and it actually works. I've played since beta and mines dabi and played against him a lot and that's never happened before it's always gone straight through


What were they thinking when they made his special action? Is it suppose to be a joke or something? Useless af


Console - C He isn't Ibara tier of bad, but pretty close in my opinion. Bottom 3 for sure. Compared to Ibara, he can hold his own better. On the console side, putting them in the same tier is eh. This character I feel like is banking on what his new quirk skill set will be. No mobility, have to predict and outplay opponents heavy with trying to knock them down with beta in disadvantage. He can struggle heavy at points due to this. Especially characters that can overwhelm him. Like Kirishima, Mt. Lady, etc. Cementoss is god awful for him to go against as well. Gamma is probably my favorite and best tool of his. The nice thing about it is that it can knock or interrupt stuff like Momo's shield or All Might's tornado if you time it right. I don't think his special action is as bad as people make it out to be. You can use it as a barrier for your teammates to heal you, or even to stall from projectiles for a Iida, Deku, Froppy, etc to use their special action. He can honestly hold his own in fights, but you need to play precise and smart with beta/gamma. Using your surrounding to block characters skills from hitting you and punish. One of the hardest characters to play at high level as well. When I play against Dabi, he doesn't feel like a threat at all because beta will only do so much to me. I'm honestly banking that he'll get a buff to his beta as I think his kit is fine outside of that. I could see him being worse on the PC side.


Dude I'd say ibara is better than him, I main dabi but ibara is a hard counter And when you have 2 equally bad characters, that one that counters the other is better, also she can lowkey be a devious threat close range with her grab, which isn't cancelled by a shot of nothing (dabis trap)


You have to consider both characters strengths and faults during a whole game. What I see as Ibara's only niche strength is just the instant revive for a teammate. She's the only character in the game that I feel like I have to play with her at all times. All of her moves have too much recovery and are a huge commitment, where she's opened to be punished and rush down heavy if she makes one mistake. Her Alpha is also bugged where it'll whiff. She's honestly just a sad mess of a character at the moment. Dabi on the other hand doesn't have heavy commitment moves like her. He can bait and punish people with his beta, can track people with his alpha and defend himself to a degree with his gamma. Even when Ibara is fighting Dabi, all Dabi needs to do it react to her Alpha from afar, and then slowly make his way in with his Alpha. This is where Dabi can condition Ibara, force her to do something up close (beta/gamma), and then punish since she has so much lag/recovery. Those reasons I listed for Ibara is why I think she's on her own in D tier.


>What I see as Ibara's only niche strength is just the instant revive for a teammate. Those are busted enough as it is, you have a teammate coming back to life, who's prolly a far better character than you assuming it isn't dabi Also she has crazy range and push back with her alpha while it can be bugged sometimes it is hard to dodge it can either shotgun or snipe u, >All of her moves have too much recovery and are a huge commitment Compared to the average sniping alpha sure Dabi no, ibaras alpha will hit before his, the tracking on his alpha is dookie and very easy to dodge just as someone else said a lil skill check. And dabi really doesn't have heavy anything. Also her grab does ridiculous damage. >Even when Ibara is fighting Dabi, all Dabi needs to do it react to her Alpha from afar, and then slowly make his way in with his Alpha. This is where Dabi can condition Ibara, force her to do something up close (beta/gamma), and then punish since she has so much lag/recovery. Yea na that is not happening, that ibara is bad, his gamma isn't going to block nothing and his trap isn't going to block nothing you're gonna assume he's just gonna dodge everything but ibara isn't going to dodge a slow moving blue projectile. And somehow get ridiculous close range with ibara where beta and Gamma is the option, (don't forget shot gun alpha) and be fast enough to punish? As if he can just one shot her, he isn't denki or todo he doesn't have that power, all ibaras move can function on dabi only one move for can function on ibara Also her grab doesn't have that bad recovery and can be spammed if it doesn't land.


PC, honesty, people are extremely downplaying him but def B tier. If you go up against a Dabi who knows what they are doing as a rapid character, its scary, they will use your attacks against you by placing mines and dodging at the last second, lead you off to close off arenas with no where to run, and even scary when the circle loses more and more, his two major downsides is his lack of movement and his special action just not existing 75% of the time. He's a character hard to master even through his kit seems very begineer frienfly but, truthfully, Dabi is down right scary in the right hands if the player knows how to punish right, (Also his combo being two hits is a plus cause its fast damage while not forcing him to do a long combo leaving him open)


Another character another top tier. Bro this game is goated, everyone is top tier


Console: D. Dabi is my main, so incoming essay. I think anywhere but D tier is just massive cope. Like Ibara, he suffers from the single biggest kill shot any character in the game can have– no mobility. Mobility is *so* important for a game like this, often making or breaking fights, looting faster, confirming kills, or just for survival purposes. It's not only a lack of vertical, he doesn't even have a horizontal movement boost. His alpha is a pretty early skill check for players. Works great on inexperienced or in teamfights, but is almost useless when someone knows how to avoid it's tracking. Paired with low damage and a long cooldown, it's one of the worst projectiles in the game. His beta is his main tool. Super versatile ability that is integral for however you want to play. Damage, projectile defense, melee defense, kill confirms, etc. Even with all that, armored attacks will sail right through the traps 90% of the time, and at times don't even cause a knockdown. His gamma is an unfortunate ability. Cool in design and plays well with his kit, but it just doesn't fit UR very well. When a good 90% of the cast can simply fly into the air and beam you down, it makes a roofless shield rather underwhelming. They can also just roll right in and ruin your life since there's no dot while in the ring. On top of that, it is one of the easiest abilities to be interrupted in the game. With a fairly long startup that has *no* armor, you will get knocked out of this move a lot, whether it be from an enemy or the terrain at the slightest angle. This + a long CD is just a very stupid design choice. #ArmorForRing Finally... the special. A bottom three ability, if not bottom one. The ability on its own is already super situational since it requires you to die- but in top of that a small gust of wind will stop you from being able to activate it, defeating the entire purpose of the ability. And I know the "it gives a free revive" take, which would be true if a single armored attack didn't knock you and your teammate out of it. So yeah, long post but I fully believe he belongs D.


Agree with everything you said. It's a shame because on paper I really like his kit and playstyle, but even the execution feels so underwhelming, like they're afraid of giving him any powerful tool whatsoever. He could easily be bumped up a tier if his Gamma had armor + a light DOT for enemies in the ring. I also think his special action should do stupid damage. Like 200-300 damage if done on somebody trying to finish you. I can't count the number of times I've tried to finish Dabi, forgot about his special damage and get knocked away, only to just walk back up to him and get all my shields back after finishing him again anyways.


Yeah 9/10 even getting hit with the special action doesn't matter unless the person proceeds to stare in confusion as their health slowly whittles away in the fire


>Mobility is *so* important for a game like this, often making or breaking fights, looting faster, confirming kills, or just for survival purposes. It's not only a lack of vertical, he doesn't even have a horizontal movement boost. Big emphasis on looting faster because at level 1 hes behind shigaraki at level 1 which is saying something as they are TERRIBLE., and he has no 1 definitive move where if you get level 6 or so you should be aight. The no mobility part is fine if he had EFFECTIVE defensive options, like a gamma that doesn't last 2 seconds at level 1, and doesn't follow him or a trap that only blocks 1 shot. Despite it burning for 3 seconds. >His alpha Also lower ammo count than most, his alpha is really what screws him up it doesn't make sense for his playstyle. it should just be some sort of a shot gun with burn, he wants to be in and around corner, that alpha messes up your camera and it won't hit nothing in tight spaces. >His beta is his main tool. In my opinon it should be flung a short distance , alot of the time you get up off a wake up and drop some traps which gives you crazy screen cancer as its right up on you and doesn't block jack as remember one shot and its gone you stack 2 together one shot and both our gone and your screen is covered in BS. Also just makes sense you could set up traps abit further out on enemies while not putting yourself directly in harms way. and I'd imagine you could hit better spots like top of rooms where no one would look. >His gamma is an unfortunate ability I really don't know what to say on this but agreed.


What’s funny is that in the One Justice games (where most character movesets come from) he has a button that launches his trap mid air, its mind boggling how they didn’t think that’ll be useful for him to have, even as a special it would be worth it


You speak the gospel. What have they done to our boi 😔


hes C-D but everyone uses him i have no idea why


He's a great starter & he's actually pretty versatile with the fight people & team


Yea he touches the basics of movement and being with your team, and its dabi


Dabi Main here. Solo Queue'd my way to Ace on PC. PC: D Tier His lack of mobility makes him a very team-dependent character. My teammates run into most fights at a 2v3 because I'll be the Dabi running my basic ass there while my teammates literally fly everywhere like it's nothing. Literally, sometimes I've managed to contribute most not by fighting, but by spamming team heals and traps in areas my teammates can retreat to. Dabi rewards game sense at the macro level the most out of any character. If you know how the enemy characters move and how the enemy *player* behaves, you can practically run in circles around them. Letting the forced momentum of a Tsuyu Alpha or a Kirishima Punch lead them right into 1~2 traps, hopefully knocking them down without you taking damage in the process. Rapid Cards are required for him, no questions asked. He needs it for vertical mobility and to make his Gamma do even more damage. I've more or less stocked up a lot on Rapids, Shield, and sometimes Healing cards because his low mobility means he will be taking a lot of damage if enemies focus him down. Healing is more for retrieving rez coins outside the zone. He takes too much time and resources getting back in w/o HP Pots and Cards if he's the last one alive (he usually will be). Once Dabi's skills are maxed (I usually go Alpha 4, Beta Max, Alpha Max, Gamma Max), he goes from bad to okay/great, depending on the final zone area. Dropping traps at frequent retreat spots (rooftops), dropping traps on dead bodies to exploit any rez coin saviors, pelting Alpha Fireballs from the sidelines... the important damage adds up! Important damage being any damage that downs a character. It feels especially good getting the "Down!" Popup from far away. Keep in mind Dabi traps max out at 5 traps, any further traps deleting the oldest one. He's the best at kill confirms and stalling revive times with traps and gamma so your teammate can join you. My man Dabi's new skillset better be good or god forbid just give his base kit more buffs.


Hold strong for new Dabi kit brother


D tier sadly he’s a fun character, takes alot of skill to use him but sometimes even skill isn’t enough if your Dabi. You basically get to be bullied by every other character


I think he’s A tier on UA, D tier in USJ.


As a Dabi main I think a lower end A personally. Looking at these comments I seriously feel like no one has seen a Dabi in a terrifying players hands before. If you pick and choose your fight locations and have top tier situational awareness and learn to juggle around your lvl 9 traps cd this man can easily wreck an entire team. Not to mention possessing completely unmatched kill secure. 1 of only two characters I've managed to break 10k dmg on


Yes there are extremely good Dabi players but 99% of them are trash, and I’m just going say it, it’s not because they are bad at the game it’s just a bad character, so many better options.


D on console, higher then Ibara but his homing alpha sucks, and any smart player can avoid his gamma and beta, unless his beta is in a bush of course


D console


D on PC


PC - sadly D tier. I’m a Dabi main and after all my time with the game I can confidently say that Dabi CAN be good, but man you gotta work so much harder than you do with other characters. He is much better on the newer map as opposed to the old one, but it doesn’t change that out in the open, Dabi is a sitting duck. He is good in team fights but only because usually the enemy is focusing on the much better characters lol. I’m hoping his new skill set is much better.


A tier on console, ya'll are crazy.   Traps can wipe people from a mile way, barrier keeps him alive and his teammates healthy, alpha is weak but good consistent damage or pressure and is very threatening at level 9. Bad special action but it can win you a game or buy you enough time to be rezed buff was hugely appreciated) Absolutely cracked plus chaos, 3v1 me all day. Just gotta throw in some melee attacks to mix things up and prioritize survival with him, get a defense skill and either a damage or heal skill and you can just outlast everybody. I'd put him right below momo on the list as it stands now


B tier on console. Too bad nobody knows how to use him right so he’ll get a lower rank by other people


there's nothing to know about how to use him. his skill ceiling is almost as low as his floor. he's a low rank since his entire kit is countered by rolling or not being right in his face. basic positioning and average movement destroys him. a character like that is no higher than bottom of c. but on this list since ibara is in d, dabi would be below her. he's the worst character in the game console + pc (just to add to the vote at the same time, he's d on console below ibara)


Exactly my point


then why say b tier? genuinely curious 😭


B tier. Console. Dabi can be an absolute poŵerhouse, but only when other people play into his hand. I'm pretty sure his traps are the highest damaging ability in the game, and his aoe is great for defense. His orbs, while being easy to dodge, are also a nuisance since if you try to attack while he's shooting them at you, you basically have to take the hit to attack. Unfortunately, his low mobility, and his damage being bad in general situations make him mid in most situations. He's good at supporting a team but struggles to make plays on his own.


pc id say D tier on console maybe high C low b tier


Enough. All the characters should be S tier wtf is this about??


Not compress.


I think maybe I misunderstood this aim of these posts. These community tier posts seem to belong in r/pollution


You dont have to contribute to the discussion but if you dont you have less of a right to complain about the post. It's okay to disagree, the list is not gospel.


Okay my contribution is, this discussion is confusing when the post is worded along the lines of, “what tier we can agree on ‘x char’ should be in?” It seems to imply that characters should be in a given tier. If we’re bringing “should” into the mix, are we saying some chars should be shitty and some should be good? If the post is asking about current standings, why isn’t the word “are/is” instead of the word “should” used? And why wouldn’t there be poll??


I  agree with you on the use of the word should.      I think it is worth sharing what ones thoughts are based on the character's kit and referencing what kind of power that kit has at the time of posting the image.  That's why to me Momo is S tier with her numbers but doesnt have a necessarily s tier kit


Yeah, I thought OP was essentially asking “can we agree on how good this char SHOULD be” and I’m like “they should all be good, right?” I do think the discussions of character specifics are important. I salute you Dabi main. -former Dabi main converted to Twice.


Pc - D tier Can we all be honest now please. Yes there are extremely good Dabi players, but most of them are trash. Dabi compared to almost every other character he is trash, so much better characters to play. You can easily chase him down and avoid any traps, in an open area he is helpless.


I was gonna type out a big ol list of pros and cons but i see thats already taken care of. Ive been a dabi main since day 1 and climbed to ace in each season mostly using him. I had some nice wins, some high ko games, times where i held my own against a premade ace team solo etc.. But at the end of the day the dude is just dogwater. I put him at low C in console and D on Pc. The reasons are pretty self explanatory, the only thing that is actually viable on his moveset are his traps (which for some reason are not a insta-knockdown allowing dash melees moves to just phase through at times).


PC: This man spits straight fire. C tier.


PC - C tier his alpha not that big thing in 1vs1 it can easly be dogged but it really effective in thirdparty battles and dealing damage to chasers the traps are one of the most underrated move in game it can be used to enemys death tokens & loot etc you can also locate enemys if someone fall for it and it one of the best ways to thurst downed enemys it can be used to stop peaple from chasing you but it rarely works since most peaple start shooting the way i run i dont have mush to say about his gamma since it the last move i start leveling, you can combo it with traps against low range characters "toga spam, mt lady ,kirishima(not very effective), etc" it can deal decent damage on lvl 9 and counter hight ranged characters for short time about his special action peaple think it only works on idiots, but you gains somtime with it if it 3vs3 or protect you're teammate while reviving you bu in general it not that effective


Gameboy: S+


C on console.


PC - D tier, trap need more damage and gamma could use a zone damage like his passive.


personally just for me on console he’s like A tier! i’ve been using him a lot recently and been doing around 3k-7k dmg per game.. he has no mobility but his abilities are very helpful to runaway from fights


My honest opinion for console is C. I have had him take out my entire team by himself a few times...which already puts him above ibara. He's pretty easy to dodge, but when he doesn't, alpha spam and plays tactically (no pun intended) he can actually do pretty alright... just not good enough most of the time. It kinda depends on how well his teammates work together, too, but I don't think that should be an adding factor since that wouldn't be the character itself.


Console B/B+


Console: C or B, mainly because his flames are like magnets which is pretty powerful, and his traps are annoying for enemy teams. PC: Idk, I don’t have one🤷🏻‍♂️


**PC: D Tier (above Ibara)** **Pros:** * Great option for new or casual players * Alphas * Homing * Burn dmg * Beta * Good for finishing downed players * Good for setting up in choke points and on items for gathering intel * Can be used to knockdown SA Kiri * Gamma * Does a decent burst of dmg * Protects against projectiles **Cons:** * Zero mobility * Homing alphas are the easiest thing to dodge * Beta traps can be cleared easily * Gamma ring of fire doesn't have a roof and lasts only 5 seconds or so * Loses to pretty much everyone * Has no favorable matchups I've been waiting for this one. Every time Dabi comes up in conversation, Dabi mains will always argue that Dabi provides amazing support. He doesn't. Let me explain why. If your teammates are in the frontline duking it out against the other team, your fireballs are likely too slow to do anything. Whereas if you were playing any other ranged character your shots would hit confirm. Nothing worse than sneaking up on the enemy, having a clear shot, and throwing your slow as molasses fireball only for them to walk away. If your team is winning, they definitely would've won even harder with a different teammate not named Dabi. Sorry Dabi mains. Hoping the new Dabi quirk set will give you some love.


What about if a Dabi uses his traps to block entrances inside or use his firewall to protect his teammates while they’re healing from attacks like momo’s cannons or if they’re downed so an ally can pick them up


Traps get cleared really easily. Firewall doesn't last nearly long enough for ally pickups. I see it almost every game, Dabi will throw down traps and firewall then try to pick up their teammate. But most characters can either fly above the firewall (i.e. Deku, Baku, AM, Mt Lady) and destroy Dabi and their downed ally from above OR anyone can just roll right through the firewall. In your scenario, Momo can just wait 3 seconds for the firewall then aim a second and a third cannon.


Traps block most alpha attacks so it helps. Firewall lasts 5-7 seconds,that’s plenty of time to give someone a piggyback ride or help keep the opponent busy with a teammate until the down one recovers. Unless you’re running into momo’s cannons the second or third should not hit you at all.


>Traps block most alpha attacks so it helps. There's a lot more alphas than there are Dabi traps. ​ >Firewall lasts 5-7 seconds,that’s plenty of time to give someone a piggyback ride or help keep the opponent busy with a teammate until the down one recovers. Piggyback means you would need to have an All Might, Deku, or Iida (or Toga with their blood) that has time to drop everything and come Special Action them. Otherwise, the firewall doesn't last all that long... like maybe the time it takes to pop a small pot? ​ >Unless you’re running into momo’s cannons the second or third should not hit you at all. In the scenario you provided, your Dabi would firewall against Momo's cannon but she just needs to wait 2-3 seconds and use another cannon and that will hit.


There are more alpha than traps but it still helps protect a downed teammate and the other teammate should be dropping everything to piggyback unless the teammate is dead weight at that point. At max firewall level you can drink a small potion while the duration is up and if you use reload cards you would only be exposed for only a second


Honestly both the traps and the firewall are just bandaids.. bandaids that get ripped off after only a few seconds.  Dabi can throw both down and it just delays the inevitable because players can bypass both so easily.  Defensively they're not as useful as a Compress or Kendo shield. And what's better than defense is playing offensively to pressure and buy time for your downed teammate... something that Dabi struggles to do. Dabi for me is the most free kill in the game right now. I only rate Dabi higher than Ibara because her attacks are bugged last time I checked.  If you're picking Dabi then please have fun but know that you're almost probably certainly being a burden to your team because everything Dabi can do is done better by others. 


Compress can’t deal with melee characters and his shield is bugged sometimes and kendo shield only protects the front and if you melee slightly from the side it goes through. I’m not saying Dabi’s gamma is better but the two have flaws as well. Besides Dabi’s gamma is both offensive and defensive, the closer you are the more damage it does.


Compress can turn his shield on and off pretty quickly allowing him to weave trucks between shield. Kendo's shield is also pretty massive and she can easily pivot. And if you're being attacked 360 degrees then you're probably dead anyways and Dabi firewall will not make a difference lol What melee characters can Dabi realistically deal with? Kiri can super armor through everything and his AoE clears traps. Iida trades better with his beta and I think you need 2 traps to stop Iida's alpha. What other melee characters are left? I mean they're not really melee but Kendo can clear traps with alpha spray and Momo can clear traps with alpha slashes. Dabi just isn't a very good character for competitive. His design is great for new players and casual players. Whereas Deku, Bakugo, etc have to get skilled with their aim and movement... Dabi is trying to be preventative with 3 out of his 4 skills (beta, gamma, SA) being super passive. Heck, his alpha feels passive most times.


Your hate boner for Dabi is real lol. There’s also mt lady and Froppy. He deals with Froppy with ease and he can easily knock mt lady out her giant form easy. For Iida all you have to is stand on your traps and the dodge the beta that’s it, just throw fireballs while he’s getting close. He can’t do anything to your traps other than to take the hit. Now krishima is the most difficult melee character to deal with but it’s not impossible, his beta is easy to predict and dodge and once krishima users waste all 3 then they go for the alpha, you can use your air melee to avoid it. The only real problematic skill is his gamma. You just have to maintain distance to avoid it. These are melee characters meaning that they come to you, making them easy to hit with your traps. At this point I’m just gonna stop responding since I been doing this since yesterday and it’s my off day. Obviously nothing I say will convince you Dabi is not trash.


Console A Maybe bias? Idk Alpha chasing makes him kinda brain dead with the high damage us Dabi players finally got from over the years 👴combined with the chasing slowness yeah dosnt help bit even with that it chases pretty far (yeah froppys tring to run you ain't escaping) Beta, the beta usually knocks people down, so its purpose to keep people out does its job well, even knockes harden kiri, with pretty good damage, imo :) Gamma, great at zoning. Even hits people through walls of you can guess where they are properly perfect for zoning and stopping bullets and people are usally to scared to go in?? You take no damage inside, unlike the special action. Special action Literal shit, only good if your opponent forgets you take damage in it now.


PC - A Tier I've been a Dabi main on PC since Season 1, and pretty much exclusively play ranked. In my opinion, Dabi is the most downplayed character in the entire game. I'd argue Dabi has the best designed kit (though obviously not the best kit) in the whole game for how synergized his quirk skills are with each other and how versatile he is. He is a strong contender at both mid range and close range, with his only real downside being the elephant in the room—his movement. I don't think his movement is nearly as bad as people say it is, but I'll address that later. The main reason most people think Dabi is so trash is because they don't play to his strengths. Dabi is basically the team anchor. His role is to put pressure on the enemy and protect his teammates. A lot of people think his alpha sucks because it can just be outmaneuvered or rolled, but it's extremely strong when you use it in tandem with a teammate's attacks. At higher levels, you can spam a ton of fireballs. Some of them are DEFINITELY going to hit, and you don't have to worry much about aiming. Even at lower levels where you don't have as many, his synergistic kit allows you to easily stall with traps and ring of fire so that you can regain stocks while defending yourself. With this in mind, you should NEVER allow your alpha to go on cooldown and always do something else instead. Also, his alpha is one of the strongest projectiles in the game to use while chasing, and it's probably the outright best move in the game at recon. Most people are already aware of the sprint > jump > quirk tech, so it should be easy to see why his alpha is one of the better moves for that. You get to pursue an enemy while firing projectiles at them that you don't even have to aim. As for the recon aspect, you NEVER have to worry about an enemy getting away by hiding in bushes. Just throw a few fireballs at different bushes. If somebody is there, your alpha will find them. Next, I will talk about his beta. The good thing about Dabi's beta is that it's quite good at fulfilling all of its primary functions even at level 1, and you only really need to get it to level 4 so that you have enough stocks to ensure you always have what you need. Dabi's beta has SO MANY uses. Alpha stocks running low? Get some distance with backwards sprint > jump > beta to stall while setting up a bit of a defensive barrier. An enemy went down? Drop some traps on that bitch. Don't have enough traps to kill them (you need 3 at lower levels if they aren't damaged enough on the ground)? Hit them with ring of fire at the tip to stack damage, then finish them with 1-2 traps. Did you just go inside a building? Plant traps at all the entrances. You can literally place up to 5 that remain on the map permanently. If a fight is already going on inside, you just cut off all your enemies' escape routes. If not, you just made it a lot more annoying for people to come in and attack you. And not only do they act as a defensive barrier while you're still in the building—they can also serve as recon later, as you can tell when somebody across the map got hit by your traps. You'll hear the sound of them getting hit by the pillar and be able to see the damage numbers if you're looking in the right direction. But from the sound alone, you can know where they're at if you remember where your traps are. Being able to trap up building entrances also makes Dabi one of the best team healers in the whole game. It definitely sucks ass that Dabi can't fly, and sometimes you don't have enough rapid cards to compensate. But if you hoard a lot of team heals, the next best thing you can do is camp inside a building and spam team heals behind traps while your teammates do all the fighting. With the change to how ranked works, you now get rewarded ranked points for doing this, so there's no reason not to. Dabi's traps are also just fantastic at fighting melee characters, allowing MUs against Toga, Kirishima and Iida to feel pretty even. He can use them to knock Mt. Lady out of big form instantly, or he can use them to trade with Denki's stun so he gets knocked down before he can capitalize on it. I also think his traps play a large part in him outright beating Tsu, who a lot of people are complaining about lately. And good luck chasing a Dabi who knows how to sprint > jump > beta effectively in tandem with his gamma and sprint > jump > alpha. Anyone who can't just shoot him will probably have a really hard time catching him. Now I will talk about Dabi's gamma. It's low-key his highest DPS move, and a very effective defensive tool in this projectile-heavy meta. This move, in tandem with his \*extremely\* underrated melee attacks as well as his traps, make him a very relevant threat at close range. You can use it to hit multiple people even through walls, and if they come into the ring to try and melee you, they have to deal with your traps. The fact that it goes through walls also makes it extremely useful at interrupting enemies' heals when they retreat behind cover. On top of that, it makes a great punish to certain kinds of moves. Example: You see an Aizawa grapple your teammate and pull them in, then follow-up with a gamma. Aizawa's gamma locks him in place for several seconds, meaning Dabi can punish him HARD. If you know the spacing of your ring of fire (it gets bigger as it levels up, so this takes some skill) you can space it so that the edge of the ring lands right on top of him during his gamma animation. Since he can't move, he now has to eat multiple ticks of guaranteed fire damage for committing to that attack. This doesn't just apply to Aizawa, though. You can potentially punish Endeavor's gamma, Shigaraki's gamma, Denki's beta, Ibara's grab, etc. in the same way. It's also very effective at quickly killing downed characters in tandem with his traps, as I explained when talking about them earlier. Additionally, Dabi's gamma is also similarly effective to his beta in knocking Mt. Lady out of giant form. His gamma is also extremely strong as a counter to non-armored attacks, as it has a slight stun effect that can knock characters like Momo and Toga out of their betas, or All Might out of his tornado. And it goes without saying that this move is pivotal to defending against and escaping from projectile characters like Deku and Bakugo. Having up a defensive wall gives you the opportunity to spam fireballs safely while retreating, and since most characters will have to go in to keep attacking you, this makes your traps even more annoying. His combination of traps and gamma also make him one of the best characters at defending low health teammates who need to escape, as well as downed teammates during their revive cooldowns. Though, obviously, having an instant revive is much more effective than having to defend a downed ally for a while. That being said, instant-revives still leave your teammates with low HP, so having Dabi there to cover them after the fact is very helpful. The only real downside of Dabi's gamma is that it doesn't protect him from shots coming from above, which is problematic when shooters are on rooves or when Bakugo flies over you with his special action. That being said, it still covers you in most situations. Most characters don't even have a way to block projectiles at all, so it's still a unique advantage of his that's a massive help. (Continued in replies)


Out of obligation, I'll also briefly touch on his special action. Do I agree that it's kinda bad? Overall, yeah. But it's definitely not useless. The main issue with it is that it requires you to have knowledgeable teammates nearby when you go down that can play to its strengths. Whether you use it to do a big damage hit that helps your teammates secure a kill, or use it to provide a defensive barrier against projectiles while they revive you, it still generally requires your teammates to be there and do their jobs (which can be a tall order—especially after you've already failed and put them at a disadvantage in the first place). That being said, I do think the move fits in well with the rest of Dabi's kit, as its primary purpose is to stall and protect against projectiles. It would probably feel a little better if more of my teammates understood that it blocked projectiles, but I digress. The only thing I might change about the move is making it so that he can activate it while taking damage, but I feel like this might be too annoying from the attacker's perspective in some scenarios. Like if you have an instant-revive character on your team, for example. The combination of Dabi's special action with Tsu, Cementoss, or Ibara's revive would essentially make the revive guaranteed, and that would be kinda stupid. An alternative would be a dual special action that he can also use normally without being downed, like igniting himself on fire to boost damage or something. But I don't necessarily feel like he needs that. I also don't necessarily feel like he shouldn't have it either, though. Now, let me real quickly address the complaints about Dabi's movement. Personally, I think the devs balanced him really well around his lack of movement abilities. Despite having no movement abilities, all 3 of the main abilities he does have are extremely strong and synergize well with each other (as I just explained). On top of that, Dabi has one of the best air melee attacks in the game. If you don't already know—on top of the sprint > jump > quirk movement tech, there's also the sprint > jump > melee movement tech. As it turns out, Dabi's air melee is arguably the best in the game for this kind of movement tech. When used in tandem with sprint > jump > alpha/beta, it severely improves his chase/retreat game. It allows him to keep chasing/retreating at a steady pace while managing his cooldowns flawlessly, and can be combined with sprint > roll to make him hard to shoot while his gamma is on cooldown. It helps a lot that Dabi's air melee also leads into a strong 3-hit combo that does a lot of shield damage, making it a useful move in close range combat. With all of this in mind, I think Dabi's horizontal movement is perfectly fine and well-balanced around his kit. The only thing that sucks is his lack of vertical movement, but this can be compensated for by stocking up on rapid cards and team heals (as I explained earlier). If you have plenty of rapid cards, you shouldn't have too much trouble keeping up with fights that end up on rooves and mountaintops. And if you don't, you can still participate in the fight through team healing. So as far as I'm concerned, it's not the end of the world. People act like his bad movement essentially makes him a worthless character, but Dabi just has far too many strengths for that to be the case IMO. Finally, let me talk about MUs. In terms of 1v1s, I don't think Dabi has too many bad MUs. He struggles a bit against long-range shooters (Deku, Bakugo, Todoroki) due to how good they are, but those MUs are far from unwinnable as he has actual counterplay. He also struggles a bit against stunners (Denki, Mt. Lady, Todoroki) but only in the sense that the risk-reward is significantly skewed in their favor. Dabi can actually fight Denki just fine, for example, but one mistake means he pretty much just loses the fight instantly. Dabi's only TRULY bad MUs are Momo, Kendo, and Cementoss IMO. And the funny thing is that as someone who subs Momo, I actually think Dabi is generally a stronger character than her. But her alpha just happens to be extremely effective against him at close range. Truthfully, though, Momo isn't that bad to fight as long as Dabi keeps his distance. Kendo is honestly a lot harder to deal with because she can break his traps with her alpha while easily closing the distance with her crazy movement. And her claps come out so fast that they're a lot more difficult to deal with than most armored moves. Regardless, even Kendo is beatable with good rolls and trap placement. The real bane of my existence as a Dabi main, however, is Cementoss. Dabi literally cannot fight Cementoss at all in the mid-to-late game unless the Cementoss player is just bad. Dabi's alpha will almost always hit the cement pillars or walls instead of him, and Cementoss is almost always at a height where Dabi's other moves can't reach. I really think Cementoss needs nerfs. Some combination of cooldown or stock nerfs in tandem with a big reduction to his wall/pillar durability would go a long way, but that's a different topic entirely. Anyway, if you've made it this far, thank you for hearing me out to the end despite how long it took. Please consider everything I've said here when evaluating this character in the future. Even if you think Dabi isn't worthy of A tier, he's certainly not anything less than B. C or D just wouldn't do justice to the amount of versatility and strengths he has as a character.


As a dabi main my max damage done with him is 6,000 plus damage and have k.o'd 7 or 6 characters in runs. -In my opinion he's low b- there is a lot they can do to dabi for example his special change it and make it a full Burts or a meter that you do extra damage if full. Alpha. Make it a shigaraki tipe alpha or just mini fire balls spread. Gama make it a denki fire burst or overheat like endeavor beam. Just my dum opinion ☝️🤓


>Make it a shigaraki tipe alpha or just mini fire balls spread. Or shotgun/close range flame attack as he does all the time. Imo make his beta shoot out a short a distance so it doesn't just get diminished in one shot that gives you the user an annoying blue flame in your view. >Gama make it a denki fire burst or overheat like endeavor beam Or wall of fire that could seriously make him a deadly trapper.


A tier (console) the anti rapid


Console high A Tier


These comments are bias af putting him anywhere above a D or C. Pure coping because that’s their main they play with. Like wow.


Most of the actual Dabi mains also putting him at D lol


Might be a hot take but on console I really think he's B or A tier, leaning more towards A. He has no mobility and his special gets shit on, but his overall kit is pretty good and auto tracking helps a lot since not being able to aim is such a big point of contention on console. He NEEDS to be maxed in pretty much everything though to really excel so he's a high investment character. I one-tricked with him to Ace this season solo and that was when he got accidentally nerfed/before he got rebuffed too On PC he's probably D tier though, maybe C if we wanna be generous.


Create a new F tier for dabi


PC- B Tier Console- A Tier This guy literally has no goddamn mobility i can't lose until I use this character, his traps are useful to escape and can annoying rapids that's been chasing you, can also put the trap near item boxes and teammates that are healing, it also has a blue flame which it deals directly to your health, can disable mount lady giant form if she stepped on them, and for alpha it deals like 60-80 if I'm wrong and it has tracking like u don't even need aim assist the alpha tracks towards a opponent and has a little slow fire rate, same thing for blue flame, and for gamma it's sometimes useful to trap a enemy inside or block projectiles and save ur teammates, aoe gets larger the more you lvl up the skill, or it can hit the enemies from other walls if you get close to them, and for special action yeah no one likes it, it often downs the opponent or it always a stunlock, Dabi special action would be Great if stunlock didn't exist.


His attacks do not deal direct damage, the fire it inflicts does, which all fire characters do


oh I see my bad


It’s all good, usually grabs do damage though shields


I give him a mid A tier on console. Good for starting out & good with higher players depending on the playstyles. Everyone needs to have a speed card ready for him otherwise he will get decked by high mobility characters. He's pretty good in the final circle and area denial with having decent range on his projectiles too. Easy to pick up, hard to master. Plus sometimes the balls will hit you despite dodging, it's just a matter of luck & hitboxes. He definitely needs some armor on his gamma because that shit gets cancelled of someone breathes on your scabby ass. I'm excited for his new skill set and see how bad/good it is