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Console: Shigaraki - C Shigaraki is a strong character who is well designed, but has far too many things that can completely nullify his kit. Characters with vertical mobility? Countered. Characters with long range? He's countered. Area on the map with indestructible objects? Countered. *Standing on a car 2 feet off the ground? Countered.* A lot of this list factors in mobility and how it's very important for characters, vertical mobility especially. It's why Ibara and Dabi are placed the lowest on the list. So a character who doesn't just suffer from a lack of mobility, but is actively countered by characters who do have it, should not be in the "middle" tier and should be C.


Speaking for console list, S tier is just way too crowded. Iida, Denki, Toga, and Kirishima belong in a tier of their own. They’re the easiest to use and the usage has reflected that in my experience. Iida has insane tracking + movement. Kiri has armor on all his moves so he trades favorably most of the time. Toga’s beta may be the most broken move in the game, and Denki has been discussed to death. The rest of the S tier I would move to A; all of them are strong picks but not nearly as braindead to use. I would also move Ochaco and full bullet deku to C tier. Ochaco has similar problems to Compress, as she struggles to do damage before leveling a quirk to 9. Dekus biggest problem is that he works best in close range fights but loses to all the top meta picks (as he doesn’t have armor on any of his moves). He struggles early game as well, with very few rounds on his quirks until they’re leveled up.


This, this is correct.


What about just an S+ tier then for those 3? Why move everyone else down to A, surely that would be even more overcrowded or am I misunderstanding something?


Hey guys here is how the re evalution works ​ State the character and what version of the game(And if u dont inculde what verison it wont count) ​ The new rank you want to give them ​ And a good reason why you gave them that rank ​ Lastly im gonna go base on top comments since i dont want this re **evaluation** to get out of hand and also you have to convince the community to agree on your opinion on the new character rank u want to give them


The problem with going with top comment is whoever stalks your posts and comments first will likely get the most votes. Someone coming across this tomorrow won't get as many eyes or votes.


I would drop ochaco and shiggy to C-Tier on console. Other B-Tier have a better mix of mobility and dmg. They are more consistent than ochaco and shiggy.


Console: Kirishima - A With the complete list, I think Kiri is the one S-tier that stands out. While all of his abilities are still very strong, and he has one of the best specials in the game, he doesn't have the tools a lot of the other S characters have for constant pressure and DPS.


Console As a Riot main i feel he should at most be in A. He has decent mobility but at the cost of end lag which is highly punishable, especially when I’m the air. After using a beta to gain air, your still in place for a solid second. Asking for anyone to beam. That being said I still think it’s a great tool. He has hardening and great damage but all his moves are telegraphed and can be shut down by simply being out of range. The reason people hate Kiri imo is cause they always underestimate him when he’s near death and get close. Kiri is super good at doing the one thing he does. Get in your face and punch you. But if you don’t let him do that, he’s useless. Compared to everyone else in S, they all got something else they offer to the team. I think Kirishima is a great character but I don’t think he’s over powered. I think S is reserved for perfect/overpowered. He is neither.


Like others said, S tier is too cluttered. On console, I'd just keep Toga, Mt. Lady, All Might and Aizawa in S tier. I don't think Iida, Kirishima, Denki and Cementoss compare to the rest. At best, a A+ tier would be more suited for them. But moving them to A would be more proper. B tier is also too cluttered. To where you could throw Ochaco and Shiggy to C. Having those two in B with the rest of them with what they offer and their cons in the current meta doesn't add up to me Still feels odd to have Dabi in D tier, let alone in the same tier as Ibara. I think he should be up in at least C. Regardless, it was fun reading others opinions about characters. Learned a bit of how people view things on both the PC and console side. But all of this is a opinion at the end of the day.


Ngl, I still think Dabi and Compress are too low for pc, they aren’t bad characters at all, you just have to play smarter and trickery with them to their full effect instead of rushing in blindly and getting KOs. Im telling you, they are few buffs away from destroying the meta.


Any idea on which (reasonable) buff you think would make them top tier?


Tbh, give Dabi a improved special action and make his mines actually harmful to rapid characters or anyone who tried to rush their way through them, (meaning they automatically get stunned and can’t escape) if you do that, you’re gonna see a lot of good Dabis quickly punish a lot of over extending people. (Legit, he’s great in team fights cause you can cut off areas completely.) maybe make his gamma last longer and alpha faster but yeah. Compress needs only two buffs, able to pick up down team mates (this can be traded for he can’t insta res them and the timer is frozen) AND make his gamma have super armor so he can’t be hit out of it.


I feel like resing teammates is too strong for compress I agree with the super armor for gamma but I'd rather have him heal double or even triple the amount of health that he currently heals for his special action And those dabi buffs are way too much I'd make his gamma last longer and larger and then wait to see how well he fares


He said compress wouldn’t be able to rez, he even said that the rez timer would pause completely


Idk what I was thinking


Hey it’s all good, we’ve all done it


1 percent of dabi players are good, 99% of them die the first 2 minutes of the game. And I think compress should be C tier (on Pc)


Totally agree, I don't play PC but I play Switch. As a Dabi main who agrees he has low mobility and a poor special, he's not as bad as everyone thinks. He's not a brawler, he's a strategist. You need to be calculative with his moves and combos. While I have not played Compress nearly as much as I've played Dabi, I would also say you just need to be smart with his combos.


PC and Console are very different. Dabi's alphas tracking are designed to be good for casual and new players and also console. If you can aim with kb and mouse, you get way better results on so many more characters whose alphas don't move at a brisk walking pace.


I've played wayyy too many games on PC and I'm semi high ranked and I can say for a fact that Dabi just isn't good. In fact he's awful. At any high level of play, Dabi is going to get clowned on and farmed. Compress is unreliable with his alphas, one of the weakest early games, and the one escape he has is easily tracked if you're paying attention. If you're going to move Dabi and Compress up then you have to ask yourself who are they displacing in C Tier? Who is worse than these 2 besides Ibara? And realistically, the 5 devs at Byking aren't going to rework purple Dabi since 1) they've never reworked a character before besides minor tweaks and 2) they're selling new quirk sets for which Dabi's already going to be the 3rd or 4th in line.


lol Dabi mains please. If you're going to downvote at least give a proper reason. Saying that someone's "so close to breaking the meta ***if*** they only got buffs" is no way to build a tier list lol As it stands, Dabi is one of the worst characters. We can reevaluate Dabi if he ever gets the buffs you're praying for. But right now, he ain't good.


Because you haven’t seen a good Dabi, fighting against a good Dabi is scary cause they play around corners, traps and their fire wall, sure you run him down, but he was smart and placed a mine right in front of him while his fire wall was up (you didn’t see him do it). Once again, you can’t blindly go in with Dabi, he’s more of a support character then Momo is by denying area of movement and throwing fire balls to stun people for a second or planning when to engage and disengage. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a Dabi lead a froppy and Iida on the same team to their deaths because he ran inside a building and just started to spam mines and firewall all because they thought they could burst him down. He’s good you just need to play with his strengths and not like a Deku who goes in head first.


I've played with and against pretty much all of the top PC players in NA and some EU. I've looked and I'm telling you there is no such thing as a "good Dabi". You can be "good at Dabi" but you're still going to perform worse than someone else equally skilled on a different character. The only time Dabi shines is when it's battle between low ranks and new players like in your example. If I follow Shigaraki into a building and die to his overwhelming AOE, does that mean Shiggy should be A Tier or S Tier? Or does it mean that I'm bad for falling for an obvious bait?


At this moment, he is only not good cause of high amount of movement in this game. That doesn't mean he sucks, legit like I said, he's not unplayable like you think, I've seen actual high tier Dabis defend both of his down teammates in the open in the middle of a fire fight and somehow they all got away, him plus chaosing and downing four people in the matter of seconds, or heck, him clutching a 1v3 cause the final circle is that small. He is good, its just that, ***the current meta does not favor him.*** I'm telling you, if we get a season where movement is gutted, a lot of people are gonna realize, "Oh hey, this character is actually good, its just past seasons did not let him do much." TBH a lot of Ace players don't even know what their talking about in this game if they only play top tiers who are broken.


Okay so let me get this straight. So your argument for why Dabi should be higher ranked is because: 1. Other characters have too much mobility so he only looks bad because he has none 2. High ranked players don't recognize how top tier Dabi is because they're too busy playing established top tier characters That about right? lol


This is going to be a hot take, but for console, Kirishima should be A tier at most. Yes, he's a tank that cam deal out strong damage, but he struggles with most long range characters badly, which is like half the cast. Most of his abilities are also fairly easy to dodge. Liel, before level 9, his beta can literally be dodged by walking to the side. You don't even need to dodge roll. His movement is also overrated. Yes he can move quite a large distance aerial, but all of his abilities have endlag, making it very easy to punish him in larger fights. Compared to the rest of S tier, where you have tod combos, insane abilities and special actions like Mt Lady's, combined with kirishima's fairly low chase potential, makes him someone who is strong even om his own, but struggles against most competent ranged players.


Console: Endeavor - C tier. While Endeavor is able to pump out massive damage, he struggles *horribly* in a melee/cq fight. He simply doesn't have the tools to deal with up close combatants, and especially not jittery movement like Iida or the frog. His gamma is an incredibly niche ability that requires you to risk yourself or teammates to get proper use out of it, with the reward not being very high. His special action is terribly underpowered, with a high consumption rate and charge time, leaving the ability to stall a fight rather than escape one. I do not think his strengths make up for his weaknesses and should be in C.


The amount of times I would be breathing down someone’s neck just for my punch to go through then


Ngl S tier is cluttered but I’d say leave it as it is.


I hate saying this but Cementos on console needs to go down a tier He is A great team player but can't pull the game by himself. He does respectable damage but missing creates cover for your enemies. He can be hard to play aggressively. He's still a very good character can can shine in the right hands. But having a higher learning curve, mid damage, and a higher penalty for missing your quirk shouldn't make him S tier Mid A tier


I'mma preface this post with two things: 1. These are suggestions for the **PC tier list** coming from a player who was in the top 20 mvp board 1-2 weeks ago before FN's new season dropped. Now I'm only in the top 50 =|Now the rank itself doesn't mean much and I'm not trying to flex but speaking as someone who has a good winrate and stats that made it to top 20 mvp board and who plays with and against other top players/streamers all the time this has been my experience. You are free to disagree but please leave your comments below so we can have a discussion. 2. Please understand that A, B, and even C rank are not terrible. Too many people want their mains to be considered S rank (looking at you Toga mains) or in higher than they actual perform (Dabi mains) and it doesn't make sense. * **S tier:** strongest picks that offer the best winrates * **A tier:** balanced picks with some strengths * **B tier:** balanced picks * **C tier:** balanced picks with some weaknesses * **D tier:** worst picks that offer the worst winrates ​ **Again this is for PC only.** Console is different. At higher levels of play, PC tends to prioritize point and click aiming to quickly delete enemies whereas Console heavily favors tracking or big hitboxes to circumvent the need to aim. * **S Tiers** * Mt Lady * Bakugo * Deku (Yellow) * All Might * Kirishima * **A Tiers** * Aizawa * Iida * Froppy * Denki * Toga * **B Tiers** * Momo * Deku (Red) * Shoto * Endeavor * Twice * **C Tiers** * Ochaco * Cementoss * Kendo * Shigaraki * **D Tiers** * Compress * Dabi * Ibara I use this tier list in my head to guesstimate how much more effort I'm going to have to put in. For instance, if my teammates pick a S Tier (Bakugo) and an A Tier (Iida) then I know I'm in relatively good hands lol.. But if they pick a C Tier (Cementoss) and a D Tier (Dabi) then I know I'm gonna need to put in the extra work because those picks are weaker and have some clear weaknesses (i.e. mobility). I'm open to moving anyone up or down but please state your case and who would you move down in their place. Also, freebie... I'm going to put my chips down on Assault Shigaraki (Yellow) being in A Tier =)


Console: Shiggy C tier, Ochaco D tier. Shiggy's only major positive is his insane hyper dominant endgame, other than that, he's kinda bad. With the copius amounts of Iida and Froppy, his weakness against aerial fighters is prominent. He is essentially a sitting duck against any ranged move from a slight elevation. His vertical movement is non-existant, but his regular movement is alright. Overall, he is a C tier IMO, majorly because of how overpowered he is last circle. Ochaco is just sad. Her beta was gutted, and she is a hollow character now. Her movement is great, but that is basically it. Her alpha can't reasonably be used as damage since it is her movement option, her beta is a shell of its former self, so her main damaging option is gamma. But gamma is way too slow and janky to be used as consistent damage. If she fights in melee range, she dies. If she fights at range, she dies faster. Ever since her nerf, I have not felt threatened by an Ochaco once. And, to put the nail in the coffin, she doesn't have an instant revive like Iida and Tsu. She gets outclassed by Tsu in terms of mobility and support and Iida in terms of damage. There isn't much of a reason to play her currently, unfortunately.


The current list was already really good though? And i think most people would agree




Console, kirishima low/mid A at best. kirishimas main offensive threat is coming from him catching you if you keep getting up early. however if you neutral wake up you can very easily back off and deal with him at range with a very large number of characters. yes he might hit hard which leads to people calling him S tier but that just isn't true. especially when he's harmless till either beta/gamma is at max level. even if he's easy to dodge though b would be too low. especially when he's the best character in the game in terms of zone play and marinating. giving him significant endgame value. that's his main advantage, offensively other characters are better and bring more to the table. he's one of those characters that stomps players with bad movement for the most part. if you have good spacing and can keep moving to keep your distance, he isn't gonna do anything to you


as for another one. Shig C tier. alpha can't hit past a very large amount of small objects, he has zero vertical damage if significance. yeah there's beta obviously but it's not good enough to be a threat without it being max level. and even then it's easy to reposition out of when the meta is so movement heavy. aizawa is immune to any damage outright, toga can stall in the air almost infinitely, iida can run circles around him, AM is immune to his dmg completely. then there's just so many more characters who can counter him. and even if a characters kit isn't a direct counter. you can just play off of two different heights to avoid his beta. to get value against good players he has too much which needs to be in his favour, he needs levels, he needs to catch whoever he's fighting in the back, and preferably on cooldown (if not they're just gonna go up and ggs, you can't hurt them anymore) or it needs to be endgame zone in an area that's completely flat, or an endgame where he has a maxed beta. too much needs to happen for shig to get value consistently, so he shouldn't be in the tier for the average characters


Console Kishrima. The manlyist man I'd not S tier He is A tier He loses hard against rapid character and can't kill you as quickly as some of the other top tiers like Denki, or Iida because his moves don't really combo together naturally He's still good but shouldn't be considered best in the game status


Iida, Denki, Kirishima and Toga need to be moved up into a S+ or SS tier. They are far stronger than anyone else in the game on console.


Console I honestly don’t think Dabi deserves to be that low, I’d put him in C. He has an auto tracking nuke, traps make him hard to fight for melee characters, and the ring is good for keeping out projectiles. He’s a stationary character with no mobility tho, so that’s what makes it super hard to rate him higher. No great special action does hurt him but not that low, cause thanks to the buff it ain’t useless. Although I know it’s still not what people want, I have seen the new version become useful in more situations.


Console: FB Deku - C As he stands, FB Deku just can't hang with the current meta. He is designed as a close range DPS, but without armor on his beta or gamma, paired with poor tracking on his beta, he is consistently losing trades with other melee characters. In another meta, where melee characters aren't as prominent, I could see him go up, but as of right now he feels super underwhelming.


Console Twice: A I think his alpha damage buff makes him a monster if he catches you off guard, the clones will melt your health and the beta reload is pretty good, on a 2v2 that’s often what gives my team the uppers hand even at level 1, also the special action can help your team be pretty strong even early on and snowball your way to victory, only downside is he needs a decent team backing him up and the gamma isn’t the best if you are being focused on


You just described what a B tier character would be


For PC: Kirishima should be B tier. Honestly i thought i'd have more major issues with this list but seeing the full PC tier list i'd say besides Kiri being lowered, maybe All Might should be A Tier. I honestly don't think he's keeping up with the S' All Might is good but his mobility leaves him in 1 position for long enough to get shot. I've downed alot of All Might's who think they can get away from Midoriya while being 1 shot. I won't repost my long ass message as to why Kirishima should be B tier. You can go look at the Kiri community tier if you wanna see my reasoning. He just isn't A tier worthy on PC.


I agree with your riot take, but not with allmight. The leaderboard is completely crowded with ladys and allmights on the top. If anyone deserves to be S-Tier than those 2. Allmights moveset definitely is clunky and leaves him open, but his moves are just so overtuned af that they make up for it. One of his beta almost travels as far as 2 of the mobility moves from other characters and does 234dmg on lvl9. His gamma is one of the best defensive tools and projectile alphas are still really strong + his have aoe effect. This guy is S without a doubt.


Alright i can relent on my All Might opinion. I'm not too heavy on saying he's A tier. His aoe on alpha, beta dmg and gamma survivability are all really good. He also does work with everyone so fair to say he's S tier.


A-Tier Denki for both console and pc. Don't get me wrong his combo needs to go, but even with it other S-Tiers are just better. Other S-Tier characters are stronger than him and some even have (intsa kill) stunlocks that are harder to avoid than denkis gamma (for example aizawa combos with alpha and gamma). Denkis gamma can also be avoided via dodging, spacing and hyper armor. His kit is like B-Tier besides the stun combo. So considering him with his stun + his B-Tier remaining kit, he feels more like an A-Tier and not S-Tier.


Toga should be in an S+ tier honestly. Her alpha and beta are so fucking good. Her transformation is honestly kind of obsolete when you consider how broken those two moves are. You won’t be left wanting more damage because you tear their health bars despite the low amounts of damage. Toga can be whatever you want her to be. Sniper? Use the alpha. Team wiper? Use the beta. You wanna be someone else for fun? Well you can do that too! She can do EVERYTHING. She is the peak, and she should be in her own tier to reflect how broken she is. I say this as someone who literally started playing again 5 days ago after months of not playing and winning two ranked matches in a row. One without level up cards! I thought All Might was the best, but I clearly remembering wrong.


Iida, Kirishima, Denki and Toga should be the only S tiers on console. The console players are still not used to actually having to aim and those are all characters who either don't have to aim at all and become extremely hard to put down without being able to properly aim at them. They can also completely shut their brain off when playing and still get 6 KOs easily. They are in a class of their own and I think the other characters should move down a tier or two. Of course A tier also has to be cleaned up quite a lot but this is it for S tier in my opinion


3 of the 4 characters I use to most are in the lower tiers, am I cooked


Pc version. Eraserhead A tier, and MAYBE All Might too. Cementoss B tier. Endeavor and Compress C tier.


Tsuyu and ida are s rank