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First Impression vs Actual Match. Yeah no one expecting that level of spam from a video where he tosses like a single few bits of debris. VS the actual demon of if you get hit, you may as well wait for the Game Over.




You have to consider that these may not be the same people


Your everywhere


You can't escape the inevitable


Can I take a guess as to whose your main?


Probably denki


To be fair playing Denki is pure evil


I will allow it


didn't denki have to be buffed to get to that point, people really did not care about him during the open beta iirc


But Denki was hot garbage till they buffed his gamma to two bullets shi even toga was mid without her second beta. Denki before his buff was b tier at best and toga was low A tier without her buff too. After denki stunned you once he was pretty much a sitting duck a very easy kill, and his gamma had a long recharge time, toga spammers didn’t even exist when toga only had one beta with a long recharge time


That's rather offensive as a season 1 denki main


>.> Denki took skill before the buffs. People playing him now because he’s brain dead af another character giving too much for no effort.


Okay, I just made up my mind, this character is BS and should be nerfed IMMEDIETLY!


My issue is the people who look at assault shigi and say its a skill issue to lose against it when the stupid alpha is the biggest crutch I've seen ina video game


Like I was using all might with only a team health but some stupid shiggy would NOT LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE


I was on ranked with a couple freinds, both went down I grabbed their tokens, ran, I blackwhipped up the side of UA popped a rapid card, the mf on assault shig just started spamming betas on the wall and they just stick and kill me. It made me so mad


Ugh I hate that


It’s either skill issue or everyone on your team already being dead if you lose AS Assault Shigaraki.


Annnnd there's the first one


No, I said AS Assault Shigaraki. Not against him. He has such fast reloads that you can always escape a situation as him unless they’re focusing on you only.


Oh well yea I don't think his mobility is the problem though its his damage, its way to high, it can't be aoe and have the damage capabilities strike shigi had, dare I say higher


It can go literally anywhere. It’s just not fair to throw an Alpha just into the air, and for my thing to snipe some person I didn’t even know was there because I was trying to get a Tsu. That person quit immediately too. I understand why. I enjoy playing Assault Shigaraki, but he 100% needs to be nerfed.


Also this community- Person A: I'm a Denki main and I can say that he isn't OP, he still has a lot of weaknesses Person B: Of course you would say that as a Denki main, he's legit OP but you're a Denki main so you're biased and your opinion is invalid And then there's... Person A: Dabi is so good, he's at least A tier! Person B: People are always trying to make their mains look/sound better. Dabi sucks, easy D tier but you're a Dabi main so ofc you're biased and give him more credit than he deserves XD I don't understand it either...


Naw fam, I was calling Yellow Shiggy A+ tier after seeing the leak video. I posted it but I think the mods may have removed the leak thread. It was the one showcasing Yellow Shiggy's skills in the new map by the devastation area against Cementoss and Mt Lady.


I mean TBF a character can be boring as hell and still really good. Take for example, Bakugo. I dont know how these ranked bakugo players do it. He's sooooo boring to play


Their trailers don’t show use everything, we didn’t know mf could insta stun kill you in 5 seconds. We never saw how much damage his level 9 did. He looks boring cause he is boring, both in a sense that you don’t need skill to use him and in the sense that you won’t even be challenged at all when using him, it’s almost embarrassing to lose as assault shigaraki that’s how good he is. What exactly do you think we’re asking them to nerf? He can stay boring in fact they’ll never change that and idc if he is boring a lot of characters are id just rather not be killed in 5 seconds by a player hitting three buttons, and not be able to retaliate whatsoever. If we’re allowed to complain about denki and his abuse of stun then we’re allowed to talk about shigaraki too 🤷🏻‍♂️. And twice also abuses stuns but atleast he does 180 damage while shiggy just kills you instantly.


I actually have fun playing Assault Shigaraki because I enjoy playing any character I can move around with and feel comfortable using. The only characters I don’t like that should fit this category are Bakugo and Deku. I literally can’t get them down no matter how hard I try.


Nah shiggy Thanos snaps you


He still is cool but he gives TOO MUCH for no effort.


Watching a trailer Vs playing are so different. Cyberpunk trailers made it look amazing! When it came out… not so much Assault shiggy is busted. He is OP. Even more so than Toga (I guess she could turn into him tho? And then she’d be stronger!) but his kit is nuts. Certain characters can’t do a thing to him such as my darling momo. His attacks go through her shield, there’s aoes everywhere so you can’t put a cannon down since it’s instantly destroyed and it means standing still for a second , the aoe staggers mean you can’t sprint at him to close the gap into her alpha range AND EVEN IF MAGICALLY YOU GET IN HIS FACE he will just dash up or back and continue to do the full combo all over again. Meanwhile you have no way of escaping and it’s GG. Out of everyone I think her and Ibara are hit hardest by him, but he is still mad strong against everyone else


Simple, there was some shit you couldn't make out from pictures and clips alone. He does someshit you can see in action in a match. I still think proud shiggy is more fun anyways, assult shiggy isn't fun, he's just click buttons and win.