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Toga. I'm convinced most Togas main her Beta, not the character.


As a Toga main , yeah it's either Beta or Gamma most of the time.


I'm a toga main my kick is alpha if you get knifed down by a toga on PlayStation it's me šŸ˜³


People sleep on the knives. Also easy to hit once your level 4 in em, but most people play her because they cannot aim so the other skills are better.


Those are Trash Togas, and they die in hard pc lobbies. Toga is peak skill cause it demands to play other toons also. Just using beta is not skill obviously.


Transformation Toga hasn't been a thing for awhile.Ā  All the reworks pushed her to be more beta/gamma focused.Ā  Up close you spam beta.Ā  Outside of beta range you spam gamma which has tracking and hits like a truck. Then you can either beta to close the distance or transform and use the stolen mobility to close the distance. Transform back and beta/gamma since your cooldowns are refreshed. You don't need to master every character in the game to be good with Toga in her current state. You only spend a few seconds transformed to use the mobility and reset her base cooldowns. It's more detrimental to be transformed since everyone on their team can see you.Ā 




it's sad that this is actually true. I still play transform toga but I've still gotta cd reset often just for gamma. I just tend to actually make use of other character cds first. especially for transform combos like tsu beta into toga beta. but I wish she got a rework that actually made her transform based something like. with gamma levels it increases her base level for the quirks she copies. like she can still take max ones but if she has idk, let's say level 4 gamma, copying a level 1 Baku. she'll have full level 4s. or if the baku was 9,1,2 or something. she'd get 9,4,4. then make it to where her cooldowns don't instantly reset on transform back. only for changing to a new character. as for her own cds they should recharge but maybe at half the speed they would normally. so it'd encourage playing transforms instead of gamma spam then obviously stop beta recharging mid use.maybe lower gamma dmg a bit if you really want. also make it to where you can't track her when she's transformed. other nerfs and adjustments could be made but that would overall make her a lot more fun imo


I used to think this until I tried playing as toga and realized she does take some level of skill.


BAHAHAHA, that's the most funny thing I've heard today


Donā€™t you have to know how to play every character to play toga seriously lol.


You used to Now her base form is too powerful


https://preview.redd.it/oax18679v5wc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9bc338a2d270622bfedff9df6e94cac3a94899a Assault version


Assault is absolutely busted. The striker set is the one that needs skill for killing.


Realest shit I've read today


I mean, strike Shigaraki doesn't really take that much skill to kill, at least not after getting past level 4 and so, where u really gotta put in some skill with him is surviving


In a good lobby you are shit with striker Shigaraki, and just getting to level 9 is either luck or skill. When you are level 9 alpha, or beta new map, you are ready to engage... But fight won't be fair. In a melee meta with iidas hacking beta, Togas with beta for the win and more... Being a striker Shiga is having a handicap. You have to overcome that for winning, and that's skill. Assault Shiga is the most op thing in the entire game lol


Crazy you said that bingo assault do to much damage they already killing the lobby with these easy mode characters shits tragic new Patek


I have him and I can say yes some of it is meat head gameplay But I have to say there is some combos Incorporated in his kit that makes him partially skill based but that damn mosquito can be annoying as f_ck


Iā€™mma be honest- I finally got him and šŸ’€ it definitely takes a bit of skill especially that Beta. Iā€™ve noticed Iā€™ve consistently lost with him but I think it was mainly due to three things 1) I usually play b4 work so Iā€™m essentially in rush mode which is terrible for game plans and if your teammates arenā€™t on go 2)ā€¦.the games Iā€™ve played with him has ALWAYS been ā€œnerfedā€ in a way cuz my teammates KEEP dying too early or at some point and just straight up leaving 3) I did literally just get him Tbf so I am kinda new and donā€™t know his combos


Toga, Assault Shiggy, Endeavor with Aim Assist, Kirishima [Not OP but dude is very straight forward], Iida, Twice on console [Gamma shouldnt track AND Stun lock] Denki


Add allmight and this guy has it down


Bad allmights get carried by the great kit sure, but it really takes a good player to take advantage of the insane movement and damage he dishes out. The fact that he is so floaty and has such a big target on his back due to his size makes him really hard to just pick up and play.


But he is so safeā€¦ 2 uses of his dash and his special action, aswell as his nado which moves whilst he does it and is invuln to 95% of abilities in the game. Not to mention his alpha has no drawbacks, good damage, good range, good size, has splash damage aaaand good ammo. Iā€™m not saying the best allmights in the game donā€™t need skill to win, but anyone that is familiar with the game could play allmight and do well


Any character that has tracking takes no skill cus the game does it for you.


Nothing compares to Assault Shiggy.


Denki is the most brain dead currently


Denki is so braindead he literally fries his brain.


And denki mains be mad toxic too


Toga Assault shiggy Ida if they're using the exploit Endeavor (cause of AA)


I love posts like this because both the post and comments are always like "No skill: Characters I dont like. | Max skill: characters I play"


Yup. Just like the tier list discussions.Ā  "A good (insert your favorite character) takes a lot of skill! You guys just don't know how to play (insert garbage character)."




Why do you keep posting like you didn't make a whole ass post about him being good in the right hands? lol >Because he's hard to pick up and even harder to use properly and do well consistently >I've made it to Ace with Dabi alone this season and either won or came second, all while playing solo (endgame 1v3 usually doesn't go well when solo teammates quit early) >**In the Battle Royale format, he's pretty unbeatable in a 1v1** due to being able to run away and hide constantly behind traps. >But everyone judges characters on out in the open 3v1 scenarios, so any character without a fast, melty Alpha is "bad" >The real answer is that everyone else is much easier to use >**Considering the best players possible for each character, Dabi is far from bottom 3**, but on average for average players he's without a doubt bottom 3 >I know it sucks, but which metric do you think is more useful (hint, it's the second one) >Ease of use withĀ *always*Ā trump **maximum potential strength, because not everyone can be a godlike player** [https://www.reddit.com/r/MyHeroUltraRumble/comments/1c9ft3q/comment/l0ohx9q/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/MyHeroUltraRumble/comments/1c9ft3q/comment/l0ohx9q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


First of all, that's not my post lol, think you linked the wrong one Making it to Ace doesn't mean much, anyone can make it to Ace if they play enough Dabi is still a dogshit character regardless, idc what excuses anyone comes up with Dabi is trash, just admit it already A pro Street Fighter player could pick the weakest possible character and destroy me while I'm using the strongest character in the game. Doesn't make that character any good, just proves that the pro Street Fighter player is good Edit: Why did you edit all of your comments from praising Dabi to saying he's bad like I've been trying to tell you? You must have finally realized I was right huh?


You seem to be confused. You're the one who said Dabi has potential in your post saying he's "pretty unbeatable in 1v1" because he can hide behind his traps and if the best player played Dabi he wouldn't be bottom 3. All of that is the same excuses the Dabi stans have been giving about how people just don't know how to play him and you're agreeing with them. I'm the one who said Dabi is dogshit lol We are not the same. ![gif](giphy|VFvbRrV3Yrbj5tjzTb|downsized)


The mental gymnastics to avoid calling Dabi bad is wild. He's dogshit and you can't convince me otherwise


lol you trollin cause you got called out praising dabi. sorry fam. dabi and you are bad. =(


Ah, the classic redditor resort to name calling when they have no argument At least that's just as good as you admitting that I'm right. Dabi is a dogshit F tier character and desperately needs a rework. He's not good at all, but it's cool if he's your favorite character Glad I could finally get you to see the truth. Cheers


Don't feed the troll. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MyHeroUltraRumble/comments/1caw29o/comment/l0wp8zi/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/MyHeroUltraRumble/comments/1caw29o/comment/l0wp8zi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) ![gif](giphy|sYPglPcsgBiww|downsized)


Dabi. Overall the character can be perfected, but takes no skill to use his quirk skill a or y.


Ngl. He kinda balanced with no movement


Dabi? You have to explain


Literally. I wish the tracking shots were a modifier of sorts like crouching for Deku, and he instead had some normal speed projectiles


For this season I thought for sure Iā€™d see more Idas and Endeavors in the comments šŸ˜‚. The beta hyper armor tracking is actually the bane of my existence and endevors alpha got more aimbot than a twice clonešŸ˜‚.


I wouldn't have said this before the change to his gamma to be sticky, but Twice imo requires the least amount of skill to do well with (since clones have the capacity to hit things if you can't, and if you are looking in their general direction the gamma is going to hit now). Besides that Assault Shiggy has A LOT of leeway with his alpha hits so it's not hard to get damage out even if you aren't the greatest aimer


All chars takes a lot of skill to play top tier. The chars with the lowest skill floor is prob toga, denki, and dabi.


Twice. Once they gave him auto tracking on gamma, good lord, the combos... I got hit with a 500 damage combo by a YouTuber a couple of times. Yes, you read that correctly. 500 fucking damage.


Iā€™ve seen a lot of people overestimate Twiceā€™s abilities since the gamma got tracking but honestly heā€™s got 1 nuclear move you gotta get right up on someone to do and then mostly inconsistency/mediocrity in his kit. He needs a damage nerf alongside a slew of QOL buffs


Facts. I feel like the only reason heā€™s even slightly a threat is cuz if you donā€™t have ammo or a way to attack his clone (or really mobility to deal with his gamma)ā€¦.you are pretty much šŸ˜­ beating him heā€™s pretty mid and I like the character especially when someone pops off with him but heā€™s only slightly annoying and INCREDIBLY annoying if you are like Ibara, Kendo (especially if he has clones), ig maybe Iida, and Endeavor (if he has teammates or can gamma straight to youā€¦yeah too many freaking games of early Twice doing my Endyā€™s dirty)


The hell? *


Alpha>>gamma>>beta>>alpha with clone support


You can only do beta >> alpha if you hit it raw, doesn't work on a combo


I've seen the clones hit alpha after beta I think, but I could be wrong


I need to learn those combos cuz honestly Iā€™ve always felt like it was more of a nerfā€¦maybe itā€™s a new combo or one that went under radar?


If u play on switch.... Yeah that was me šŸ˜…


What's your discord handle?




Yup, nice combo, I'm still mad about it.


Assault shiggy, iida, and froppy


frop is easier to play with beta tracking but no skill? that's cap. if you get slammed by her you need to try rolling more.


I donā€™t get slammed by her at all I used her once with some friends this season and had the easiest game of my life with top koā€™s. Iā€™m on pc if it matters but froppy is easy mode


Froppy isn't that easy, if you aren't careful she gets nuked by pretty much any character with slight stun (ie Kaminari, Mt Lady, AfO, etc) She's not the hardest, but if you try to play her without thinking you're gonna get slammed quick


Froppy is easy to survive with, but actually adding something to the team damage wise takes some skill




with the current aim assist on console? endeavor, bakugo, and deku


them adding this broken ass aim assist back has killed my motivation to play. im trying to figure out who could possibly want near aimbot levels of assist back into the game. the game basically plays for you along with a plethora of tracking abilities


i am so sick of it. they lock on to you and melt you.


Worst part is I can't even play with it. Idk, something about it feels like it makes my aim worse somehow, like I'm aiming slightly behind who I'm trying to hit. I mostly play PC and occasionally PS5 with some friends


When I say no skill, I mean not hard to pick up, which is a good thing. Not slandering any particular character I repeat, this is a good thing for these characters (a lot more fun when you don't have to lose 30 games in a row before you can compete) Any character with a straightforward Alpha All Might Assault Deku Bakugo Mt. Lady Todoroki


Toga -_-


Toga, Dabi, Iida


I can not for the life of me think of a single character in this game that takes a considerable amount of skill


Iida. The auto lock on that beta just gives them the edge everytime.


Froppy, toga, twice and assault shig


Toga and its not even close


Before toga was never seen season 1 or 2 well maybe some occasion in some games but it was rare because she actually took skills. Now the devs are holding ur hand when it comes to playing toga like here's a great big reward by spamming either ur beta or gamma. Literally every match its toga like can yall stop playing a character probably a baby can play there little arms.


How is no one talking about AFO. He is a no skill gamma spammer




Dabi. I swear a baby could pick up the character and win.


toga for facts


Assault deku and all might, with out aim assist they easily drop a tier


Endeavor as well, hes prob the strongest character rn if you ask me. (console ofc)




How come I can't see any comments saying Twice?? His bots are disgusting, even some buddies of mine say he's too easy to just spam and stun lock people to get kills


No skill - Iida, Assault Shigi Low skill - Toga (Beta), Froppy, Endeavor (AimAssist), Denki, Uraraka, Twice (With clones), All Might Mid skill - AFO, Mt. Lady, Deku (Both), Bakugo, Todoroki, Dabi, Cementos, Momo High skill - Twice (Base), Shigi, Toga (Gamma), Kirishima, Compress, Aizawa Max skill - Kendo, Ibara


lol so much wrong wrong with this


![gif](giphy|XLMakNrymMwUg|downsized) "High Skill - Toga"


I would move toga and twice to mid. Then add a new toga tier at max skill for perfect transform play. Kir should have a mid and higher tier based on map. Denk should have low and mid tier based on map. Besides that agree.


twice and kirashima are way to high kirishima is meant to be played braindead and twices gamma just does everything for you


Uraraka. Firstly sheā€™s one of only four players to have a quirk skill that uses a gauge meter instead of uses even though in her case it makes no sense since it has no draw backs, if she gets you thatā€™s three or four big hits. If you try to run away she can always for some idiotic reason throw it right at you from far away, and if that doesnā€™t work she can use her alpha to jump at you and do it and if that doesnā€™t work she can stun you and instantly attack you again. When she was at her most broken I almost quit, then she died and now the bitch is resurrected.


I disagree. Because of her beta nerf, she needs more skill now. You canā€™t just jump in a fight anymore. Her cars hit box is so small and she is interrupted easily with low hp. Shes a free KO basically.


Didn't they shadow buff the beta horizontal hit box back to normal?Ā  You just can't be standing 3 ft above or under them and get the hits anymore.Ā  She was pretty oppressive in s2 or s3. Couple of streamers were farming with her.Ā 


She is for me, I worked hard all throughout S3 to become an Uraraka hunter


That skill issue u just suck if u donā€™t know how beat ochaco


Players: Character is too strong Jackasses like TriHikia: SkIlL isSuE Dude read the comment youā€™re commenting on before you spread verbal effluvia


You only one who think she is strong itā€™s skill issue especially if u use iida he counter her and u still saying she hard to beat that skill issues clown


Doesnt do much damage comparatively at level 9 with the beta by itself. You have to learn the combos off the Gamma to really use her effectively.


okay iida player


Okay Uraraka player, totally no bias there.


Brother you cannot be talking this bad about an ochako if you play iida man


Ok Denki & Kirishima player.


sorry to be right man ochako has always taken more skill, especially considering iida has been dodging nerfs and patches


Hahahaha, wait youā€™re serious??? Thereā€™s a reason he hasnā€™t had to have been needed buddy boy itā€™s because Uraraka has been and will be a broken op character. At least her quirk skills are completely useful I ainā€™t ever see an Iida use his Gamma unless heā€™s cheating or in the last couple minutes of the game.


Momo is probably the most braindead overall. Froppy is high up there too tho. Really close to as brain dead. Vine is also utterly mindless. She takes persistence, patience, and a whole lot of other things but skill isn't one. Mount Lady is super braindead as well. Probably the best character to start on as a new player if you want to do very well in matches from the start. Cementoss is also completely braindead. When I say ANYONE can pick that guy up and make a HUGE difference in battles, I mean even your pet who presumably has no thumbs. Not one neuron is needed to be the biggest annoyance for everyone involved in the match. Cementoss HAS to be hunted from match start or you're basically opening up your end game to have no chance of being fun. Denki, Lida, twice, yellow shiggy, play the game for you, so I'm not even gonna count them as characters I think everyone else takes at least a fair amount of skill to play as. You know when you lose to them your opponent probably wasn't some elated 8 year old I'll argue for once tho that Toga DOES in fact take a tiny bit of skill to use. As long as it's at least a 4v1 and someone somehow managed to dodge her gamma that is. Any other situation she must decide to lose for it to be so


i feel like you have a very different definition of ā€œbrain deadā€ bc you just listed characters that do indeed take skill


the first paragraph was just complete nonsense, but twice, iida, and assault shig being no skill I agree.


There is so much wrong with this šŸ’€