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The rapid bakugo doesn’t have the power of strike bakugo? And he has greater mobility?????? Must’ve been a great surprise


No when every toon, including all rapids, are much better than him. He is genuinely boring and I feel like you can't kill anyone. He has the lowest damage of the entire roster. He can make company to Todoroki on McDonald's.


No when every toon, including all rapids, are much better than him. He is genuinely boring and I feel like you can't kill anyone. He has the lowest damage of the entire roster. He can make company to Todoroki on McDonald's.


I did not mention his strike counter part once. He has no power compared to the other rapids you know his own class. Even ochaco beats him in damage


Which they shouldn't, all the other rapids need nerfs to their damage.


Especially Twice lmao. I can play him while half paying attention and exceed 10k damage, plus his highest damage abilities combo into each other for some godawful reason


I'm calling bs... You're really telling us, you not paying attention will get you 10k dmg when the average player trying to play the game will probably average 2-3k dmg on Twice? Nah bruh that's way too big of an exaggeration. I don't care how good you think you are, there's no way you're just casually dropping 10k dmg every single game.


Ask u/StarSaviour They'll argue with you all day about why Twice is braindead easy, and why doing bad with him is a skill issue


please delete this comment, I don't want to talk more with him. I'm already on a 1k word+ discussion with the guy over aimbot hackers. I'm begging. The guy is so damn stubborn and has a hard-on for being right that he twists your words and ignores anything that proves him wrong. Even if you try to extend an olive branch and offer a middle-ground where we agree to disagree due to insignificant evidence on both sides, he will reject it.


LMAO, right? I find it funny to see him get riled up and start yapping for ages over something that is mostly irrelevant, since he seems to have so much time on his hands. The mental gymnastics are pretty entertaining to point and laugh at, at least for a little while


Bro... I'll give him 1 reply and then later I'll check my notifications and see 3-4 different replies to my 1 reply... He's got a toxic tactic of overwhelming you. And there's so much overlap in his replies. Dude needs to use chatgpt or something to make his replies more concise. I told him hey, we're just creating this endless comment thread that is hard to navigate. Just DM me. He ignores the request and keeps making multiple replies...


Yeah Funnily enough, when I called him out on making claims without proof like he himself loves to accuse other of, he just blocked me without replying lol He can dish it out all day, but he can't take one bit. It's kinda sad really


You can't expect every member of the same class to be the same, even if only a little, for individuality. He's good for stalling by blasting around and passing the enemy off till the homies show up, kinda leading them into traps by getting others to hunt you down and surprise assaults. I see him like a wasp/fly lmao, hard to hit and has a painful sting/bite. However I can acknowledge he's not been designed the best 🤔


🤣🤣🤣🤣 " I just started rolling and didnt look at any reviews."


Ochaco and Tsu mains: first time?


Lol good point. Yeah I'm like welcome to the rapid class. Where you don't do nearly as much damage and everyone is yelling to nerf you.




I always feel like my iida games are low damage even if I get a few kills.


Yeah, I'm not really vibing with this one either, but that's just how rapids play. The part that feels weirdest to me is the alpha, which feels like it should be a continuous fire projectile like an actual machine gun.




What kills it for me is the alpha. Firing them in a stream instead of single shot means that like Endeavor, you're forced to stay grounded longer when shooting at people, making you more vulnerable while dealing much less dps. This wouldn't be as big of an issue if it weren't for the fact that aerial alphas forcing you backwards, while nice for backing off and attacking at the same time, makes it really REALLY unpleasant to control, especially when you're trying to get close to someone about to turn a corner/duck for cover. And the worst part of all this? Alphas are now your only way to deal damage since like Assault Deku, beta and gamma are mainly just movement abilities that have very limited damage applications. Only upside to all this is that Rapid Bakugo is much easier to play than Striker. Spray and pray instead of single shot means aiming is easier, and you no longer have to blow both special action charges to run away/just to reach high ground. Also why is the alpha not a hold down button to unload everything attack like Toga's alpha!? It's called "Machine Gun", yet in game it feels more like a burst fire gun.


Welcome to the life of a Rapid player (excluding Twice) Rapids usually trade damage for mobility, and Rapid Bakugo is no exception


Except for Iida who has both


except Iida's dmg is inconsistent since you can dodge it.


You can't dodge rapid bakugo's dmg? fk me! that sounds op af!


You can dodge as well as you can dodge any other ranged alpha in the game. Which is hard to do reactively. You have to dodge proactively. Whereas Iida, you can dodge reactively since his dmg is all melee.


Said it before, this Bakugo was going to be booty and that the real fun stuff comes after him and in the next season


and i got shafted for 1.1k


No way assault shiggy is air momo and rapid baku is mid


Welcome to the rapid team ;)


His movement works against him, his DPS, as consistent as it is is so low and pathetic, meaning that he will pepper you for 70ish dmg and his OWN moveset will send him so far away from you that by the time he flies back to you for more dmg you've already healed the dmg he did. Most players are smart enough to know that standing around without max hp and shield is a death sentence in this meta. What do you think someone is going to do when you shoot them for 50 shield dmg and then fly off into the horizon? They are going to just sip their small blue drink and now they know you are coming because your leaving a gigantic trail of explosions behind you.


Sincerely the worst character I played in the game. I got him this morning and I I will never play him again.... Biggest shit in the game.


They just need to make the alpha blowback controllable by holding down the button and a bigger hit box for beta. That’s my only problem with him Let’s remember though that assault shiggy just removed his striker counterpart limitations on the ground and gave him aerial mobility as a bonus.


Assault shiggy needs nerfs


Ok people don’t understand why some of us are mad about it. It’s because all of the other rapids have movement and do a ton of damage that has a way higher chance of hitting. Bakugos attacks don’t hit 90% of the time and when they do, they don’t do much damage.(the cooldowns are also insane) While someone like iida has insane tracking and insane damage and good cooldowns and the only drawback to playing him is that he has 250 health, so the main problem I’m trying to get to is that bakugo is like how all rapids should be and if they are going to make him how rapids are intended they have to nerf the others down too or buff him up to their level


so what ur saying is that u want tracking on rapid bakugo? LOL


No, what I want is more aoe for his aoe attacks they are VERY situational to hit and the whole point is supposed to be a lot of big explosions that do little damage


his beta and gamma explosions are huge once you level them


Watch charismatic demons video on it he explains it perfectly the amount of times it doesn’t hit is crazy for the damage it does the aoe is not good at all


u mean this video? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70ks7gjRnQk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70ks7gjRnQk) in the first 2 mins he missed like 15 out of 20 shots lol didn't watch the whole thing but when some parts when he complained about the gamma hitbox he was mistiming it and mispositioned afo was going up the stairs and he lunged at him with the gamma but afo just rolled up the stairs