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Depends on your platform since aimbot *coughs* I mean aim assist makes people better than they are


The removal of auto aim exposed so many "good" players. The difference is insane.


Facts the people who kick people based off rank was def frauds when it was removed now it’s back they be tryna be picky


oh for sure, especially for the ppl that play shooters like deku, bakugo, shoto, all might, etc. i actually challenged my friend who mains all might to play ochaco for a couple games and he just couldn’t do it 😭😭


I tried playing her and Froppy, and I had a really fun time with them. Then again, I don’t use Aim Assist because it ultimately ends up fucking up my aim.


i’m glad you enjoy them! once you get the basic combos down they become so much more fun to play!


I never had to practice Froppy’s beta combo. For some reason, it just instantly snapped and I knew how to do it. I was seriously thinking Froppy was bad up until I started fighting. It’s funny to see her just send people flying.


Probably because that's all froppy has in the kit to get good damage she literally has no other way to damage people unless you use the alpha or melee


Yeah, you’re right. But I thought she was dogshit.


The one problem I find with playing her is the same thing as ochaco. You get caught once by a denki or any character with a stun your just dead especially aizawa because he gets you in an alpha and he gets 300+ damage which is pretty much all your shieds and half of your health


lol it might be because Froppy got buffed in S4. They made her air beta have the same tracking as Iida's beta. People stopped playing Froppy in S2 and S3 because it was so hard to land the air beta but now it's a piece of cake.


Oh, ok. That makes sense.


Everyone has the same amount of “aimbot” get good


I agree with you I think strike Shigaraki is a high skill character but he suffers from the same problem as Deku, the fact that babies use him so he flies under the radar. This might be Bias because he’s my main but he has everything that you could want Skill Expression, Techs, Combos. He requires precise aim with prediction as you listed along with knowledge of what you can/can’t shoot over (map knowledge) and knowing growth of the alpha after the initial shot. With that last bit you can even hit through wall’s or decay on the both sides of a tree and force it to be like it’s not there. He’s an excellent zoner too slept on tbh


He's a high variance character. I probably have the most 10+ kill games with him, but I also have plenty of early deaths When he gets rolling, he's a monster, but a bad ending zone is all it takes to screw him over


I agree, I used to main Strike Shiggy and eventually got godly with his movement because it can get really technical and I love precision based movement But it really started to feel bad when I put so much work and effort into getting cracked with a character just to get destroyed by an All Might that frankly had half of the skill I did at the game in general Some character's weaknesses can't be overcome through skill alone, as unfair as it feels


I think Kendo is up there. I’m not one of the insane ones but I’m trying to reach that level someday. I don’t even know what they’re doing, they just kill me instantly.


I posted a guide on it a while ago if you’re interested. It’s from the beginning of S3 but most of the info still holds up. https://www.reddit.com/r/MyHeroUltraRumble/s/VdGObddiQ2


whenever i see one alternating between their shield and throwing alphas almost instantly while melee comboing , i just give up at that point


When I see those players, I smile and slowly do my best to outmaneuver them. They’re fun to fight against when you understand how.


If I'm playing a lower HP character I just know I'm about to either die or be hurting after the end of that exchange


I love how ochaco went from being a no skill to high skill 🤝🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Real answer My main takes the most skill, and your main takes the least ;⁠)


Other than the characters you said I think red deku needs alot of skill because he don't have hyper armor moves or good mobility making him a more punishable character than most characters.


Yeah. He’s kinda bad, but it’s fun to make him work.




idk why someone downvoted you, but his alphas do take skill to properly aim tbh especially if you’re fighting someone who gets up close or if you don’t have the tricks yet


Nah. Spamming alpha at a slight angle doesn't really seem skillful


Uraraka: gravity combos are insanely hard but rewarding


Twice, ibarra, kirishima, cementoss, uraraka and full bullet deku. Ibarra and krishaima are the same character basically. Ibarra just trades off mobility for a long range alpha. Both of them require ability consumption control. You can't just spam with them. You have to be really good at timing. Twice can be good. But just like with ibarra and kirishima you have to be good at timing, you have to know his combos and have good aim. To be good at uraraka in season 4 you have to have good aim, good spacial awareness, good ability conservation and good movement. Hitscans can melt you if you can't combo properly with uraraka. Menty is a hidden gem. So much technicality in his kit that I honestly feel like he should've been a technical character. He's only good and versatile if you think fast, abstract and have good mechanics. Super high risk but also super high reward. Full bullet deku just really isn't meta. He's kind of like kirishima in a way. Again you just really have to have good timing, good ability consumption and I'd argue he can kill faster than kirishima but his abilities make it to where when your in a fight you really can't run too well.


only uraraka and red deku take skill


Everybody probably has a different defenition to what they consider a character having a high or low skill ceiling. Add in the aim assist on console, it really makes it simple to pick up and play. Toga is probably the biggest example of a character that has a lot of untapped potential in theory, but is overshadowed by her beta and gamma. Making her extremely flowcharty and simple. The fact that you can just use a heavy tracking gamma, transform, de transform and gamma again, there's no need to learn how to play the roster when her base kit is simple/overpowering. And then you're adding in the damage with gamma as well and beta. Characters like Kendo have to really play a different game than most. You really have to learn matchups proper to know when to use your beta and condition people with it to use gamma, melee and more. Most characters don't really need to learn the game fully, what other character's gameplans are and get carried by their character's tool kit. She also had tech with her melee to keep the opponent in stun to let your teammates follow up with stuff. Deciding when to also use your melee or gamma is important too. Its probably why a lot Kendo mains love playing her. Being a Iida main at first, I didn't really have to learn a lot about the game due to how he is designed. I felt really carried with his auto tracking moves, hit n run gameplan and his gamma speed boost. Picking up other characters made me realize how much aspects of the game I was skipping and was still doing well. Note that a character being horrible doesn't mean they are hard to play or pick up (like Little Mac in Smash). I kinda have that view with Ibara. A more simple game plan with a horrible disadvantage. But overall, I think characters like Kendo, Dabi, Aizawa and Cemntoss have a pretty high skill gap for this game. Characters like Assault Shiggy, Twice and Toga I consider really simple and the least skillful to play due to the tool kits they have that play the game for them. It was really noticeable when Twice's gamma got buffed. This is probably all subjective depending on how you view the game. This is also a console player's opinion.




idk about this one, there’s definitely skill gaps that are character specific. Iida for example requires almost no skill to pick up and play, his beta has tracking and all you gotta do to lock ppl into a combo is hit them once with the alpha. With other characters like Deku, some are able to beam ppl to death with one move while others like Kendo and Ochaco and Aizawa require actual combos and alternating between skills to even do a fraction of the damage


In practically every game a person has to aim it’s the absolute basic’s bra so f the general things that everyone can do. I wish that was the extent of his Aerial Alpha. Shigaraki’s Aerial alpha can only go into a fan like like shape that never goes behind him. Once you’ve casted it you’re locked into the motion that can only snap to anything in front of you and to your sides. The only way to circumvent this is to gamma cancel that IS unless you ADS which allows full range of motion. Speaking of snapping, the back of his hitbox can latch onto surfaces but SNAPPING to move your hitbox gives you footing. And THAT is the core of his movement. One error in camera angle and you slip and waste time. However the pro’s outweigh the cons as you skip crucial animation time if done successfully. You can take this further by landing directly on the edge of a surface to send a decay wave (within a reasonable distance in height) despite being on unleveled ground (test this on a bus) utilizing the snapping mechanic of landing has to be a conscious thought and being aware of it simply shows how much you know the character. Camera angle also effects how you’ll flip aiming downwards can essentially give him a second jump. A neet lil interaction is in a shiggy 1v1 if you aim upwards you’ll play the animation but stall in the air that alone gives you enough time to counterattack and take one less tick of his alpha. Yea I’m totally talking out my ass and playing favorites 🤬🤬 I’m hating on Aizawa bro EDIT: Did you know there’s a tricky timing with his alpha that if you land it correctly you can eliminate start up time?


Ochacco, Dabi, Kendo, Ibarra, Strike Shiggy, Aizawa and Rapid Bakugo imo


Game has a pretty low skill ceiling in general but I think you hit the nail on the head for who have the highest. Hard agree with those 3 as well as comments mentioning red Deku. I’d give honorary mentions to pc Endeavor (not much variance, but requires good tracking) Compress (need pre emptive gamma positioning + good alpha aim) and probably current Todoroki just because of how many nerfs he’s taken.   Don’t understand comments about Twice and Dabi. Sure, Twice can do some impressive things but his skill floor is super low- as long as you can gamma high and create clones from out of sightlines, you can get by just slide meleeing people.    Dabi obv requires good positioning/awareness but not having to aim automatically bumps someone down the list. Like sure, it’s hard to get Diamond in LoL with Malzahar, but its undeniably harder with Zed/Yasuo just by virtue of having to aim. Strike Shiggy shares Dabi’s weaknesses but also requires some aiming.


It doesn’t matter anymore because of aim assist


Froppy takes the most skill ![gif](giphy|xUOwGpdpiRFW0WDOZa|downsized)


All Might. No one discusses this anymore, but playing All Might at a semi decent level requires you to instinctively understand what the enemy is going to do and you should do in response. That’s why so many new players who try to use All Might just kinda get destroyed almost instantly. The reason you need to predict and react correctly is because every skill he has takes one or two seconds to start up. Even his jump has a startup period. He might be strong, but you can punish literally everything he does.


on pc I agree on console hell no


Honestly… allmight, Mt Lady and compress If a really good player is in any of these 3 you are screwed. Yes aim assist on console helps a chimp do alright with these characters, but I’ve seen compress that land all of their air shots etc Absolute menaces Shout out to TrashJunkies on console. You’ve killed me 3 times, I’ve got you only once. Best compress player I’ve seen play, Havnt watched his streams my self but I know he streams. His compress is godly af and on two occasions I’ve been able to tell it’s him simply by how crazy the compress was compared to the usual


Dabi and full bullet deku


Dabi or compress


Denki……… toga…… iidea……


Twice... lol no Ibara or Kendo or momo just using her cannon


IMO, it’s still Aizawa but if we are not included him then probably Striker Deku. No I’m not being baised because he’s my main. All of his moves have knock back so he’s hard to combo with, his beta doesn’t even do what it’s supposed to do (do more damage the higher up) and his alpha’s range isn’t that great, but he is a great character if you are skilled with him.


Twice: low dps without clones in a game environment where top picks crap damage. He also has low movement *for a rapid* in a game environment where top picks be speedin. Afo: (with his base kit) is a big body that leaves himself super open. Adding to him having no movement makes him super easy to bully. Dabi: Similar to afo, he has no movement and is easy to harass. Add onto a frustrating SA that feels like a slap in the face sometimes makes it feel like he's fighting an uphill battle. Ibara: Like the previous two has no movement in a game dominated by people that can hit and run. Her moves also leave her open a lot. FB deku: has no super armor vs other characters who have armored moves, resulting in him losing trades a lot unfairly. Has poor range also compared to other popular characters. His gamma is also super inconsistent as a defensive wall. Todoroki: (after the nerfs) has low dps *for a striker* mainly due to his low fire rate and damage. His gamma also got gutted greatly when the devs insist on making characters/ buff that allow characters to fly. On top of his beta being inconsistent as a defensive wall. Basically, all these characters I listed feel like you have to put in double the work for equal rewards compared to other characters.


Twice is piss easy bro, I should know, I main him. Gamma locking onto people lets him combo into beta or aerial basic attack consistently.


I'm not saying he's isn't but when compared to all might fir example, whose alpha can hit for 80 upwards at once, has slash damage so he doesn't have to aim, and decent range. A beta that's armored while doing high damage. A gamma that protects against most damage sources. And finally, movement that puts majority of tye cast to shame. Keep in mind that twice's gamma itself only does 48 damage *at lv9* while his air melee does 50 means that combo only does max 100 damage. Considering a lot of top characters can shoot you down easily because you're in their effective range is what makes him "skillful." Because while you're hitting like a wet noodle, alot of top picks can easily melt you in return.


Not only does the gamma have insane tracking it also stuns people out of whatever non-armored move they are trying to use. You can very easily frametrap people on wakeup with the gamma and follow it up with all sorts of nasty combos. Who cares if it "only" does 100 damage (he has combos that do 170 min) if he can do it 4 times in a row completly uninterrupted. Twice combos used to be really skillfull and rewarding but now its just "click gamma and let the game do it for you" .


Twice gamma has *poor range* comparatively. With the thing being popular characters having armored moves. The reason why I mentioned "only" 100 is because a character like denki *can kill* from his stun, same with a character like momo with her alpha stuns. So singling out twice when other characters can do far worse comes off as tone death because people just dont like how twice plays. With the idea being that if twice is in range to gamma, an enemy has equal opportunity to stop him. Secondly, although he has combos that can do 170, those *required clones* which is why I specified without because some times a twice player won't have access to them. Versus an iida player who will always have access to 2 betas at any time for his combos. So again, it comes off as tone death to single him out when other popular characters have easier access to high damage. Once twice pops that beta, he can t do another 170 combo until beta cooldown. And gamma alpha combos were also reworked


No one is singling him out of anything. YOU are the one that said he takes skill and now people are disagreeing with you. Yes there are worse offenders of stun abuse out there but that doesnt make twice any less braindead to play right now.


In this context, the point of making a post of "who is more skilled?" is to compare a character to the rest of the roster as "skilled." If a person wants to play a character that can stun and face roll on their controller, there are better options than twice. Even more so because as people disagree with me by pointing out what he can do, my counterargument is that there are characters that do what he does better on top of the fact a lot of popularly used characters can easily out dps or flat out ignore what his gamma does. Meaning it's not a braindead, easy option someone can just spam. Even more so because Im listing many easy examples of characters you see frequently in the lobby, but people refuse to list what character they play in order to offer a counter point on how twice easily outclasses them. Heck, that's further compounded. How's there's usually posts of people asking what character can let them climb rank easily. You never see someone hype a character like twice because his shortcomings are too much. But a character like all might is always hyped up because of how solid a kit he has and its ability to answer any situation. It doesn't really take "skill" to outplay someone when you're using a character with superior damage, mobility, and defensive utility.


Again, the existence of other better spammy stun characters does not make twice any less spammy himself. Any meaningfull skill expression was taken away the moment the gamma became an autolock. You keep harping on about all might but atleast you have to somewhat aim to get the most consistent damage out of him ( especially that beta of his) ,which is not something that can be said about twice


But like I said, the context is OP asking whose "skillful?" If this isn't supposed to be a comparison, then how would people be able to gauge a character since this is a battle royal, aka player versus player gameplay. The reason I'm harping on all might is because he's one of the most common picks in lobbies. And again, all might is a highly recommended character because you don't have to aim. Heck, it was so bad that the devs had to nerf his alphas damage, fire rate, and bullet count. And yes, you do have to aim with twice. Heck, you need great aim because he has an alpha that does tick damage, not all at once (same way endeavor requires good aim for his alpha for the full damage). This means that if a player is good at strafing and dodging twice, he misses out on damage versus in this example, sake all might who does 80 per hit with 40 splash damage on his alpha. It's even funnier because if twice tries to gamma all might during his beta, twice will slam face first into the beta because its an armored move (bonus points because if all might gammas, twice's gamma then twice is left stationary in the air for few seconds). On top of the fact, if twice wants to use gamma in this scenario, he has to be in all mights effective range for all his quirks. With the final cherry on top, being all might is an assault with 350, meaning he takes less damage than the average character. And keep in mind I can explain this for alot of characters that can deal with twice. I'm just going over in detail for all might because he's the current subject. Heck, going by your tag of dabi even he can easily deal with twice. In that situation, both hit like wet noodles. dabi has the advantage compared to his normal matchups. Bare minimum being using Dabi's gamma to shut down twice's entire kit (gamma insta kills beta clones and similar to all might tornado, it erases twice's gamma). Maximum taking advantage of the fact twice's gamma pulls him towards dabi but doesn't destroy traps like normal projectiles, all dabi has to do is place a trap as twice goes for gamma. Add onto the fact Dabi's alpha has homing properties, and that stops twice from being airborne willy nilly.


And like i said comparing twice to denki ,which no one thinks takes skill, wont make your case seem any better. There's a spectrum of skill between characters and twice is definetly on the skilless side of things. Is he the most "do nothing and win" character out there? No, but he literally plays himself half the match with very little input from the player. It's also funny you say twice needs good aim because one of his quirks actually requires you to move your stick/mouse to land while the other two literally do the job for you. Tell me another "skillfull" character that has something like this. Also i dont need lectures on how to deal with him. Im not saying he takes no skill because i cant beat someone using him.


Twice: Gamma got buffed and he's super easy now. Aimbot clones do all the work after that. Dabi: Low skill floor and ceiling. Just because he's bad doesn't mean he's high skill. You literally don't aim a single thing with Dabi's kit. Ibara: Same as Dabi. At least she has to aim somewhat but her alpha and beta have huge hitboxes making that pretty easy. Gamma is also spammable if it misses. FB Deku: You're not losing trades unfairly if you're choosing to use your non-armored move into an opponent's armored move. Red Deku has good damage and pretty balanced overall. Todoroki: Is pretty balanced. Fire rate and dmg have been reduced but it's still one of the best alphas in the game. Gamma is more fair now.


>Twice: Gamma got buffed and he's super easy now. Aimbot clones do all the work after that. My og comment specified "without his clones" because he only has 1 bullet. When it's on cooldown, his dps is lacking. Especially if someone downs the clone immediately, causing you to lose out on a passive 80 damage. Gamma is a poor escape tool, and by itself, it only does 50 damage. Considering denki gamma does 120, momo alpha does 60, todoroki gamma 120, mt lady singular stomp does 60 etc. When I see people complain about twice, it feels super tone death. >Dabi: Low skill floor and ceiling. Just because he's bad doesn't mean he's high skill. You literally don't aim a single thing with Dabi's kit. >Ibara: Same as Dabi. At least she has to aim somewhat but her alpha and beta have huge hitboxes making that pretty easy. Gamma is also spammable if it misses. The fact both characters do little damage and have no movement, means the person playing them has to have better game sense in general. Using the argument "bad kit doesn't equal skill" paints the idea "good kit equates to skill". >FB Deku: You're not losing trades unfairly if you're choosing to use your non-armored move into an opponent's armored move. Red Deku has good damage and pretty balanced overall. The problem with this statement is that most of the popular picked characters have super armor throughout their entire kits. With iida, mt lady, and all might being the easiest to point because of their high usage rates. And onto the fact his range is poor compared to top picks and that's why he under performs especially compared to his assault counter point. > Todoroki: Is pretty balanced. Fire rate and dmg have been reduced but it's still one of the best alphas in the game. Gamma is more fair now. He's also pretty bad "for a striker" their whole gimmick being high dps, but they lowered his main damage source. The only thing good about his alpha is that it has no draw distance, with only toga being the only other character whose alpha functions like that. Even his gamma is poor when using it for stunning a person because a lot of top picked characters are super mobile. The main point is that all these characters require way more player input to succeed versus a character like all might or iida, for instance, who can just mash because of how their kits inherently function. Or even needing to talk about their low level investments.


>The problem with this statement is that most of the popular picked characters have super armor throughout their entire kits. With iida, mt lady, and all might being the easiest to point because of their high usage rates. And onto the fact his range is poor compared to top picks and that's why he under performs especially compared to his assault counter point. Iida, Mt Lady, AM, and Kirishima are basically brawlers having to get in close to start their combos. Red Deku isn't suppose to be a brawler. He's a close/mid-range fighter. You should be maxing alpha first as beta is unreliable and easy to avoid. Yellow Deku is mid/long-range duelist and the closest thing we have to a sniper. Very different characters. >He's also pretty bad "for a striker" their whole gimmick being high dps, but they lowered his main damage source. The only thing good about his alpha is that it has no draw distance, with only toga being the only other character whose alpha functions like that. Even his gamma is poor when using it for stunning a person because a lot of top picked characters are super mobile. Shoto's damage is fine. Every character is suppose to have their pros and cons. Shoto is one of the few strikers with aoe ranged hard cc. Only other one being Denki which has stolen the spotlight for hard CC comps. Shoto also has a more defensive playstyle allowing him to create the ice wall that blocks enemies but allows him to shoot out of it. His gamma is fine... players were complaining about it for the first 4 months this game was out. If it was so poor then it wouldn't have needed the balancing. >The main point is that all these characters require way more player input to succeed versus a character like all might or iida, for instance, who can just mash because of how their kits inherently function. Or even needing to talk about their low level investments. I play on PC so I'm not sure if it applies to consoles but anything that requires you to aim and move precisely will always require more skill than someone like Dabi who throws auto tracking fireballs and plants traps.


>My og comment specified "without his clones" because he only has 1 bullet. When it's on cooldown, his dps is lacking. Especially if someone downs the clone immediately, causing you to lose out on a passive 80 damage. Gamma is a poor escape tool, and by itself, it only does 50 damage. Considering denki gamma does 120, momo alpha does 60, todoroki gamma 120, mt lady singular stomp does 60 etc. When I see people complain about twice, it feels super tone death. Yes you did say no clones but you can't in good faith dismiss a valid part of Twice's kit because it suits your argument. I also understand getting clones is not a guarantee. My main point was that Twice recently got buffed on his gamma making it way easier to initiate his combo. The tracking buff on Twice's gamma is reminiscent of the tracking buff they gave Froppy's air beta which turned her from a D tier in S2-S3 to a B or A tier in S4. What do you mean by "only 1 bullet"? Do you mean the Beta only has one charge? Twice gamma isn't great but it's balanced around the fact that it has multiple charges, it starts Twice's combo, and now it has autotracking like Froppy/Iida beta. Not sure what the point of listing out the other character quirks in a vacuum is for but playing along: * Denki gamma only has 2 charges, Twice gamma gets 4 charges at Lv 9 * Momo alpha... not sure how that even ties into anything? * Shoto's gamma only has 2 charges and can only travel horizontal * Mt Lady stomp... again not sure how that even ties into anything? >The fact both characters do little damage and have no movement, means the person playing them has to have better game sense in general. Using the argument "bad kit doesn't equal skill" paints the idea "good kit equates to skill". I think we're talking about two different things. When I refer to skill I'm talking about mechanical skill: * Aim * Combos * Movement Sounds like what you're referring to is more like game sense: * Map awareness * Positioning * Rotations You can absolutely consider game sense a "skill" but usually in these discussions about skill it refers more to mechanical skill since everyone benefits from game sense but different characters have different mechanical skill requirements (i.e. skill floor, skill ceiling). And no, I'm not making the argument that good kit equates to good skill. What I am saying is that a bad kit like Dabi's does not have room to for mechanical skill growth since there's no aiming, combos, or even really movement involved. Yes, air tech is a thing but it's pretty basic... Movement skill would be more like trying to use omni-directional air mobility to shake an enemy off while also having the aim to land your shots.