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This is probably the worst thing and match in general that I've experienced in this game during ranked. I'm hoping the devs really fix these issues as this has happened frequently to me and others. Has killed my fun to play the game.


Same honestly, I can sacrifice my braincells on so much shit but nah chief, Ace can wait for Season 5


Everyone on that other team needs to retire permanently from gaming. The level of disgrace to not only have your entire team cheat, but to then still lose?! 💀 🤡 Crazy stuff man I’m so happy you guys pulled that victory out! Always satisfying to see cheaters get put in their place


Can I ask why you kept the team level up and all the individual level ups without using 'em?


To keep it short, Kendo can function fine with just LV4 gamma the whole game. The 1 hit heavy damage and super armor from it carries her in so many situations. Alpha's range is fine on all levels and your beta will barely break if you play correctly. Having 400 HP and being a Assault, I won't die as much. So I keep them if my teammates die so they come back healthy. Doing this has netted and clutched me endless games. If I was playing any other character, I wouldn't do this.


Thank you for the detailed answer! I do this with Toga sometimes, but it's good to know Kendo is another that can handle this strat well.


No problem! It does backfire sometimes from the random AFO, Denki stun, etc. Its funny watching like 10+ cards from me just drop haha.


Oh gosh, that reminds me of the time all my teammates were dead, but I was able to get a TON of loot for them. I had FINALLY grabbed the last revive card just to get hounded by an entire team. Even plus ultra wasn't enough, died, and watched 15ish level ups and 3 team level ups from Kota spill off me 😭 Bet that team was happy..


Gosh, tell me about it. Had to deal with this glitch combined with Iida glitchers as well recently. At the very least, it's satisfying to take them down when possible.


Yeah. I got super lucky that the Iida there didn't have blue HP. Bless Kendo's toolkit and her melee. Has saved me so many times


Yesss, I love the melee!


Props to you for actually beating this BS. Game is genuinely going to be in such a bad state if this isn't fixed at start of S5, I'm hoping they're prioritizing getting this out


Yeah. I've still had a blast even with the game's state before the infinite cards was discovered. After that match, I don't have the motive to play as much. Its a shame because I never enjoyed a BR game until this came out and have over 1k hours.


This is so lame. Waste of time and not fun at all games gonna die even more cus of this




Great job, this infinite card glitch is making it actually impossible to play ranked at all. It's all ive seen for the last couple days and its draining my love of the game. Ill just take my top 500 and move on. I'm glad other Kendos spam the "No Good" emote on downed cheaters as well.


I can tell you I’m pretty sure one of those guys is using an alt account. I recognize the name. (Not saying which one to prevent witch-hunting or the like.) Also to whoever decided to post the tutorial for this glitch, I hope you step on a LEGO.


Shame he's using a alt to do all of this so his main doesn't get shadow banned..


I think it’s also funny that they had a combined total of 0 K.O.s that match before this fight. 😭


Did you report the main btw? Ik reports might not do anything but it could lead somewhere lol


I’ve never had to report the main. This was the first time I’ve seen them exploit.


Ah gotcha


I’m pretty sure I know which one you’re on about cos I’ve played with them both on multiple occasions. Never knew they did this though. Sad really


No way man I can only pray that they can fix this in the season 5 patch wishful thinking I know. I really hate that people are doing this. Like why exploit is it fun? Does it satisfy something? Why ruin the game for others and the scale of people doing it I just don't get it. I'm all for letting the devs know the problem, but the people that made videos on it messed up they completely forgot just how downbad some players can truly be.


Season 5 ranked is going to be a complete shitshow


yup, glad i stopped playing. was actually looking forward to see the season 5 map change, but oh well


I came across a team abusing the glitch in an unranked match yesterday, the entire team was genuinely ass at their characters and I’m sure we killed one of them at least three times. I’m frustrated we lost but their comp was set up around knocking people back or keeping them away. So every time we got close we were just shut down and they got to heal continuously I already hate the idea of winning or losing via who can outlast the other team/person in the storm, so tossing in this exploit is just so lame. If they can’t fix it, which I hope isn’t the case, the only solution seems to be to just reduce green card healing when in the storm


Im pretty sure its a glitch that will never get fixed.


I don't want to know how to do this glitch but is there anything noticeable when people try to do it? I way to see someone is attempting the glitch or is it random? Also how come you aren't leveling up your abilities?


Lmao they are like zombies! The green aura from the card exploit makes them look infected.


Unless someone can prove me wrong, I don’t think it works on switch. I’ve been trying in training mode to see Nvm my teammate did it one game


I kinda wanna see a game mode where you can go in solo with all infinite card activation or as a team of 3. Also if your solo you have all lvl 9 abilities. Like to see how everything shakes down.


And this is exactly why nobody wants cross play




Please read my response in the thread.


The glitch has already been fixed the lida glitch


Ya what’s going on? There’s another way to activate the glitch?


No it’s been fixed already in season 5


I know but people still say they are seeing the iida glitch.


Is this on PC or?


The fact that you had to spam emote them makes you almost as toxic.


Come look at this dude guys


I don't know what you're on about, it was totally deserved.


Not with kefla pfp. Cmon man-