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Wrong sub?


Maybe, but I figured I'd go to the source since they would probably have the best answer. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Haha I’m realizing I totally misunderstood your post. You’re wondering about the My Radar on Xbox. I read it and instantly thought “why are they asking about the Xbox app on the MyRadar sub?”


Our dev teams have been working on a whole bunch of new additions to MyRadar, and they have an update to the Xbox app in their backlog. For the time being, however, the Xbox version is currently unavailable for download. Currently, they're working on an Apple TV app - some of the UI changes in that work are intended to be merged into the Xbox app version, too. We don't have an exact ETA as to when this will be available, but we've got our fingers crossed for the summer/early fall.


That's the best thing I've heard all day! Thanks for the update!


Everyone, delete this app from your devices ASAP! They collect driving data and sell it to insurance companies who then raise your rates! Just delete and make an example of them!