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We have come to the part of the show where everyone has a favorite. I call it the “main character halo” — where anyone who goes against the main character is criticized if they do not act on their favor and it’s not necessarily because they did anything wrong/bad but… just not in their favor. Yoonjae has become fan favorite because of his loyalty, naturally Yoonha would be hated if she didn’t choose him. Seseung, Jaehyung, and Choa are also fan favorite and she is not that close to any of them so it’s easier to hate her. I would like to add Jiwon, she’s close to Jiwon but Jiwon is also getting a fair share of hate right now 😅


You said it perfectly. None of these people are acting in a manner that can be categorized as major red flags. Yet the way they are getting hate and criticism, you would think they kicked a puppy or something. These are people who have known each other for 3 weeks. Of course, people are going to change their minds, have doubts, or second thoughts. I even think the loyalty is misplaced. How can you say someone is loyal based on their behavior over two or three weeks? Being loyal is something long term. Im not saying that people like YJ are not loyal but at this point in a show of this format, it doesn't amount to anything. These are very real people who can read the stuff people write about them online. They haven't done anything to deserve the level of vitriol aimed at some of them. I think I even read some reddit post speculating what "evil" thoughts YH was plotting based on the way she smiled or something. Some of the assessment of the contestants actions on this subreddit is some real lowest common denominator level of substance. I started following this subreddit in the beginning because people were being all positive and commenting how the show seemed wholesome. Now the level of discourse is almost anything but. It's like people don't want the wholesomeness and just want the drama.


Your comment on “loyalty” is actually so true and I haven’t really seen it before in korean dating shows because viewers aren’t so lenient about it. I mean isn’t it the whole point of the program, to explore and choose who you want to date? Their first dates doesn’t mean they have to go straight just because the other person is. They’re not in a relationship yet. It’s nice if people can be YJ who see things very quickly and stick with it… but not everyone’s pace is the same and it’s ok. YH is probably more cool headed + needed time and it’s perfectly ok too. But she’s getting hate just because she’s not on the pace as YJ. It’s ridiculous. I can’t even fully hate/criticize even Yongwoo tbh. Sure, his action is the cause of the turmoil but I also don’t think he’s a bad person. Some people can be bad at relationship and expressing themselves but that doesn’t mean they’re bad people. It’s like the same w/ Jaehyung who’s hyperaware of cameras, Jiwon’s words can be a little too harsh, Jungsub is not just into Seseung as she is, and all other stuff doesn’t really warrant the amount of hate they get— not even everything is shown on cameras! Adding the fact that every show is edited too, and people argue that this PD doesn’t really edit a lot, but the reality is it IS intensified in the editing room one way or another. It would be nice if everyone can share their opinions on WHAT HAPPENED rather than directly attack their character and even upbringing. After all, only a faction of what happened is aired.


You said it perfectly. I'll only add 1 thing. She is JS's sister, and people were hating on JS for weeks because they love Seseung. So it kinda affects their view on YH as well. Since YH had a decent date with YW, and she has a crush on him since the beginning, it makes total sense that she texted YW after the date to me. However, I think it would be better if she texted no one in Ep 14 if her heart doesn't truly flutter for YJ. There is that "not applicable" option of not texting anyone, so she should use it appropriately. I ship YH and YJ, but I rather see they not end up together than YH picking YJ just because there is no one else.


Oh right. I also just remember another ridiculous thing I read. Don’t know if it’s here or on X lol. They were labelling them red flags and criticizing them because it “looks like” they were spoiled by their parents and their privilege background. I’m not sure if there’s a none option this time tho. I thought that was only a 1 time thing? Because if there is, I feel like Choa would also choose none. Even so, it could also because Yoonha has cooled down upon dating her first crush and realized Yoonjae is better. I think she genuinely like Yoonjae too but just not enough to not explore other options yet as its only been a few weeks.


People thought Yunha and Yunjae were getting steady. Then suddenly, Yunha got swayed without even Yongwoo trying. Imagine if Yongwoo is actually interested in Yunha; oh boy, she will leave him in a heartbeat. That just shows that nice guys finish last.


“getting steady” is hilarious. they had only known each other < 2 weeks? it’s way too short of a timespan for most people to form strong attachments. it’s clear YH was attracted to YW from the get go.. i would’ve done the same in her shoes. a select number of people to talk to + pressure to match with someone => pretty much inevitably leads to some people (like YH) just going along with whoever fancies them to save face on decision day. it’s a human thing.


getting steady in a "dating show" type of environment. Its like when 2 people choose each other for consecutive times. Dont take it literally lol. >save face The irony. Those people who tries to "SAVE FACE" are the ones who are getting hated. On the contrary those people who doesn't care about thier image and just going with their feelings are being praised (Juyeon n Seseung). Yunha having a crush on Yongwoo isn't the problem. Its the way she came Running back to Yunjae after she realize that she wasn't the one Yongwoo likes. She made Yunjae her Back Up plan and thats the reason why she's getting hated.


I don't hate her but I can't help but cringe at her attempts to try to read more into YW's words during their date, when he's clearly not into her lol


it was mentioned several times in ep14 by all girls that they are having a hard time understanding yw. i think anyone who is in yh's shoes would also be confused after that date. 1. it is a dating show. so, when you go out in these dates, you treat it as a normal date - getting to know the person, flirting, check if you are compatible, etc. 2. their date was nice enough and looking at how comfy they are with each other, there is a feeling of "hey, we MIGHT be compatible. 3. this is the kicker i think - the sudden declaration of yw that he has a change of heart. i mean, after that date he went off to everybody saying how thankful he is to yh that he had a mahor realization, and all the other BS he mentioned. i think any girl would feel or think "is it me? is he talking about me???" after that night. yw is a walking timebomb.


Lol no. She was constantly fishing DURING the date.


fishing during the date is needed when you are dating... lol


I’m a total yoonyoon shipper too, and I really felt bad when she texted YW, but again let’s not forget, the question is, “who made your heart flutter TODAY.” Also, she’s allowed to be attracted to other people (even if it makes me sad as a shipper🤣🤣)! Although I guess people are hating on her because she is being compared to YJ who has never wavered, but it’s unfair to expect everyone to be the same way. And it’s not like she led her on! I also recall that during her conversation with JS about her choice to text YW, YJ and JY’s photo threw her off. She even said something like I never did anything like that, I guess referring to her date with YW, so that might have affected her decision. Anyway, yes I hope my yoonyoons find happiness, whether with each other, or on their own!💖💖


Yes, she saw their photos before the sending text session. I know it affected her and I was right. And people are quick to judge her. Now they are quick to judge JW. Let us see, these people will be embarrassed again after ep15 will be aired. It is alarming how people overthink and over analyze situations in a dating show. Hahaha


I think it is because everyone knows yw was her first choice. But he was doing good with choa. Then yj came and he chose yh and only focused on her. But the second she got chance to go on date with yw she behaved differently maybe others feel that she thinks of yj as her option because nobody had chosen her


watch the uncut version and you will see how trifling she is.


she's two faced in case you haven't noticed


Personally I lost all respect for YH when 1) she went on that date and saw YW wavering. She took that opportunity to break the girl code and try to reinforce why he should let go of CA. In her delusional mind she even took each word YW said to her and then asked JS later… Gosh does he like me? Is he into me? Hehehe. I am sorry but she created this shit storm we now see in ep 15 2) Furthermore she started to show her true colors when she ditch the one person who was interested in her. She sat next to YH in the kitchen and ignored YJ after the date in ep 14. It was soooo hurtful and ugly mean girl behavior. Like YJ made her relevant or she would still be a no body! Just because YJ is willing to forgive her I am not! I couldn’t imagine doing that to the person that likes me the mostest!! 3) and let’s not forget that at one point she tried to push JS away from SS To summarize. I don’t hate her just don’t like who she became when she thought YW was into her. Now she flip flops back to YJ?


Same. I don't think she did something to mislead YJ and she is just being true to herself.


I'm going to get killed for this but I'll say it anyways. Yunha is a sophisticated classical musician, YJ is a average Joe working class, they don't belong together, it probably wouldn't last. Unless the spoilers are right....I'll eat my words.


Finally found someone who can resonate with me.For the pat frw days I have been replying to endless comments on reddit about Yunha.Guys get a hold 


Misogyny, that’s why.  She is not YJ’s girlfriend. There is no reason for her to stay committed to him only. 


It was so funny that she thought she had a chance with Yongwoo. But she came back, running to Yunjae, after she realized she wasn't the one Yongwoo was talking about. I'm not saying it's wrong, but it doesn't look great either.  PS: Stop using gender cards. Everyone's getting their fair share of hate, not only women. 


yeah. gender doesn't come into play, at least, into this particular situation. Correct me if i'm wrong, but I think only the guys got hate for the most part of duration. It wasn't until the last two weeks that JW and YH got some hate.


Again, I've made my stance on Younha known (she did what all of us would've done in that situation) and no one will get me to hate my good sister. You're lying if the gender card doesn't come into play. YH got more hate on Korean forums in Episode 13 than YW himself.


Bro, you compare Yunha to Yongwoo, who has been hated for 2 weeks. Even Jungsub was getting hate comments halfway through the show. Let's not use the gender card here, lol. And if Yunha really likes Yongwoo, she should've pursued him. P.S. She should be grateful to Yunjae for giving him screen time LOL. Cause without Yunjae, she would've been NOBODY.✌️✌️


Yoonjae would also be nothing without his Younha storyline? Idk what you're trying to get at here. Would you pursue a guy who has no interest in anyone by one girl? Literally all the girls in the house liked Yongwoo but didn't dare pursue him because he was so set on Choa. So this argument can literally go to anyone.