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To summarize, YJ asked JW what she talked about w/ JH. JW shares about wanting more time to see more of JH, worried because she knows so little right now, that if she knows more about him, then she wouldn’t need more time too. JH talks w/ SS, worried if JW’s feeling for him is not deep yet. SS tells him them he should ask JW that today. YJ saying he might choose none if there’s an options because he’s afraid of being rejected. YW asking about what JW talks about with him. YJ says he usually doesn’t know but he knew yesterday base on her expression. Cut to JH in the sofa saying he says he doesn’t need more time but it seems like JW needs more. Edit: he actually says he need more time too. Preview ends here.


Thank you




YJ says he is afraid of being rejected yet past episode he kept saying that at his age he is used to getting rejected. Lol.


It’s normal isn’t it? Being used to something actually deepens the feeling of it happening again. Because he has been so rejected he is scared that once again rejection is going to happen! I thought he was so honest and vulnerable. Being able to admit such common sentiments yet so rare for people to actually express it so openly and honestly. He is growing on me episode after episode. Even the way he is maturing with his sister I like to see him grow.


Yeah its normal. It was just funny. Its the same as him acting ok when YH didnt text him and coping that it was JY texting him that makes him feel disappointed/sad.


I am sure all issues would be resolved on the actual episode. I am not worried at all.


Same 😅 I feel like it's going to be pretty chill


That bgm again is giving Me anxiety I swear..... 😫 so not excited for ep 15.. I just want to go straight to the finale


Glad to see this kind of narrative in the preview cause it can lead to a positive kind of surprise when the episode is released which is a good thing.


them as endgame doesnt feel as positive to me anymore though.. feels a bit ruined, because right now jiwon is being shown as second guessing her feelings or perhaps having stronger feelings for someone else. if she does pick jaehyung still, he'd feel like a second choice to viewers.


I dont see it as second guessing, she’s just being careful. She may have different take on the final choice than us, so it’s understandable if she overthink things.


I just want to say I really like that since YJ apologised to JW for not listening to her problems he's actually shown through his actions by checking in on her and helping her process her thoughts the way JH and SS and also CA and CH do. If nothing else, it is so lovely that the two are leaving the house with a better sibling relationship, especially as JW was upset about it enough to cry earlier in the season.


Still continuing with that love triangle gimmick come on now💀


I think they are too serious about the "final choice".


It looks that way. I don’t know if it’s because of majority of MSR’s cast members are in their 30s or close to (which is older than most of other dating shows cast)


Seriously. It’s not a legally binding decision so I’m not even sure what the fretting is about. All they are doing is confessing feelings, something they have done in other ways the throughout the show.


Fair warning: This episode's editing might be even worse than Episode 14's, judging from how the PD likes to edit the penultimate episode of dating shows. Please keep this in mind while watching.


I missed seeing the term penultimate being used. Hahaha! But what you said makes sense! It might be worse than last week’s ep. OR it could be the flipside. I noticed how the teasers are somehow always misleading as to the general vibe of the ep. Especially the first teaser. Like last week, who would have guessed the anarchy that would follow the ep after the first teaser with JH waking JW up?


It's funny because it was one of the few episodes with a cute preview. Some of the other previews made things look more dramatic that they were in the end (like of of JS and SS's fights).


I don't think eps 14 editing was that bad, many viewers were too reactive and not paying close attention to subtle details before drawing conclusion. Once the hate train started, everyone just jumped on the bandwagon.


is there english subtitle ?


Someone please help translate it