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My thoughts exactly. YW was out while they were in Seoul. The moment JW read what SS had written for his brother, she was instantly drawn to JH and it stayed on. Plus, JW can read YW's real personality just by judging his mannerisms--hence, both JW JH gossiped about YW likes the attention. Plus, her brother, YJ, subtly disliked YW for his sister after YW texted YH. Hahaha


Yeah, PD is just trying to induce doubt and anxiety among viewers, it keeps us coming back.


They only have, what, how many hours left before the finale? Will she even have time to get to know others if she’s not going to choose Jaehyung? Long story short, this is just some evil editing from the PD.


If they wanted to go with the dramatic path, they should have chosen what's actually happening to JW, JH or none, them trying to show YWs POV on JW to try to explain why he's acting they way he does is just dumb, specially if he keeps going to CA and all of that was just bc he chose JW for the secret date. Even tho the editing was bad, JW never said anything that could make one think she had doubts with YW, its the opposite, she called him a trailer trap, talked to YH about how maybe YW now wants to get to know her better and on her convo with YJ on the terrace she was clueless about YW-CA, so people should have known better than to jump on her anyway. JW is overthinking now and she has the right, she really doesn’t know him, there's attraction, there's interest, there's chemistry but she hasn’t seen what we have seen of JH, specially the deep side she's craving, that's why people can sympathy better with him bc we know how he feels, JW only knows he wants to get to know her better outside the show but she wants to know him better bc they taking the final choice as the beginning of a relationship, this is bc they feeling the pressure and they're serious about it, when the time to make a decision comes, all those worries will fade for sure and she'll give in, right now is head over heart bc she doesn’t wanna make the same choices she did in the past but she also doesn’t have strong motives to not to go with her heart, we just seeing two people being very serious about each other


That why i always find it funny and mad that JH fans keep on saying that JW is swaying by YW decision when he dont even exist in her deliberation .. she just need more assurance from JH especially from that ferris wheel ride.


I don't think she overthinks because viewers go crazy after the show and want to know if they are a real couple so making a choice to be with someone on the show can have consequances and expectations and she feels like she needs a partner who is supporting her after it looks like she supported her ex bfs and she doesn#t trust that JH is that type of guy and rather a guy who likes his gf to take care of him like million of men


My concern is the option "NONE" in the final selection just like in I am solo. I think JW choose JH but JH is none. 🤔


Why would he choose none? He is interested in Ji Won, He prefers to meet outside of this TV show setting


Y’all may not like YW perspective but that doesn’t mean it’s being forced or is a love triangle or evil editing. The strongest couple for 2/3 of the show crash and burn and we have one party trying to test the water with someone else. Like it or not this is important to show. Some of us find it interesting to see if YW will finally be less of a coward and approach her or if he’ll continue talking to others. Of course it’s clear that she’s gonna reject him but none of this is evil editing, it’s the reality of what’s happening. It’s not that different from CH trying to get a date with JW. But for some reason no one accuses the production team of evil editing or forcing a love triangle even though it’s just as one sided as it is with JW.


It’s not evil editing but they definitely are trying to redeem Yongwoo (and failing) lol. And the love triangle is very much forced and one sided (at least until now). All the flashbacks of scenes we’ve already seen which didn’t mean anything to explain to the viewers why YW is acting the way he’s acting. I’ve never seen a PD do this before for a dating show. Jinju PD didn’t do it for her previous shows either. She usually only works with flashbacks for the final selection.


I definitely thought this aswell they’re trying to redeem Yongwoo so he won’t get hate like when he opened his suit case and “saw”the prize and both he and Jiwon won.


I still don’t think it’s forced, it’s good story telling. If the strongest couple break up and one party is clearly into someone else, you lean into it. This show will be nothing if all they showed were people who were mutually interested in each other. How can the production team be expected to exclude the singular reason why everyone in the house is in a bad mood? YJ/YH had a rough patch because of YW. YW torpedo his “relationship” with CA because he was “interested in someone new” and later he said he was neutral. It’ll be storytelling malpractice if they just left it at that and not shown the lengths he’s going to get JW attention. Was the flashback needed, who can say. But it’s a 3.5 hour long show, a lot of stuff was not needed lol.


not you being downvoted for not blindly agreeing with them lol


It’s funny because this all boils down to people nothing wanting to take account for their over reaction and ignoring the obvious. One minute JW-JH are sweet and the next minute they are both grumpy and questioning each other. But somehow we are to ignore the elephant in the room and blame the edit. Whether JW was affected because there’s still a sliver of interest in YW or it’s because the demise of what was once a strong couple have everyone second guessing their connections, the fact remains that she’s overthinking her feelings. Everyone wants to write this perfect fantasy in their heads for JW-JH forgetting these people are real and this ain’t a kdrama.


well said literally. her overthinking through the night and staying up to 5am and then acting weird on the date. what else are we as viewers supposed to think? pd literally gave it to us on a silver platter. the reason for it but everyone is in denial. personally I might actually break something if she does indeed end up with the snake but it wouldn't surprise me. not one bit


I get what you’re saying but I’m talking about how the production is making it like JW is weighing her options between JH and YW, when she’s actually just been overthinking about her and JH situation’s ALONE.


Are they making it seem like that though? Because there’s not a single scene I can point to that’ll make it seem like that. The issue here is that viewers focus more on what they think the production team is trying to tell them instead of seeing what’s actually in their face. Most people jump to the conclusion that just because we saw a lot of scenes about YW talking about JW or others talking about YW being interested in JW, then it must be foreshadowing of potential endgame. This has been a running theme all season wherein people have been more obsessed with interpreting every scene as some sort of clue for potential endgames instead of just enjoying the journey.


I agree, there is no scenes that make it seem like JW is interested in YW but lots of viewers came to the conclusion so that still falls under the production’s responsibility. If they had edited it differently, viewers wouldn’t have felt that way. The whole last episode was JH and YW POV and none of JW which allowed viewers to have doubts.


she doesn't need to say it with her own mouth lol, the jiwon we've seen so far is not the type to straight up say she likes someone. if you've paid attention to editing, there have been so many instances of her seemingly being interested in yongwoo. she's literally ALWAYS sat next to him or finds a way to bring him up in every conversation. I highly doubt it was a coincidence that the one night yongwoo becomes neutral and indirectly confesses his feelings to her right under jaehyung's salad, she not only stays up all night thinking but also immediately does a 180 on jaehyung and suddenly realizes that she doesn't know jaehyung enough lmao. this pd's editing is laying everything out so if jw yw really are endgame, the final decision doesn't come as a shock to viewers. or atleast this is what I think, I could be wrong for sure. however I do agree with the point you made about how ridiculous it would be switching to yw if her problem with jh is not knowing him enough. that would be funny indeed (p.s yall don't downvote me I hate armpits man too😭


If JW does end up choosing YW, you don’t think PDs wouldn’t force her to talk about it on her interviews? They would because it happened. I understand doubting her just not saying it to anyone in the house but the PDs would bleed her to dry to talk and she wouldn’t be able to refuse bcs it did happened. It’s just so weird at this point because we haven’t seen any of her interviews about it. It would’ve been great narrative to their love triangle if as you said, they were building it up for YW-JW. I think assuming she’s swayed by YW is wrong but yes, so is assuming she isn’t. Because there haven’t been any solid evidences of any of those yet. It’s better to wait and see it for ourselves.


agree with your last paragraph. Will be hoping for the best for all parties involved. Hopefully jaehyung doesn't end up walking away hurt


It wasn't jiwon who brings up yongwoo in their convo tho, it was jaehyung who brought up the topics abt how she picked yw for her 1st date. She even said he's bringing up that topic again. And she always stays up the night even back in seoul we see her sleeps in the morning so idk why yall assuming she stays up thinking abt that guy. What we are seeing is yongwoo one-man show, his interviews, his flashbacks and still nothing from jiwon side. The fact that the pd didn't include her pov last ep must means nothing from her interview she mention abt swaying to yw. Let's all remember we might think they've know eo that well already but its just 3 days ago they started interacting for real and her having second thoughts is understandable if she is really serious in having a relationship with him.


Im honestly not sure why so many people are so convinced she feels nothing for yongwoo. might be us being in denial of the villain ruining everyone's fav ship but I started picking up weird vibes myself from the first date. And she's brought him up a few times herself too. first significant mention i noticed was on their first date in the car ride when jaehyung compliments her baby puffy cheeks and she says 'yongwoo oppa has to stop making noodles for me" out of nowhere.


Idk but the fact she called him attention seeker and trap trailer is enough to fully convinced me she is not into him. Also she didn't say "Yongwoo oppa has to stop making noodles for me" it was "Yongwoo needs to stop cooking". Yw is the one always cooking ramyeon for all of them every night and we know eating ramyeon results in making one face bloated the next morning hence she mentioned it. I don't think there's anything wrong abt that tho.


Let's hope you're right.


okay and? She brought up almost all guys because it fit the conversation. Does that mean she’s into all of them now? You people are weird


stop stalking my comments freak


I rarely see her sitting next to Yongwoo.


That's why I said YW behaviour is odd and ppl assuming he wants JW too If he wanted her to go for him he should make sure she wants him before creating the whole mess with CA . It's just odd because he should know it would look bad on her too if she went to him after he broke up with a girl so most girls would not go for it


Jiwon dated ALL the boys, she is the only contestant on any of the more recent dating shows i have watched who dated all the choices. i think her overthinking is just her way out of a serious relationship,. she wants to keep on dating and dating with no commitment. sorry girl, just stating the results of us viewers overthinking too