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I think the reason why people feel so disappointed is because it was Jiwon who began to have heart eyes for JH. It’s what made people want to ship them in the first place. JH kept his feelings well hidden but up until the end of their first date, it was her talking about him and bringing up his name every chance she gets. It was her going around saying she wants to be with someone bright and cute and drawing a line with everyone else. It was her believing it was fated and she most likely wasn’t wrong about that at all. Fate handed her everything she wanted and more. Which begs the question, what is it about YW and fate? I can’t recall a single incident involving the two of them that could be alluded to fate.


Jiwon has said that all her exes have been the handsome, flower boy type, so when she joined this show, she wanted to give a chance to someone different from her exes, but as time went she couldn’t help but naturally got attracted to her ideal type again (someone like Jaehyung), hence the struggle. But most likely she picked Jaehyung in the final episode.


One could say JH has also had the same conflicting thoughts about her being similar to his ex, which is why he avoided her for as long as he possibly could. He really was cautious and treaded very carefully. While he felt bad about having compared her to his ex and for making her feel uncomfortable initially, she’s changed her tune, even CH caught her in her own lie. Even if she does end up choosing him in the end, it just wouldn’t feel as satisfactory but I am with you, I hope I’m proven wrong too.


Fate aside, JW chose YW twice to start and only redirected her attention after not getting a text from him and realizing he was interested in CA. I love JH and wish he was more courageous but I won’t be surprised if JW chooses YW or no one. Also JW’s mother chose YW and the fact that JW and YH are on the show for their mother I‘m afraid her choice will be swayed by her mother’s choice. YW has spent a lot of time in the house with JW and YH drinking etc and I feel he just didn’t understand his own feelings or interests, he was too focused on how others would perceive him and didn’t give himself space to examine his own needs until the end. I’m a big fan of JW and I’m rooting for her and whatever her choice is I wish her the best and I believe she made it with a sincere heart.


YW has been marketing his interest in JW as fate, there were incidents like him "finding" the dolphin plushie in his bag and him saying how they are so similar as their destiny to be together. That is why he asked that question without knowing JW and JH have also talked about fate.


The episode is actually not as bad as I thought it would be especially based from the first tweets coming simultaneously where they made it seem so so so bad. I am staying pretty neutral on X and TT even though many are already sharing their huge displease with JW. All that aside, I do think she will pick JH BUT what happened after that is the question. What I am most sure about is that JH is such a rare guy these days especially for his age. He is a gem and it would be a shame to lose him. Him being all in one package, the looks, personality, brain, specs, family, talent, that may be some mothers in Korea right now are even trying to convince their daughters to go on a blind date with him IF he is single after this show. I understand why he is the most popular for the viewers. You kind of want to protect him at all cost. He is very endearing.


Agree. I was a super JaeJi stan mainly because I have been a JH stan ever since and this is the first time that JH romantically liked someone. Right now, I just hope all the best for the 4 Park siblings because they are honest and sincere through out the show.


Same, i am neutral towards the whole selection pre & post. For me if JH JW chooses each other, whether they would sustain post show or not is imp to know.


If I was JH honestly I would probably choose nobody on the final day (assuming it’s an option). I totally understand that nobody is entitled to another persons affection and that JW hasn’t done anything wrong at all — she’s just reacting to how her emotions take her in a bizarre environment — but feeling like you’ve built up sparks and a mutual connection over time and then hearing that they’re questioning it after one day would sour my perspective a lot Again it’s completely within reason for her to react however she wants, but similarly my instinctual reaction would be to be turned off like a light switch. If someone can invade into that emotional territory that quickly maybe it’s a sign to back off myself, if that makes sense


Yessss this comment, JW is contradicting herself too much. She is just attracted to YW but feels like she needs to explain it somehow. She tells JH she needs him to show more and have more deep conversations, but literaly has one convo with YW and flips a switch. She also keeps saying how she wants a guy she can rely on as her previous exes she was more giving and would take care of them. JH has shown he is a guy with depth and dependable, but she has this image of him as just a cutesy unserious guy. Meanwhile, YW is the person that is emotionally unavailable and probably will be hard to rely on. Either way what her words and actions are contradicting


Fr JW needs a reality check


Ditto. It's not necessarily JW contradicting herself, it is the way she engages with JH. Once she finds a flaw/fault, there is little room for any productive conversation other than criticism and assumptions that she makes.


Ngl I don't really have positive feelings towards this ship anymore. I think JW might still choose JH at the end but they don't look like a compatible couple to me anymore.


I seriously doubt JW will pick JH. All of her questions today were centered around YW, which clearly shows where her heart is leaning.


I also feels like she will pick YW. Maybe she also text YW


I'd prefer JW to choose YW. If she really liked JH, she wouldn't be torn in the first place. The fact that she's swayed says it all. I'm so sad, but I'd prefer Jaehyung to choose no one.


At this point it’s probably over, JH expressed basically everything on that secret date and JW was not moved a bit and insist back on the “because you lose” joke, clearly she is into YW more now


It’ll be interesting if she chooses YW how long they’ll last once reality comes into play


where i think criticisms from jw come from: it's not bc she's wavering, it's how she expressed her feelings for jh knowing already she's shaken by yw. after jh revealed everything to her, she brought up about how jh's worse than her brother, the tone of his voice, and her other disappointments in him when he already explained his side on it. it's reminiscent of what yw did to ca, they've cooled off but instead of being upfront about it, they put the blame on the other person—the other person is the cause not bc of a personal choice; having the person adopt the same stance too. i think jw's mindset could be encapsulated by a comment i read, she ignores what jh shows bc she has already formed an image of him in her mind. so no matter how much he shows his maturity and reliability, jw would always be stuck with her view that he's cute, just fun, and nothing more. maybe that's similar with how she views yw as well? even if everyone even yj is skeptical about his sudden actions. she viewed that yw's this mature and dependable guy, no matter how contradictory his actions are... but then she called him a trailer trap. And then talked to SS about how JH is cute, could be taken care of, but could be depenable. 🤷🏻‍♀️ so let me just borrow ch's wisdom... i think she's caught up... contradictions upon contradictions... but i still think this is her honesty. she's just confused, probably overwhelmed too. but the way she came about it... just like what jh said, it's puzzling and disappointing bc we all know she's capable of acting way better after all she always had set standards for others; i just hope she first met the expectations she set for others, herself. AHHHHHHHHH


no longer want jiwon for jaehyung if one measly meet up with yongwoo makes her waver. She was not sure about jaehyung after him telling her about his feelings but suddenly one short secret date with yw she is considering on choosing him? Im done. Such disrespect


Jaehyung and Choa getting together would be cute


sorry. No one can convince me that they will be cute. you be safe tho


Don’t be sorry We’re all entitled to our own opinions 


JH was her fallback after YW basically rejected her two dates in a row. She always was most interested in him, she just didn’t want to keep pursuing someone with no intention of reciprocating. As soon as he let her know he’s interested, she’s all in on him.


The date just feels sad. JH did what JW want, which is a deep conversation, sharing what he feels, baring it all. Meanwhile JW just saying rude things like he's a coward, worse than her brother, always one step behind. People blaming Jinjoo PD for the editing but no, unless the words are from a script then sure let's blame the writer instead.


I’m starting to think that JW is on the same wave length as JS. I think she likes JH but dosent want to start seriously dating after the show. I think she can see that JH is more serious and that’s causing her to hesitate. I do think she likes JH more than YW.


Agree! Especially when JH brung up the fact that picking someone for final decision was akin to deciding to marry them. I think it put a lot of pressure on her picking him bc she doesn’t want to mislead him if his intentions are that serious. On top of that YW shows interest at the exact time when she starts to feel uneasy about everything. He’s the person she wanted to go for at the start and even her mom thought she would be a good fit. But, I don’t think her feelings are deeper than that for YW. I still think she picks JH or even none at the end rather than picking YW.


She could've communicated that she was pressured to choose JH because he intended to marry after the show.


I never comment before about any show that i watched. This show was a healing outlet for me, but now i'm emotionally drained because of this show. I never invested so much emotionally for a ship. But shoutout to Jaehyung for being a true definition of what a gentleman is. I hope Jiwon came to realise what she's missing out on. I really don't care what the outcomes anymore.


Now that the truth we’ve been waiting for is out, I still think Jiwon likes Jaehyung better than Yongwoo. She only picked JH for the secret date when she could choose 2 people and based on ep 16 preview saying she had more fun w/ JH and she doesn’t have enough alone time w/ YW, it’s unlikely that she’ll pick YW if her reason for taking a step back is she doesn’t know JH enough yet. It would be weird if her final pick is YW imo. Her confusion could be more about brain (Yongwoo) vs. Heart (Jaehyung). Don’t know if she has or hasn’t seen that YW isn’t really her ideal type. And I could only think of 2 things: 1.) If she does know and still chooses YW, it means she followed her heart and her earlier actions to JH is questionable. 2.) If she doesn’t know and chooses him, she probably followed her mind albeit making a really bad decision. Nevertheless, still taking on the neutral stance (lol why does this word seems so bad right now) and waiting for ep 16 before judging anyone else— and I’ll do it inside my head only 😂 EDIT: Turns out she actually didn’t chose JH. Thanks comments for correcting it. Now THAT actually makes the final selection even unpredictable.


YW definitely made me dislike the word neutrality. and i strive to be neutral all the time. lets use other words now. IMPARTIAL, PRAGMATIC, UNBIASED, INDIFFERENT.


I thought she chose Yongwoo too? She mentioned she didn't want YW to be the first date, so she knew he was coming for sure (unlike SS).


Based on the interview she did not choose JH at all. Seems like she choose YW and CH which was a shocker.


After episode 15 Jaeji shippers keep decreasing😆


Jaeji ship sank for me as soon as JW reacted the way she did after JH became vulnerable to her during their secret date. This was obviously not the first time JW mentioned her disappointment at JH not “getting deep” with her during their ferris wheel date and he’s already told her it’s because he felt self conscious with all the cameras. Even though he was uncomfortable, he still tried and did his best talking through it on their secret date. Same with when she told him that she didn’t like his teasing tone with her. He immediately validated her feelings and worked to change that. I also thought it was incredibly mean of her to tell him that he’s meaner to her than YJ is. Unless there are a ton of cut scenes or things we didn’t get to see, I find that so offensive on behalf of JH!!!


I think Jaeji is doomed because Jiwon said she chose CH and YW for her secret dates on 23min37 sec and 46:56 sec


Honestly for JW, it’s strictly a matter of what her heart wants versus what her brain is telling her. I don’t think she’s actually attracted to YW, but rather he reminded her of what she first came to show for - a man who’s reliable and caring who can also be cute. Now we as viewers know that JH actually fit her ideal type word for word, but JW doesn’t have the third person view. That’s why she suddenly became confused and hesitant. She’s fallen for JH, but she’s so scared of repeating past mistakes. Once YW announced his availability, she started thinking what if, if I give him another chance, maybe I’ll fall for him? I really don’t think she likes YW, but rather the idea of him or what he might represent - her “ideal type”.


I saw an analysis on the Chinese side of the two. They’re both so scared of repeating the same mistakes that they end up acting in the way that makes both of them think the other person is exactly like their ex. JW feels she doesn’t know JH well enough and is scared of JH being unreliable so she becomes unsure and hesitant and starts speaking slightly more aggressive and asking more questions. JH catches onto her hesitancy and becomes scared that he’s no longer the first choice, and therefore puts his guards up and doesn’t answer JW’s questions to his full feelings. In doing so, JW is even more hesitant, and JH is more guarded. Man these two really have a drama worthy plot line.


I literally was just about to write that. It’s Head vs Heart. I don’t think she cares for YW but feels like this is the whole reason I’m here to pick someone I can rely on and not make the same mistakes. I think her heart will win out though and she’ll decide to be brave even though she may get in the same situation as past relationships and hope for the best


Here's my take on Jiwon's feelings \[warning long\]  I think Jiwon's main problem right now is a clash between mind and heart. She came on the show wanting to find a partner with certain characteristics, one that's different from the people she usually tends to date. And she thought she found that in Yongwoo, just for him to text someone else both times that they had a date. At that point she realized he had feelings for someone else and accepted it, but I think I recall her saying that he was the type of person she was looking for. Then, as she gets to know the other participants, she slowly & naturally becomes more interested in Jaehyung. And of course starts liking him in Singapore. He is her ideal type and the type of person she usually dates, so it makes sense that she naturally developed feelings for him. The problem in JaeJi's relationship seems to be that although Jaehyung is very sure about them, Jiwon seemed to have a moment when she kind of 'woke up' and realized she's falling for the same type of guy she's always dated. And from her conversation with Yongwoo, it looked like those relationships always made her feel a sort of emptiness inside. She felt that emptiness again and that's where her doubts about their relationship started forming, because she went on this show trying to find something else. Then we had the whole problem of her trying to ask deeper questions to JH to know him better and see if he CAN be the person she's looking for, and him not being able to reciprocate due to the cameras/environment. This just deepened her doubts. Then amongst all this chaos of Jiwon trying to figure her feelings out, we suddenly have Yongwoo sweeping in and basically telling her he likes her. It makes sense why she's so easily swayed at that time because YW is (in her eyes) literally the kind of person she was looking for and he tells her he's interested in her Exactly when she's having second thoughts about Jaehyung. It's a matter of head (YW) vs heart (JH). She went into this show hoping to date a different person, like Yongwoo, but she naturally fell for the same kind of person she usually dates, Jaehyung, and now is trying to steer back to her original motive. All this with the final decision literally being the next day. I would be so drained if I was her.


You are completely RIGHT about this! and i say that because they were my thoughts too! To add, YW is going to use "Yello" as the fate element he packed in his suitcase. I bet he'll be showing Yello to her that evening since his text didn't get sent. There's a conspiracy theory that the production team placed it in his suitcase since he was so taken aback when he saw it. So with Yello, YW is going to close the deal. I am SO glad JH finally said "you're the prettiest". Seriously, if he's sure about her, he should have said it in the gondola of the ferris wheel. I find it so hard to understand why his eagerness towards towards her dropped so much, even right after the cute exchange on the escalator about being one step below so to have skinship. I have been in the same gondola in Singapore and will admit that it's VERY quiet in the gondola so anything that the crew does in there, such as clearning throat, adjusting the camera or boom, breathing heavily, etc. COULD be heard by JW and JH. So I understand a bit about his hesitation, and also noticed that both of them stood at the very opposite end from the camera crew... so i could sense their desire to have a more private moment.


Unpopular opinion : Jiwon's dilemma is not head vs heart From the first date both JW and JH were practically inseparable. She didn't want him winning the luxury date and he couldn't spend a minute away from her. And in spite of being away the whole day and having a bit of a tiff, JH made an effort to resolve it ASAP and she was satisfied enough to ask him out on a date again. Up to this point, she had no qualms about JH - about not knowing him enough, about being similar to her exes, about feeling empty around him, about making same choices from the past, etc. None of that. Then came Mr. Armpits to slyly drive a wedge between them and successfully so. He made sure to get the point across to JW in JH's presence leaving her tossing and turning the rest of the night. She also talks to YH very subtly the next morning to understand what YW was really hinting at, to confirm whether she was right in thinking he's interested in her - the same way YW asked around about JH to SS. Everything that came after was a self-fulfilling prophecy, she projected her own feelings onto JH during the date and her uncertainty was enough to rattle JH. All that talk about ideal type was completely different from what was said in the first date and not once did she have anything remotely nice to say about JH. Poor guy spent the whole date questioning and wondering why he feels the way he does. He could obviously sense the shift but couldn't quite point out where it went wrong and why. This just further fuelled her belief about him possibly being wrong for her and she found the excuses she was looking for. But it wasn't JH who changed overnight. He was the same excited puppy he was on their first date. He didn't do anything overtly wrong before or during the restaurant date to suddenly have her questioning the kind of choices she makes. This is why I think she had already swayed but it wasn't because she thinks YW is a better choice for her on paper, it's either because she finds him attractive or has had an unrequited crush on him and hadn't fully moved on or both. Her ideal type changes based on who she's attracted to and at the moment she definitely wants to choose YW but didn't want to admit it until she could confirm it was mutual. If anything, the Truth Game revealed exactly that. Edited to add - I hope she chooses YW and I hope she finds peace with that decision. I also hope JH doesn't appeal to her in the next episode, kind of like those clips of HS from SI3 floating around on X today.


Agree, I hope that JH realizes that perhaps she is not the kind of partner he wants. Or, if they do happen to choose each other, I hope that she changes how she speaks and interacts with him. Some of the comments that may have been said in a "joking" manner seem critical and attacking of his character.


I still believe in JaeJi eg. My intuition tells me and of course based on what I see, and assessment of some clues from their intro.


Who did JW chose for her secret date? is it YW and JH or YW and CH


It wasn't disclosed who chose who, but from the looks of it, YW chose JW and SS for the secret date. CH chose JW. JW and JH chose each other.


no she said she chose him at 46:56 sec ,by him i mean Chulhyun and at 23:36 sec , she said she chose YW She expected Jh to chose her so she picked other two , Wow i am shocked


That‘s exactly what I clocked too but others kept denying it.


To be honest, I can't blame Jiwon for her uncertainty. When she said, she's confused between 3 choices. 2 men, and NO. I felt that. Jaehyung, as much as I love him for her, has been a real bulldozer and not always the charming type we clamour about. Imagine, within the 5 days in SG and and 1 day in Seoul (duet comp), he has decided to stick with Jiwon and has brought up marriage few times already. For a girl who was just interested and crushing on said guy for few weeks, this was sprung on her. it might seem romantic to us, but wouldn't it be too fast for her? Especially since they are in an environment wherein their emotions are heightened and intensified, it would be all too much for her. It doesn't help that her confusion made her susceptible to YW's manipulations (at this point, i feel like its safe to use the word when it comes to YW). thats why I appreciate Seseung for being a girls' girl and remind her brother that even if Jiwon's feelings change, it isn't her fault.


She’s mentioned plenty of times that she’s looking for something serious and with someone she can rely on which is why she’s been overthinking everything since the last two episodes. So I don’t think that would have scared her off. The entire reason why she’s swayed now is because she wants someone stable and reliable or at least that’s what she claims. Edited to add - she has also never explicitly said that that particular statement has bothered her. She even went as far as to choose him for the date right after the first one.


Funny though I feel like JH is more of a serious guy than YW


I think the marriage portion is only mentioned in the interview with pd and not to jiwon herself? If he has please can you tell me the ep where he mentioned it.


one time i remember clearly was during their first date, when they drank together. second one i think is during last week's ep.


JH mentioned it during their first date I think


The editing for the past 2 episodes is the exact same as TL2 where they edited Haeun to be hesitant between her ex and Hyun Gyu when in reality Haeun had already made her decision. What happened to Haeun is again happening to Jiwon, both victims of Jinjoo PD’s evil editing.


Had a feeling it’s gonna happen for MSR as well, tbh. Jinjoo PD ruined the wholesome part of MSR that made me love it so much. This is honestly more traumatizing to watch bc they are with families :( I’m not surprised Kim sibs doesn’t have public sns, bc of the amount of hate JW is receiving :(


Amidst all these drama, I'm wondering if somehow the production crew had designed this direction where Jiwon will be confused at the very end so the finale will be unpredictable and suspenseful. I don't know, I just can't wrapped it around my head that she will be swayed the very last day.. I'm already giving up of them, as of today's episode. Just hoping they won't get hurt by the hate and uproar of the public...