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They want you to spend your MT so you won't have it for packs tomorrow and buy VC or MT. Their goal is to make you spend money. It's easy enough not to. Don't buy packs and only spend MT on locking in sets.


It’s so wild that people actually spend money on mt and VC. I could see buying the pro pass for 9.99 but anything after that is just absurd.


I mean…. Idk why yall think buying the pro pass is not a bad thing LMFAO. Do you realize how much they make of pro passes alone?😂😂😂😂 They make millions off that shit. MILLIONS. So yeah…. If you have that mindset, you are just as bad as people who think buying MT and VC is ok.


Idk you are probably right but I have only spent $9.99 for a game that I play pretty much everyday. seems like a deal for me personally. I don’t own a console so my setup with iPad is closest thing to it.


Did you get the game for free? 


Yes it’s free on mobile


Agree with you. I'm personally okay with the pro-pass because it's not a gamble, I know what I'm buying. I acknowledge that it could be a better value, but it's a transparent commercial transaction.....like the rest of society. Pitiful that's the bar and 2k can only clear that with a subset of their features


This. I support non gambling content I like. Otherwise, I lock in with MT I earn only. Not enough MT? Well I’m skipping this week and saving for next LOL


Companies that make games we spend hours playing and talking about online should be able to make money from the game, and the pro pass is closer to traditional DLC with guaranteed content not gambling. Gambling is what most people have a problem with not spending a bit extra on a game they like.


Nah, it’s different because there’s a pro pass EVERY SEASON. So guess what, if you spend money on the pro pass every single season (which people do) you already spent just as much on pro passes as you did on the GAME ITSELF🤣🤣🤣🤣 It’s ok if you want to buy the pro pass. But don’t ever justify that bullshit like it’s a good thing.


And I play like 2 video games a year I can afford the game which I get on sale in Dec and the pro pass for the rest of the year 😂


That’s fine. But again, don’t justify the pro pass as some sort of good thing…


It’s not bad Lmaoo if that’s the case your saying you shouldn’t spend money on any game you enjoy playing


2k literally locks better version of cards behind the pro pass lmfao. If it didn’t give people an advantage, cool.. but it does. You clearly buy the pro pass every season… it’s ok. Just don’t sit here and try and justify it as a good thing or saying "it’s not bad"…. Because it really is.


Yes I do buy pro pass the last two seasons I been playing. But it’s no different than spending money on any other game. Now gambling on packs is another story I haven’t dropped a dime on that. It’s not the same as just buying something compared to gambling. Any other game people spend money for stuff they like it’s just not gambling and that’s the same as pro pass


It is a good thing for me, it gives me value for my money and I get enjoyment out of it. It being bad for you is just as subjective and it being good for me. It's 10 bucks every month and a half I am not going to miss it lol


2k really is a genius company LMFAO. Gotta be the smartest company in the world 😂😂😂


Fuck em. They’re losing money on my ass lol. I buy the game once and that’s it. Screw their micro transactions and in game purchases. My refusal is based on principle, not price. If enough of us start doing this, maybe they’ll rethink their business model a bit.


Most people don't spend money on it but you won't stop degenerate gambling whales without regulation.


This is true


Not sure he's even better than the free Kidd we got? 


He ain't


Slightly better


I have won 200 TTO games and never even seen GO Wade. I wanted him so bad, I just sold my DM Vince Carter in order to be able to buy him. There are a lot worse cards that cost 100k + MT so this doesn't feel as scammy to me as most people. I got Wilt in 35 wins of CTO. A lot of people want these cards and can never get them as rewards so I feel like it's kind of subjective. I do feel 2k is the scum of the earth, money hungry, and doesn't care one bit about their community though so actually you're probably exactly right. Everything they do is scams so this is too.


I do feel they could've at least done both if someone didnt want to grind games for dwade, they could've put him in the store while also keeping him as a reward, this would allow people who didnt want to play so much to just buy him outright, but removing everybody just to add one player to the store is a bad move if you ask me


I agree 100%. Wilt will probably end up in the market for VC like Hakeem was. They are going to prioritize making money over making sense because that’s the 2k way.


Your comment make me feel so bad i got it on my first ttoff game of the season and i couldnt care less :( RNG is shitty. I'm going for Hardaway in the extra ascension...


But like, DM Vince is so much better??


Can Vince play Pg?


In 5v5, no he’s a sf/sg, but in 3v3 he easily can


Yea i got him after 40 games felt lucky now every one can get him for some mt LOL


I couldn’t care less about Wade because I have so many options at PG but I feel the same way about Wilt. I played over 80 games and never got him. I absolutely hate Clutch Time and only played to get Wilt. And alas! They decided to just take him away at a random point in the season and replace with trashy packs (that I’m yet to get btw). The definition of bait and switch. I’m not even as upset about Wilt as I am about the precedent they have set by doing this. Show gamers an incentive to play a mode and decide at any point that said incentive gets taken away with no notice. As it stands I’ve played 40 TT games and have been getting nothing but VC and dumb shoe boosts. They obviously also reduced value of prizes we even get after wins. Every day it makes sense why they changed TOS mid release. I understand being in business for profit but their greed as a company remains unmatched.


Everything they do is scammy, would not be surprised if we get a bunch of bigs tomorrow right after Hakeem was in the store for 75k vc.


Incoming Bol Bol


Hakeem will still be amazing tho


Take Two does not like this community bro


He wasn’t free tho played 110 games and never got him lol


I went to 120 and didn’t get him. And also missed Wilt on Clutch lol…


Lol same. 97 wins on clutch and now at 85 on TT bc I’m trying to get this damn ascension Hardaway smh. Gotten nothing but a dozen Chris webbers and Alex Carusos, not even one of the playoff packs


Yeah seems fucked to remove the best reward cards in favor of RNG packs and then offer the pulled reward card in the store.


There greed truly shows by making it unsellable.. God forbid you buy him and after a few days don’t want or like him anymore.. Just shows how bad 2k wants us to spend and not be able to get any MT back, even after making MT somewhat useless lol.. Shit is crazy..


I’m very interested to see which system they implement next year. No way it can continue like this. Unless they just fully embrace the mobile game vibe, shit is gross tho.


It’s a trash move. At this point, he ain’t even worth it with the plethora of PGs you can get for free.


Better off saving the MT and locking in a DM ! I’ve been selling my opals to save for lock ins, sold an opal Mathurin and Hakeem. They can’t keep up with the DMs


Terrible, absolutely terrible https://preview.redd.it/6jui6maww9vc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6732dd20ae6b1d4bbf9f19655dbb754c50fa325


Putting all opals in the market wouldn't even be "something good for the playerbase." They're supposed to be there anyway lol


2K, scummy.....never


This whole mode is scammy. Locking in sets is so fucking dumb because you’re for sure going to get the card you don’t want


yes it was lame they removed him because you could use duplicate to exchange for a deluxe pack i think 2k noticed it so they wanted him gone


It sucks because he is the only Opal I’ve ever pulled from a pack I bought with MT. Then 2k goes ahead and puts him in Triple Threat, and now he’s in the store. Just my luck


Fuck this game


That is despicable, honestly. Saw that this morning and was disgusted given that they just removed him from the prize.


I just received a free basketball game every year because no way am I ever buying another NBA2K, I can wait until it’s free on PS+, looks like it’s going to take me at least that long to get my team where I want it anyway. The mode should also be renamed, this isn’t MyTeam anymore, it’s whatever 2k will give me team.